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Author: cikpah27

Kang Daniel

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Post time 27-9-2019 09:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 25-9-2019 05:50 AM
tulah nasib baik daniel tu sendiri pak lawak takde la krik krikk sangat. cuba kalau daniel sejenis ...

Itu la
Tenguk dia punya vlog Colorful Daniel
Dia sorg je dah cukup menghiburkan.
Padahal yg artis tu dia
Dia pun CEO kot
Tapi cara dia layan staff, bodyguard, manager mcm family
Dari minit pertama, tak faham apa pun tetap la aku dok tersengih2.

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Post time 27-9-2019 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 25-9-2019 05:46 AM
yelah confidence dia banyak jatuh jugak lepas semua ni kan tambah pulak dia solo sekarang. takde m ...

Aku 1st time berkenan kat daniel, bila part yg naik kelas tu..dari kelas B naik kelas A
Daniel tersengih2 tepuk tangan sorg2 masuk kelas A tpi student kelas A muka kemain ketat, kelat, menyombong.
Aku ckp "mak aii menyombong giler memasing, sat lgi budak yg tersengih2 ni la menang'
Masin mulut aku..haha
Sejak tu mmg tak berpaling dah..
One n only idol aku stan selamanyaaa, selagi dia tak buat pekara yg menyalahi undang2 la..
I will be danity forever

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Post time 27-9-2019 10:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jadi conclusion nya LM dah jangka yg depa mmg tak boleh menang lawan Daniel..
Daniel is way toooooo strong.,ye la nation's son kan..
Fandom daniel pun kuat n besar
LM nampak daniel mmg boleh buat duit.
Tiket fm pun soldout
Jadi model brand2 elit
Kalau LM mmg betul2 tulus n jujur nak tamatkan persengketaan, ini boleh jadi win2 situation utk mereke berdua
CJ E&M kasi daniel muncul di tv.
Daniel dpt kemashyuran dia semula..berdiri gah atas pentas entertaiment mcm dulu.
Tv2 station tak baned daniel, rating pun naik, iklan pun masyuk
Daniel pula boleh colab dgn mana2 product CJ E&M.
Takut2 CJ ni ular je..
Dlm pada dia tamat kan sengket tapi rupanya sbb nak peguna kan nama daniel je.
Daniel tetap tak boleh muncul kat tv
Bukan leh caya agency korea ni..semua kaki belit

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Post time 27-9-2019 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 27-9-2019 08:08 AM
Pagi Jumaat yg membahagiakan
Congratulations CEO Kang Daniel
Akhirnya menang vs LM{:1_508 ...


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Post time 27-9-2019 10:15 AM | Show all posts ... ute-comes-to-an-end

September 27, Korea Entertainment Management Association (CEMA) released an official statement announcing the end to the legal dispute between Kang Daniel and LM Entertainment.

Kang Daniel previously filed for an injunction on his exclusive contract with LM due to various alleged contract breaches by the agency, while LM denied the accusations against them.

Both parties have reached an agreement through mediation by CEMA. As of September 27, Kang Daniel’s lawsuit and request for an injunction have been withdrawn, and LM’s objection to the injunction has also been canceled.

Below is the full statement from CEMA:

We are announcing that pop culture artist Kang Daniel and his former agency LM Entertainment have, through mediation by CEMA, come to an agreement and ended their legal dispute.

The two parties’ agreement is as follows.

In order to prevent damage caused by the legal dispute and to promote healthy and fair practices and business models, CEMA mediated the situation and helped the parties reach an agreement. Displaying the essence of the entertainment business, circumstances and interests aside, both parties, as people who at one time trusted each other and had a human relationship, expressed their apologies to the public, the media, the entertainment industry, and involved persons.

Pop culture artist Kang Daniel and his former agency LM Entertainment, in the process of discussions through CEMA, decided to prevent further issue and damages caused by a drawn out legal dispute. Additionally, LM Entertainment has agreed to Kang Daniel’s promotions with a new agency, in order to foster a positive cultural and entertainment environment. Further, both parties, as of September 27, 2019, have withdrawn their official complaints through their legal representatives. Kang Daniel has withdrawn his request for an injunction on his contract, as well as his lawsuit, and LM Entertainment has withdrawn their objection to the injunction request. Simultaneously, the legal dispute has come to a complete end with both parties’ agreement to terminate their contracts with each other. Following the agreement outlined above, both parties have also agreed that they will not pursue any civil or criminal lawsuits or other legal action against each other regarding their contracts.

This mediation case was presided over by standing advisor Kang Min and president Son Sung Min of CEMA. Closing, we are grateful to both parties, as leaders of pop culture, for thinking of the affects of the legal dispute and being reasonable and open to listening to each other’s points of view during mediation, as well as taking the responsibility to respect the process and cooperate with our organization.

Kang Daniel’s one-man agency, KONNECT Entertainment, also released a statement confirming that all legal complaints have been withdrawn.

They said, “We thank CEMA for helping open up communications, and we also apologize to the industry, the media, and all to whom we caused concern with the legal dispute.

“More than anything, we thank the fans for being an incredible source of strength and support through difficult times. We will hold the love and support you sent us deep in our hearts, and we will work hard return the love with active promotions and an improved appearance.

“We ask for your continued interest and encouragement for Kang Daniel’s future activities.

“Thank you.”

Congrats Daniel

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Post time 27-9-2019 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 27-9-2019 08:17 AM
Aku 1st time berkenan kat daniel, bila part yg naik kelas tu..dari kelas B naik kelas A
Daniel te ...

aku start rasa kagum ngan dia time dia cakap "an idol should be good at everything" waktu practice nyanyi lagu nayana tu.
padahal kalau ikut position dia kan rapper tapi dia still cuba yang terbaik n tak de bagi alasan ke apa pon.
ternyata daniel memang baik budaknya, even sampai sekarang dia cuba nak improve skill dia n cuba buat yang terbaik


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Post time 27-9-2019 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sis ada baca tak thread Konspirasi Iluminati
Depa ada pasal freemanson, il termasuk dlm kpop
Ada pic kangdaniel

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Post time 30-9-2019 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 27-9-2019 04:43 PM
Sis ada baca tak thread Konspirasi Iluminati
Depa ada pasal freemanson, il termasuk dlm k ...

kat mana thread tu sis? sebenarnya pasal freemason ni baca boleh, percaya tu 50-50 je.
banyak fiction je, zaman hingusan dulu memang beria iols baca pasal freemason semua ni


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Post time 1-10-2019 01:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 30-9-2019 06:21 AM
kat mana thread tu sis? sebenarnya pasal freemason ni baca boleh, percaya tu 50-50 je.
banyak fic ...

Kat bod Misteri & Paranormal
Thread tajuk : Konspirasi Iluminiti
Depa kupas pasal penglibatan Freemanson n Iluminati dlm industri hiburan, politic etc.


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Post time 1-10-2019 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Madel at 1-10-2019 05:36 AM

Woww..signboard Konnect Entertainment dah up uols
Proud of u KangDaniel

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Post time 1-10-2019 01:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Konnect Ent. CEO

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Post time 1-10-2019 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 1-10-2019 12:40 AM
Kat bod Misteri & Paranormal
Thread tajuk : Konspirasi Iluminiti
Depa kupas pasal penglibatan Fr ...

okay dah belek thread tu. gambo daniel tu aku rasa diorang main petik je kot sebab blonde. dia tu dah la selalu bertukar2 kaler rambut.
jujurnya la kan bias aside, aku takde rasa aura/vibe yang pelik2 kat daniel pon.
tapi macam gaga & retis top top meletop yang korang dok cite dalam thread tu memang aku dapat rasa aura/vibe scary semacam tu.
takpe kita baca n amik iktibar okay je. jangan sampai kita terfitnah orang yang salah udah la.
dulu aku selalu gak baca pasal ni, tapi lelama macam terlampau fiksyen sampai kaitkan dengan vaccine la, flat earth la so aku jadi malas.


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Post time 1-10-2019 06:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Madel at 1-10-2019 10:43 AM
Telolet replied at 1-10-2019 07:01 AM
okay dah belek thread tu. gambo daniel tu aku rasa diorang main petik je kot sebab blonde. dia tu  ...

Majoriti retis kpop mmg selalu sgt pun tukar ganti kolor rambut kan.
Nak2 kalau depa nak buat comeback

Jadi pada iols tu bukan masalh sgt pun
N so far yes tak ada yg pelik pun pada Daniel

Vibe FM, ILL tu dari dulu mmg dah ada, terutam kalau retis2 ni bercollab dgn penyanyi,producer hwood.
Tenguk cth lirik, mv kumpulan JYJ..aksi2 lucah dan menyeramkan ala2 gohtic.
Dgn penari pakai baju sopa telanjang.

BTS  sebab aku kureng minat dgn group ni, jadi aku idok le tahu berapa sejauh mana pengelibatan depa dlm fm, ILL tu semua.
Tapi bebudak tu mmg giler2 pun kaya la.
Mampu beli rumah, keta rega juta2.

Aku kat situ sr je la , baca utk panduan dan teladan hidup
Nak sama membawang,aku nya ilmu belum smpai level depa

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Post time 3-10-2019 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 1-10-2019 05:27 PM
Majoriti retis kpop mmg selalu sgt pun tukar ganti kolor rambut kan.
Nak2 kalau depa nak buat c ...

zaman kpop baru nak up dulu (circa 2010) banyak gak video kat youtube yang tunjuk symbolism FM & ILM dalam mv kpop
paling aku ingat is shinee - lucifer & exo - mama sebab memang obvious gila dia punya reference tu.
bts plak tak amik tau sebab tak minat gak tapi asalnya diorang memang nugu pon, tetiba meletop lepas release album apetah tapi tak tau la berkaitan ke tidak.
anyway retis kpop ni mostly follow art direction dari agency je, possible jugak aku rasa ceo agency tu sendiri yang ahli segala FM ILM ni.
unless kalau retis tu ada freedom of art direction macam big bang (bb ni aku caye je kalau orang cakap diorang one of the FM ILM members lol)
banyak pulak OT ampun TT


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Post time 3-10-2019 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Colorful Daniel ep. 2

complete dengan english subs dah. good job Konnect sebab dengar suggestion fans

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Post time 3-10-2019 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 3-10-2019 06:38 AM
Colorful Daniel ep. 2

Tengah lena tido pun leh tumbuk muka sendiri eh
Mcm2 je budak ni
Patut la fm Bkk, tepi mulut dia ada luka

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Post time 3-10-2019 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 3-10-2019 07:40 PM
Tengah lena tido pun leh tumbuk muka sendiri eh
Mcm2 je budak ni
Patut la fm Bkk, tep ...

dia bercerita camtu pon leh rasa terhibur kan
pastu tengah potpet nampak tangan staff tolak pinggan fries n ayam tu ke arah dia, macam mak nak suruh anak makan


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Post time 3-10-2019 09:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 3-10-2019 01:00 PM
dia bercerita camtu pon leh rasa terhibur kan
pastu tengah potpet nampak tangan staff tolak pi ...

Aku paling suka kalau daniel mengusik staff2 dia..asal apa yg staff dia prepared mesti dia acah2 tak nak, pastu bila staff panic
Daniel jawab arasso, arasso
Baik sungguh la hati Ceo sorg ni, jarang nak hampa kan staff.

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2019 04:28 PM | Show all posts
okay I'm back! Hahaha.. Nasib korang ada update hal KD kat group ni.. Aku tak sempat nak scroll twitter tgk perkembangan dia.. Vlog dia pun belum tengok lagi ni.. Eh, korang daftar jadi official DANITY tak ni? Aku tak beli pun membership kit tu.. aku support KD bab beli album je lah.. Yang lain biar orang lain je lah yang support.. hahahaha

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Post time 10-10-2019 02:47 PM | Show all posts
cikpah27 replied at 9-10-2019 03:28 PM
okay I'm back! Hahaha.. Nasib korang ada update hal KD kat group ni.. Aku tak sempat nak scroll twit ...

bizi nampaknya uols cikpah
i daftar sendiri untuk official danity. amekau lepas convert membership sampai rm198 include shipping
tapi takpela nak support daniel kononnya. takpenah daftar untuk retis lain, ni la first & last kakakaka.
nanti fankit sampai iols share sini ye.


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