iamalady posted on 27-7-2012 08:49 PM
sis isi guna form kan?
did u get the automated email from them?
kalau dpt mmg ur order dh go thr ...
Dah dapat dah reply. Tak sabar ye nk dpt tudung rasha. Cam menarik je. Kene cr tutorial nk caner nk pakai tudung tu mcm kat gambar ss. Minat lak skang stail camtu.
ajercrazy posted on 28-7-2012 07:42 AM
ada lg sis..TP br reply my email...
i order wisteria and dark mustard.
ooo... both kaler tu mmg dorang letak avail kt FB. me nak kaler lain
nway, ada good news baca kt FB td.
4. We will officially release our backout buyer stock on WEDNESDAY 1 AUGUST
kot2 ada NUMA lain yg masih avail.
but me paid for VSNOW dh.
afie_afifah posted on 29-7-2012 09:17 AM
sori mencelah....hahahaa....essential best iama.....
stakat tok kmk dah ada 6 kaler essential S ...
juz paid for essential tek.
i was reluctant at 1st sbb mun x bes, die worrrr.... sbb kmk beli 3 sekaligus.
but i TRUST the review kt forum tok.
remembered mmg quite a few good review.
so click2, DONE! heehe
Last edited by iamalady on 29-7-2012 11:49 AM \n\n Last edited by iamalady on 29-7-2012 11:07 AM \n\nOMG!!!!!!!!
tengok her reply regarding this shawl....
BUT in riddle pulak seller.
bgtau je lah info2 dia.
me dh tanya in details.
tp dia blom reply.
Thank u so much for ur interest dear...
Of course u can get special price if u by more than 1 pc...tapi shawl dah tinggal
sedikit lg....very limited dear....kena cepat
Ok dear...RM73 is the price excluding Poslaju + cute brooch(FREE)
The gd news is ur fav.color is available for u
I have 2units for every color BUT 1 unit has been SOLD for each color
I can give u RM73 wt postage if u buy more than 3 unit
Ok tak dear;-)
MY REPLY... hikhik
owhh... i was expecting much lesser than dat.
mcm xda less pon...? huhu
coz the price u stated is already RM72 exclude postage. (RM79 with poslaju - RM7poslaju = RM72)
HONESTLY i thot it wud be RM60ish.
pls respond yer.
rupa2nya me dh salah faham. sbb x baca the last sentence tu. excited x hengat.
PM me for latest info n item yg tinggal