INDONESIA - Defence, Military and Police Issues [Part 3]
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No alarm bells over Jakarta's military drive
By Trefor Moss
Indonesia has long been the indivi ...
botakgundul Post at 5-11-2010 02:58
Di artikel ini yang saya tangkap:
1. Yang menyebabkan anggaran pertahanan dapat dana besar karna ekonomi indo tumbuh sangat baik dan berpotensi mengalahkan singapura dlm beberapa tahun ke depan.
2. Anggaran belanja senjata dari Jakarta yang besar bisa dimanfaatkan ASEAN untuk menstabilkan wilayah ini.
3. Amerika ingin mendekati Jakarta untuk tetap mendapat pengaruhnya di kawasan dan ingin menjaga agar Indonesia tidak terlalu mesra dengan China. SBY sudah menandatangani perjanjian pertahanan dan ekonomi ke China, kira2 nanti saat obama datang, apa yang Obama tawarkan untuk pertahanan dan ekonomi indonesia?? 
Artikel yg bagus.. |
maju ya , baguslah , jd tak perlulah warga korang korang menceroboh masuk sini tanpa permit , mungkin dah tiba masanya program menjatuhkan hukuman sebat terhadap warga indon yg masuk sini secara haram dimulakan , selain hukuman mati terhadap yg merampok dilakukan secara besar besaran . kalahkan pejuang khmer ye , lain kali klu nak buat lawak , pastikan buat lawak yg org boleh terima , semua org tahu pejuang khmer dikalahkan olet tentera vietnam yg hantar tentera secara besar besaran , selepas dirayu rakyat kemboja .
The Cambodian–Vietnamese War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh biên giới Việt Nam–Campuchia, literally Vietnam-Cambodia border war) refers to the 1978 invasion of Cambodia by the Vietnam People's Army, resulting in the removal of the Khmer Rouge regime from power and the establishment of the People's Republic of Kampuchea.[1] The conflict is also commonly referred to as the Third Indo-China War.[2]Under the Khmer Rouge’s rule from 1975-1979 the state was known as Democratic Kampuchea (DK).[3] The Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation was formed by a faction of the Khmer Rouge that trained in Vietnam and had been outlawed by Pol Pot in 1976 when he began searching for those to blame for the failing of his grandiose plan of an agrarian society.[4] The war ended the Cambodian genocide from 1975–1979 under the rule of Pol Pot who is considered more ruthless than any King in the history of Cambodia.[5]
The conflict, apart from highlighting the traditional animosities between Vietnam and Cambodia, also revealed how deeply the Sino-Soviet split had divided the communist bloc.[6] The Communist Party of Vietnam had sided with (after a period of ambivalence) the Soviet Union whereas the Communist Party of Kampuchea had aligned itself with the People's Republic of China[7].[8][citation needed]In this respect the war became a component of a much larger rivalry.[9]
In recognition of this, it is commonly conceived that the Vietnamese involvement in the war was not motivated by a desire to overthrow genocide policies but rather, stopping the expansion of China and achieving victory in the long fought battle for regional dominance.[10] The Vietnamese Foreign Minister, Nguyen Co Thach, has been quoted as saying, “Human rights were not a question; that was their problem – we were concerned only with security.”[11] |
Faced with growing Khmer Rouge belligerence, the Vietnamese leadership decided in early 1978 to support internal resistance to the Pol Pot regime.On December 3, 1978, Radio Hanoi announced the formation of the Kampuchean National United Front for National Salvation (KNUFNS). This was a heterogeneous group of communist and noncommunist exiles who shared an antipathy to the Pol Pot regime and virtually total dependence on Vietnamese backing and protection. In addition to the border skirmishes,the KNUFNS provided the semblance, if not the reality, of legitimacy for Vietnam's invasion of Democratic Kampuchea and for its subsequent establishment of a satellite regime in Phnom Penh.[41]
Hanoi decided to remove the threat of the Khmer Rouge permanently. The Vietnamese assembled 10 infantry divisions along the border, and with strong armour and air support they entered Cambodian territory on December 25, 1978.[42][43][citation needed] The Vietnamese Army was 200,000 strong and the KUFNS forces of approximately 300 members accompanied them.[44][citation needed]
Using US-developed tactics the Vietnamese moved quickly into Cambodian territory, capturing the areas of Fishook and Parrots Break.[45] In the very last days of 1978 the areas of Stung Treng and Kracheh were captured. In addition to this the Vietnamese gained control of the port of Kampot which enabled them to restrict any supplies being delivered by the Chinese.[46]
The Khmer Rouge had prepared a force of 70,000 to resist the invasion, but was unable to prevent the Vietnamese from reaching Phnom Penh, which was captured on January 7, 1979.[47] The Khmer Rouge turned to guerrilla tactics and began to attack the long and exposed line of communication of the Vietnamese forces.[48][citation needed] The Vietnamese claimed that none of their own troops were actually fighting but only supporting the KUFNS in their struggle against the Khmer Rouge. The reality was that Vietnam had over 150,000 troops in Cambodia, while the KUFNS force numbered only 20,000.[49][citation needed]
While not eliminating the Khmer by allowing them to escape into the mountains, the Vietnamese had control of all significant cities and towns in Cambodia by the end of March 1979.[50] The invasion led to the establishment of the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) by KUFNS members, assisted by Vietnamese advisors.[51] The leader and new Prime Minister of the PRK was Hun Sen.[52] The new state was quickly denounced by the Khmer Rouge and China as a "puppet government".[53][54] For the remainder of the occupation, the PAVN and the Khmer Rouge were locked in a bloody guerrilla war. Vietnamese forces held the cities while the Khmer Rouge controlled some rural areas, most notably along the Thai border.
The Khmer Rouge survived due to Chinese military assistance. For example, in 1979 'Radio Democratic Kampuchea' was based in southern China[55] and broadcast by Thailand. However, hundreds of Khmer Rogue also fled from Cambodia once Vietnam had seized Phnom Penh.[56]
The 1979 Vietnamese attack on Cambodia was followed by large Chinese troop deployments along the China-Vietnamese border.[57][citation needed] At dawn on February 17, 1979, the People's Liberation Army moved into Vietnamese territory, by which time the Cambodian capital had already been captured by the Vietnamese and the Pol Pot regime toppled.[58] The Chinese accused the Vietnamese government of pursuing "revisionist" ideologies and the mistreatment of ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam.[citation needed] The Chinese, determined to 'teach [the Vietnamese] a lesson', kept moving south, reportedly advancing towards Hanoi at a high speed, although straining their supply lines in the process.[59][citation needed] In fact, the Chinese lost tens of thousands of troops.[60] The Chinese army captured Cao Bang on March 2 and Lang Son on March 4.[citation needed] The following day, however, the Chinese leadership announced that it would cease offensive action, apparently after meeting fierce and unexpectedly harsh resistance by the well-trained and experienced Vietnamese forces, who were using American technology left behind and captured during the collapse of South Vietnam.[61][citation needed]While Vietnam also suffered heavy losses it did not force their withdrawal from Cambodia. It did, however, force the Vietnamese to leave troops deployed in Northern Vietnam and away from the invasion front in the West.[62]
By 1980 there were small armed resistance factions of the Khmer. However, they were generally unequipped and undermanned focusing on guerilla raids which inevitably had little effect on the Vietnamese occupation.[63] With direct Chinese support cut off after the Vietnamese conquest, the Khmer Rouge established itself in refugee camps along the Thai border. The Western world and ASEAN countries provided assistance to the Khmer Rouge, especially after 1982, when the Khmer Rouge made an alliance with the royalist movement of Prince Norodom Sihanouk and the anti-communist KPNLF (see Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea).[citation needed] |
hmmm part mana yg TNI tolong tu ye , tak nampak pun , hwahwahwa |
Post Last Edit by botakgundul at 5-11-2010 08:44
maju ya , baguslah , jd tak perlulah warga korang korang menceroboh masuk sini tanpa permit , mungki ...
hyazinth79 Post at 5-11-2010 07:25
back to TKI
korang disini gak ada yg ngerti ini thread military .
kalo gak bisa jawab, tulis aja TKI
hebat hebat hebat |
Post Last Edit by botakgundul at 5-11-2010 08:45
hmmm part mana yg TNI tolong tu ye , tak nampak pun , hwahwahwa
hyazinth79 Post at 5-11-2010 07:28
what is your sources?are you quoting from a credible history book by credible historians?
British historian perhaps(your yg di pertoan agoeng) or American? If I may ask?
I do HOPE it is NOT from the bleeding WIKIPEDIA . as this is can be edited by
any body including my dog and cat.
beli buku sejarah kapan kapan yah cak! |
sejarah itu sejarah hanya org yg jahil meanggap sejarah satu kejahilan , dan di dunia yg penuh kejahilan , kebenaran itu suatu dosa bg mereka |
Post Last Edit by Johari-Badut at 5-11-2010 11:38
Menhan: Hibah F-16 Jadi Agenda Penting Kunjungan Obama Ke Indonesia
Jakarta, Kompas - Pembukaan kembali hubungan Komando Pasukan Khusus TNI Angkatan Darat dan hibah pesawat F-16 menjadi agenda penting dalam bidang pertahanan yang akan ditindaklanjuti terkait kedatangan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama ke Indonesia, November ini.
”Waktu Menteri Pertahanan (Robert) Gates ke sini, ada rencana untuk buka kerja sama secara bertahap, ini sudah masuk tahap operasional,” kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Kamis (4/11). Pertemuan dengan Gates itu diikuti dengan pengiriman tim bersama.
Menurut dia, Pemerintah Indonesia telah membentuk tim, terdiri dari Kepala Bagian Litbang Kementerian Pertahanan dan Asisten Perencanaan Umum Mabes TNI, untuk membahas agenda apa saja yang ingin dibicarakan saat kedatangan Obama. ”Agenda utama, kerja sama secara gradual Kopassus dengan Pemerintah AS, terutama untuk latihan khusus,” kata Kepala Bagian Litbang Pos Hutabarat.
Indonesia juga berupaya untuk mendapatkan pesawat tempur F-16 bekas dari AS. Pesawat itu akan diberikan kepada Indonesia karena AS telah meningkatkan kelas pesawatnya ke F-18 dan lainnya. Namun, ”Kita harus melakukan retrofit atau perbaikan total. Tempatnya di AS dan harganya sepertiga dari harga pesawatnya,” kata Pos Hutabarat.
Obama dipastikan tetap ke Indonesia pada 9-10 November mendatang dan tidak terpengaruh kekalahan Partai Demokrat dalam pemilu tengah waktu (midterm election) di House of Representatives (DPR) AS.
Pasalnya, ujar Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, hubungan Indonesia dan AS sifatnya sama sekali tidak terpengaruh dengan kondisi politik di AS ataupun di Indonesia. Hubungan Indonesia dan AS bersifat kemitraan yang strategis, setara, dan sangat kuat.
Marty mengungkapkan hal itu seusai mengikuti rapat terbatas yang dipimpin Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Kantor Presiden, Kompleks Istana, Jakarta, Kamis. Rapat dihadiri Wakil Presiden Boediono, sejumlah menteri, dan Duta Besar RI untuk AS Dino Patti Djalal.
Menurut Dino, kedatangan Presiden Obama sangat penting untuk mendeklarasikan kerja sama kemitraan strategis yang komprehensif bersama Presiden Yudhoyono.
Terkait pengamanan Obama itu, Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya Inspektur Jenderal Sutarman mengatakan akan diturunkan 9.000 personel.
Dan menurut majalah Angkasa..
Angkasa : RI tambah 6 F-16 C/D Block 52 atau dikasih hibah 24 F-16 Block 32
sumber : Angkasa, November 2010 halaman 50-51
CALON PENGGANTI F-5 : SU-35 (udah presentasi), GRIPEN, JF-17 (udah presentasi)
semua pengamat di artikel tsb plays down kebangkitan militer Indonesia.
Tim Huxley yg mengataka ...
botakgundul Post at 5-11-2010 08:27
2014 akan sangat mempengaruhi policy2 Indonesia kedepannya ya? Bukan tidak mungkin AS ikut bermain demi mengamankan kepentingannya di Asia Tenggara khususnya Indonesia.
Siapa pun poresidennya ane harap akan terus melanjutkan program2 militer yang telah di susun SBY. Kalau bisa malah di percepat. Hehe |
Post Last Edit by shantika at 5-11-2010 12:30
Reply 1104# hyazinth79
pak cik,, apa pasukan vietnam berhasil mengalahkan semua pasukan khmer merah?? Tidak.
Saat vietnam menarik pasukan nya dari kamboja, pasukan khmer masih bertahan. Dalam peperangan tidak semudah yang pak cik bayangkan.. Masuknya vietnam ke phon phen pun tak berarti khmer hilang karna mereka masih terus melakukan perlawanan terhadap pasukan vietnam & pemerintah kamboja yang di dukung oleh Hanoi. Dan ada beberapa masalah dr kedua pihak, Dari pihak khmer, mereka terpecah2 ke kelompok2 yang terpisah tapi tetap mampu melakukan serangan gerilya yang efektif sedangkan di pihak pasukan pemerintah dan vietnam sendiri, mereka di untungkan memiliki kekuatan yang lebih besar dr khmer tapi mereka tetap gagal menghancurkan khmer yang di dukung dana dr Beijing.
Saya kasih contoh kecil saja, apa kah US & NATO menang di perang irak dan afganistan meski mereka sudah merebut baghdad dan menjatuhkan rejim osama di afganistan?? BELUM pak cik itu baru tahap awal bagi pasukan koalisi, mereka belum berani mengatakan menang karna perlawanan demi perlawanan masih terus berlanjut. Justru tahap "pembersihan" ini lah yg kadang kala sulit bagi negara yang menginvasi. Kembali ke masalah khmer, saya sendiri jg tak tau kapan TNI membantu pihak pemerintah untuk membasmi pemberontakan khmer tp yg pasti karna kejadian itu, mereka sangat puas dan tertarik dengan kemampuan TNI.
Saya paham pak cik menganggap masuknya Vietnam ke Kamboja lantas di artikan sebagai kekalahan semua faksi Khmer. Saya maklum kerna malaysia tak de pengalaman perang. |
Reply hyazinth79
pak cik,, apa pasukan vietnam berhasil mengalahkan semua pasukan khmer merah?? ...
shantika Post at 5-11-2010 12:23
betullah tu TNI ada bantu...kita tunggu aje lagi 10-20 tahun...anak2 atau cucu2 mat2 indon ni sure klaim yang rusia kalah kat afgan pun pasal TNI yang bantu...tu belum cerita baris depan gempur iraq dulu pun puak2 kopassus depa yang masuk dulu...tank2 iraq hancur pun gara2 buluh runcing depa hahahaha |
aku takut lepas ni dia ckp aktu perang badar pun dia ada bantu , waktu perang uhud pulak , kalah sbb takde dorang , tak ke naya tu , huhuhu.
paling best ada mamat indon claim yg nabi nuh tu berasal dr indon melalui buku sundaland kat thread satu lagi .
fakta tentang kemusnahan khmer di tangan vietnam tak boleh dipertikai lagi , tp biasalah , nak tonjolkan diri . |
Post Last Edit by shantika at 5-11-2010 14:58
Johari-Badut Post at 5-11-2010 14:03
fakta tentang kemusnahan khmer di tangan vietnam tak boleh dipertikai lagi , tp biasalah , nak tonjolkan diri
hyazinth79 Post at 5-11-2010 14:36
Coba pak cik, kasih saya fakta khmer musnah oleh vietnam.. |
kau baca sendiri buku sejarah , klu malas goggle je , malas aku nak bg fakta kat org yg tak nak terima kenyataan |
kau baca sendiri buku sejarah , klu malas goggle je , malas aku nak bg fakta kat org yg tak nak teri ...
hyazinth79 Post at 5-11-2010 15:39
hahaha.. malu kau nanti pak cik kalau aku tampilkan di sini.. 
Faktanya rejim pol pot/ khmer merah memang tumbang di tangan vietnam TAPI mereka tidak di hancurkan sepenuhnya oleh vietnam. 
Saya selalu terima fakta, tapi kalau cuma opini pak cik, nanti dulu deh. Saya pikir2 untuk terima atau ngga..  |
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