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Post time 21-5-2004 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karynn at 20-5-2004 18:27:

ekekekek... ko ngantuk je ke?

aku siap tertidur kejap... ehehehhe... busan tul...

bila dah 2nd half.. baru mula best...

aku lak menguap 4,5 kali....hehehe...tapi aku pastikan aku tak tidur...nanti tak paham jalan citer....apa pun citer ni best....

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Post time 22-5-2004 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Aku rasa tak mungkin....sebab tradisi Academy Award ialah memilih filem2 yang ditayangkan pada penghujung tahun....

sekarang ialah musim SUmmer Blokcbuster....filem2 musim panas adalah jenis filem2 Box Office, Budget Tinggi, Mega-Blockbuster dan sebagainya.....sebab itu lahirnya istilah Summer Blockbuster....manakala filem2 yang dikeluarkan dipenghujung tahun biasa dikenali sebagai filem2 untuk meraih perhatian award.....

satu perkara yg lazim ialah filem2 akhir tahun yg selalunya menjadi pilihan untuk apa2 award....

Ye ker? Tak semua filem yang tercalon kat Oscar keluar hujung tahun. Sebagai contoh, filem-filem kat bawah ni...keluar awal/pertengahan tahun tapi apsal dapat jugak pencalonan kat Oscar untuk kategori Best Picture? Ada jugak yang menang tu.....

Seabiscuit - 25 Julai 2003
Lost in Translation - 29 Ogos 2003
Gladiator - 1 Mei 2000

Lagi satu, Troy, walaupun keluar awal tahun ni, tetap jadi antara filem yang diramal oleh penonton

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Post time 22-5-2004 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Rhyno at 22-5-2004 00:23:

Ye ker? Tak semua filem yang tercalon kat Oscar keluar hujung tahun. Sebagai contoh, filem-filem kat bawah ni...keluar awal/pertengahan tahun tapi apsal dapat jugak pencalonan kat Oscar untuk k ...

itulah aku cakap.....tradisi adalah tradisi....kemungkinan adalah tetap kemungkinan......corak2 yg biasa berlaku adalah tradisi.....tetapi kebarangkalian berlaku perkara diluar kebarangkalian sentiasa ada......spt aku kata kenapa beberapa jenis filem tu produser dia nak letak akhir tahun adalah kerana ingin pancing mana2 award......sebab peluang besar kat situ....tapi ada jugaklah peluang filem2 yg diluar musim akhir tahun "kena no ekor".....dengan syarat....produser dan konco2nya kena melobi....macam SeaBiscuit...kalau tak usaha mereka2 melobi utk Oscar....maka mungkin ia akan terpinggir juga.....

Merujuk pada Troy, ia masih agak samar2 untuk mengatakan ia akan tercalon oscar Best Picture....sebab bergantung juga kepada kesunggguhan produser dia mengusahakan filem itu untuk mendapat perhatian pihak akademi.....satu lagi...buat masa ini....para pengkritik meletakkan Troy dalam keadaan sederhana sahaja.....tidak seperti Gladiator yang lebih cermerlang.......

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meeonly This user has been deleted
Post time 22-5-2004 12:58 PM | Show all posts
bagi pendapat aku, citer ni walaupun tiada kesan impak penggunaan komputer yang terlampau macam LOTR tetapi citer ni bagi aku amat berkesan..

Citer ni memang superb..macam nak tengok berkali-kali..

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Post time 22-5-2004 10:13 PM | Show all posts
eee.... TROY best la... dah kuar wayangpun terbayang2 lagi... paling best eric bana! paling sedih masa king piam tu nak mintak mayat anak dia dari brad pitt...

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Post time 23-5-2004 11:55 PM | Show all posts
ituler...dh kata dah... eric bana mmg best.

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Post time 24-5-2004 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyka at 2004-5-22 10:13 PM:
eee.... TROY best la... dah kuar wayangpun terbayang2 lagi... paling best eric bana! paling sedih masa king piam tu nak mintak mayat anak dia dari brad pitt...

lakonan eric bana sbg prince hector memang best. first time tengok dia berlakon. paling sedih part malam dia bersiap sedia untuk bertarung dengan achilles esoknya, masa dia berdiri je depan cradle tengok baby dia tidur, macam tau je dia akan mati esok. masa scene tu aku dah berjurai-jurai air mata tengok :cry:... apatah lagi part bila dia mati:cry:...macam tengok cite hindustan plak rasanya...
aku memang sensitif part mati2 ni:cry:
paling hampeh, prince paris dgn helen tu. lembik nak mampos, diri sendiri tak terbela, inikan pulak nak mempertahankan negara. tak berbaloi troy musnah hanya kerana seorang wanita yg bukan hak mereka. patutnya diorang berdua ni la yang mati dibunuh (versi aku), punca pnyebab segala-galanya.

lakonan bradd pitt pun ok jugak la. achilles tu bukannya jahat sangat, walaupun dia yg bunuh prince hector. dia pun kira honorable warrior jugak la cam prince hector, tu yg tak boleh nak benci watak dia ni.

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Post time 26-5-2004 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 2004-5-15 02:21 PM:
audio system pun buruk... :cf:

ko tingu di cinema mana ni? .. aku tingu di cinema 3, GSC .. aku rasa ok ja

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Post time 26-5-2004 02:22 AM | Show all posts

TROY - filem mesti tonton thn 2004

bg aku .. utk sepanjang tempoh hampir 5 bulan pertama thn ni ..

inilah filem yg paling aku suka .. yg paling berkesan ..

& yg akan aku kenang utk 1 jangka masa yg bkn sekejap cuma ..

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Post time 26-5-2004 02:49 AM | Show all posts

TROY - Memorable Quotes

Priam: I've fought many wars in my time. Some I've fought for land, some for power, some for glory. I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest
Agamemnon: A great victory was won today, but that victory was not yours. Kings do not kneel to Achilles. Kings do not pay homage to Achilles.
Achilles: Perhaps the kings were too far behind to see: the soldiers won the battle.
Agamemnon: History remembers KINGS, not soldiers! Tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Troy. I'll build monuments for victory on every island of Greece. I'll carve Agamemnon in the stones.
Achilles: Be careful King of kings. First you need the victory.
Paris: I won't ask you to fight my war.
Hector: You already have.
Hector: Tell me little brother, have you ever killed a man?
Paris: No
Hector: Ever seen a man die in combat?
Paris: No
Hector: I've killed men and I've heard them dying and I've watched them dying and there's nothing glorious about it
Hector: You say you're willing to die for love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!
Achilles: It changes nothing, you're still my enemy come morning.
Priam: You're still my enemy tonight, but even enemies can show respect.
Helen: Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost. I walked and I ate and I swam in the sea. I was just a ghost.
Paris: You don't have to fear tomorrow. Come with me!
Helen: Don't play with me. Don't play.
Paris: If you come, we'll never be safe. Men will hunt us. The Gods will curse us... but I'll love you. Until the day they burn my body, I will love you.
Achilles: Perhaps your brother can comfort them. I hear he's good at charming other men's wives.
Helen: You should not have come here tonight.
Paris: That's what you said last night?
Helen: Last night was a mistake.
Paris: And the night before?
Helen: I have made many mistakes this week.
Achilles: You gave me peace in a lifetime of war.
Achilles: [when asked why he let Hector go] It's too early in the day to kill Princes
Achilles: [to his men] Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!
Achilles: [to Hector] Get up, Prince of Troy! I won't let a stone rob me of my glory!
Priam: I loved my son from the moment he opened his eyes until the moment you closed them.
Messenger Boy: They say you can't be killed.
Achilles: Well, I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I?
Briseis: Why did you choose this life?
Achilles: What life?
Briseis: To be a great warrior.
Achilles: I chose nothing. I was born and this is what I am.
Odysseus: [to Achilles] War is young men dying and old men talking. Ignore the politics.
Hector: I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday, and I wish it *had* been you.
Achilles: You won't have eyes tonight, you won't have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know, "This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed Achilles."
Agamemnon: [on the death of Patroclus] That boy may have just saved the war for us.
Achilles: [To Priam] You're a better king than the one leading this army
Hector: I killed a boy today. He was young; too young.
Briseis: I thought you were a dumb brute. I could have forgiven a dumb brute
Briseis: Stop! Too many men have died today! If killing is your only talent, that's your curse. I don't want anyone dying for me.
Achilles: [removing his helmet] Now you know who you are fighting!
Menelaus: May the Gods keep the wolves in the hills and the women in our beds.
Messenger Boy: The Thessalonian you're fighting, he's the biggest man I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him.
Achilles: That is why no one will remember your name.
Hector: Sometimes the gods bless you in the morning and curse you in the afternoon.
Priam: I have endured what no one on earth has endured. I have kissed the hands of the man who killed my son.
Achilles: Priam?
Odysseus: How is it an insult to call a dead man dead?
Menelaus: [to Paris] See the crows? They've never tasted Prince before.
Agamemnon: Peace is for women and the weak.

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Post time 26-5-2004 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2004-5-26 02:49 AM:

Dialog2 dalm TROY memang cantik, berseni ayat dia.
the best dialog for me is when the old king Priam plead to achilles, asking for his dead son's body.
berjurai lagi air mata aku....:cry:


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Post time 26-5-2004 12:32 PM | Show all posts
semlm terbaca kat paper malaymail, psl orlando bloom yg paranoid sbb tengok body brad pitt n eric bana yg lagi tough n lg besar dari badan dia. dia rasa bdn dia skinny kalo banding 2 org tu. dia siap amik personal trainer spjg shooting tu, utk pastikan dia setaraf dgn diorang. tapi aku tengok tetap takleh lwn badan brad n eric.

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Post time 26-5-2004 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FatCat at 2004-5-26 10:46 AM:
Dialog2 dalm TROY memang cantik, berseni ayat dia.
the best dialog for me is when the old king Priam plead to achilles, asking for his dead son's body.
berjurai lagi air mata aku....

herm .. scene tu mmg sedih .. tgk muka Priam yg dgn mata dia yg tgh "berkaca-kaca" tu sungguh menyayukan .. tambah pula dgn ayat yg dia ucapkan ..

"I loved my son from the moment he opened his eyes until the moment you closed them."

mmg remuk hati Priam tgk anak dia sungkur kecundang di tangan Achilles ..

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Post time 27-5-2004 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 25-5-04 08:32 PM:
semlm terbaca kat paper malaymail, psl orlando bloom yg paranoid sbb tengok body brad pitt n eric bana yg lagi tough n lg besar dari badan dia. dia rasa bdn dia skinny kalo banding 2 org tu. dia si ...

Kalau badan dia besar tapi watak dia dalam Troy sbg anak raja bongsu yang tak pandai berlawan ...lagilah lawak. Biarlah dia kurus macam itu baru sesuai dgn watak dia.

Nak tunggu Alexander The Great pulak

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Post time 27-5-2004 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at  02:00 AM:

Kalau badan dia besar tapi watak dia dalam Troy sbg anak raja bongsu yang tak pandai berlawan ...lagilah lawak. Biarlah dia kurus macam itu baru sesuai dgn watak dia.

Nak tun ...

:setuju: :setuju: aku ingat leonardo dicaprio jadik alexander the great rupanya collin farell jaddik alexander the great

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meeonly This user has been deleted
Post time 27-5-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 03-12-2003 14:33:

herm .. scene tu mmg sedih .. tgk muka Priam yg dgn mata dia yg tgh "berkaca-kaca" tu sungguh menyayukan .. tambah pula dgn ayat yg dia ucapkan ..


memang sadis citer ni

haku tak faham kalau ada orang yg mengganggap citer ni membosankan

haku rasa Prince Hector ni lebih menyerlah lakonannya

sebab dia baik hati dalam citer ini....

tapi citer ni kan sebuah legend...tak leh nak tukar citer ni.

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Post time 27-5-2004 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meeonly at 2004-5-27 11:13 AM:

memang sadis citer ni

haku tak faham kalau ada orang yg mengganggap citer ni membosankan

haku rasa Prince Hector ni lebih menyerlah lakonannya

sebab dia baik hati dalam citer ini....


yup .. mmg crita ni tergolong dlm kategori sadis .. aku rasa most of us blh agak sbb dulu2 penah ada filem yg ambik kisah yg sama ..

aku pun susah nak faham kenapa ada yg anggap crita ni membosankan .. maybe apa yg ditgk jauh lari dr expectation .. atau mmg bkn their cup of tea .. ntahla .. perbezaan pendapat dlm menafsir filem tak akan pernahnya berhenti .. so aku terima saja la dgn berat hati ..

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Post time 29-5-2004 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 2-5-2004 08:54 PM:
..criter nie memang ambik peluang atas populariti hulk/hensem actors...

..kiter dah tengok trailer dia...fuhhh babak perang ala LOTR.. esp. scene kapal2 kat laut nak datang serang... ..

yo... ERIC BANA rulezzzz.... hensem siot dia dlm cite nih...

sekarang aku panggil... PARIS THE POND... ngeh ngeh ngeh..
harapkan last sekali dia tau mana nak panah archilles jek (tibe2 terkena badi legolas ) ..lain2 hampeh... dah la menyusah kan org..... buat bini2 kehilangan laki jek... ngeh ngeh ngeh

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Post time 29-5-2004 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 26-5-2004 02:49 AM:

ade lagi satu aku ingat2 lupa... yg archilles kata 'i don't want a stone to take away my glory".. something like that la...

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Post time 30-5-2004 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 2004-5-29 08:49 AM:

ade lagi satu aku ingat2 lupa... yg archilles kata 'i don't want a stone to take away my glory".. something like that la...

yg ni kan ..

Achilles: Get up, Prince of Troy! I won't let a stone rob me of my glory!

ada aku paste dlm himpunan memorable quotes kat atas tu ..

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