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mlm ni nak taruk gambar.. sat ek..
[ Last edited by eyzlyn at 3-8-2008 11:12 AM ] |
niagara fall canada diambil dari belakang, so tak nampaklah air turun
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Reply #1203 aimez's post
aimez.. cantiknya.... mabeles |
Reply #1203 aimez's post
Bugs away...
lalalalalalalal lady bird.. lalalalala butterfly
teringat cerita mrs spider kat treehouse channel |
Reply #1196 tam99's post
There is an animal grazing kat dalam tu. |
Reply #1199 bitterchoc's post
Thank you for your compliments..
Don磘 shy away from leaving your comments.. |
Reply #1201 eyzlyn's post
Almost looking like a cyclone.. |
Reply #1203 aimez's post
Very nice capture, Aimez. |
Reply #1206 Tillingtan's post
Yup, you are absolutely right, Tillingtan...ada kuda kat stadium olimpik tuh! |
hi all,
camera canon powershot yg comel tu, leh tak bagi tips for better picture..
nk try tgk kut2 gambar ku mabil menarik lak.. sbb camera tu jer ku ada...
lalingku adalah camera dia... yg lainlah.. jenis canggih manggih punya...
tapi for me, cukuplah yg kecik tu jer kan.. any tips.. please... |
Reply #1211 lilo_kill's post
kalau cannon power shoot tu, payah nak dpt gambar mcm kualiti SLR. tapi ko boleh buat gambar tu jadi lawa, dgn syarat kena pandai edit la. aku selalu guna Microsoft digital image 2006 editor utk edit gambar.yg gelap bagi cerahkan, pastu adjust color, contrast, exposure semua. aku pun pakai canon kecik tu jugak. kalau gambar FM, makanan, memang ambil pakai camera kecik tu la. kalau ko tgk gambo lawa semacam tu, sah-sah king yg amik
kalau pandai guna photoshop, lagi cun.
yg gambar lawa tepek kat sini ni, diaorg semua pakai SLR ambil, pasai tu sharp n lawa |
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thnx Momod Lilo & pinat
thnx Tillingtan....Ezlynn , slalu kan miss SPider dorg tayang, jrg la plak Max & Ruby toopy binoo tu sumer..
[ Last edited by aimez at 8-8-2008 11:47 AM ] |
Reply #1212 eyzlyn's post
betul sesgt tu Lynn...wa pon kdg2 guna Photoshop jugak. gambar yg nampak noise bulih di haluskan etc.
dan yg penting sekali org di belakang camera tak kiralah pki D/SLR ka P&S ka.
Camera hanyalah tool...kan kan...
Lilo, kalo nak gambar cantik2 bkn setakat guna photoshop, Adobe Photoshop LightRoom guna Presets/Auction aje pon boleh.
yg ni senang giler nak buat.
kalo nak software or Plugins PM jek kat aku. ;)
Ni hasil gambar yg aku edit ngan LightRoom pastu aku buang noise guna Neat Image plugins di CS3..
*padahal huduh benar gambar nih. |
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Reply #1215 aimez's post
Adobe lightroom memang ku idam..
bolehke kita download plugins for photoshop elements? |
Reply #1211 lilo_kill's post
Lilo, satu lagi , Lilo boleh teliti gambar yg di ambil oleh orang lain. Saya pun buat macam itu... . Flickr has the best pictures. Ramai contributers yg profesional contribute their pictures. Banyak gambar yg telah di touch up tapi yg penting ialah quality capture itu sendiri. |
Gambar di ambil in a store in Reykjavik.
View of Mt. Keilir, Iceland( yg Pyramid shape tuuu...) |
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Reply #1216 Tillingtan's post
Boleh...utk Elements ia mmg ada khas plugins'nya..
Till, kalo mau Adobe LR nyer software termasuk Presets aku boleh zipkan filenya pastu antar dan download kat Rapidfile.
PM jek aku, ok. ;)
btw, nice pics Till.
korang kalo camera ada fungsi RAW, JPEG, TIFF etc try shot RAW file.
kelebihannya mmg byk...salah satunya juga kaler/resolution takkan berkureng/hilang berbanding shot JPEG apabila di simpan di pc.
cuma satu aje, RAW file besar gedebak berapa byk aje yg leh shot.
tp bila dah di convert ke CS2/3 ka mana2 software yg leh support RAW file, gambar pong jd cung!
skrg ni ku tgk dah byk gallery spt Flickr, Picasa, Smugmug etc yg leh support sumer files.
pastu boleh edit/touch-up lg sbb dah ada plugins spt software yg kita guna. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara