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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Bulgasal : Immortal Souls (Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara, Lee Joon, Gong Seung Yeon)

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Post time 9-1-2022 08:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Myb ada salah faham yg jadi antara eul tae-hwal-sang woon 600yrs ago. Sbb tu mereka berdendam

Selalu kdrama ni byk salah faham menyebabkan watak2 benci satu sama lain

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Post time 9-1-2022 08:59 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 9-1-2022 08:36 PM
I plak rasa a bit uneasy bila scene dukung n hwal bg nama dia. Sbb dah mcm ada Stockholm syndrome  ...

itulah sejak last ep tu , scene bandaged kaki tu pun , ade dilemma , orang kate clash of interests...

macam mane ni ...when  the heart says , well....hmm second thoughts? hahahaha
macam mane ni nak bunuh ...

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2022 09:29 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 9-1-2022 08:36 PM
I plak rasa a bit uneasy bila scene dukung n hwal bg nama dia. Sbb dah mcm ada Stockholm syndrome  ...

maybe sebab dia dah tau ada 1 lagi bulgasal & bukan Hwal yg bunuh mak & kakak she trust him utk lawan bulgasal yg lagi satu tu...

walaupun dah kena cekik dgn Hwal byk kali pun tetap tak serik2 lagi

anyway, ni semua just plot device utk trigger Eul Tae to do something as shown in episode 8 preview...


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 Author| Post time 9-1-2022 11:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 10-1-2022 09:22 AM

So betullah Eul Tae yg bunuh anak bini Hwal…tapi mana Sang Un tau? Iols ada terlepas pandang kat mana2 ke?

Iols still rasa Do Yoon tu the reincarnation of Achan…tgk pada the way he interact with Si Ho…preview epi minggu depan ada sentuh pasal anak Hwal…dan apa yg ahjumma Hye Seok tu cakap, bila org yg hilang ingatan dpt balik ingatan dia, semua org akan mati the same way as before…so does it mean Si Ho pun akan mati di tangan bulgasal dlm hayat ni? Do Yoon sekali (kalau betullah dia tu Achan punya reincarnation)…camna pulak dgn Detektif Kwon?

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Post time 9-1-2022 11:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 9-1-2022 11:36 PM
So betullah Eul Tae yg bunuh anak bini Hwal…tapi mana Sang Un tau? Iols ada terlepas pandang kat ma ...

Masa sang un jumpa nenek kat nursing home tu. Nenek tu bgtau yg previous sang un which is kakak dia hwa yeon, ada bgtau yg (hwal) bulgasal 600thn ada parut buru dia sbb salah faham. Bukan bulgasal merah yg bunuh family hwal, tp sebenarnya dark hole yg bunuh. Cuma takde explained mcm mana blh jd camtu. Hwa yeon citer mcm tu kat adik dia ( nenek tu skrg), n kat scene td tu nenek tu citer kat sang un. Tp setakat ni dok rewind mmg lady bulgasal merah kan yg bunuh so tak tau la kat mana salah faham nya.

Episod awal2 masa hwal kecik2 kan lady bulgasal selamatkan dia bbrp kali kan.pelik jugak kenapa hwal dah dewasa  lady bulgasal bunuh plak hwal anak bini , n amik soul dia. Yg pasti soul hwal mmg kat dia sbb semua reincarnated monster buru sang un.

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Post time 10-1-2022 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 10-1-2022 12:02 AM

Eul tae beriya2 nak painted sang un as evil spirit while dia sbenarnya monster yg baik. Tu pun suspicious gak. Setakat ni Do Yon, detektif kwon tu n hwal dia try hard betul nak convinced derang betapa evil n licik nya sang un.
Dia nak hwal bunuh sang un, ambik balik soul tu. Lepas tu apa? Sang un jd bulgasal semula? Cursed dark hole kat dada dia akan hilang? Sang un put the cursed on him tp dia tak blh sentuh/ bunuh sang un? Masih misteri pusing2 kat sini.

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Post time 10-1-2022 01:36 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-1-2022 08:38 PM

ep 8

wow wow

what a plot twist ?

huh really

i wasn't expecting

Ok Eul Tae, Sang Yeun and Dan Hwal  all in one hahahahah wow

ketiga tiga ada semua , semua ada kat hutan tu wow what a twist in the plot

wow cepatnyer pace ye...bagus bagus

- apa yg penting dalam ep 8  ialah Detective Kwon dah tahu siapa Dan Hwal - all happened in the last 15 mins ...

- then Sang Yeun dapat tahu yang Ok Eul Tae yg bunuh family Dan Hwal and buat seolah olah ia dilakukan oleh Sang Yeun ...

- i would like to see how and  I want to know  : KENAPA and APA Motif Ok Eul Tae ni -

- Motif kalau Ok eul Tae marah  Bapa angkat dan Hwal that Jeneral sebab asyik bunuh monster je dalam era Guryeo - Joseon era mula mula tu , i fahamlah ...

tapi  Apa pula kaitan dengan mejebakkan seorang wanita bernama Sang yeun sekali?

- I think Eul Tae tak nak bunuh detective tu sebab - banyak sebab tapi detective tu kown tu kat jelmaan bapa angkat Dan Hwal yg tak bunuh Dan Hwal ...

- i nak tahu apa motif  Eul Tae ni...

- baguslah hehehe yg Eul Tae  dah menemui Sang Yeun dalam babak akhir tu, depa dapat compare the notes now...cerita / whose narrayive is the most accurate?Now, kelihatan Dan Hwal pun confused bila Sane Eun ckp bende tu....jeng jeng jeng......haaa...conflict dah what he saw, what he knew then and now - after rediscovery of the new found info...


- tapi dalam episode ni memang ada dah nampak Hwal and Yeun ni mula built trust  , but interesting nak tengok  now strategy  Euk Tae , and Sang yeun ...

yg babak lain yg menarik hati - wow dah ade  TV, meriah sungguh rumah Hwal ni...
- Miss Lee tu kata Hwal ni lembut hatinya kah kah  kah...

- and i like that hwal ni tak suka alcohol sebab of his father's past history...i suka pulak conversation like buddy - daddy  between Hwal and Detective Kwon...

okaylah ...nice...

wow pace dia cepat ye and banyak benda berlaku and walaupun pace cepat tapi plot bergerak ke depan dengan begitu teratur and menarik and kekdang unexpected.

wise use of flashbacks ...tak melebih lebih sangat  tang part nak tayang he killed teh past  monsters..

Persoalan pokok ialah

Ok eul tae ni siapa and apa motif dia , dengan Dan Hwal ni ( setelah kita tahu yg Sang yeun ni mangsa keadaan )- ap ayg terjadi even before 600 years ago

Love triangle ke?

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Post time 10-1-2022 01:40 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-1-2022 12:40 PM

dark hole tu sumpahan kakak sang yeun iaiatu sang woon tu kat Eul Tae , so apa yg beraku dalam ep 7 ialah , bila Sang Eun dicekik habis oleh monster tu , Eul tae pun macam terasa kesannya , so kalau dia bunuh Sang eun maka i think takkan Eul Tae tak tahu yg dia may be akan seriously affected?

Dah HWal ni motif dia  selam a ni dia percaya  yang ruh dia kat Sang yeun so -motif and Dah HWal  avengng sang yeun  ni straight forward..Euk Tae ni motifnya  menarik...


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 Author| Post time 10-1-2022 09:21 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 9-1-2022 11:53 PM
Masa sang un jumpa nenek kat nursing home tu. Nenek tu bgtau yg previous sang un which is kakak di ...

scene bulgasal makan the corpses tu shot dari jarak jauh...memang nmpk mcm bulgasal merah tapi selama ni kita belum tau penampilan Eul Tae zaman tu mcm mana sebab belum ada backstory pasal Eul Tae could be him...

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 Author| Post time 10-1-2022 09:33 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 9-1-2022 11:36 PM
So betullah Eul Tae yg bunuh anak bini Hwal…tapi mana Sang Un tau? Iols ada terlepas pandang kat ma ...

pasal apa yg ahjumma Hye Seok tu cakap, semua org dok fikir org yg dimaksudkan tu Sang Un...tapi it could be Hwal too, right?
sebab Hwal cuma ingat apa yg berlaku 600 tahun dulu tapi dia xtau apa yg jadi masa hayat sebelum tu which is the big missing piece...
apa yg berlaku masa tu trigger all the events yg berlaku sejak 600 tahun dulu sampai skrg...

antara Hwal, Sang Un dan Eul Tae cuma Eul Tae je yg tau the big picture sebab dia dah wujud 1000 tahun & tak pernah soul iols x percaya apa yg dia cakap tu 100%...ibarat kalau bagi keterangan kat court & semua saksi dah mati, org yg bagi keterangan tu boleh cakap apa saja sebab xde org yg boleh validate apa yg dia cakap...

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Post time 10-1-2022 10:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 10-1-2022 09:33 AM
pasal apa yg ahjumma Hye Seok tu cakap, semua org dok fikir org yg dimaksudkan tu Sang Un...tapi i ...

Ya betul. Hwal memori dia cuma 600 memori dia sblm tu as bugasal kita tak tau. I believe he was a bulgasal la sbb bila human soul tu transfer ke lady bulgasal dia terus idop balik as bulgasal.

So bila nenek seo ckp memory return tu ,bit could be hwal as plot twist semua org ingatkan sang un.

And Eul Tae sampai skrg kita nampak character dia suka manipulate org lain so possible jugak dia menipu as u said dia dah hidup more than 1000yrs but nobody can verify his truthfulness.

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Post time 10-1-2022 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menarik citer ni..aku baca awal2 ramai yg relate citer ni dgn goblin...sorry, bg aku goblin boring...aku xhabiskn smpai skang xda hati pun nk smbung tengok..citer ni ternanti2 jugak eps sambungan. Xsabar nak tau apa relay@kaitan min sang un tu dgn eul tae..kalau bkn sang un bulgasal yg bunuh anak bini hwal knapa dia amek soul hwal dlu. Ekceli tingin nak tau knp bulgasal curse hwal

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 Author| Post time 10-1-2022 09:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maybe i’m in the minority but actually iols prefer xde romance antara Hwal & Sang Un sebab it looks very awkward & unnatural…part Sang Un lap leher Hwal & dia tunggu2 Hwal balik tu very cringy…I don’t know whether it’s because of Nara punya acting ke atau the whole scenario itself rasa janggal…xtaulah kalau diorg memang lovers in the past life hence the writers try nak satukan diorg balik…

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Post time 11-1-2022 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dh 8 episod tapi watak Si Ho masih belum diceritakan lagi.

Rasanya Do Yoon tu anak Hwal, Achan. Minggu dpn mcm byk scene pasal Do Yoon.

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2022 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 11-1-2022 09:08 PM
Dh 8 episod tapi watak Si Ho masih belum diceritakan lagi.

Rasanya Do Yoon tu anak Hwal, Achan. Min ...

Ntahnya…Si Ho tu under-utilised je…since dia ada kebolehan baca past memories, kenapa tak mintak je dia baca tapak tangan Sang Un & Hwal…

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2022 10:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Haha mcm2 teori ada kat twitter…siap ada group chat lagi discuss pasal teori…

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Post time 11-1-2022 10:01 PM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-1-2022 09:52 PM
Ntahnya…Si Ho tu under-utilised je…since dia ada kebolehan baca past memories, kenapa tak mintak ...

Kan kaka dia taknak sebab nanti adik dia nampak macamana mak mereka dan kaka kembar dia mati kena bunoh. Dia taknak si ho tu trauma

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2022 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
uda replied at 11-1-2022 10:01 PM
Kan kaka dia taknak sebab nanti adik dia nampak macamana mak mereka dan kaka kembar dia mati kena  ...

Rasanya bukan sebab tu je…dia x sedia lagi nak terima hakikat camna dia dlm kehidupan sebelum2 ni…kan sebelum ni semua org dok kata yg Kim Hwa Yeon tu jahat…lepas dia jumpa halmoeni Kim Go Bun tu baru dia tau citer sebenar…

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2022 09:49 PM | Show all posts
bulgasal according to korean folklore...

menurut artikel ni, ada banyak variasi mengenai asal-usul bulgasal...salah satunya ni :

One day the government issued an order to arrest all Buddhist monks, who fled their temples and were on the run. One of the monks went to his sister’s home and asked for shelter. The sister offered to hide him in the wall closet, but suggested to her husband to report her brother to the authorities in exchange for riches. The husband, enraged by his wife’s scheme to sell off her own brother, killed her and set the monk free. The monk, while he was locked inside the closet, had made a grotesque beast-shaped object out of steamed rice grains and fed it needles. Surprisingly, the monster kept eating more needles and kept growing, and when there was nothing left to eat in the house it came outside and ate up any kind of metal scrap, growing bigger and bigger.

kalau ikut cerita ni, it's about a monk & kakak dia yg kalau relate balik dgn drama ni, mungkinkah Eul Tae & Sang Un ni adik-beradik 1000 tahun yg lalu then something really bad happened between them yg menyebabkan Eul Tae berdendam kat Sang Un?

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Post time 12-1-2022 10:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 10-1-2022 09:10 PM
Maybe i’m in the minority but actually iols prefer xde romance antara Hwal & Sang Un sebab it looks ...

Scene2 tu mcm tak kena dgn flow cerita. Takde pun takpe. Unless la mmg nak tunjuk zaman dulu derang ada similar relationship. Tp clashing la dgn watak siho. Haish...salahsilah keluarga ni dah carca marba menjak reincarnated.


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