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Author: Zaheera

JYJ S'case Tour 10 Live In M'sia ~ FAN ACCOUNT

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:01 AM | Show all posts
me rasa JYJ ni dtg direct dari singapore.. tah ler amik flight apa n kul baper.. jgn jd abe umah sebelah sudah, kena naik bas turun KL wakakak.... tak mungkin kot.... balik maybe malam tu gaks gamaknye, flight bese aaa kul 11 lebey tu... tp tataw ler kot diaorg nk lepak2 kat KL satu hari ker khennnnnnnn.........

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Reply  HideGulz

mesti lah ticket korang sebelah menyebelah..sebab ticket tuh korang dua jer keke ...
anylia Post at 13-10-2010 10:54

me amik kat stadium jek la. Sbb sabtu tu me kena balik kampung... nak layan gosip terkini
nae, ahad me calling2 mung... tapi jgn tak angkat plak. Mau kena bakar nanti

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:43 AM | Show all posts
pilih nak dtg awal ke x nak!! seat kiter nanti akan buat project 'W' tuh.. sib baik icsha kasi tau a ...
JUSTcircle Post at 13-10-2010 01:41

aku ikot je jc oi...ape2 hal nnti aku contact ye...projek ape neh...nnti kang aku study

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts
me rasa JYJ ni dtg direct dari singapore.. tah ler amik flight apa n kul baper.. jgn jd ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 13-10-2010 11:01

after mesia dorg xde pg mner2 lgik ker untuk showcase ?
kalu straight blik korea, btul lh tgh malam depart.. tp takot dorg ade kena g mner2

so...... nk taw exactly flight depart dorg ni...

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:47 AM | Show all posts
after mesia dorg xde pg mner2 lgik ker untuk showcase ?  
kalu straight blik korea, btul lh ...
muun Post at 13-10-2010 11:46

gigih nmpk nk menstalk?

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1113# JUSTcircle

jc, aku xde litestick? otoke? adakah aku harus dikecualikan dr projek ini?

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:56 AM | Show all posts
jom park kat TS. Tapi make sure bawak banyak duit utk bayar duit parking nant ...
HideGulz Post at 12-10-2010 23:47

wiken mahal sikit max per day rm 10 on bwk duit sckup nye...hehehehe~~
so nk jln je ke ke stadium tu?

nk p TS ni sng jer...ikut jer federal hiway...jln trussssssssss jer smpi syed putra skali...
then end syed putra tu jupe roundabout amik kol 3...
pehtu amik jln trus jer, himpit kiri la tp nye...
pi TS tse tau...but stadium neg xtau...hahahhaa~~~

wahhhh...jeles nye dpt tix VIP...hmmm...x mampu la plak den nk rembat VIP...
dh abih dh pon kotttt!!!hhahahahaa~~~
nnt pluk ciyum kan JJ neh...

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Post time 13-10-2010 12:07 PM | Show all posts
aku ikot je jc oi...ape2 hal nnti aku contact ye...projek ape neh...nnti kang aku study
momoko Post at 13-10-2010 11:43

proj ape ni wei??
sowi la...tse ni main terjahhhh jer ni...mklm ar las min rembat tix kekdah nye...

JC ni amik free stding ke??
nk rebut gak free stding....huhuhuhu~~
bujet smpi stadium kol bp wei???

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Post time 13-10-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
wiken mahal sikit max per day rm 10 on bwk duit sckup nye...hehehehe~~
so  ...
cmf_tse Post at 13-10-2010 11:56

since me dari klang. me gi TS ikut kesas highway. Dekat sket. Kalo mu betul2 nak park kat TS, kita leh meet up la before gerak ke stadium.

mu ni dah dapat tiket ke belum? ikut cara posting cam belum jek

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Post time 13-10-2010 12:50 PM | Show all posts
since me dari klang. me gi TS ikut kesas highway. Dekat sket. Kalo mu betul2 nak park ka ...
HideGulz Post at 13-10-2010 12:35

ooo....kesas hiway cam costly gak kotttt...hehehehe~~~
takpe2...ikut jer mn jln asal smpi!!

ade la tix nye dh...bru decide smlm then trus jer pi rembt...hahahaha~~
tu yg trus jer terjah forum ni las min...

tp mu VIP leh p lmbt2 lex2 xyh rebut...
ku ni free standing jahhhhh...
so kne kuwat kan semangat terjah stadium awl2 kotttt...

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Post time 13-10-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
ooo....kesas hiway cam costly gak kotttt...hehehehe~~~
takpe2...ikut jer mn jln asal smpi!! ...
cmf_tse Post at 13-10-2010 12:50

kalo free standing mmg harus berebut tempat lor... camna tuh. Leh ke kita meet up kat TS?  

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Post time 13-10-2010 01:53 PM | Show all posts
kalo free standing mmg harus berebut tempat lor... camna tuh. Leh ke kita meet up kat TS?  ; ...
HideGulz Post at 13-10-2010 12:57

kalau setakat nak meet up ptg after show ok jahhhhh....
shud b np...

yg prob nye nk pi pg ni ha...
ade sesape lagi x yg nk kne rebut free standing pg ahd nnt??
uols dari mana?TS ke trus ke stadium?

btw, ade surau ke dlm stadium tu?
tau ade msjd jer sblh VI...:cf:

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Post time 13-10-2010 04:00 PM | Show all posts
wengoo ada nombor JC kan?
just call me on that day ok?
oh, dont forget to bring rm6 for each t ...
JUSTcircle Post at 12-10-2010 18:27

    JC..xde num JC la..
pm weng yer..
okeyh t weng bwk duitnyer~~

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  anylia

    suka dgr sore Yc ckp english ehehehehehe  ottoke...jaejoong help me.. ...
hadiff05 Post at 13-10-2010 07:48 AM

    YC nyer slang english dah makin menurun.... adoi la.. x tau la..

psst.. thanks sbb jadik Tourist Guide tok area Cheras tadik..

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:35 PM | Show all posts
alahai awalnye diaorg nk bagi free gift.... humm.. takper aa me gi aje aa ikut time me. ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 13-10-2010 07:22 AM

    tu la Hana.. aku mmg nak mai awal.. so, senang korg kejar aku kot nak tiket..

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:37 PM | Show all posts area M tue but project W?? camne tu??? erm..awal la derang buat..aku baru nak ger ...
amyhisashi Post at 13-10-2010 07:55 AM

wording.. kiranya akan ada seat2 tertentu yg akan kena nyalakan litestick.. yg lain kena tutup.. so, nampal la huruf W nanti..

jap2.. korg.. apa yg dimaksudkan dgn W tuh?
and.. aku ni x tau sgt la kan pasal saranghae projek.. but ap ayg aku pasan.. belon tuh tulis nama DBSK? er.. er.. perlu ker kiter letak.. er.. er.. x per la.. x nak ckp la..

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:38 PM | Show all posts
tak paham ar psl projek "W"...lombab sket ..sama mcm line tenet opis nih gak...
adina80 Post at 13-10-2010 08:48 AM

proj ape ni wei??
sowi la...tse ni main terjahhhh jer ni...mklm ar las min rembat tix kekdah  ...
cmf_tse Post at 13-10-2010 12:07 PM

dah terangkan kat post aku reply amy tadik.. hehehe!

tse.. sila rujuk #1113.. aku ada tepek projek tuh.. sbnrnya aku pun mcm phm seskit jerk yg lelain tuh..

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:39 PM | Show all posts
laaa...projek buat wording W tu kat M1 ker??jesi,tu area tmpt duduk kita kan??aduhai..aku takde lite ...
lin0me Post at 13-10-2010 10:17 AM

    yup.. seat kiter semua terlibat.. so, kot kalo seat ko kena.. seat aku x kena ker..pepandai la kiter pinjam meminjam kat cassie yg lain.. hehehe! ok x cadangan aku?

yup.. apa2hal ko roger aku k?

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:40 PM | Show all posts
ade sesaper taw flight detail dorg reach n depart tak ?

dorg reach mesia mgkin x dpt g epot...  ...
muun Post at 13-10-2010 10:37 AM

Nak follow akak stalk dorg balik Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 13-10-2010 08:41 PM | Show all posts
aku ikot je jc oi...ape2 hal nnti aku contact ye...projek ape neh...nnti kang aku study
momoko Post at 13-10-2010 11:43 AM

    study tok exam ko dlu baru study chanting.. wei.. tido umah aku la malam tuh.. nak? kiter reramai berlatih chanting!!!

cepat2!!! saper nak titun Sabtu malam kat umah aku!! meh kiter gerak sama2... (tido homestay saya..)

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