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Author: daitechgroup

[Dunia] V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hyie posted on 6-4-2014 05:30 AM
menarik juga kan pengolahan cerita bradokapak, iols baru abes baca. Nak percaya 100% tu tidakla, sek ...

komando kita first class

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:40 PM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 01:37 PM
komando kita first class

first class dalam konteks apa? tak paham

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:47 PM | Show all posts
Innrukia posted on 6-4-2014 12:25 PM
Berpinau baca pjg sgt...kalau bg link lagik bagus

ok je aku baca.byk songel kau ni.


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Post time 6-4-2014 01:48 PM | Show all posts
biter tv3 suku pun xde apa2 perkhabaran..
masih sendu...

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:51 PM | Show all posts
hyie posted on 6-4-2014 01:40 PM
first class dalam konteks apa? tak paham

yg aku tau kita experience lwn jepun n komunis dlm hutan je....
tapi mmg lama la mrk diperbatasan...sampai mcm2 lagu dicipta...
perang skala besar xde...harap2 dijauhi la...


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Post time 6-4-2014 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Org makin lost interest dgn berita nie pasal lama sangat dah.

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Jamaliah_ posted on 6-4-2014 01:47 PM
ok je aku baca.byk songel kau ni.

nasib ada yg sudi layan songeh aku.... dapat baca kat blog tu tanpa stop
nice teori

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:52 PM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 12:29 PM

nanti kaka @Changa akan berkata :

"baik sembah berhala dik"

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:53 PM | Show all posts
MelahJanda posted on 6-4-2014 12:26 PM
takkanlah kaitan dgn khazanah rahim tamby chik pulak. ciput je tu baru 1 bilion

The ship was called the Flor de la Mar: Flower of the Sea.
Built in 1502, weighing 400 tons, and made for traveling from Portugal to India and back, it was twice the size of other ships that had gone on the run.

This type of vessel was called a ‘carraca’ or ‘nao’ by the Spanish, ‘caraque’ or ‘nef’ in French, and ‘carrack’ in English. In the Flor’s homeland of Portugal, the ship was known as a “nau”.

The Flor was part of an era of exploration, colonization, and exploitation. Three masts and six sails, square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast, drove the tall, rounded hull through thousands of miles of ocean waters.

Ships of this type opened the riches of distant countries far away to European conquerors. Famous relatives to the Flor de la Mar include Columbus’ Santa Maria, Vasco de Gama’s São Gabriel, and Magellan’s Victoria.

The Flor was something of a prototype for what would become the typical 16th Century India nau.
The ship’s experience with difficulties maneuvering also led to the institutionalization of the “outer route.” Captains of heavily loaded big ships were ordered to sail east of Madagascar rather than navigating the fast Mozambique Channel.

The Flor’s service life had been exceptionally long for a ship on the India run. Built for only three or four years of work, she lasted from 1502-1511. However, her design made her dangerously unseaworthy when fully loaded, and her service in various campaigns had necessitated many repairs.
Eventually, these issues would play a part in the Flor sailing into history with what some claim is the largest naval treasure ever lost.

In command of the Flor was Alfonso de Albuquerque. He was known (depending on your perspective) as The Great, The Terrible, The Portuguese Mars, The Caesar of the East, and The Lion of the Sea.

Alfonso was a Portuguese fidalgo, or nobleman, whose titles included Duke of Goa and Governor of Portuguese India.
His successes in conquest were many. Included in these, he had put the King of Cochin in power, built a fort in Cochin (now known as Kochi, in western India), and established the foundation for Portugal’s empire in the East.

He had commanded a squadron of ships that sailed against the island of Ormuz in 1507: one of the chief centers of commerce in the East. He had brought Goa under Portuguese authority in 1510 and captured Malacca-one of the richest cities in the world at the time- in 1511. His successful strategy of trying to close all Indian Ocean naval passages imposed Portuguese power in a significant portion of Asia.

It seems Alonso did not believe in the expression, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Most of his riches were placed in one ship: an enormous treasure filled the hold of the Flor de la Mar.

As you might recall, the Flor’s design meant that it was dangerous and hard to maneuver when filled to capacity as well as having been repaired numerous times.
Despite the ship’s unsafe condition, Albuquerque used it for its large capacity to transport his display of Malaccan treasures. There was also an impressive tribute from the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) to the king of Portugal and all of Alfonso de Albuquerque’s own fortune.

It was the largest treasure ever assembled by the Portuguese navy, and included 60 tons of gold from the house of the Sultan of Malacca. Supposedly, 200 gem chests were filled with diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

Accompanied by four other ships, the Flor set sail for Portugal in November, 1511.


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Post time 6-4-2014 01:54 PM | Show all posts
hyie posted on 6-4-2014 01:30 PM
menarik juga kan pengolahan cerita bradokapak, iols baru abes baca. Nak percaya 100% tu tidakla, sek ...

Aku rasa kepulauan spratly


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Post time 6-4-2014 01:56 PM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 6-4-2014 12:05 PM
kapak tu kuat dgn kyakinan mh370 ada kat laut cina selatan
tapi dlm post dia, dia lupa nak bagi h ...

bkn dia lupa la..dia x terima..mcm aku juga.....mcm cipantenuk pun...

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:56 PM | Show all posts
hyie posted on 6-4-2014 01:30 PM
menarik juga kan pengolahan cerita bradokapak, iols baru abes baca. Nak percaya 100% tu tidakla, sek ...

point yg dia bagi tak mengejutkan aku. aku tak marah & hilang kepercayaan pn.

dia yakin masih kt laut china selatan.. tp dia lupa nak bg point utk lawan ckp tudm
tudm bgtau kemungkinan mh370 patah balik, smpai pulau pinang sana.. dan tudm yakin dgn penemuan diorg tu.
sbb tu SAR kt selat melaka pn ada buat awal.

utk kukuhkan teori dia, dia perlu bg bukti utk patahkan dakwaan tudm yg pesawat berpatah balik


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Post time 6-4-2014 01:57 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 6-4-2014 01:56 PM
bkn dia lupa la..dia x terima..mcm aku juga.....mcm cipantenuk pun...

dia tak terima, msti dia kena bg point utk lawan fakta tu. hehe

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Post time 6-4-2014 01:59 PM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 6-4-2014 01:56 PM
point yg dia bagi tak mengejutkan aku. aku tak marah & hilang kepercayaan pn.

dia yakin masih  ...

yawn..yawn....semua statement tu boleh apa problem nya? mana2 pihak boleh kata..radar kami nampak.....baru idup kaaaa...

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Post time 6-4-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 6-4-2014 01:57 PM
dia tak terima, msti dia kena bg point utk lawan fakta tu. hehe

ada baik nya lu belek balik kat blog dia tu..

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Post time 6-4-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 6-4-2014 01:59 PM
yawn..yawn....semua statement tu boleh apa problem nya? mana2 pihak boleh kata..radar k ...

cmne aku nk buat bunyi kucing marah ni. ahah


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Post time 6-4-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 6-4-2014 02:00 PM
cmne aku nk buat bunyi kucing marah ni. ahah

sila guugle....

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Post time 6-4-2014 02:06 PM | Show all posts
"The search and investigation into missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is already the most expensive in aviation history, figures released to Fairfax Media suggest. The snippets of costings provide only a small snapshot but the $US50 million ($54 million) spent on the two-year probe into Air France Flight 447 — the previous record — appears to have been easily surpassed after just four weeks.... The biggest expense in the search has involved ships, satellites, planes and submarines deployed first in the South China Sea and the Malacca Straits, and then in the remote reaches of the southern Indian Ocean."

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Post time 6-4-2014 02:07 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 6-4-2014 02:00 PM
ada baik nya lu belek balik kat blog dia tu..

hmm mungkin aku ada terlepas pandang ni.. hehe


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Post time 6-4-2014 02:07 PM | Show all posts
Innrukia posted on 6-4-2014 01:54 PM
Aku rasa kepulauan spratly

Spratly tu milik Malaysia dah ke dik non? kekdahnye masih jadi rebutan negara2 disekelilignya, ummah US pun gigih nak caras untuk bikin pangkalan tentera, untuk lengkapkan misi NWO katanya...katanya lah kan...fening kepala iols pasal NWO nih

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