Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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razhar posted on 4-11-2012 11:29 AM
bukit2 x main la lobai..... anyway kat mana bukit tu?
kat dungun..tu aje puncak tertinggi terdekat tapi belum sempat sampai dah kena sauk dek air laut....kalau kat kg ..gunung ledang & gunung belumut ..selamat ke?erkk..kena google ketinggian dulu.
kodoklawa posted on 4-11-2012 11:58 AM
kat dungun..tu aje puncak tertinggi terdekat tapi belum sempat sampai dah kena sauk dek air laut.. ...
Gunung Ledang = 1197meters... TAPI ianya dekat dengan laut..x sesuai......sila refer peta aku tu..
Last edited by razhar on 4-11-2012 12:20 PM
razhar posted on 4-11-2012 12:14 PM
Gunung Ledang = 1197meters... TAPI ianya dekat dengan laut..x sesuai......sila refer peta aku tu..
dekat dgn selat melaka ...ermmm....dari paka ke kuala berang pastu kena lalu jalan balak kat tasik kenyir ke gua musang baru tiba CH..tapi hubby akuy mesti tak percaya menda2 gini..sure dia kata tu sekadar imaginasi aku saje.
razhar posted on 4-11-2012 12:19 PM
ok lagi..jgn dia kata ko GILA sudah........apa kata sebelom dec21 tu..ko ajak dia pi 'makan a ...
hubby tengah exam minggu tu..
razhar posted on 4-11-2012 12:29 PM
Banjaran titiwangsa menjadi penampan kepada kita...disitu lah tempat2 selamat kita semasa permulaan ...
thanks bagi link..insyallah aku cari bekalan.
ianya bukan pengakir kehidupan manusia..tetapi permulaan kepada era baru..tapi dalam proses menuju ke arah era baru tu....ada korban yang harus di serahkan....bumi sudah terlampau ramai dengan manusia2 yang banyak x boleh pakai..cth nya maideen titik.... so perlu nya bumi mengunakan 'serbuk pencuci' utk membasuh segala kekotoran yang manusia buat... |
Jika memang kita perlu menuju ke banjaran tu, agak-agaknya stok makanan & keleangkapan untuk berapa lama yang patut di sediakan?
Stok ku mmg ada banyak tapi tak daya aku nak angkut semuanya... tak muat kereta ku. |
pumpkin_penyek posted on 4-11-2012 12:49 AM
Baca post Razhar ni, baru ku teringat dalam 3 atau 4 bulan lepas ada kawan kawan ku dari belah KL ...
Tahun 2009, saya dimaklumkan oleh seseorang bahawa ada seorang guru meditasi dari India pernah memberitahu para pengikutnya bahawa banjir besar akan berlaku hampir seluruh dunia... dan sebenarnya ramai guru2 meditasi/spiritual memberitahukan perkara yg sama kepada anak2 murid mereka (termasuk syeikh2)... ini bukanlah perkara tahyul, mistik atau syirik. Sebenarnya apabila kita bermeditasi, sampai satu tahap, kita boleh melakukan remote viewing/astral projection dan boleh melihat perkara2 yg akan berlaku di masa akan datang... ini adalah kerana Pineal Gland kita semakin bersih dan semakin terbuka. Keupayaan manusia sebenarnya sangat luas... dan manusia boleh melakukan perkara2 di luar batas pemikiran manusia biasa. Tapi oleh kerana manusia semakin jahat, maka auranya semakin kotor dan ini menutup Pineal Gland kita. Maka tertutuplah sixth sense yg sebenarnya mengiringi manusia sejak lahir... Allah tidak pernah menganiaya moyang kita, Nabi Adam... bukankah Allah sudah mengajar Adam nama2 benda semuanya? DIA mengajar Adam kesemua nama benda, mengajar Adam dengan lengkap, sebelum menurunkan Adam ke dunia ini bersama Hawa...
Sekarang ini hampir hari2 hujan.. memang kita dlm musim tengkujuh.. tapi intensity hujan semakin bertambah.. masa semakin dekat.. hope everyone reading this, will stay safe, wherever you may be... Insya Allah... |
pumpkin_penyek posted on 4-11-2012 01:32 PM
Jika memang kita perlu menuju ke banjaran tu, agak-agaknya stok makanan & keleangkapan untuk berapa ...
stok utk setahun..disamping bekalan benih2 tumbuhan spt sayur-sayuran...padi2..ayam2 jantan dan betina....dapat kan sebuah lori tiga tan... |
Count me in to the komuniti... InsyaAllah akan mula survey tempat2 tinggi.. |
There are military personnel manning and monitoring Banjaran Titiwangsa. That's the 1st place that will be heavily guarded if anything happens. I'm not sure they will allow anyone to go even nearer that place when the SHTF. Wallahua'lam... |
andria posted on 4-11-2012 08:13 PM
There are military personnel manning and monitoring Banjaran Titiwangsa. That's the 1st place that w ...
Trust me..during that time...no military people / personnel will accept the order from their command center as they also have to think about their own survival...and the abovementioned CC is MAYBE already have been demolised by water/flood and the location that i mentioned before is populated area and not military designated zone..yet....
And the preepers ourselves....we ought to advise and guide people..about the locations presumed safe from flood....to become service-to-others and not service-to-self....people are looking for guidance for the predicted flood and i thought we should assist them too... |
razhar posted on 4-11-2012 09:53 PM
Trust me..during that time...no military people / personnel will accept the order from their comma ...
Not really a good idea to announce publicly your actual location... you don't want a crowded place. If people are really serious in wanting to know, they'll PM you. Otherwise, in my opinion, it's wise to be silent about your true plans/location. Look at all the chaos now in NY. People are ready with their shotguns to kill any looters. Foods are confiscated from those who have any. A new law has been passed - Preppers will be convicted. Don't be surprise if this happens in Malaysia. So for your own safety, it's best to talk less, and guide only the basics. Let them find their own location. If they're genuine, they'll find a way to contact you... just my advice... wallahua'lam...
andria posted on 4-11-2012 10:16 PM
Not really a good idea to announce publicly your actual location... you don't want a crowded plac ...
Not my favorite location as i will flying to New Zealand as i told you before...... |
andria posted on 4-11-2012 10:16 PM
Not really a good idea to announce publicly your actual location... you don't want a crowded plac ...
Appreciated your opinion.... |
To survive in the post-disaster situation..we need numbers.....numbers mean strength...strength to defend our newly founded community...to enable the community to fight for food,shelter....we cannot survive alone....i still got few choices to stay after the shift...they? they are searching in the dark....to save more people..we need to convince them...that the predicted disaster is not a myth as we all thought...
Nancy spread the words...urging all believers to become STO..think about the others too... |
I hope u won't staying alone in ur hut after the shift.....u need community to survive.... |
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