eh ini udah jadi perkelahian sesama indon ...pak momod kenapa dibiarin.....
ayo pak momod hajar in ...
gede-bab Post at 29-7-2011 15:13 
yg ni gan tki yg udah dapat id card malaysia  |
lu biar gonta ganti klonengan juga percuma bego lu masih sama , hari tanoesudibyo itu cina , di ...
eltoro Post at 31-7-2011 20:26 
udah gw bilangin gw bukan klonengan siapa2.....ingat itu....
hari tanoesudibyo itu orang tionghoa, orang keturunan cina...bukan warga negara cina dia warga negara Indonesia.... ingat itu....
entah loe lupa ingatan atau gangguan mental pada post 94 pernah bilang dia termasuk pemilikan saham 20 % warga asing penyiaran itukan batasan untuk warga asing sedangkan dia bukan warga asing.... ingat itu....
jadi sebelum komen cek dulu mentalmu....sebelum mengalihkan permasalahan yg lain...
yg ni gan tki yg udah dapat id card malaysia
eltoro Post at 31-7-2011 20:30 
eh ketahuan termasuk barisan sakit hati... |
Poor Eltoro ... He insist to be a Malaysian through his bad comments on Indonesia .. but, unfortunately, Malaysians still dislike type of people like him ... |
Poor Eltoro ... He insist to be a Malaysian through his bad comments onIndonesia .. but, unfortunately, Malaysians still dislike type ofpeople like him
wartakita Post at 1-8-2011 21:06 
hahahaha.... |
Poor Eltoro ... He insist to be a Malaysian through his bad comments on Indonesia .. but, unfortunat ...
wartakita Post at 1-8-2011 21:06 
are you reading all my posting i have been posted here ?.... i never say that i'm a malaysian , prove it to support your allegation ?
how about your self...semarmesem ? ...one side you are pretending to be an indon , in the other side you are pretending to be a malaysian and sometimes you are pretending to be a singaporean
read this !!!.. you are pretending to be a malaysian http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=544673&extra=page%3D1
i feel sorry for you semar , you have complicated personality, wise man says split personality...hahahaha  |
Sesuatu yg patut kita renungi.
[quote] Hermann Goring stated "Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. ...voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." [quote/] |
Reply 74# audryliahepburn
persoalannya kenapa media di sana terlalu agresif membangkitkan api permusuhan kepada Malaysia? sebab politik? nk membangkitkan semangat nasionalis kpd rakyat? apapun ia tdak akan memberi manafaat kepada sesiapapun, klau ditakdirkan perang pun keduax negara tidak akan mendapat apax manafaat pun, yg menang jadi arang, kalah jdi abu. |
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