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tabasco posted on 18-5-2013 01:14 PM 
the chaser dengan no mercy belum lagi...haa mother pun orang kata best.
aku dah tengok a bitte ...
cer try...best gak
aku belum tengok yg lagi 2 siri vengeance tuh...nanti nk try gak
oldboy aku boleh appreciate keunikan filem tu tp aku tak suka ceritanya
yayan_froggy90 posted on 17-5-2013 02:09 AM 
sebenarnya aku xbrpe reti la nk donlod kt
rapid ke..mediafire ke...
camne nk guna wey?? hahahah ...
senang je yayan.. ko cari citer yg ko nak download.. then ko pilih zippyshare sbb ni plg senang and cepat.. zippyshare ni salu dorang pecah2 kan ke beberapa parts.. so kalu ade 4 parts, ko donlod a suma.. lepas dah siap donlod, ko "extract here" je.. ta da! cer ko try aku br siap donlod citer snitch dgn kaho na pyaar hai.. hehe
i3aizura posted on 21-5-2013 10:29 AM 
senang je yayan.. ko cari citer yg ko nak download.. then ko pilih zippyshare sbb ni plg senang an ...
camtu ke? dia xpyh apa2 software ek?
cth IDM? sbb aku malas nk dwload IDM..semak la..hihi
yayan_froggy90 posted on 21-5-2013 11:48 PM 
camtu ke? dia xpyh apa2 software ek?
cth IDM? sbb aku malas nk dwload IDM..semak la..hihi
aah x payah guna pape software.. time extract guna winzip je.. senang kan.. aku pun x suke nak gune idm, torrent bagai.. direct donlod je mudah and simple
Girls Against Boys 2012
try tgk movie ni
thrill abes  |
i3aizura posted on 22-5-2013 04:45 PM 
aah x payah guna pape software.. time extract guna winzip je.. senang kan.. aku pun x suke nak gun ...
camtu ehh? oke2
thanks babe!
yayan_froggy90 posted on 23-5-2013 04:05 PM 
camtu ehh? oke2
thanks babe!
no problem
takutle.. tengok movie ganas & brutal |
horror movie hihihihihi...
cherry08 posted on 28-5-2013 05:31 PM 
horror movie hihihihihi...
apsal hang mengilai?......seram aku
Aku sbnarnye xbape gemar film2 horror ni..tp ape yg blh aku katakan The Critters I,II,III dan IV mmg best..aku blh layan horrornye... |
philipinoe2 posted on 25-4-2013 01:46 PM 
MAMA [2013]
gif mama ni bikin aku turperanjat sajor..
tapi bole simpan pekene member.. 
I don't watch mlives based on people's recommendation. I prefer to watch movies based on the Trailers.
This movie Trailer is Awesome & I heard that it's an awesome movie!!!
The reailer is below, so enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k10ETZ41q5o |
Cuba tengok ceriter ni
CREEP (2004)

When a London modeling agency booker dozes off while waiting for the midnight subway train, the subterranean terror that awaits her in the underground tunnels will send her screaming for her life through a dark labyrinth in this horror entry directed by Christopher Smith and starring Run Lola Run's Franka Potente.
Awakening to discover that the midnight train has passed and she is locked in the station, Kate reluctantly steps onto a mysterious empty train for a ride she will not soon forget. As the train grinds to a stop in the pitch black tunnels of the London Underground, Kate realizes that she is not alone in the darkness and if she has any hope of surviving until dawn she'll have to fight for her life against an unimaginable horror too terrifying for the light of day. |
My Recommendations:
1) The Descent
2) What Lies Beneath
3) The Sixth Sense
4) The Mist
5) The Orphanage
6) Rosemary's Baby
7) Insidious
8) The Haunting in Connecticut
9) The Woman in Black
10) Sleepy Hollow |
mekjena posted on 27-2-2009 04:25 PM 
3. P 2
mana saw 2
belum ada mood nk tgok saw.. sebab tau..musti tahap ngeri kejam ganas siot giler2 punyer.... tpi mandangkan james yg wat.. mcm nk kena tgok gak.. malas nk layan kt lappy (megashare).... sambar dvd jela(tgok smbil baring..pehtu tutup muka ngan bantal)...  |
BabeYSHa posted on 30-8-2013 09:51 AM 
mcam best je... nk tgok la.. tpi ..musti ada selit2 adegan tut2 sket kan.... jgn2 ada ...
best..pompuan tu saiko sajokk..muke pn lain mcm bila tgk org..dia suke2 bunuh lelaki..haha
Last edited by hanna88 on 30-8-2013 09:57 AM
hanna88 posted on 30-8-2013 09:55 AM 
best..pompuan tu saiko sajokk..muke pn lain mcm bila tgk org..dia suke2 bunuh lelaki..haha
musti penuh dendam kesumat tue... nk tgok la nnti... 
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