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Author: CARI-MAL

Tak Sampai Sebulan, Penyewa Diberi Notis 24 Jam Keluar Rumah Kerana Tak Sekaum

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Post time 15-8-2020 02:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X replied at 15-8-2020 02:45 PM
page komen malaymail dan the star semakin teruk kebencian terhadap bangsa melayu- Dan saya malas n ...

Point awak?

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Post time 15-8-2020 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Maideen. at 15-8-2020 04:30 PM
lwyl replied at 15-8-2020 11:47 AM
Aduh. Macam subjek Sejarah.

Hehehe.......... Kebetulan bila dekat Hari Merdeka Maideen, setiap tahun, akan membaca (atau membaca semula) buku buku tentang British Malaya. Salah satu dari buku buku yang Maideen baca tahun ini ialah karangan Andrew Barber bertajuk "Kuala Lumpur at War 1939-1945.

Dalam salah satu chapters buku tersebut ada diberikan jumlah penduduk KL berdasarkan bilangan kaum dan Maideen sundri takajut melihat kecilnya bilangan kaum Melayu....tapi tak apa lah itu.

Sebab Maideen bertanya pada awalnya kenapa parents anak buah lwyl menghantar anak mereka ke Sekolah Kebangsaan dan bukan sekolah Cina ialah kesian pada budak itu kerana tidak berpeluang mendapat pelajaran yang lebih baik di SRJKC.

Izinkan Maideen dengan rendah hati berkonsi dengan lwyl tulisan Syed Akbar Ali (Outsyed the Box) pandangan ikhlasnya tentang sekolah Kebangsaan dan Sekolah Cina.

To my ketuanan friends please listen up.  Rightnow the sekolah kebangsaan (gomen schools) which have turned their backs onEnglish and promote a strongly religious indoctrination in all gomen schoolsare actually performing a great disservice to generations of Malay and nonMalay school children.
Yesterday's news said that at Form 3 level inMalaysia, 87% of all students obtain grade 'D' and 'F' for Science andMathematics.  
Only 13% of 15 year olds in gomen schools passScience and Mathematics.
·                    In short, the sekolah kebangsaan aremaking our students stupid.
·                    Our gomen schools are manufacturingstupid children.   
·                    Sebelum masuk sekolah anak-anak kitabelum cerdik.
·                    Bila dah habis sekolah depa kurangcerdik.
Can someone please go and check the Mathematics andScience scores at the Chinese schools?  
To my ketuanan friends the only way to make theChinese schools go away is by reverting the gomen schools back to the Englishbased education system.  And remove ALL religious indoctrination andreligion based influences and activities in all schools.
Just like it was when my generation went to schoolin the 1970s and 1960s. And thegeneration before thatin the 1950s, 1940s and 1930s.
In the 60s and 70s few Chinese sent their childrento the Chinese schools. All sensible Chinese parents sent their kids togovernment English schools.  The enrolment at Chinese and Tamil schoolswas very low.
Then beginning in the mid 70s, the gomen startedmessing with our education system.  We began changing the teaching of allthe school subjects in Malay. This was the single biggest mistake that has setback the country.
And the Malays have been set backby light years from the non Malays and the rest of the world. Somehow they do not seem to understand this. Sampai bila kita tak nak fahamperkara ini? Sampai Hari Wesak ke? Public holiday?
(As I keep saying all that free money fromPetronasall these decades have been used to overdose and lull the Malays and Muslimsinto believing that they are on the right path. Well sorry folks you are not onthe right path. Now the oil money is drying up. Wake up.)
Then after the Liwat fellow came into power in the80s and became Education Minister, there was a second wave of committingsuicide - the  'jom-kita-jadi-Arab indoctrination in gomen schools. Thetudung, the baca doa, the guru agama becoming the strongest influence inschools, overruling sports activities, banningsinging, banning music,banning dancing, banning swimming trunks for boys, banning swim suits forgirls, over regulating the girls etc etc.   
The Chinese are always cleverer. They saw from very early on that the inmates weretaking over the mental asylum. So they pulled their kids outof gomen school and sent them to their Chinese schools.
The Chinese also began investing heavily in Chineseschools. Chinese schools are multistoreyed, they havelifts and their classrooms are airconditioned.  The standard of English inChinese schools has also improved.   Many teachers in Chinese schoolshave Masters degrees. Even teachers in Chinese kindergartens have Mastersdegrees.
Chinese schools have always had a strong emphasis onMathematics and Science. Now they are also strong in English, debating, musicand arts. A very well rounded education. Plus they teach strong discipline. These are all very lacking in the gomen schools.  And they do not havereligion in Chinese schools.   
As Adenan Satem says, certainly the Chinese schoolsystem is producing hundreds of thousands of graduates who are contributingsignificantly to the nation. How else do you think the Chinese keep producingso much goods and services in the economy?  Why elsearethe Chinese so wealthy (in such large numbers) compared to the others?
And yet the ketuanan guys want to abolish theChinese schools.  So that depa pun semua jadi sama taraf, sama-samadunggu.


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Post time 15-8-2020 04:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 15-8-2020 04:25 PM
Hehehe.......... Kebetulan bila dekat Hari Merdeka Maideen, setiap tahun, akan membaca (atau mem ...

Huhu no komen. Takut kena serang di sini.

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Post time 15-8-2020 04:47 PM | Show all posts
lwyl replied at 15-8-2020 04:42 PM
Huhu no komen. Takut kena serang di sini.

Mungkin sebab itulah (yakni takut diserang oleh intelek melayu yang menghunus keris sakti Prrrrrrrpfffftght) saudara Syed Akbar Ali membuat perbandingan itu dalam bahasa inggeris.....



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Post time 15-8-2020 04:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sesetengah Cina mmg X berapa ngam dgn India. ...

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Post time 15-8-2020 04:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku dulu menyewa bilik owner rumah cina. ...tapi ada India sekali menyewa bilik satu lagi....ok je kitaorang. ...siap aku pi mkn dgn India tu tiap mlm. kat ss 2 taman Megah. ..owner tu duk tingkat bawah...aku dan India tu duk tingkat atas

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Post time 15-8-2020 04:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X replied at 15-8-2020 05:27 AM
sbb tuh aku TAK NAK nak nak ajar anak aku "org islam sahaja masuk syurga.. org bukan islam masuk n ...

aku ajar anak aku bahawa..

org beragama islam masuk syurga,
agama lain dia ada ajaran sndiri, jgn le nk ajar bdk kecik2 lagi bab racist kan..ngok ngek tul..

dh besar2 nnti bdk2 ni pandai la tahu sndiri ajaran agama lain...

dok cakap agama lain masuk neraka mcm ala brainwash bdk2 bahawasanya org bangsa lain tu jahat...sebabnya dlm islam yg jahat itu masuk neraka..apa da...

x minat lah aku racist2 ni...

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Post time 15-8-2020 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 15-8-2020 02:40 PM
Seperti kata seorang pengomen siber " You can take a Malay out of the kampong but you can never ta ...

Goshhhhhhhhhh.......sampai obersee nooooooo


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Post time 15-8-2020 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semua urang resis la.

Takyah fake.

Dan fefeling victimized sangat.

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Post time 15-8-2020 06:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 15-8-2020 01:49 AM
Goshhhhhhhhhh.......sampai obersee nooooooo

Yea maideen... 1st time i jumpa future brother in law (sekarang BIL) di states my sister sudah warning i kata jangan gelak walauapa pun terjadi... I sendiri tidak faham maksud my sister... Bila jumpa beliau masih speaking kelantanese english walaupun belajar di amerika lama... Summore ada budu!... Baru faham

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Post time 15-8-2020 06:14 PM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 15-8-2020 05:52 PM
Semua urang resis la.

Takyah fake.

yer dik chzy semua org rasis. Kita panggil unconscious bias. Meluat akk yg duk kata SJKC tu baguih sgt. Melambak student2 SK yg excel aih. Even akak better lagik math/numbers dr geng SJKC tu. Tahun lps, akak gi spa chinese (mind u akk jns x pilih tpt tau) sorg pun yg dlm tu tak reti english or BM. Akak paham & boleh je reply hokkien sikit2. Tp rengsa dgn set yg duk pay victim ni.

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Post time 15-8-2020 06:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nazzse replied at 14-8-2020 03:06 PM
Nampak pembersih dia ni..
Kira untung la dpt penyewa mcm ni drp kaum ko berak pun tak basuh
Hancin ...

Kriteria utama nak sewa unit tu mesti lah berak tak basuh

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Post time 15-8-2020 06:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 15-8-2020 06:14 PM
yer dik chzy semua org rasis. Kita panggil unconscious bias. Meluat akk yg duk kata SJKC tu baguih ...

Yang kata SJKC tu bagus sangat barangkali tak pernah jumpa lagi stok2 SKJC klas blakang gimana. Fun fact : Stodens akak asal kampung mak pak petani selalu beat bebudak SJKC main catur.

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Post time 15-8-2020 07:44 PM | Show all posts
relaxjek replied at 14-8-2020 04:36 PM
Perangai diaorg ni ramai dah tau.. Kat ofis2 yg ramai cina ko tgk laa.. Kalau boss cina diaorg akan  ...

tempat aku lagi lah... bila masuk soerang ah sow ni, dia punya bodek CEO mmg level dewa2 dah... bayangkan umur 59, CEO aku pergi hired dia as contract 5 tahun... lepas tu bawak masuk orang2 kaum2 dia dari tempat kerja lama dia, yg mmg sah2 tak reti buat kerja... ada sorg tu kt tempat lama gaji 3.5k, bila masuk tempat kerja aku lepas dia bawak increase 50% gaji dia... bila tak achieve targe sales dept dia, dia pegi salahkan orang lain

recently lagi kelakar, dia cuba bodek CEO proposed nak ambil 1 department yg head nya orang melayu... dept ni mmg achieve target sales, gila tak bengang head dept melayu tu, sampai complaint ke BOD.... last2 tak jadi... punca ah sow tu nak take over dept head melayu tu pasal nak tutup kelemahan dept dia yg tak achieve target... ni dengar cerita dia nak target dept lain pulak utk take over

celah mana bangsa sepet ni kononya rajin dan pandai buat kerja?

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Post time 15-8-2020 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 15-8-2020 06:04 PM
Yea maideen... 1st time i jumpa future brother in law (sekarang BIL) di states my sister sudah war ...

Actually tak salah jika gomen mahu membantu orang Melayu dalam mendapatkan  pelajaran. Malahan British sundri pernah membantu orang Melayu dengan sistem kuota.

Dalam tahun 1938 misalnya Ismail Mohd Ali (yakni abang kepada Tun Siti Hasmah) telah memenangi salah satu dari dua "Queen's Scholarship" yang membolehkan Ismail belayar ke England untuk masok University of Cambridge. ( British telah mereservekan satu dari dua Queen'sscolarship ini untuk budak Melayu). Ismail telah kembali ke tanah air dengan dua ijazah i.e. dalam bidang ekonomi dan undang undang!Begitu lah bijaknya budak melayu ini.

Seperti yang kita tahu Ismail telah menjadi Gabenor Bank Negra dan tanda tangannya masih dapat di lihat di wang kertas kita.

Namun British tahu untok menghantar budak Melayu pandai yang  bertamadun (dan bukan jenis Melayu yang dididik bahawa mereka lebih mulia kerana mereka menggunakan air untuk membasoh buncirit mereka selepas berak dan bukan pukol rata bagi kuota dan sabsidi pada semua melayu.....Prrrrrrrrrrpfffftght



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Post time 15-8-2020 08:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X replied at 15-8-2020 02:40 PM
ko sendiri yg was was.. ko nampak? x takkan... anyway kl betol ko yakin depa bawak babi.. ko samak ...

Kenapa nak susahkan diri nak samak klu boleh elak. Ayoo. Extrime ke cmtu?  Lagi pon hak masing2 la rumah dorang. Yang jahat disini is halau 24 jam hanya sbb dia bangsa lain. Klu muslim adala reason dia. Klu melayu lain maybe la ada yg xkisah.

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Post time 16-8-2020 10:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miss_beku replied at 15-8-2020 11:58 AM
Bagus ke tak bagus terpulang pd aku. Tak perlu nk justify pd ko. Hak masing2. Ko tak nak sudah. Se ...

Ye la

hak ko

dah tu toksah merempan citer kena bahana rasis dek cina

benda umum semua orang dah tahu

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Post time 16-8-2020 10:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 15-8-2020 04:25 PM
Hehehe.......... Kebetulan bila dekat Hari Merdeka Maideen, setiap tahun, akan membaca (atau mem ...

Contoh ayat karangan puak thambi macha anney loser

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Post time 16-8-2020 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dizekni replied at 16-8-2020 10:35 AM
Ye la

hak ko

Sapa yg merempan kat sini? Aku tak kena racist pun ngn cina. Kau baca lah balik. Sendiri yg racist nak kata orang lain. Org tu iban bukan cina. Sama je ape kaum pun kalau individu tu racist nampak sgt ada masalah jiwa. Bleh hidup aman tapi pilih nak bergaduh.

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Post time 16-8-2020 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miss_beku replied at 16-8-2020 11:35 AM
Sapa yg merempan kat sini? Aku tak kena racist pun ngn cina. Kau baca lah balik. Sendiri yg racist ...

All the best

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