Reply 107# cmf_BeachBoys
jiran kt kg aku pun bugis |
Reply cmf_BeachBoys
jiran kt kg aku pun bugis
permisi Post at 19-12-2011 02:00
aku pun ramai gak membe bugis,tapi xdelah kerek macam mangkuk hayun nobito ni... |
Reply 109# cmf_BeachBoys
steady la...power dia kuat{:4_182:} |
Bugis pun suka memantat gak...ingat mulia sangat ke bugis tu...
cmf_BeachBoys Post at 19-12-2011 01:59
Bugis buat jahat kene hukum....
Melayu ko buat berzina..merogol kene hukum tak???? Mesti la femes masuk muka depan sorat kabar kan... |
Post Last Edit by fleurzsa at 23-12-2011 19:18
fleurzsa : sorry, deleted - menghina bangsa Melayu |
Fighting Diskrimination in South Sulawesi
This piece has been modified for length by the author from its original version on cedaw-seasia.org, a website about CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) by UN Women.
Eight women sit cross-legged on straw mats in a circle talking animatedly while they drink tea and munch on sweets. The women are in Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi, and they belong to an NGO network called Forum Pemerhati Masalah Perempuan (FPMP, or Forum Concerning Women’s Problems). South Sulawesi is one of Indonesia’s larger provinces, and the FPMP members are discussing cases of diskriminasi taking place in a village in the next district.
Word is, that one village in Bulukumba, has begun enforcing new regulations that impose a strict dress code on women. The new rules require that all women must abide by traditional Islamic dress, and wear the jilbab or headscarf if they want access to public services, including healthcare. The eight have heard that in Bulukumba, women are actually being turned away from clinics by officials. Girls, even as young as six or seven, must also don the jilbab if they want to attend school.
“As Muslim women, the jilbab that we wear is a matter of choice,” said Hajar, one of the FPMP women who herself wears the headscarf. “If local laws are going to force all women to wear this, then this is going against our right to choose. There is no similar dress code for men. What’s more, many poor women can’t even afford to buy the jilbab to wear it everyday!”
FPMP fears that other villages will follow suit. From what they know, there are already 30 other local regulations (“interpretations” of Syariah law by local authorities, which were never around or enforced before) which impede on women’s rights being enforced in other districts. All have been established in the name of Syariah law, and purport to protect women from negative situations that can arise as a result of the behaviour of men and women. Under the new local regulations, women are prohibited from leaving the house in the evening without a male family member. ‘There is also a regulation called “zina”, where women and men who are not married or related cannot be in close proximity. The common penalty for this tends to be heavier on the woman, who typically is shamed in public, sometimes by caning, while men usually pay a small fine.
This is but one negative effect of the growing influence of religious fundamentalist groups on the formulation of government policies, say the women. In recent times, political shifts in Indonesia have seen the decentralisation of authority from the central government in Jakarta to provinces and districts around the country. This, in turn, has led to a greater risk of local laws being interpreted and enforced differently, subject to the whims of local administration officials.
To the FPMP this means the need to help women understand their rights and stand up to discrimination is more urgent than ever, especially in rural areas. The network helps raise awareness about women’s rights among women and local officials. They conduct public forums, give out information on reproductive health, education and access to basic services. Most importantly, they encourage women to speak up about the problems they face.
“Village women generally have a poor understanding of their rights. Most of them don’t even know what ‘women’s rights’ is when we first approach them to talk about it,” said FPMP member Marcelina May. “But now, many of them are starting to ask questions, for example, when they go to the clinic, there is often no information given on the medicines they or their children are told to take, so they never know what they are taking, even if it could be harmful, or maybe useless. They are starting to ask the health workers what the medicine is and what exactly it is for.”
FPMP said that one of the most troubling issues in villages is domestic violence. Because it happens behind closed doors, it is considered a ‘family matter’ and a taboo subject, and many women are afraid to discuss it. The customary practice of dowry-giving makes matters worse. Since dowries tend to be hefty in South Sulawesi, once a man pays a woman’s family to marry her, he feels like he owns her and can treat her any way he wants.
Corruption is another challenge. For example in schools. Education is supposed to be free for all children at the elementary and junior high school levels. However parents are often faced with ‘illegal school fees’ in the form of extra payments required by school and administrative officials. If they don’t pay, they find their children excluded from certain school activities and classes. Over the last few years, the FPMP has spent considerable effort highlighting and educating women about this kind of corruption.
It’s an uphill climb. The group said that corruption among local officials is such a common occurrence that most people are simply resigned to it. They tell of an ongoing case against a Bupati (regency council chief) who raped his maid. Police continue to refuse to prosecute even though the maid, who is unmarried, is now pregnant. “Everyone knows he is guilty, and yet no one is doing anything about it,” said Marcelina. “This is why we have to keep speaking out, and trying to get women to come forward. Taking action together is the only way for things to change,” she adds.
Indonesia is party to CEDAW, the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. In 2003, a law was passed requiring a 30% quota of women to be included in political parties and in legislatures at both the national and local levels.
The FPMP hopes to get more rural women from South Sulawesi involved in public life. They have met with some success says Hajar, “More and more of them are questioning why there are so few women among the village elders. More are now saying they want to be included in the decision-making process, and are asking how they can participate,” she said.
The road to equality is long, but the good news is that the FPMP is in it for the long haul.
Ko tipu lagi,mangkuk |
Reply 113# cmf_BeachBoys
Forum Pemerhati Masalah Perempuan (FPMP, or Forum Concerning Women’s Problems)
Kan bagus kalau Melayu adakan forum macam ni...ni sebuk main porem sembang pasal bangsa ajaib...bangsa aladdin la...
Bukan setakat forum pompuan berzina je...forum pompuan Melayu jual dadah jadi kambing hitam warga asing pon kena diwujudkan...forum lelaki Melayu suka rempit n hisap dadah pon kena la buat...bukannya berforum pasal bangsa ajaib |
Benar-benar bejad. Bayi baru berusia delapan bulan bulan jadi korban penculikan dan diduga kuat diperkosa juga oleh pelaku.
Dugaan adanya kekerasan seksual tehadap sang bayi, karena sewaktu ditemukan oleh seorang nelayan di sebuah kapal yang mengapung tengah laut di Bantaeng, Sulawesi Selatan, alat vital bayi tersebut mengeluarkan darah.
Bayi pasangan Hendra dan Sulastri yang menghilang sejak Jumat (27/5) ditemukan oleh Saharudin dalam kondisi terikat.
Saharuddin langsung membawa si bayi ke Rumah Sakit Makatutu. Tapi pihak medis merujuknya ke Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudirohusodo karena tak sanggup menangani si bayi.
Hendra dan keluarganya mendatangi rumah sakit untuk melihat kondisi korban. Dengan terisak dia meminta polisi segera menangkap dan menindak pelaku penculikan serta pemerkosaan buah hati mereka. "Benar-benar keji. Saya minta agar aparat kepolisian menangkap dan menghukum berat pelaku," tandas Hendra, Senin (30/5/2011).
Hilangnya bayi ini sempat membuat gempar warga. Pasalnya, sang bayi diculik saat tertidur pulas dalam pangkuan ibunya.
Dalam 5 bulan terakhir, warga melaporkan sedikitnya 5 anak perempuan menjadi korban penculikan dan pemerkosaan. Tapi hingga kini, polisi belum menemukan pelaku penculikan. (ans/Bar)
Bugis perangai cam setan....bebudak pun nak rogol... |
Yang hebat tu bangsa Bugis bukan Melayu....sudah terbukti dengan perkahwinan Bugis dengan Raja2 Siguntang.....Melayu mampu???????????konperm korang kenan...x pon kena sambar petir |
Reply 115# cmf_BeachBoys
Melayu la tu...orang Bugis kata kalau tak da maruah atau malu...automatik dia jadik Melayu...bukan Bugis lagik...sapa yang berzina merogol buat tak senonoh semua Melayu...Melayu kan hebat...
Bak kata umno...Hidup Melayu...Melayu Boleh!!! Melayu Glokal...tu yang jual dadah tahap international tu |
awal2 aku baca thread ni mmg aku kagum dgn org yg suka mengkaji. selagi kita boleh kaji, kita kaji lah keturunan bangsa kita asalkan bukan tujuan utk bebangga dgn bangsa sendiri. apa guna ada bangsa yg maju andai tauhid zero. betul tak?
nobito ckp kita patut fokus utk memajukan negara. in a way betul jgk tu. tapi kita fikir mcm ni la. kaum/rakyat kita ramai. setiap org ada fungsi masing2. yg major dlm bidang memajukan negara, usahalah bsungguh2. yang mana berminat nak kaji sejarah, kajilah dgn bsungguh2 dan pastikan kaji sejarah tu guna sumber yg sohih. jgn berdasarkan ckp2 org je.
hujung2 thread ni tgk duk gaduh kaum bugis vs melayu. apa guna? ko bugis ke, melayu ke, india ke, cina ke, jawa ke..semua tu takde ape pun. apa ada pada kaum? ingat la..yang penting agama...jgn sampai fanatik dgn kaum, agama kita tergadai. agama tergadai ni tak semestinya syirik, kita guna bahasa kasar spt memantat etc tu pun dah menunjukkan nilai agama dlm diri kita.
kesimpulannya, tak payah nak bangga dgn kaum sendiri. kalau kaji sejarah kaum sendiri, kajilah utk tujuan yg elok. igt, dlm kubur kita tak yah jawab kita kaum apa. yg kita kena jawab sape Tuhan kita, sape nabi kita, apa agama kita, apa kiblat kita..dan byk lagilah soalan2 bocor. jgn sampai kerana lidah kita sakitkan hati org lain, kita terseksa dlm kubur. yang mana gaduh2 tu baik2 la smula. tak susah pun. peaace yoo!! |
awal2 aku baca thread ni mmg aku kagum dgn org yg suka mengkaji. selagi kita bo ...
kesimpulannya, tak payah nak bangga dgn kaum sendiri. kalau kaji sejarah kaum sendiri, kajilah utk tujuan yg elok. igt, dlm kubur kita tak yah jawab kita kaum apa. yg kita kena jawab sape Tuhan kita, sape nabi kita, apa agama kita, apa kiblat kita..dan byk lagilah soalan2 bocor. jgn sampai kerana lidah kita sakitkan hati org lain, kita terseksa dlm kubur. yang mana gaduh2 tu baik2 la smula. tak susah pun. peaace yoo!!
mk-sabio Post at 19-12-2011 03:46
adeyh !
susahnya nak dijemput ke sorge |
Reply 44# nobito
bro nobito ni konpem ke dorg ni Melayu?
adakah dorg ni Melayu campur Bugis?Melayu campur Jawa?
Melayu campur ape2? |
Reply 48# zaharul_asriq94
rase nye.
ade lg satu kot.
2012 ape ntah tajuk nye.
die kate socrates ni lukman.
yg ni ntah le.
mmg ada dgr lukman ni org klt gelap. |
ignore anasir luar... focus on the thread... focussss |
yg problem bukan Yahudi, tapi Zionist. Atau nama lamanya, Sionist.
Sion = matahari. penyembah matahari |
Reply nobito
Forumer lain kek sini termasuk cmf_beachboys berhujah berasaskan kepada fakt ...
tarabas1976 Post at 19-12-2011 10:50
Nampak sangat ko ni meLAYU sebab bowdoh...sebab2 ko meLAYU:-
1. Ko tak pernah baca sorat khabar metroseks...baca tajuk depan jeee dah boleh baca cerita melayu tak bertamadun dan runtuh akhlak...ko ni bukan setakat pemalas tapi dungu.
2. Ko ni mengaku me-layu tapi tak pernah buka buku Sejarah Melayu kisah pasal Melayu kawin Raja lepas tu terkena kenan sampai terpaksa buat perjanjian anak cucu diantara Melayu dengan Raja-Raja....ko pergi la buka balik buku Sejarah Melayu ko
3. Ko x pernah baca sejarah pasal kehebatan BUGIS...kalau ko nak tahu Hang Tuah tu pon Bugis dalam satu buku Sejarah Melayu versi kat Kedah....
4. Ko tak pernah tahu kebanyakan orang2 Bugis Semenanjung berdarah Bugis dan Raja2 Melayu...kitorang memang keturanan hebat n mempunyai daulat yang tinggi dari Luwu' dan Siguntang.....Orang Melayu ada apa??????? Ko nak kawin Raja2 boleh ke??? Bugis boleh sebab BUGIS HEBAT. |
apa bangsa pon kita, bapa tetap nabi adam.
dan yg membezakan kita, hanyalah iman dan takwa pada Allah. itu yg penting. |
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