tapi nape yg merge tu dah ke depan pulak??? eeee... :shakehead3:
tak pelah.. k ...
leotazz818 Post at 22-3-2012 06:31
Aku ingat tepon aku ni dah mengong....tetiba cerita air masin..
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Reply 101# abanglong
hahaha. |
Siapa2 yang nak buat low-tech low-maintainance tank tengok ni.
Crypt only tank tapi cun gile!!
hudzai Post at 21-3-2012 23:50
mmg sempoi ler.. |
Aku ingat tepon aku ni dah mengong....tetiba cerita air masin..
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abanglong Post at 22-3-2012 16:37
sama le..da 5-6x bukak tutup..hahaha |
Aku ingat tepon aku ni dah mengong....tetiba cerita air masin..
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abanglong Post at 22-3-2012 16:37
Hahaha!! sama la kita banglong...aku pun memula baca cam pelik jew..dah upgrade ke deranG ni..main lautan plak!!hahaha!
check-in room 4..ahaks! |
Teman nk share TIPS2 nk grow glosso dari Borneo suckers (klau korang tau la)..
teman dpt tips ni sbb teman email dgn beliau..
Yes, I was growing glossostigma before, and they are quite easy to grow, if you provide them what they need
Well, your light wattage output for your tank size seems fine to me, but what type of bulb is it? Brand of lighting is not so important, but rather the type of lamp, the colour temperature, wattage, the coverage the lights can cover is more important.
Let's give you some example...
1. type of lamp
There are many type, shape and sizes of bulb in the market. some shape like "mentol", some are fluorescent, some short like finger size. but for your tank size, a fluorescent lamp is good enough. and a T8 fluorescent tube 18W or 20W is fine, as it give you quite good coverage, if combine few tubes together. Another good option is T5 and also PLL type.
2. Colour temperature
For aquatic plants colour temperature around 8000K to 10000K is recommended. but normal white light at 6500K will work fine.
3. Wattage
Actually wattage is not really a proper measurement to measure if the light is enough or not. But it can be use as a guide. and I myself also use this as a guide when selecting light. For glosso, they can usually grow well under 2.5 Watt per gallon and above. The calculation of watt per gallon is:
Total wattage of lights combine / volume of tank in gallon = Watt per gallon
so for example, I assume your tank is the standard 1x1x2ft tank, so the volume in gallon is around 14gallon. and your total light wattage is 48watt. so 48 / 14 = approx 3.4 watt per gallon. so that's quite enough, if you use the watt per gallon rule.
4. Coverage of lights
Another important thing to consider when selecting light is the spread and coverage in your tank. Normally, people will place a light set in the most center of the tank, hoping that the lights will spread evenly throughout the tank. But actually not, the light is intensity is the highest right below the bulb. as it goes further away from the centre of the bulb, the light intensity decrease. so what I usually do is have few evenly spread above the tank, and not placing all of them in the centre. Also, in tank your size, you may want to consider bulb size that is almost the same length as your tank. A good example is:
a. 2ft T8 18 or 20 watt
b. approx 2ft T5HO 24 watt
c approx 2ft PLL 55 watt
Sand alone is not so good for the plant initially, as there is no nutrient for the plant. Of course, you can add fertilizer, as nutrient for the plant, but you need good monitoring, as you really need to calculate the proper amount of fertilizer to put in. On the other hand, soil is definitely suitable for growing plants, as it contains many organic matter, which act as fertilizer for the plant naturally. so you don't have to do put any fertilizer in the beginning, and the soil nutrient can last you for weeks or maybe months until you need to dose some fertilizer.
If you use the soil like I did, you no need fertilizer. fertilizer use maybe few months later, when you see the glosso starts showing sign of malnutrition.
pasir sungai is ok, any colour doesn't matter. the only reason I put sand or fine gravel over the soil is because, I don't want the soil to float up, and the soil is very loose, so no way they will stay still under water, so you need sand or fine gravel (at least 1 inch thick) to keep them below.
Also the soil is organic, so, there is good enough nutrient for the start for the glosso. and forget to mention, the sand or fine gravel is also to hold the glosso when you first planted them. otherwise they will float everytime you plant the glosso.
Glosso are fast grower, if condition are right, they will fill up pretty fast. CO2 will also speed up the growth rate. With CO2, you will see the glosso bubbling
Don't put in fertilizer in the beginning stage, let the soil do it's work. Also during the beginning stage, you will have algae problems, so excess nutrient will encourage the algae bloom.
sekian ..
-Fansofaqua- |
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mana lar gmbr co2 tank dr fire extinguisher nih~
sisaiko, psl nk convert co2 tank dr fire extinguisher nih, jgn amik fire extinguisher yg powder type punya, amik yg gas punya, sbb yg ada welding kt tgh tu smua powder type punya, kalau amik yg gas type punya dia tader welding kt tgh, ni tgh check harga nk tkr valve dgn refill gas brapa~ |
moss ada kat kedai....mai la singgah....
rasa nya kat sg besi tu tuka kepala dgn arga tank baru lebey kurang huhu... |
beza sikit je kalau bwk tank co2 fire extinguisher tu..charge harga tuning valve tu ngan gas co2..ade la beza 10,20 ringgit.. |
sblm tu nk tanya, co2 tank brapa kalau 2kg punya? sbb teman ni sbnr nyer keja fire fighting, so tau lar company yg bleh tkr kan valve n refill gas nih, huhuhu.. |
sblm tu nk tanya, co2 tank brapa kalau 2kg punya? sbb teman ni sbnr nyer keja fire fighting, so tau ...
mam Post at 23-3-2012 10:46
Aku punye 3KG harganya sekali dengan solenoid valve ista RM500. Wah, abang BOMBA rupanya
PM aku alamat tempat refill tu dan harganya. |
Reply 110# mam
hari tu ada tengok kat mudah... leh lah usha kat sana.. tank saja... RM180 - 250... |
eh2, teman bkn bomba, teman ni fire fighting contractor, terlupa letak contractor plak, dh korg ingat teman ni bomba teman ada tanya dia kata kalau nk tkr valve dgn refill gas co2 utk 2kg nyer tank dlm 50-60 jer, co2 extinguisher tu teman amik kt company teman keja ni jer, amik yg lama2 dh tak pakai tuh |
mam, tpt keje tu kat area mane.. |
Reply 111# hudzai
bro..ok ke solenoid brand ista?? da brape bulan pkai? |
Reply 114# msukri78
teman keja kat kota kemuning, shah alam...regulator brapa ringgit ek? |
mana lar gmbr co2 tank dr fire extinguisher nih~
sisaiko, psl nk convert co2 tank dr fire extingu ...
mam Post at 22-3-2012 14:58
Mam ...malam karang aku letak sample yg dah siap guna /pakai dah refil sekali bulan 1 aritu...
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moss ada kat kedai....mai la singgah....
rasa nya kat sg besi tu tuka kepala dgn arga tank baru l ...
sisaiko Post at 22-3-2012 16:21
betul...tukar wheel regulator rm100
beli tank baru rm140
lu pikir la sendiri
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sblm tu nk tanya, co2 tank brapa kalau 2kg punya? sbb teman ni sbnr nyer keja fire fighting, so tau ...
mam Post at 23-3-2012 02:46
laaaa apa susah rembat je tank yg tinggi 4 kaki tu....tahan seploh tahun takyah refil
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eh2, teman bkn bomba, teman ni fire fighting contractor, terlupa letak contractor plak, dh korg inga ...
mam Post at 23-3-2012 04:22
kalau camtu bleh la dapatkan kat aku wheel regulator 1...harga kawan2
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