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Author: Acong

[Dunia] V13 MH370 - Kena hijack USA (Jacob Rothschild) / Illuminati / Freemason / JEW..?

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ini pon articles yg mengaitka mh370 dgn all the big drama ..artivle ari aku rase still relevan...sori x dpt nk tepek gambo sbb tengh pakai fon.
For all map sila klick ke page asal
OutSyed The Box
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Theories On MH370 Location
1. If what the Wall Street Journal said was true, that MH370 flew for four more hours after its last recorded position, then the location of the plane can be within this circle of 2200 nautical miles radius or 2500 miles radius or 4074 km radius. (1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles =1.852 km).

My view is this is very unlikely. Firstly Rolls Royce has denied receiving signals from the engines four hours after the last signal at 1:07am local time. The Wall Street Journal has also retracted the story and apologised.

But lets look at the map. There are major radar installations belonging to China, US, India and two dozen countries along this perimeter. There is a really huge US military installation on the island of Diego Garcia as well which is located just to the left and slightly below the words INDIAN OCEAN on the map.

Surely you dont expect the whole world to believe that all the military radars, military high tech and other stuff they have FAILED to detect MH370 which was flying "bogey". "Bogey" meaning it was an unidentified aircraft with no predetermined flight path, without any identification and without any response to IFF (Identifiation Friend or Foe) signals. If MH370 was flying 'bogey' mesti ada IFF signals from more than one country along the way. Tapi tak ada pun. You mean ALL their radars failed?

Despite all that, this ship the USS Kidd, another US$2 billion Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer has just arrived (about 12 hours ago) in the northwest of the Straits of Malacca to search for MH370 in the Andaman Sea.

Here is more mystery. The USS Kid steamed at a top speed of 33 knots or 38 miles per hour or 61 km/hr for two days to get to the Andaman from the Pacific Ocean, where it is part of the US 7th Fleet. Would the Americans do that to chase after a "bogey"?

Now we come to this next theory. This plot is based on OUR military radar on Pulau Perak tracking a "bogey" on the same night and after MH370's last reported position off Kota Bharu. It is now eight days and there is still no precise confirmation that this "bogey" picked up by the military off Pulau Perak was actually MH370. As MInister Hishamuddin Hussein said, “I will be the happiest person if we can confirm that (the military radar blip) is MH 370 because then we could move all our assets to the Strait of Malacca. But at this time we cannot do that".

The map above is based on the Pulau Perak radar pick up. The people who prepared this plot should venture some opinion why this track would terminate just beyond the Andaman Sea? (By the way I myself saw the Airforce boys plotting almost this exact track two days ago. I could not ask them why though).

Please note that India's largest naval installation is located on the Nicobar Islands in the Andaman Sea. This is a joint services command housing the Indian Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard (depa bukan main-main). A full Indian Army Division is deployed there. Indian nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers also dock there. At the southern most tip of the Andaman, the Indians have placed a major air station just 190 km to the north of the Sumatera coastline. It is therefore unlikely that they did not pick up MH370 if it went "bogey" in this neighborhood. N'theless I think we should ask for radar data from the Indians. This is a humanitarian mission.

The last map here shows yet another possibility - that the plane turned towards Pahang. Our radar in Kuantan should have picked it up. I believe all these leads have been checked.

If the plane crashed the black box in the tail of the plane will ping for 30 days. If it is underwater, only an almost direct pass over the plane will pick up the ping.

(May I make a simple suggestion. In the future can all commercial planes be fitted with a small indestructible canister full of some luminous and colourful dye or liquid that will be released if the plane crashes in water, and remain intact and visible for a few days? Maybe place the canister near the tail of the plane. Just a thought)  

There is no 'ping'. Either the plane has crashed over the sea or it landed safely at some secret location. The "plane landed at secret location theory" (read here) is a bit far fetched.

The Chinese have come up with another view. Using seismic data provided by Malaysia they say they have detected a seismic event in the sea corresponding to the last known location of the plane (seismic event meaning a large body crashing in the sea). I dont know what type of analysis or technology they have used to come to this conclusion but the straight talking Chinese do choose their words carefully.
Syed Akbar Ali at 12:00:00 PM


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 12:33:00 PM
there were PINGS from the plane engines to satellites over indian ocean ...


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 12:34:00 PM
If we are to believe this theory,then MAS MH370 if now officially the most advance airplne in the world,it can bypass any military capability of any nation in this world,no wonder the US and China is scrambling to get a hold of this 370, as MAS MH370 stealth technology can be consider a national threat to US and CHINA,maybe President Obama should meet with Jauhari to discuss on technology tranfer and MAS can teach US Military how to cloak completely like MH370.


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 12:36:00 PM



AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 12:42:00 PM



norman fernandezSaturday, March 15, 2014 12:44:00 PM
Tuan Syed,
Maybe we should also investigate another angle in depth if there was indeed manual manipulation of the communication system and the transponders. Investigation reveals that two of the communication system were switched off manually and at separate times. Could the person who did that had knowledge how to do this. Also, the plane flew a navigational route, which differs from the norm when using auto. Again the person who flew the plane must have had prior flying skills.

So, questions must be asked how come if the plane was hijacked or has veered off-course the pilot or even co-pilot did not send any distress signal or type in the distress code. Thus, it begs another question if a third person was in the cockpit.

While not casting any aspersions, we already know that the co-pilot a cockpit romeo had in the past invited two ladies for a bit of a lark and rendevouz in the cock-pit. Reports say he was a very religious person. That is very good (although being very religious did not prevent him from inviting two blonde infidells to cuddle him in the cockpit). We need to be certain, he did not attend any warped deviant group or tabligh.

For the pilot, it is said he was a very experienced pilot. That is comforting. We now know that he had his own flight simulator at home. Just that did MAS know about this and is it normal for pilots to have their own flight simulator at home. I googled and found out an average second hand flight simulator cost between US$1.5 million to US$3 million. That's a considerable amount. Does't MAS provide flight simulators for free use at their academy/airport for their pilots to use for free. I am told though I have not verified that at Subang, there is a flight simulator for paying public to try.

Lastly, we need to also investigate if there were "third parties" who came to the pilot's house to use and practice on the simulators. The authorities must investigate the personal background of the crew. We there anyone with some warped views or plans.

Much as we wish it to be a mechanical mishap, we must make sure to discount the possibility of sabotage or hijacking.

Since the dissapearnce a slew of theories have been put forward. I am just putting one. In the interim, we pray for an answer and closure.


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 1:10:00 PM
It's a covert ops with the pilot in on it. There are valuable persons on board to be extracted to an unidentified & the plane and its passengers are to be disposed of.


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 1:43:00 PM
May I make a simple suggestion. In the future can all commercial planes be fitted with a small indestructible canister full of some luminous and colourful dye or liquid that will be released if the plane crashes in water, and remain intact and visible for a few days? Maybe place the canister near the tail of the plane. Just a thought) FYI- according to what I know, Boeing 777 has that function. It's the safest plane in the world. BTW, I think the news just confirmed it's highjacked. Hopefully no one would come forward and nafi again...


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 2:05:00 PM
Now they are saying the plane was

If so, how come there was no demand
for ransom or whatever?


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 2:52:00 PM
Hijack gone wrong... Search should move on to indiaan continent, its neighbours since their are many with vested interests who may benefit with this hijacking method(copycat), the plane itself and maybe its passengers.
If u remember what you wrote on the indian tigers when the plane was first reported missing, maybe that hunch should be further investigated. Even thougah, you meant it as a joke initially.


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 3:07:00 PM
people hijack plane also for other reasons, not just ransom. if they landed safely somewhere in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc (you never know, these are all weird islamic/x-soviet nations), now the hijackers have a Boeing 777 and passengers as well. also please look-up this countries on google earth, their immediate neighbour is XINJIANG!

red bean army


flyer168Saturday, March 15, 2014 3:36:00 PM

"Theories On MH370 Location"

Hello Syed,

Just to share this...

If all else fails, then there is this...

Curious pieces of data.... -

“...You may also have heard about the airliner which vanished in Malaysia. Flight 370 was just off the eastern coast over shallow water when it wavered in the air then suddenly dropped from 35,000 feet to 0 and disappeared. At the same time, radar showed a "plane" which suddenly accelerated to 4 or 5 times the speed of any other craft, hovered in one place, then suddenly vanished from the radar screen, seconds before the airliner also disappeared.

[Now this part puzzles me...the ultimatum and the whole hostage thing... -AK] I am very pleased to tell you all that the passengers and crew of the airliner are safe and happy in a secret location. There were several ships in the area, and the maneuver was carried out effortlessly. It is very serendipitous that the airplane carried a large number of Lightworkers from many countries who are delighted and very enthusiastic about the proposal we have made to them, that they be used as "hostages" to expedite the following demands:..."

Malaysian Airlines Prophecy - T.B. Joshua -

You be the judge.



AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 3:55:00 PM
anon 12:34:00 PM, flight mh370 did not bypassed any primary military radar, i am sure it was captured on all primary radar of different countries in the region, it is very hard to ID thats all, just like syed termed it, a "bogey", there are thousands of flights everyday and primary radar do not communicate with commercial airline transponders.



AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 3:57:00 PM
The PM gave a PC today and we got nothing new. ALL only probabilities. No questions could be asked. Why the need for a PC then? A press statement would do. He arrived at about 2.30 when it was suppose to be at 1.30

Malaysian time must always be "lambat dari yang ditetap".


AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 4:22:00 PM
flyer168 bro,

i smell BS! LOL



millenniumaspireSaturday, March 15, 2014 5:11:00 PM
The scenario that MH370 was hijacked is quite far fetched. Tak de orang buat tuntutan pun.
What is more plausible is an air collision between a B2 stealth aircraft and MH370 over the South China Sea. Maybe the B2 was flying on a secret mission from Guam to Diego Garcia or on a surveillance mission over the South China Sea when it collided with MH370. The resulting collision might damage the transponder of MH370. The damaged suffered by the B2 rendered it visible to radar, thus the pilot fly low trying to avoid radar detection. The Malaysian military radar managed to detect the B2 and the pilot tried to give the impression that is was a commercial jetliner by using commercial airlines flight path albeit at a lower altitude. Due the damage from the collision, the B2 might have crashed into the Andaman Sea. Tak sempat nak pi Diego Garcia. So the US sent their destroyer to the area to recover the B2.
Rasa-rasa make sense dak? Jangan publish kalau boleh timbulkan kekeliruan. Cuma pandangan marhaen.


flyer168Saturday, March 15, 2014 5:22:00 PM
Correct version

"Theories On MH370 Location"

Hello Syed,

Just to share this...
Search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane expands to Indian Ocean
From Barbara Starr, Jim Sciutto and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
March 14, 2014 -- Updated 0317 GMT (1117 HKT)
CNN Exclusive: Analysis shows two possible Indian Ocean paths for airliner
By Barbara Starr and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
March 15, 2014 -- Updated 0201 GMT (1001 HKT)

"...One of the possible locations of MH370 is on the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says that one of two possible locations for flight 370 is the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Yes, the plane could have been flown to Borat land. The other area being checked out is Indonesia to southern India.

If the MH370 flight landed near the border of Kazakhstan, then this again throws off the whole idea looking in the Indian Ocean.

This is officially the most disjointed search and rescue mission I have ever seen.

Obviously, the people who probably perished aboard Malaysia Arlines suffered greatly.

But can you imagine what the families of these 239 people must go going through right now with this Keystone Cops search effort?

It’s a living hell for them. Also, the plane was in the air for SEVEN hours, according to Najib Razak...)

If all else fails, then there is this...

Curious pieces of data.... -

“...You may also have heard about the airliner which vanished in Malaysia. Flight 370 was just off the eastern coast over shallow water when it wavered in the air then suddenly dropped from 35,000 feet to 0 and disappeared. At the same time, radar showed a "plane" which suddenly accelerated to 4 or 5 times the speed of any other craft, hovered in one place, then suddenly vanished from the radar screen, seconds before the airliner also disappeared.

[Now this part puzzles me...the ultimatum and the whole hostage thing... -AK] I am very pleased to tell you all that the passengers and crew of the airliner are safe and happy in a secret location. There were several ships in the area, and the maneuver was carried out effortlessly. It is very serendipitous that the airplane carried a large number of Lightworkers from many countries who are delighted and very enthusiastic about the proposal we have made to them, that they be used as "hostages" to expedite the following demands:..."

Malaysian Airlines Prophecy - T.B. Joshua -

You be the judge.



flyer168Saturday, March 15, 2014 5:37:00 PM
Anon 4:22:00,

Yes indeed, many theories &!

As I had said, you be the judge.



AnonymousSaturday, March 15, 2014 5:43:00 PM
flyer168 bro,

Still BS ...

Judge Borat


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Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : [email protected] Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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Post time 16-3-2014 01:24 AM | Show all posts
adheq posted on 16-3-2014 12:51 AM
kalau passengers & crew hidup lagi, boleh balik ker? sebab najib dah buat statement plane kena hijac ...

hope for the best
prepare for the worst
like i said before kadang2 you have to eliminate your liabilities
bukan satu kambing hitam
besides the perpertrators the rests are witnesses and potential scapegoats


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:24 AM | Show all posts
novlin posted on 16-3-2014 12:26 AM
Miong kepala aku baca psl mh370 ni...
tergelak aku baca perkataan miong tu..tak ramai org guna perkataan tu..

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LordDenning posted on 16-3-2014 01:14 AM
kalau takde reason for them to frisk you they wont
mungkin ade trigger apa2 masa tu
even your co ...

Tp ikut airport gak, kat europe lps scan tetap kena raba jugak. Tapi maybe tak semua airports lah kut.

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:29 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 16-3-2014 01:20 AM
bukan aku taip.. aku copy paste and share pada yg nak berfikir...... takder makna aku nak tulis pa ...

haha... sorry. aku tak perasan ko ada tulis credit kat mana2 ko copy tu.

so skrg ko pening lagi tak? MH tu flight code. Mana2 kapal boleh guna. Dan setiap kapal ada registration number. Itu unique for every plane.


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:30 AM | Show all posts
China media hits out again after latest MH370 disclosures
MARCH 15, 2014

SHARE WITH OTHERS  33  21 [color=rgb(51,]KUALA LUMPUR, March 15 — China state-owned media today continued to criticise the pace of investigations into Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, homing in on the release of a “trove” of information over a week after the plane went missing.

Pointing out that confirmation of military radar tracking the Beijing-bound flight with 239 people — 153 of them Chinese nationals — on board as it deviated from its path towards the Straits of Malacca, the state-owned Xinhua News Agency said precious time and resources was wasted on a massive search in the South China Sea.

Aside from Malaysia, it also targeted the United States as well as plane maker Boeing and engine maker Rolls Royce for failing to provide vital information sooner.

“With time ticking away and the fate of Flight MH370 still shrouded in mystery, it is vital and imperative that the Malaysian side work more thoroughly and efficiently and other major information holders—not least the Unites States—be more open and forthcoming,” the newspaper wrote in an editorial today.

It noted that information confirmed today, such as the plane flying on for as long as seven hours after takeoff, could have helped dispel much of the initial speculation, such as catastrophic failure of the plane, which has taken a toll on the families of passengers.

Xinhua added that failure to provide information accurately and swiftly also spawned numerous rumours.

“Given today’s technology, the delay smacks of either dereliction of duty or reluctance to share information in a full and timely manner. That would be intolerable,” it continued.

Reminding all involved that 239 lives remain at stake, it asked those with information pertinent to solving the mystery of flight MH370 to no longer withhold it from investigators.

China has been consistently critical of the speed in the search and investigation of MH370, which seemingly vanished from the skies after departing from Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysia today said the plane’s movements after it lost contact with ground radar were consistent with “deliberate action” but stopped short on confirming that it was hijacked.

But the new information has brought investigators no closer to locating the plane, which is now believed to be somewhere in one of two “corridors” within a 4,000-mile radius.

- See more at: ... 7ZYAl.5KV4o4S7.dpuf

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:30 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 16-3-2014 12:40 AM
Persoalan-Persoalan Yang Kerajaan Malaysia Perlu Jawab Mengenai #MH370.

nice one..

sel otak bersambung

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:30 AM | Show all posts
machiko posted on 16-3-2014 12:55 AM
Indonesia is a defacto Globalist client state, and would immediately cover up such information[/b ...

mereka sudah pledge their allegiance to the globalist
New Worls Order some says


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:31 AM | Show all posts
tomatosauce posted on 16-3-2014 01:29 AM
haha... sorry. aku tak perasan ko ada tulis credit kat mana2 ko copy tu.

so skrg ko pening lag ...

sekarang aku dah tak pening dah sebab malas nak pikir konspirashit nih... buat sakit otak kita sebagai rakyat kena tipu idop2.... yg atas semua dah tahu dah..aku bagi info2 untuk sapa yg rajin nak pecahkan kepala hotak mereka untuk berfikir jer skarang.....
Last edited by slippergombak on 16-3-2014 01:32 AM


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:31 AM | Show all posts
NIXAR posted on 16-3-2014 01:17 AM
link pls. pakai hp payah beklog

Tak reti nak tepek ... Ms #1654 dlm thread carigold #Update Berita Hari ke 8 Pesawat MAS MH370


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X posted on 15-3-2014 05:16 PM
Teori mh370 termasuk alam ghaib dan disembunyikan jin mmg laku dan buat benang jalan laju.....hehe

Smlm kat masjid bkt jelutong haron din ckp ada kemungkinan jin dah pegang..

Tlg jgn lahar aku

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:32 AM | Show all posts
China media hits out again after latest MH370 disclosures
MARCH 15, 2014

Family members of passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 react as they watch Malaysia's Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak speak on a television screen at a hotel in Beijing, March 15, 2014. — Reuters picKUALA LUMPUR, March 15 — China state-owned media today continued to criticise the pace of investigations into Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, homing in on the release of a “trove” of information over a week after the plane went missing.

Pointing out that confirmation of military radar tracking the Beijing-bound flight with 239 people — 153 of them Chinese nationals — on board as it deviated from its path towards the Straits of Malacca, the state-owned Xinhua News Agency said precious time and resources was wasted on a massive search in the South China Sea.

Aside from Malaysia, it also targeted the United States as well as plane maker Boeing and engine maker Rolls Royce for failing to provide vital information sooner.

“With time ticking away and the fate of Flight MH370 still shrouded in mystery, it is vital and imperative that the Malaysian side work more thoroughly and efficiently and other major information holders—not least the Unites States—be more open and forthcoming,” the newspaper wrote in an editorial today.

It noted that information confirmed today, such as the plane flying on for as long as seven hours after takeoff, could have helped dispel much of the initial speculation, such as catastrophic failure of the plane, which has taken a toll on the families of passengers.

Xinhua added that failure to provide information accurately and swiftly also spawned numerous rumours.

“Given today’s technology, the delay smacks of either dereliction of duty or reluctance to share information in a full and timely manner. That would be intolerable,” it continued.

Reminding all involved that 239 lives remain at stake, it asked those with information pertinent to solving the mystery of flight MH370 to no longer withhold it from investigators.

China has been consistently critical of the speed in the search and investigation of MH370, which seemingly vanished from the skies after departing from Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysia today said the plane’s movements after it lost contact with ground radar were consistent with “deliberate action” but stopped short on confirming that it was hijacked.

But the new information has brought investigators no closer to locating the plane, which is now believed to be somewhere in one of two “corridors” within a 4,000-mile radius. ... 7ZYAl.5KV4o4S7.dpuf

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:32 AM | Show all posts

Last edited by aderaderker on 16-3-2014 01:35 AM


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Post time 16-3-2014 01:33 AM | Show all posts
akusukaq posted on 16-3-2014 01:23 AM
Kita sume wajib mengaku sunni ape?

bukan kah arab sunni dan sunni lain sedang bertempur dgn shia kat siria?

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
serafina posted on 16-3-2014 01:24 AM
tergelak aku baca perkataan miong tu..tak ramai org guna perkataan tu..

Aku ni jenis yg ada migraine... so kepala ni dh rasa mcm2... kalo migraine, lain sakitnya... kalo fening, lain denyutnya... kalo miong, lain senonengnya...ekekekekee

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
siti_kus posted on 16-3-2014 01:31 AM
Smlm kat masjid bkt jelutong haron din ckp ada kemungkinan jin dah pegang..

Kl benar...Maknenye selari jugak la pemikiran tok bomoh mgan harun din..cuma harubn din x kayuh sampan dan x guna bubu...hehe

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu btl china terlibat. Aku nak tampar family2 cina yg byk songeh tu mcm buaya kena tampar.

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:40 AM | Show all posts
olivegal posted on 16-3-2014 01:31 AM
Tak reti nak tepek ... Ms #1654 dlm thread carigold #Update Berita Hari ke 8 Pesawat MAS MH370


bg link address cari gold je

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:43 AM | Show all posts
cherylrihanna posted on 15-3-2014 09:26 PM
ajak la leletih lepak sini pulak

I bukan ahli forum CG..
Tapi i blh kata kat sana banyak fakta..  
I hope dia masuk sini juga join kita semua

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Post time 16-3-2014 01:43 AM | Show all posts
siti_kus posted on 16-3-2014 01:39 AM
Klu btl china terlibat. Aku nak tampar family2 cina yg byk songeh tu mcm buaya kena tampar.

apahal pulak ko nak tampar dorang?
dorang pon mangsa jugak
a matter of being at the wrong place and at the wrong time
unless proven otherwise

buaya kena tampar???


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