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Author: Kazuo

calling all american haters......

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-5-20 10:28 AM:

Hey, I was proving that the people here are not against Christians but US. Chirac is a Christian and is a good example.

How can he be a good example and be so corrupt?

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Did we say that we hate the country or all americans just because we hate bush? I still believe there are few good americans who also against bush's foreign policy & who do not support him. We can only express or convey our hatred feeling toward him but we dont have a power to reject him..only american people can cast  him out of oval office!

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Post time 20-5-2004 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Seraphim at 20-5-2004 10:48:

They should be against Bush and some of the Americans....Not the whole country..
Oh yar..Chirac is not really a good shining example also

You guys are playing dumb is it? I am saying that Chirac is a Christian, which proves that Malaysians are not against Christians but AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Get it. That is a good example, a Christian getting an award from a Muslim Country!!!!

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Post time 20-5-2004 12:25 PM | Show all posts
We are not against Americans as many of Americans are good people,
We are not against Christians as many of Christian are good people,

BUT...We (including Americans and Christian and the rest of civilised world) are against US administrative and their policy.

Look below, Americans against their own government for the abuse of human rights and terror on innocent Iraqis, to you who support US administrative, let me ask you, do you support what they did below?

U.S. Aircraft Reportedly Kills 40 Iraqis ... id=540&ncid=716

By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. aircraft fired on a house in the desert near the Syrian border Wednesday, and Iraqi officials said more than 40 people were killed, including children. The U.S. military said the target was a suspected safehouse for foreign fighters from Syria, but Iraqis said a helicopter had attacked a wedding party.

Associated Press Television News footage showed a truck containing bloodied bodies, many wrapped in blankets, piled one atop the other. Several were children, one of whom was decapitated. The body of a girl who appeared to be less than 5 years of age lay in a white sheet, her legs riddled with wounds and her dress soaked in blood.

The attack happened about 2:45 a.m. in a desert region near the border with Syria and Jordan, according to Lt. Col. Ziyad al-Jbouri, deputy police chief of Ramadi, the provincial capital about 250 miles to the east. He said 42 to 45 people died, including 15 children and 10 women. Dr. Salah al-Ani, who works at a hospital in Ramadi, put the death toll at 45.

The area, a desolate region populated only by shepherds, is popular with smugglers, including weapons smugglers, and the U.S. military suspects militants use it as a route to slip in from Syria to fight the Americans. It is under constant surveillance by American forces.

Military officials in Washington refused to address the question of whether anyone from a wedding party was among the people killed.

In a statement, the U.S. Central Command said coalition forces conducted a military operation at 3 a.m. against a "suspected foreign fighter safe house" in the open desert, about 50 miles southwest of Husaybah and 15 miles from the Syrian border.

The coalition troops came under hostile fire and "close air support was provided," the statement said. The troops recovered weapons, Iraqi and Syrian currency, some passports and some satellite communications gear, it said.

APTN video footage showed mourners with shovels digging graves over a wide dusty area in Ramadi, the provincial capital where bodies of the dead had been taken to obtain death certificates. A group of men crouched and wept around one coffin.

Iraqis interviewed on the videotape said revelers had fired volleys of gunfire into the air in a traditional wedding celebration before the attack took place. American troops have sometimes mistaken celebratory gunfire for hostile fire.

Al-Ani, the doctor, said American troops came to investigate the gunfire and left. However, al-Ani said, helicopters later arrived and attacked the area. Two houses were destroyed, he said.

"This was a wedding and the (U.S.) planes came and attacked the people at a house. Is this the democracy and freedom that (President) Bush has brought us?" said a man on the videotape, Dahham Harraj. "There was no reason."

Another man shown on the tape, who refused to give his name, said the victims were at a wedding party "and the U.S. military planes came ... and started killing everyone in the house."

Lt. Col. Dan Williams, a U.S. military spokesman, said earlier that the military was investigating.

"I cannot comment on this because we have not received any reports from our units that this has happened nor that any were involved in such a tragedy," Williams wrote in an e-mail in response to a question from The Associated Press.

"We take all these requests seriously and we have forwarded this inquiry to the Joint Operations Center for further review and any other information that may be available," Williams said.

The strike, widely reported in Iraq (news - web sites) and the Middle East as an attack on a wedding party, comes at a time when American prestige is under fire as the United States tries to stabilize this country before the June 30 transfer of sovereignty are foundering.

Anti-American sentiment has risen following last month's bloody Marine siege of Fallujah, a Shiite Muslim uprising and the scandal over treatment of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison.

"Many Iraqis have been killed so far" during the occupation, said Adnan Pachachi, one of the most pro-American figures on the Iraqi Governing Council. He said Iraqis "hope that these acts, from all parties, come to an end because the victims are Iraqis."

In July 2002, Afghan officials said 48 civilians at a wedding party were killed and 117 wounded by a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s Uruzgan province. An investigative report released by the U.S. Central Command said the airstrike was justified because American planes had come under fire.

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Post time 20-5-2004 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 20-5-2004 12:25:
We are not against Americans as many of Americans are good people,
We are not against Christians as many of Christian are good people,

BUT...We (including Americans and Christian and ...

Brutality and bad move by the Americans.

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Post time 21-5-2004 06:24 AM | Show all posts
America kills 40 more innocent Iraqi's

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. helicopter fired on a wedding party in the remote desert near the border with Syria, killing more than 40 people, most of them women and children, Iraqi officials said. The U.S. military said it was investigating. ... mi_ea/iraq_attack_9

Nice. Shoot first and figure out what was going on later ... how bright are they?

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 21-5-2004 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-5-21 06:24 AM:
America kills 40 more innocent Iraqi's

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. helicopter fired on a wedding party in the remote desert near the border with Syria, killing more than 40 people, most of them women ...

Brutes will always be brutes and the US under Bush, Rumsfeld, Condi & gang are the 'brutemates'  of Sharon & gang.

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Post time 21-5-2004 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Mujahidins are brutes. So what are yu gonna say abt that?

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Post time 22-5-2004 09:23 AM | Show all posts
At least this is a topic that's really gaining steam.

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Post time 22-5-2004 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 21-5-2004 10:54 PM:
Mujahidins are brutes. So what are yu gonna say abt that?

You got that right..These people are equally brutal...

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Post time 22-5-2004 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 21-5-04 06:54 AM:
Mujahidins are brutes. So what are yu gonna say abt that?

Once again,Debmey , you come here with your long tongue and no facts. Show some proof.

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 01:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-20 09:52 AM:
Bukan takut kena fatwa! You people simply talk or assume about fatwa. Is there any fatwa for those who do not support terrorists?   I ask you something..for what reason they invaded Iraq? Is it  be ...

it's not us who simply talk... it's what we learn of the muslim world since 9/11.  

u know who lord ahmed of uk is?  he speaks out often agst muslim extremists especially imams who hv been preaching hatred in uk mosques.  & other ridiculous things like muslims shouldn't celebrate mother's day.  one imam (omar bakri i think) even went as far as to advise british muslims not to report to police if they know of another muslim bro who might be planning a terrorist attack.  lord ahmed is only a small voice fighting extremism.  once he said in the newspaper that he would get a fatwa for speaking out agst these imams & true enough.....

Story By Michael Upton   

LORD Ahmed of Rotherham has shrugged off a second threat from Muslim zealots within three weeks by pledging to carry on speaking out against extremists.

The latest fatwa was issued by Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, head of the radical al-Muhajiroun group, in an Arab newspaper.

It followed a similar threat by members of the extremist group at a meeting in London last month amid claims the Labour peer had committed apostasy梐bandoning Islam梑y allying himself with non-Muslims.

The first fatwa is understood to have been ordered by al-Muhajiroun after Lord Ahmed demanded Bakri and and fellow radical agitator Abu Hamza梟otorious for his hook梑e kicked out of the UK.

But Lord Ahmed rubbished this week's claims by Bakri that his marriage had been deemed void because he had "turned his back" on his faith.

"It is all nonsense梩hese people are going around accusing people of not being Muslim but they have no right to do so," he said.

Although he had no fear for himself, Lord Ahmed said, he was angry that extremists could incite violence with their views.  

http://www.rotherham-advertiser. ... 4870&MenuPage=1

wmd?  just an excuse... but talking ab that, saddam still cannot account for the wmd that they had used on the kurds.  & b4 the attack, saddam did threaten to use it....  oil?  theory.  it's obvious usa just want to avenge.  imo, americans are wasting their lives fighting in iraq.  

they probably don't care ab helping iraqis but iraqis/kurdish b4 the war, they had been urging usa to attack iraq saying that they rather die in the war than to suffer under saddam.... but now different story.... don't know whether it's the same ppl now telling different story or what......  & everybody knows that ordinary iraqis are suffering mainly bcos of saddam's loyalists who are all out to create havoc.  saddam himself didn't gv a damn that his ppl would suffer cos if he did, he would hv surrendered..... anyway to me.... semua 2x5.  i refuse to be 1 sided in this war.... so it's probably a waste of yr time to make me see things yr way. :cf:

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 01:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-5-20 10:28 AM:

Hey, I was proving that the people here are not against Christians but US. Chirac is a Christian and is a good example.

& i'm talking ab chirac is another hipo....

but do u really know what you're talking ab?  chirac is a gd christian example???  just cos he 'kamceng' with tyrants/dictators & ppl like that he gets an award......

& u don't hv to prove to me ppl here are not agst christians.... i can read for myself that many of them are.... & prob vice versa.... but my confusion is how they link their hatred towards usa with christians.

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-5-20 10:32 AM:

But the problem is when the Arabs imposed oil embargo towards the Europeans and US, the US planned to invade Arab Saudi just because of that in the 80's. I have posted that article so many time ...

yes... u can post articles here to show proof but it'll always be a theory.... but i thought that it was in the 60's.  i still think they should boycott arab's oil.  our earth will be less polluted = greener earth.  & arabs won't be so rich as they are today... :lol

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Post time 29-5-2004 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kazuo at 29-5-2004 02:02 AM:

yes... u can post articles here to show proof but it'll always be a theory.... but i thought that it was in the 60's.  i still think they should boycott arab's oil.  our earth will be less p ...

Arab without oil means nothing...US without oil also means nothing...So it's a win-win situation..Arab needs US and US need Arabs..Those talk about US need to take care about Arab's feeling is total bull

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 02:30 PM | Show all posts
once he said in the newspaper that he would get a fatwa for speaking out agst these imams & true enough.....

yeah i know few LORDS became muslims..alhamdulillah, praise to almighty Allah! Isnt it is a fatwa made by the Lord but not that imam? If the fatwa brings peace and harmony to the people why should we be afraid of?

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2004 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-31 02:30 PM:
yeah i know few LORDS became muslims..alhamdulillah, praise to almighty Allah! Isnt it is a fatwa made by the Lord but not that imam? If the fatwa brings peace and harmony to the people why sho ...

come again?  are u saying u agree with this fatwa bcos killing those who speak out agst extremist imams who preached violence is ok bcos it brings peace & harmony?  so what ppl suspect of muslims all this while is correct then?  

btw, u don't seem to know what lord as in lord ahmed means.  lord is a title given to ppl in uk like datuk or tan sri in msia.

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2004 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Seraphim at 2004-5-29 03:49 PM:

Arab without oil means nothing...US without oil also means nothing...So it's a win-win situation..Arab needs US and US need Arabs..Those talk about US need to take care about Arab's feeling is  ...

they do nd each other don't they?  were u referring to that talk ab 'muslim world should use oil as their weapon'?  also heard that they're looking for oil in east africa now hoping to substitute arab.

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Gapodio This user has been deleted
Post time 2-6-2004 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kazuo at 2004-5-18 01:41 AM:
since there's so much anti american sentiment going on in msia esp amongst muslims (or should i just say in cari)...... & because of yr hatred towards americans, yr hatred is now somehow extend ...

Can I group you as anti Muslim?.

First of all ... the title is provoking as we muslim do not hate American or any other religion/race. There may be few extremist that over react and paint a bad image on muslim.

We do not hat American but we against unfair treatment against muslim same as you hate when Muslim commit wrong doing to non muslim (muslim do against wrongdoing done by muslim to non muslim).

We do not hate Christian or other religion either ... but if any Christian Missionaries "push" or trick Muslim to convert than that fall into different categary as well. What do you feel if any muslim group "force" your family member to embrace Islam?.  

We all human and most of the time share same feeling. So if you treat others nicely ppl will treat you the same way.

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 2-6-2004 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gapodio at 2004-6-2 09:47 AM:

Can I group you as anti Muslim?.

First of all ... the title is provoking as we muslim do not hate American or any other religion/race. There may be few extremist that over react and paint  ...

Good, well said Gapodio. Sometimes you have to teach some people to use their God~given intelligence for they don't know how to use it themselves. ;)

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