[quote]Originally posted by watie_na at 2-4-2009 15:45 
ye..la |
isskkk..silap lak...salah tulis..td nak tulis arissa tapi tulis anissa pulak..sorry ek PI  |
Reply #100 pak_itam's post
ala pakcik ni siap highlite plak tang tu.. 
haah.. penuh bermakna  |
Originally posted by pak_itam at 1-4-2009 17:26 
wooo ... not me laa... i never told bad thing about my x to arissa n anissa... apa yg dorang tahu.. mak dorang full with angelic charisma... dorang tahu kami dah bercerai... dan pakcik serin ...
isn't it wiser to tell the truth and teach your kids to accept and forgive rather than painting a fairy tale story and someday they will find out the truth and then what..........
my 2 cent |
i agree............PI must have his own reason(s) for not coming out with the truth yet. Takkan la dia suka suka nak hide the truth dari dotters dia. Kita ni sekadar observers yang baru baca satu surat dari anak ke ayah. Kita outsiders. Whatever happens between them is that precisely-it happened between the said parties. Kita boleh beri komen/pendapat hanya berdasarkan apa yang PI sudi nak bagitau kita and apa yang kita dah baca.
Susah senang PI membesarkan dan mendidik dotters dia hanya dia yang tau. Who are we to judge?? Ni forum untuk berbincang, for PI to get as many insights as he can from anyone at all. Please dont make this as your own court to judge nape nak tipu bla bla bla... Those who are not in the situation please dont be too quick to judge. Tak kena batang hidung sendiri boleh la nak cakap banyak................ :@ |
btw PI, i baru baca ur reply to arissa. i think it's beautiful. pakcik seperti cuba "tarik rambut dalam tepung". very subtle.  |
Originally posted by gwenrocks at 2-4-2009 16:11 
i agree............PI must have his own reason(s) for not coming out with the truth yet. Takkan la dia suka suka nak hide the truth dari dotters dia. Kita ni sekadar observers yang baru baca satu ...
I am not judging pak cik..by being with his children it already shows he is a wonderful person, i was merely looking at it from the child's perspective..
Say you are in the child's position, when you grow up a bit, and having relative, one could catch a comment or two which is not favourable about the mom, and along the way you grow up, would you not start trying to put things together.
well...at the end of the day how do one explain the truth... |
sabola pakcik...baru 2 org ank dara pakcik..ayah saya dulu 4orang anak dara and 1 org anak teruna kena jaga..... |
Balas #107 tupaihangus\ catat
tupai, honestly my post was not directed to you. you were merely posting an opinion n i wasnt even aware of ur opinion. my post is directed to orang yang suka menyibuk tak tentu pasal, so judgemental n perasan dia yang paling best dalam forum ni yang terang terangan judging PI for his decisions n actions. i was actually agreeing to putubambu's post kat page sebelah. sorry kalau you salah faham...
Originally posted by manakautau at 2-4-2009 17:22 
mana budak yang hang maksudkan itu batu? cuba bagitahu Manak...biasa dia eh suka suka buat judgement kat orang?:@ :@
Hang very the sure yang dia buat judgement dan act macam bagus ker a ...
Bak Kata Pak Itam, dia pun alu-alukan pendapat sesapa sajaa, no grunches.
[ Last edited by mom2003 at 2-4-2009 17:36 ] |
Balas #117 manakautau\ catat
kang ada yang marah.. heheh. takutsss..  |
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