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Author: iansuryani

Berita Hari Ini - 2007

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Post time 6-11-2007 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 6 November 2007        

SEORANG bekas pekerja Nokia yang memperdaya empat lelaki bahawa mereka boleh membeli saham Nokia dengan harga murah dijatuhi hukuman penjara lapan bulan.

GordonYuen Yu-Tang, 42 tahun, yang bekerja dengan Nokia sejak 1999 hingga Februari tahun lalu, menipu keempat-empat lelaki tersebut $367,176 antara 2003 dengan 2005.

Dia, yang juga bekas ketua teknisyen Nokia dan kini bekerja sebagai konsultan bebas, mengaku bersalah atas empat tuduhan menipu melibatkan kira-kira $300,000.

Empat lagi tuduhan diambil dalam pertimbangan.

Mahkamah Rendah juga membenarkan dia diikat jamin $90,000 sehingga menanti keputusan rayuan. Ia juga diberitahu bahawa Yuen adalah antara pekerja Nokia yang terpilih untuk menyertai skim opsyen saham Nokia.

Di bawah skim tersebut, pekerja boleh membeli saham Nokia dengan kadar lebih rendah berbanding harga pasaran.

Dia memberitahu mangsanya bahawa dia dibenarkan membeli banyak saham Nokia pada harga diskaun dan berbohong bahawa dia ingin

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Post time 10-11-2007 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Crane crushes entrance to Lincoln Modern condo on Lincoln Road
By Wong Mun Wai, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 10 November 2007 1628 hrs

SINGAPORE: A crane toppled and hit the entrance canopy of a nearby condominium at Lincoln Road near Newton Saturday morning.

Nobody was hurt in the incident.

The fallen crane crushed most of the entrance canopy at the Lincoln Modern condominium.

The crane belonged to an adjacent construction site where a new condominium, Iridium, was being built.

The Ministry of Manpower and the police are investigating the incident. - CNA/ac

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Post time 12-11-2007 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 12 November 2007         

Khalid Khamis

WALAUPUN hatinya terhiris dek selisih faham dengan anggota jawatankuasa masjid, Haji Ibrahim Mohd Noor tidak tawar hati untuk menabur bakti di Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu.

Hatinya senantiasa bersama masjid bersejarah itu yang dulunya dibina di bekas Petempatan Melayu Kaki Bukit.

Bahkan, beliaulah antara orang yang awal-awal tampil pada 1994 untuk menyokong pembinaan semula masjid yang didirikan pada 1932 itu.

Beliau bersama para sukarelawan sanggup bertungkus-lumus mencari dana dan memastikan pembinaan masjid berjalan lancar sehingga berjaya dibangun semula pada 1995 di tapaknya kini, Bedok Reservoir Road.

Demi curahan baktinya, Haji Ibrahim, kini berusia 89 tahun, merupakan antara segelintir sukarelawan yang dijulang dengan Anugerah Jasawan masjid tersebut.

Ini merupakan julung-julung kali masjid itu memberi pengiktirafan kepada para sukarelawannya sempena menyambut ulang tahunnya yang ke-75 di Orchid Country Club semalam.

Datuk 30 cucu yang tampak sihat dan tegap itu masih lagi berperanan sebagai anggota lembaga pentadbir masjid.

Menyingkap pengalamannya, Haji Ibrahim, yang pernah menyandang pengerusi pertama Lembaga Pentadbir Masjid (LPM) itu, berkata:

'Selama setahun saya menghilangkan diri selepas perselisihan faham itu. Tetapi sebaik sahaja menerima berita tentang masjid akan dibangun semula, saya yang ke depan dulu.

'Saya tak tahu kenapa, tetapi hati saya sudah sebati dengan masjid ini.'

Berkat usaha gigih bersama rakan-rakannya, Haji Ibrahim dan sukarelawan lain dapat mengumpul dana lebih $1 juta bagi kos peralatan dan kelengkapan masjid yang diperlukan.

Beliau bersama 10 lagi sukarelawan telah menerima Anugerah Jasawan daripada Menteri Bertangungjawab bagi Ehwal Masyarakat Islam yang juga Menteri Sekitaran dan Sumber Air, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim.

Turut hadir di majlis itu ialah Menteri Negara Kanan (Ehwal Luar), Encik Zainul Abidin Rasheed dan presiden Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), Haji Mohd Alami Musa.

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Post time 12-11-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Singapura : 12 November 2007         

Farid Hamzah

SEKITAR 535 kilogram dadah bernilai lebih $50 juta dihapuskan Biro Narkotik Pusat (CNB) sepanjang lima tahun lalu.

Antara dadah yang dihapuskan itu ialah 268.5 kilogram ganja, 176 kilogram heroin dan 90.5 kilogram candu.

Selain dadah, barangan lain yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kes dadah, termasuk kenderaan, wang tunai, barang kemas, telefon bimbit dan dokumen perjalanan, akan dilupuskan berdasarkan lunas undang-undang.

Berkata demikian ketika menjawab pertanyaan Berita Harian baru-baru ini, seorang jurucakap CNB berkata proses menghapuskan dadah yang dirampas bermula sejurus selepas mahkamah mengarahkannya.

'Dadah-dadah itu dihapuskan di tempat membakar di kawasan yang diluluskan.

'Perancangan akan dibuat bagi memastikan dadah yang dibawa ke tempat membakar itu dikawal rapi.

'Barangan yang dirampas kerana mempunyai kaitan dengan kes dadah juga akan dihapuskan selepas kes itu ditutup dan selepas mahkamah mengarahkannya,' katanya.

Pada April tahun ini, sekitar 20 kilogram ganja dirampas - jumlah terbesar dalam dekad ini.

Rampasan terbesar bagi heroin sepanjang lima tahun lalu pula dibuat semasa satu operasi pada Mac 2002 apabila 12.93 kilogram heroin dirampas dalam operasi itu.

CNB menarik perhatian pihaknya akan terus meningkatkan penguatkuasaannya bagi mengesan dan mengekang kegiatan dadah.

'Kami akan sentiasa mengekalkan pemantauan yang ketat di pusat-pusat pemeriksaan yang menjadi pintu masuk dan keluar dari negara ini bagi mengekang sebarang bekalan dadah masuk ke sini.

'Kami juga akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap pengedar dan penyalah guna dadah,' kata jurucakap CNB lagi.

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Post time 12-11-2007 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Singapura : 12 November 2007        

Nazri Hadi Saparin

DARIPADA merancang, mengumpul dana sehinggalah kepada memasak.

Segala persiapan dilakukan sendiri oleh kumpulan Mat Motor dan keluarga mereka semata-mata untuk menjamu serta menghibur anak-anak yatim dan kanak-kanak daripada rumah-rumah tumpangan.

Sebagai menutup tirai Lebaran ini, kira-kira 500 Mat Motor daripada 22 kumpulan motosikal, bersama keluarga mereka, bergabung untuk menganjurkan Perjumpaan Hari Raya buat lebih 100 kanak-kanak di bawah jagaan Pertapis.

Selain lauk-pauk, seperti lontong dan rendang, kanak-kanak itu juga dihiburkan dengan pelbagai persembahan di samping menerima hadiah dan duit Raya.

Pengerusi jawatankuasa penganjur majlis itu, Encik Abdul Malik Marwi, 40 tahun, berkata pada mulanya, hanya tiga kumpulan motor terlibat.

Namun, selepas lain-lain kumpulan terdengar tentang rancangan itu, akhirnya 22 kumpulan 'turun padang' untuk memberikan sumbangan.

'Setiap tahun, antara kami, ada yang memberikan sumbangan wang sempena Hari Raya kepada anak-anak yatim.

'Lantas, kali ini, kami terfikir kenapa tidak anjurkan majlis perjumpaan pula,' kata anggota kumpulan Pakara Happening Team itu.

Teman beliau, Encik Syed Othman Syed Ali, 33 tahun, pula berkata acara itu juga mendapat sokongan ramai anggota keluarga Mat Motor.

'Kebelakangan ini, banyak publisiti kurang manis tentang penunggang motosikal.

'Jadi, kami harap menerusi acara seperti ini, orang ramai faham bahawa kami semua bukan penunggang maut, tetapi orang-orang biasa yang turut ingin menyumbang,' kata beliau.

Majlis yang diadakan di Dewan Majlis Bandaran di Jurong West Avenue 1 itu disokong Jawatankuasa Penduduk Jurong Central Zone C.

Turut hadir sebagai tetamu terhormat ialah Menteri di Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Encik Lim Boon Heng.

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Post time 12-11-2007 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Nov 12, 2007         

Aussie man shoots neighbour over loud music

PERTH - A MAN in Australia shot and wounded his neighbour for refusing to turn down loud music, police said on Monday.

The 56-year-old man was set to appear in court on Monday to be charged with attempted murder, said Western Australia state police spokesman Roy Hamilton.

Authorities have not released the name of the suspect, who faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted.

Mr Hamilton said the 25-year-old victim was in satisfactory condition with gunshot wounds to his buttocks and stomach in a hospital in the city of Fremantle, just South of the state capital, Perth.

The victim had been entertaining friends on Saturday afternoon at his home near Perth when the neighbour approached wielding a board, Mr Hamilton said.

'An argument ensued about the man's loud music, with the man threatening the residents with a length of timber, before he left the premises and returned with a rifle,' Mr Hamilton said.

The older man fired three shots at the house and two shots at the victim, Mr Hamilton said. He was quickly arrested.

Mr Hamilton said he did not know what kind of music or rifle was involved. -- AP

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Post time 12-11-2007 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Nov 12, 2007         

Aussie man shoots neighbour over loud music

PERTH - A MAN in Australia shot and wounded his neighbour for refusing to turn down loud music, police said on Monday.

The 56-year-old man was set to appear in court on Monday to be charged with attempted murder, said Western Australia state police spokesman Roy Hamilton.

Authorities have not released the name of the suspect, who faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted.

Mr Hamilton said the 25-year-old victim was in satisfactory condition with gunshot wounds to his buttocks and stomach in a hospital in the city of Fremantle, just South of the state capital, Perth.

The victim had been entertaining friends on Saturday afternoon at his home near Perth when the neighbour approached wielding a board, Mr Hamilton said.

'An argument ensued about the man's loud music, with the man threatening the residents with a length of timber, before he left the premises and returned with a rifle,' Mr Hamilton said.

The older man fired three shots at the house and two shots at the victim, Mr Hamilton said. He was quickly arrested.

Mr Hamilton said he did not know what kind of music or rifle was involved. -- AP

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Post time 13-11-2007 05:23 AM | Show all posts
Over 2,000 visit Changi Airport Terminal 3 Open House
By Asha Popatlal, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 13 November 2007 0227 hrs

SINGAPORE : More than 2,000 visitors turned up on the first day of an Open House at the new Changi Airport Terminal 3.

Visitors pay $3 for a guide to take them beyond the public area and into the transit section, with the proceeds going to charity.

And it was the excitement of being first that saw a mix of people - from retirees to students, families to aviation buffs, checking the place out.

One Chinese man said: "We want to have a look first so that we can show some photographs to our friends."

An Indian man said: "I liked the green wall features and also the ceiling. You have natural light coming in, that's interesting."

"I have used Manchester Airport, I have used Heathrow Airport, in Paris, Germany, Switzerland, the Middle East and none of them are anywhere near this standard," said a Briton.

One Malay woman visitor said she could not wait for the actual opening.

And the excitement was not just limited to adults.

"I want to watch the news and they say the airport is open, so I come here for a walk."

"The airport is interesting because I sit on an aircraft before and I saw aircraft moving and it was very interesting."

And though there were finishing touches to be made, it did not faze any of the visitors.

Terminal 3 will have more retail shops and they will be unlike those conventional ones such as the duty-free shops and others in the current two terminals.

About one-third of the shops in Terminal 3 are completely new to Changi Airport.

Trials and test flights are also ongoing.

Mr Alan Lee, Deputy Director of Marketing and Passenger Development of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, said: "To date we have planned for 50 trials and included 5,000 participants in terms of trying out baggage handling, handling the volunteers as passengers. We have also provided for volunteer passengers to give feedback."

One such feedback was a Japanese mis-translation of Skytrain as Sky Toilet. Officials said affected signboards would be changed.

Changi Airport is expecting some half a million people over the next four weeks during its Terminal 3 Open House.

Terminal 3 is scheduled for official flight operations on January 9 next year. - CNA/de

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Post time 14-11-2007 01:11 AM | Show all posts
More government services to go online
By Hoe Yeen Nie, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 13 November 2007 1859 hrs
SINGAPORE: All government services are expected to be available online soon and they will be citizen-centric, said Community Development, Youth and Sports Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

Speaking at the e-Government Summit on Tuesday, he said the aim is to give Singaporeans better access to the government online, whether it is to help shape public policy, give feedback or make simple transactions.

This vision of an integrated government is expected to be achieved by 2010.

Dr Balakrishnan said: "This will enable everyone to engage the government more effectively, and save you the hassle of going from one government agency to the next.

"We used to have this question of going through wrong doors and more wrong doors and I think the electronic platform allows us to ensure that it is always an open door."

But with greater dependence on e-government systems, the Minister said security systems would be strengthened to guard against cyber terrorism and other threats.

Dr Balakrishnan also pointed out that the e-government efforts have not gone unnoticed. Singapore's public service came up tops in the latest Accenture's Leadership In Customer Service report. - CNA/ir

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Post time 14-11-2007 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Man's leg amputated by newspaper compactor in industrial accident
By Hoe Yeen Nie, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 14 November 2007 0001 hrs

SINGAPORE: A man's left leg was amputated below the knee by a newspaper compactor in a freak industrial accident on Tuesday afternoon.

His right foot was also crushed by the machine.

The accident occurred at 1.50pm at a factory at Defu Lane 4, unit number 28.

It took Civil Defence officers 15 minutes to find the severed portion of the leg in the newspaper pile.

They then sent it to Changi General Hospital, where the victim was conveyed to.

- CNA/yb

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Post time 15-11-2007 10:04 PM | Show all posts
Roadblocks and checks at event venues as S'pore hosts ASEAN Summit
Posted: 15 November 2007 1652 hrs

SINGAPORE: Expect roadblocks and security checks at various locations in the city area as Singapore prepares to host the 13th ASEAN Summit and its related meetings.

The meetings will be held from 18 to 22 November at the Shangri-La Hotel. However, other key events will take place at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Asian Civilisations Museum and the Istana.

For a start, Police and the Foreign Affairs Ministry will be conducting an exercise on Thursday, 15 November at the Raffles City Convention Centre.

So from 6.00pm to 9.30pm, these roads will be closed:
1) North Bridge Road (between Middle Road and Stamford Road)
2) Extreme right lane along Bras Basah Road (between Bencoolen Street and North Bridge Road)

From 7.00pm to 10.00pm, roads near the Asian Civilisations Museum will also be closed:
1) Old Parliament Lane.
2) Empress Place.

From 18 to 22 November, you can expect slow traffic during the morning and evening peak hours along Anderson Road and Orange Grove Road. This is because police will be conducting selective checks on vehicles travelling along the roads leading to Shangri-La Hotel.

These roads will remain open to the public, but motorists are advised to start their journey early or avoid these roads if possible as slow traffic is expected.

Motorists proceeding to Stevens Road from Tanglin Road, or to Orchard Road from Stevens Road and Balmoral Road, are advised to use the alternative route via Scotts Road.

On 20 November, vehicles entering Raffles City will be screened before entry to the basement car park.

Lanes along the following roads will be closed on 20 November from 6.00am to 11.00pm to facilitate screening:
1) Stamford Road between Beach Road and the entrance into Raffles City (right-most lane)
2) Bras Basah Road between North Bridge Road and the driveway into Raffles City car park (The right-most lane).

On 20 November, the following roads will be also closed from 6.00pm to 11.00pm:
1) North Bridge Road (between Middle Rd and Stamford Road)
2) Right-most lane along Bras Basah Road (between Bencoolen Street and North Bridge Road)

Traffic congestion is expected at the event venue and its peripheral roads.

The taxi stand in front of RCCC along North Bridge Road will be closed from 5.00pm to 11.00pm, but the taxi stands along Stamford Road and at Swissotel will remain open.

Motorists are advised to take public transport if they are going to Raffles City.

On 21 November, roads surrounding the Asian Civilisations Museum will be closed from 2.00pm to 11.00pm.

These are:
1) Old Parliament Lane.
2) Empress Place.

Also on 21 November, these roads will be closed from 7.00pm to 9.00pm:
1) Connaught Drive (between Fullerton Road and St Andrew's Road)
2) St Andrew's Road (between Connaught Drive and Stamford Road)
3) Stamford Road (between St Andrew's Road and Armenian Street)

4) Fort Canning Tunnel (between Stamford Road and Penang Road)
5) Penang Road (between Fort Canning Tunnel and Buyong Road)
6) Buyong Road (between Penang Road and Orchard Road)
7) Orchard Road (between Buyong Road and Oldham Lane)

During this period, only police vehicles, emergency vehicles and those with special labels will be allowed to enter the closed roads. Police officers will be deployed at the affected road junctions to assist and direct motorists.

Public bus services affected by the road closure will be diverted from the closed roads.

There are also advisory signs on lampposts and electronic Variable Message Signs at strategic locations leading to the event venues.

Unauthorised parking and vehicles that are found parking indiscriminately or causing obstruction will be towed away.

Police officers will also be on patrol in the vicinity of all the event venues and may conduct selective checks on members of the public and vehicles in or around the premises.

Police say they need the public's co-operation and understanding for any inconvenienced caused. - CNA/ir

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Post time 15-11-2007 10:08 PM | Show all posts

Laws on public protests apply during ASEAN summit in Singapore

By Wong Mun Wai, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 15 November 2007 2028 hrs

SINGAPORE: Police say laws governing public protests will apply when Singapore hosts the ASEAN summit and its related meetings from 18-22 November.

The meetings come in the wake of a military crackdown in Myanmar which sparked public demonstrations in many countries.

There were also protests in the Philippine city of Cebu, the venue of last year's ASEAN summit.

However, Singapore's police say they are prepared to deal with any such security issues and they have learnt from events around the world.

They say they have received and rejected an application by a local individual to hold an assembly outside the Shangri-La Hotel where the summit will be held.

Opposition party Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) says on its website that its request to hold a protest on Monday has been denied.

The SDP says it wants to protest the presence of Myanmar delegates in Singapore and call on ASEAN to promote democracy in the region.

"Police would like to inform everyone to respect our laws. There are avenues to get your views heard legally. And if you wish to do so, you can always apply to the Police to have your event in an indoor venue," say the Police.

Security is high on the list for Singapore authorities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will use about 10 armoured-plated cars to ferry heads of state and government.

The Police are also closing lanes and roads during the summit. So motorists should expect roadblocks and security checks. - CNA/ir

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Post time 17-11-2007 01:40 AM | Show all posts


32 orang diberkas cuba seludup 'pil khayal' dari 2005 hingga tahun ini

Saini Salleh

SERAMAI 32 orang telah diberkas kerana cuba menyeludupkan pil Romilar - sejenis ubat batuk yang boleh menyebabkan ketagihan - dari 2005 hingga tahun ini.

Keseluruhannya mereka didapati memiliki 72,000 biji pil kecil berwarna kuning itu.

Masalah mengimport secara haram pil tersebut didedahkan Penguasa Sains Kesihatan (HSA) dalam satu kenyataan sebagai menjawab pertanyaan Berita Harian.

Pemeriksaan Berita Harian mendapati kebanyakan daripada mereka yang diberkas itu dipercayai mendapatkan bekalan tersebut dari sebuah negara jiran.

Jumlah pil yang dirampas itu jelas menunjukkan mereka yang terlibat cuba mengedarkannya bagi memenuhi permintaan yang semakin tinggi di sini dan mengaut untung.

Menurut HSA, Pil Romilar mengandungi Dextromethorphan - sejenis bahan yang boleh menyebabkan ketagihan.

Bagaimanapun, pil tersebut tidak disenaraikan sebagai dadah terkawal di bawah Akta Penyalahgunaan Dadah (MDA).

Namun, hanya mereka yang didapati bersalah mengimport dan menjual pil tersebut secara haram boleh didakwa di bawah Akta Racun.

Di bawah Akta Racun itu, mereka yang didapati salah boleh didenda sehingga $10,000 atau dipenjara sehingga dua tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali,

Pemeriksaan Berita Harian mendapati pil tersebut mudah dibeli di kedai-kedai jamu di Batam dengan harga $30 bagi setiap 1,000 biji.

Pengedar kemudian menjualnya di sini dengan harga $10 bagi setiap 40 biji atau $250 bagi $1,000 biji.

Selepas ditolak modal, pengedar meraih untung sekitar $220.

Penyeludupan pil tersebut ke sini pertama kali terdedah apabila Penguasa Imigresen dan Pusat Pemeriksaan (ICA) menahan seorang lelaki Melayu yang baru pulang dari Batam di Harbour Front pada Julai 2005.

Dia didapati memiliki 0.456 kilogram pil Romilar yang disembunyikan dalam kotak jamu Kuku Bima.

Melahirkan kebimbangannya, seorang wanita, yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Cik Lisa, 40 tahun, pil tersebut semakin dicari bekas penagih.

'Kalau ambil dadah seperti heroin, Subutex, Ketamine atau ganja tentu kena masuk pusat pemulihan atau penjara bagi yang dah masuk dua kali.

'Bagi hilangkan gian, mereka ambil Pil Romilar. Sekali telan 40 biji baru dapat kesan khayal.

'Mereka tak takut diberkas kerana Pil Romilar belum dikelaskan sebagai dadah terkawal dan tidak meninggalkan kesan positif ketika menjalani ujian air kencing,' tambahnya sambil mendakwa seorang lelaki bekas penagih di Bukit Batok kini giat mengedarkan pil tersebut menerusi seorang budak perempuan.

Cik Lisa berharap pemerintah segera melakukan sesuatu sebelum pil Romilar menjadi masalah besar di sini.

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Post time 17-11-2007 01:42 AM | Show all posts


Syarikat yang disiasat dipercayai mempunyai 100 pedagang Melayu

Khalid Khamis

DENGAN hanya melabur $280 untuk menjadi 'pedagang' dan menarik pelabur lain, Encik Rahim Hussain, mendakwa sudah berjaya mendapat keuntungan daripada komisen lebih $1,000 dalam tempoh lima bulan.

Tetapi kini, Encik Rahim, 52 tahun, yang menjadi 'pedagang' dengan syarikat penjualan berbilang tingkat (MLM) Sunshine Empire Pte Ltd sejak Julai lalu, terpaksa menangguh rancangan mempromosi atau menarik pelabur baru.

Ini menyusuli berita syarikat itu disiasat Jabatan Ehwal Perniagaan (CAD) kerana dipercayai melancarkan skim pelaburan tanpa lesen.

Malah beberapa pelabur turut melahirkan rasa terkejut kerana syarikat itu disiasat kerana amalan perniagaan yang menimbulkan keraguan.

Ketika dihubungi semalam, Encik Rahim, berkata:

'Buat masa sekarang jika ada orang yang bertanya dengan saya hendak masuk jadi pedagang, saya akan nasihatkan mereka supaya menangguh niat mereka sehingga siasatan selesai,' katanya.

Di bawah skim MLM yang ditawarkan Sunshine Empire, terdapat beberapa peringkat 'pedagang', iaitu 'pedagang kasar', 'pedagang perak' dan 'pedagang emas' dengan bayaran wang pendahuluan $12,000.

Bergantung kepada pakej yang diambil, mereka boleh menikmati pembelian pelbagai produk seperti penjagaan kesihatan, pakaian dalam dan elektronik dengan 'mata-mall' yang dikumpul melalui Internet.

Selain itu, mereka juga ditawarkan komisen untuk merekrut pedagang dan diberi rebat tunai.

Difahamkan, Encik Rahim adalah antara sekitar 100 pedagang Melayu/Islam daripada sekitar 20,000 pedagang syarikat itu.

Sseorang kakitangan firma guaman, Encik Hamzah Karim, 41 tahun, dan isterinya, Cik Salina Ahmad, 42 tahun, membatalkan niatnya untuk 'melabur' selepas mendengar berita siasatan yang dijalankan.

'Nasib baik kami belum melabur, takut pula jadi macam skim cepat kaya Farwill,' tambahnya.

Selasa lalu, CAD mengeluarkan kenyataan memaklumkan pelabur supaya menunggu laporan terkini dan mungkin dikehendaki membantu siasatan polis.

Sunshine Empire diawasi Penguasa Kewangan Singapura (MAS) pada 24 Oktober lalu selepas melancarkan skim pelaburan tetapi dipercayai tidak mempunyai lesen.

Syarikat yang ditubuhkan sejak Julai tahun lalu, diasaskan Encik James Phang, 48 tahun, yang turut beroperasi di Indonesia, Thailand, Hongkong, Korea Selatan dan Taiwan dengan mempunyai 50,000 pedagang.

Kunjungan ke ibu pejabatnya di Toa Payoh HDB Hub semalam, melihat syarikat tersebut kelihatan menjalankan urus niaga seperti biasa.

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Post time 17-11-2007 01:42 AM | Show all posts
More people turn whistle-blowers                                                                       
Many have exposed cases of mistreatment of foreign maids
By                                                                                                                                                         Braema Mathi

MORE people are coming forward to expose cases of maltreatment ofmigrant workers by calling helplines, e-mailing support agencies andsending photographs as evidence of the danger they face at theirworkplace.

A check with four agencies that run helplines showed that at leasta third of the 'whistle-blowers' were from concerned members of thepublic who witnessed foreign domestic workers taking on dangeroustasks, being hit or asked to work without much rest or living incramped conditions.
These whistle-blowers in the neighbourhood were not afraid tovolunteer details of the incidents, give addresses, telephone numbersof migrant workers in trouble and even take pictures as proof .
Last year 24 foreign domestic workers were killed or injured.The figure is down slightly from the average of 37 a year from theprevious six years.
Transient Workers Count Too, a advocacy group on migrantworkers, said that four in 10 callers were members of the public.
Said its President, Mr John Gee: 'The public is important tous in this effort to ensure the safety of these workers. They are theeyes on the ground and in places that we may not know about.'
                                                                                                                                                                                                Philippine Embassy's Labour Attache, Ms Annabelle Oliveros said thatmore Singaporeans were calling the Embassy to give information on badlytreated workers.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Six out of 10 calls are from non-workers here.
'Before we used to receive phone calls mainly from Filipinos orother workers. Today more Singaporeans are aware and do see maids asworkers who are contributing and need protection,' she told The StraitsTimes.
Photographic evidence of wrongdoings have also been makingtheir way to STOMP! at a rate of three to four cases per month.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Read the full story in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.

[ Last edited by  fatz at 17-11-2007 02:16 AM ]

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Post time 17-11-2007 01:58 AM | Show all posts

PENYALAHGUNAAN pil Romilar boleh menyebabkan kematian, kerosakan otak, tidak sedarkan diri dan degupan jantung yang tidak normal.

Ini dinyatakan seorang jurucakap Penguasa Sains Kesihatan (HSA) ketika ditanya mengenai kesan buruk pengambilan pil berwarna kuning itu.

'Pil Romilar mengandungi Dextromethorphan yang memang diketahui mempunyai kesan ketagihan dan disalahgunakan untuk mendapatkan kesan khayal.

'Terdapat laporan mengenai kesannya seperti euphoria atau terlalu gembira, rasa bagai sedang terapung atau terbang serta rayan (halusinasi),' jelas jurucakap HSA.

HSA juga berkata kesan mental dan emosi pil tersebut termasuklah murung, panik, resah gelisah dan buruk sangka kepada orang lain.

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Post time 17-11-2007 02:02 AM | Show all posts
S'poreans moved by M'sian's worker plight, offer help
MOUNTAIN climber David Lim is among several people moved by the plight of Malaysian worker Abu Bakar Evos, who lost his legs in a horrific workplace accident this week.

These people who called or e-mailed The Straits Times on reading about the 25-year-old odd-jobber's plight said they wanted to help him rebuild his life after he recovers from his injuries.

Mr Abu's left leg below his knee and his right foot were severed in a paper compactor at waste-paper recycling firm Likok in Defu Lane 4 on Tuesday. He had climbed into the compactor to clean it when the accident happened.

Mr Lim, 43, who was hit with the Guillain-Barre Syndrome - a rare, life-threatening disease that paralysed him for six months in 1998 - said: 'I know what it's like to lose the use of my limbs, but Mr Abu Bakar will have a bigger challenge because he has lost his legs.'

Mr Lim, who runs a leadership consultancy, said he would wait to see what kind of help the Sabah native might need, and did not rule out financial help or recommendations to prosthetics experts.

Meanwhile, doctors at the Changi General Hospital on Friday said they were able to save more of Mr Abu Bakar's right leg than they had originally thought.

He was supposed to have had his right leg below the knee amputated, but late Friday morning, doctors found that it was enough to take away just his foot, up to the ankle.

Consultant orthopedic surgeon Chong Kian Chung, who performed the operation, said there were no signs of infection, so doctors decided to keep as much of his leg as possible.

The longer the limb preserved, the easier it will be for him to regain his walking potential, Dr Chong explained.

Read the full report in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.

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Post time 17-11-2007 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Nov 16, 2007         

Motorcyclist dies after his bike hits kerb

A MALAY man in his late-50s died after his motorcycle hit a kerb at the junction of Changi Road and Telok Kurau Road on Thursday.

He was making a left turn at about 5 pm when he hit the kerb on the right and was flung onto the grass verge.

He was taken unconscious to Changi General Hospital (CGH) where he was pronounced dead at 5.50 pm.

In another accident, a Chinese teenager was crossing Pasir Ris Drive 3 at about 12.10 am on Friday when he was hit by a car.

The pedestrian suffered head injuries and was taken to CGH unconscious.

Witnesses are asked to call the police hotline at 1800-547-1818.

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Post time 17-11-2007 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Singapura : 17 November 2007        

Khalid Khamis

SEORANG penunggang pengiriman maut selepas dipercayai diserang sakit jantung semasa menunggang sehingga motosikalnya terbabas lalu melanggar bebendul jalan dan beliau terjatuh.

Polis berkata Allahyarham Rawi Anwari, 58 tahun, dipercayai hilang kawalan motosikalnya dan terjatuh ketika mengalami serangan jantung dak membelok ke kiri dari Changi Road ke Telok Kurau Road sekitar 5 petang kelmarin.

Bapa dua anak itu, yang sudah lebih 30 tahun menunggang motosikal dan tidak pernah terlibat dalam sebarang nahas jalan raya sebelum ini, dikejarkan ke Hospital Besar Changi (CGH).

Namun beliau tidak dapat diselamatkan dan disahkan meninggal dunia sekitar 5.50 petang di hospital.

Polis masih menyiasat punca kemalangan itu, yang berlaku semasa Allahyarham, sedang bertugas dengan menunggang motosikal jenis Honda Phantom.

Dalam sijil kematian, punca kematian Allahyarham dikaitkan dengan serangan jantung. Namun Allahyarham dipercayai tidak mempunyai rekod menghidap sebarang penyakit.

Allahyarham meninggalkan seorang balu berusia 50-an tahun dan dua anak lelaki berusia 20 dan 16 tahun.

Anak sulungnya baru mula menjalani Perkhidmatan Negara (NS) sekitar tiga minggu lalu.

Keluarga itu enggan diinterviu semasa Berita Harian mengunjungi flat tiga bilik mereka di Bedok Reservoir.

Jenazah Allahyarham dikebumi petang semalam.


inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi roji 'uun

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Post time 17-11-2007 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Luar Negara : 17 November 2007         

KUALA LUMPUR: Anggota Parlimen (AP) Barisan Nasional Jerai, Datuk Badruddin Amiruldin, meminta maaf kepada semua wanita ekoran tengkarah kenyataannya dalam Perhimpunan Agung Umno pada minggu lalu.

'Saya tidak bermaksud menjadi seksis atau lucah. Saya, seperti apa yang dikatakan orang Melayu, terlajak kata,' kata beliau semasa ditemui di lobi Dewan Rakyat kelmarin.

Datuk Badruddin berkata beliau tidak bermaksud menyinggung perasaan delegasi perhimpunan itu atau kaum wanita.

'Saya ada anak perempuan dan wanita adalah bahagian penting dalam jentera pemilihan dan perkhidmatan saya di Jerai. Saya meminta maaf kepada semua wanita jika mereka berasa tersinggung dan saya ikhlas,' jelasnya.

Kenyataan maaf Datuk Badruddin itu dibuat selepas anggota Parlimen Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) bagi Bukit Gelugor, Encik Karpal Singh, memberi amaran bahawa beliau akan menimbulkan isu itu kepada awam.

Sambil memetik laporan akhbar New Straits Times (NST), Encik Karpal berkata Datuk Badruddin menyampuk dengan kata-kata seksisnya itu apabila seorang perwakilan Umno menegur pakaian seragam pramugari AirAsia, sambil menceritakan pengalaman rakannya yang kurang selesa melihat pramugari pesawat itu duduk dengan menampakkan kaki, betis dan pahanya yang terdedah.

Ketika itu, Datuk Badruddin menyampuk, sambil berkata: 'Ya, kita pun boleh melihat terowong dalam skirtnya.'

Encik Karpal menggesa Datuk Badruddin meminta maaf kepada semua wanita dalam masa tujuh hari sebelum dijadikannya 'satu isu awam'. -- NST.


cabul nyer mulut....:@

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