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Author: lemonade_ice


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Post time 22-11-2011 02:52 PM | Show all posts
tq cmf & riena..
kakyong tgh mencari2 hospital yg ada blood bank dan selesa sbb mungkin kena czer uri dok kat bawah..
Awal bln depan checkup kat Azzahrah, klu uri still kat bwh (PP major), kena la Dr keluar surat pegi hospital (Azzahrah tak de blood bank) ampang dekat ngan rumah tp mungkin HUKMSC kot..

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Post time 23-11-2011 08:56 AM | Show all posts
tq cmf & riena..
kakyong tgh mencari2 hospital yg ada blood bank dan selesa sbb mungkin kena czer u ...
kakyongsarah Post at 22-11-2011 02:52 PM

    Hi kakyongsarah,

i pon same problem with u, uri kat bwh. PP stage 3. doc yg i slalu check kat klinik biase trus kasi surat suh gie admit myself kat hosp ampang. i didnt got myself admitted until cam 15 days towards my edd. tu pon while go check up kat hosp ampang i buat another check up kat  APSH (Ampang Puteri).  since i x penah bleeding, so i still bole stay at home la but on mc for 1 month.
kenot do any strainous activity. melepak je la jwb nye. then on my next visit to hosp ampang. doc suh admit gak. i cam hurm okla. since cost pon cheaper there. got myself admitted for a night and the next morning i checked out.

cannot tahan, i was put in this single room. no tv. the nurses was quite harsh. I cant sleep langsung the 1st nite tuh. depressing sgt. pagi2 kol 7am nurse xde kasi salam ke ape masuk bilik n ckp nak kemas katil. towel nie semue jgn sidai here. bla bla bla. n most of the ladies in the other room pon same condition as me cuba i lucky i x bleed they all dah duduk ward since the were in their 6months. when the doc came, i told her i cant go this n im goin to checked out. of course la die x kasi. but after a while she kasi la balik. tu pon i swear the nurses there tenok i cam hape jek.

fast forward 7 days, it was on a Saturday i decided to check out Pantai Hospital Ampang. Meet with doc suhaimi isa. That Sunday got myself admitted and on Monday my baby boy was born thru c-zer. His charges was way cheaper then APSH of course.

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Post time 23-11-2011 09:17 AM | Show all posts
anak 1st 2001 - DEMC dgn Dr. Norlin - kos < RM2000 - normal + vacuum 2H1M
anak 2nd 2004 - Az-Zahrah ...
kakyongsarah Post at 22-11-2011 12:52

kak yong nak tanya la...skrg nie az-zahrah tak ramai org ke?sy dulu deliver anak 1st(2008) kat az-zahrah tp ramai giler org...
nasib time nak bersalin tu dpt bilik...
skrg tgh pregnant anak 2nd...dh 30weeks...igt nak bersalin kat az-zahrah gak tp tak wat cek up lagi kat sana...
kalo tak ramai org ok gak...tak larat nak tggu turn jumpa doc..kdg2 smpi 2-3 jam...huhu...

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Post time 23-11-2011 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1062# zirrcon

    zirrcon, kakyong pun surprise gak Az-Zahrah lengang..semua dah gi Annur.  Kat Azzahrah kakyong sampai kul 8.20-8.30am register, gi cari parking & breakfast dulu. Kul 9am dah blh jumpa Dr. Dr masuk kul 9.
Kul 10am dah blh ada kat office.Klu Annur tu jgn cakap le punye ramai org. Tempat duduk pun tak de.. Register 8.30am selalunya dpt jumpa dr 11 lbh..Rasa lebih relax kat Azzahrah..Bilik pun dah byk..

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Post time 23-11-2011 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1061# minidictionary

    minidic, thanks for sharing ur experience.. kakyong & family mmg selalu ke Pantai Hosp Ampang klu ada kes apa2.. Berapa kos czer dgn Dr. Suhaimi? Double bed room or single? Berapa malam? Klu Ampang Puteri caj mmg mahal..

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Post time 23-11-2011 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply  minidictionary

    minidic, thanks for sharing ur experience.. kakyong & family mmg sel ...
kakyongsarah Post at 23-11-2011 09:49 AM

me c-zer with full GA so total dlm RM 8k camtu. But of course leh kurang kan if amik double bed. Me amik executive room so dok 4 nites dah RM 1k. Single bedded room die kecik sgt. meaning hubby x leh nak bentang toto nak tido ke ape. exec tu besa leh guling2. Pastu baby nye fees abt RM 1.5K sbb dok ICU 1 nite.
APSH my gynea suh set aside RM 10k if everything goes well if tak suh set aside RM 15k. Tu pon die x ckp abt baby nye fees lagi.
Both hospital time operation will provide extra blood in case anything happen. I lost 2 liter i think but doc x give me pon extra blood ke ape. Die suh telan iron tablet jek.

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Post time 23-11-2011 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1061# minidictionary

    kita pun pernah deliver ngan Dr Suhaimi nie , dia memang ok ......kelakar jer masuk labour room siap pakai boot kuning mcm pua chu kang tu ...hehehe.

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Post time 23-11-2011 12:14 PM | Show all posts
ai bersalin kat hosp putrajaya.. emergency c-zer..tahun 2010. FOC sbb gomen staff.

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Post time 23-11-2011 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply  zirrcon

    zirrcon, kakyong pun surprise gak Az-Zahrah lengang..semua dah gi Annur.  K ...
kakyongsarah Post at 23-11-2011 09:44 pelik plak bgs jugak...tak de la bercinta nak tggu doc...huhu...

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Post time 23-11-2011 10:31 PM | Show all posts
My fren baru deliver kat Prince Court Medical Centre
Dia elective czer date 20.11.2011, stay 4d3n single room
Total bil 8k

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Post time 24-11-2011 12:17 AM | Show all posts
saya bulan 18/7 kt kmpc puchong dalam rm2000 lebih jer...sehari, 1bilik seorg

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Post time 24-11-2011 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply  minidictionary

    kita pun pernah deliver ngan Dr Suhaimi nie , dia memang ok ...
fishchip Post at 23-11-2011 11:14 AM

    oh yea! hahaha i mase nampak die pakai boot kuning tu dah cam eh masuk ot kene pakai cam masuk construction site ke. hehehe

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Post time 24-11-2011 09:00 AM | Show all posts
My fren baru deliver kat Prince Court Medical Centre
Dia elective czer date 20.11.2011, stay 4d3n s ...
Calla lily Post at 23-11-2011 10:31 PM

    eh x la mahal cam APSH eh. Under which doc tuh? I thot PCMC lagi mahal. Calla, 8K tu x masuk baby kan?

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Post time 24-11-2011 11:07 AM | Show all posts
actually kan prince court lai murah dr glenegals tu
nampak gah tapi charge dia lai murah
tu yg bos ckp la pasal dia cam ada keje2 kat prince court tu

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Post time 24-11-2011 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Calla lily at 24-11-2011 11:27

Reply 1072# minidictionary

My fren ngan Dr. Seri Suniza
Elective czer mmg murah, emergency yg mahal
Bil tu termasuk bb sekali
If takde complication mmg standard rasanya harga tu
Next month i beranak i update my bil pulak

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Post time 24-11-2011 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1073# cmf_phoebe

I think charges semua hosp sama sbb derang kene ikut standard yg kerajaan tetapkan
Tak boleh simply overcharge kan
Mana2x yg grey area tu yg derang suka overcharge mcm consultants fee
Dia ada min & max rate yg derang boleh charge to patients
If hosp charges rasanya tak byk beza
My pregnancy check up normally cost me abt rm150+ without meds
Tak tau if gynae hosp lain charge mcmana

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Post time 24-11-2011 11:37 AM | Show all posts
hi salam,

ader sesiapa sini tau tak kos bersalin dekat PPUM skrg ni brapa range dia ah?pastu area ...
a_mou Post at 1-8-2011 15:32

    x silap aku dlm 500-600 kot...normal

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Post time 24-11-2011 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply  minidictionary

My fren ngan Dr. Seri Suniza
Elective czer mmg murah, emergency yg mahal
Calla lily Post at 24-11-2011 11:23 AM

calla u pon czer ke next month?
same doc as well?
tapi kalau czer cam ade placenta previa they will charge slightly more skit la kan. but ok la i think the price.

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Post time 24-11-2011 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1075# Calla lily

tak perlu ikut charge
MAA charge tu as a guideline set by gomen jek
real charge still depend on the consultatnt it self
coz procedure tu byk but how the procedure goes tak tau until in the OT
dia ada sub2 procedure that why charge on consultant rasa berapa should charge
even hospital management pun kadang tak leh control berapa doc nak charge
management hanay leh charge on fasiliti,staff and drug
drug pun mark up ikut hospital
selalunya cash patient mark up rendah sket compare yg admit through GL
and depend on management how to charge fasiliti especially cam labor room or OT
selalu nya cam ahad or public holiday charge will be more
kalo elective caesar should charge between apa yg front office estimate +- la
kalo emergency mmg mahal coz kadang dah tolak for normal kena tolak OT
labour room charge
ot charge per hour normally
kena panggil emergency on call anaes
add fee ot staff etc
that why emergency mmg leh cecah above 10k

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Post time 24-11-2011 07:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1077# minidictionary

InsyaAllah czer jugak next month
Same gynae, i yg rekomen kat dia coz my 1st bb pon ngan gynae & hosp sama
If ada complication mmg takde problem coz derang pon ada blood bank sendirikan
Maybe ada complication up 1-2k lagi gaknye
Lebih kurang APSH lah koT
Next bb why not you try Prince Court
Appointment tunggu pon tak lama
Itu main reason why i chose pcmc plus nak gynae pompuan

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