myizi posted on 20-8-2013 12:10 AM 
Dah tengok citer ni kat umah, sorang2 plak tu...mujur masa bln pose...
Memang ternyata best dan per ...
sedut kt mana leh tgk kt umh tu?
pm link bleh?thanx!
applemy posted on 19-8-2013 03:10 PM 
Ai pun dah lama tak tgk cite seram kat wayang.. balik2 action/fantasy ajer.. cita seram last tgk, si ...
wah, minat felem seram old skool eks..
creepshow 123 ai ada.. twilite zone the movie pun ada..
the exorcist pong ada.. the omen 123 pun ada juga..
salem's lot blom tengok lagi..
supernaturalee posted on 20-8-2013 11:32 AM
sedut kt mana leh tgk kt umh tu?
pm link bleh?thanx!
Skrg ni zaman teknologi...juz install app videomix pro kat tab...then carik la citer tu...
Sorry takde link... |
sarah_ary2 posted on 20-8-2013 08:15 AM 
Iols perasan jugak, impak keseraman di cinema lebih power , tambah tambah sound effect and large s ...
Maybe la.. tp jgn main slow2 kan sore.. sbb Conjuring ni salah satu elemen seram die sbb bunyi... hehe
applemy posted on 20-8-2013 09:15 AM 
For the 1st time, ai rasa bangga, org Msia cam James Wan made it in Hollywood! Bukan senang nak ta ...
Actually mmg die dilahirkan kat Msia.. tp dibesarkan kat Aussie.. huhu.. still kira mcm Malaysian-Australian.. so dua negara boleh proud dgn beliau 
cmf_GAIA posted on 20-8-2013 10:39 AM 
rasanya mmg sengaja la tak wat apa2...sebabnya boleh kata smua film seram buat mcm tu kan....endin ...
Tp yg pastinya mmg The Conjuring ade sequel.. pasni rumors ckp diorang akan ke England.. settle kes kisah benar diorang kat situ..
Tp aku mmg suka ending camtu jugak.. at least takde la stereotype cite2 seram lain hehe
Alahai bgi aku filem seram org putih ni tk la seram mana tang bunyik je lebih...movie msia lagik seram...cuba korang tengok cite dulu2 filem MISTERI RUMAH TUA lagik seram...ni cite lame aku ngok mase aku skolah rendah fuh mmg seram nak pegi dapor pun takut...hehehe...bunyik biase je maklum le taim tu teknologi tk mcm skg tapi jln cite mmg seram...takot... |
lilyrosemell posted on 21-8-2013 12:25 AM 
Alahai bgi aku filem seram org putih ni tk la seram mana tang bunyik je lebih...movie msia lagik ser ...
Ni sah x tgk lagi trus komen... |
Ferr_Remy posted on 19-8-2013 11:34 PM 
Yup.. even Sinister lagi seram dari Insidious.. tp still akan pergi tgk Insidious Chapter 2 sbb na ...
Aku pulak nak tgk insidious 2 sebab nak tgk rose byrne berlakon je hehe

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Post time 21-8-2013 12:53 PM
From the mobile phone
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applemy posted on 21-8-2013 08:51 AM
Buat lawak ke uu?
Ai tak ingat sgt cita tu.. tapi ai pasti takde la experience susah tido mlm l ...
Rumah tua tu ada scene beranak ikut mulut tu yg legend tu.....filem2 gore America n italy pun sembah ratu kat scene ni. |

Author |
Post time 21-8-2013 12:54 PM
From the mobile phone
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Ferr_Remy posted on 21-8-2013 02:49 AM
Ni sah x tgk lagi trus komen...
Terfikir benda sama :-D |
ok pas habis menonton filem ni, aku setuju ngan pendpt sesetgh poremer kt sini. citer ni sbnrnye takdela menyeramkan mane pun sbb hantu die kuar brape kali je pun dlm filem ni. adelah 2-3 kali. elemen keseraman citer ni lebih byk kpd unsur unknown, contoh ms adegan mak main adegan hide and clap tu. sbg penonton aku cringed giler tgk mak bebudak tu eh ngapelah ko ikut je hantu tu main clap-clap
tp filem ni solid. maksud aku yg solid tu sbb takde loopholes dlm filem ni. dan filem die pun tak memboringkan n slow mcm filem2 seram lain. dan adegan yg warrens couple ni gi investigate rumah yg tuan rumahnye kate berhantu tp tak pun, yg warrens pggl polis utk selia siasatan diorg, yg warrens couple ni jumpe priest utk mintak kebenaran vatican utk exorcism, adegan2 mcm ni bagus sbnrnye utk menunjukkan the warrens couple ni professional. bukan mcm bomoh2 malaysia main hentam keromo jah.
apepun tahniah utk James Wan, sbb beliau berjaya mengarah sebuah citer seram yg lain drpd yg lain |
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To all Malaysian, be proud. James Wan ckp die byk terinspirasi ngan kisah2 hantu dari malaysia utk The Conjuring and Insidious tu.
The reason for the movie’s phenomenal success is simply that is it the scariest thing to hit cinemas in a long time.
“Growing up in Malaysia, when I was much younger, my aunties and uncles and grandparents would tell me ghost stories and I loved that. I can’t help but be fascinated by that world. As I got older, I thought, ‘Hey, I want to make scary movies and scare other people as well’. It’s fun!” said Wan.
“When I was growing up, my mum used to work in a hospital in Malaysia, and she would tell me these stories (about what happened) in the hospitals she worked at, and in some ways I’ve put them into Insidious, I’ve put them into The Conjuring. In a lot of ways, the stories that I’ve heard have found their way into my films.”
full interview klik sini ye
www.todayonline.com/entertainmen ... ysian-ghost-stories |

nice |
actually bile pengarah james wan sendiri ckp yg die byk terpengaruh ngan kisah hantu dr malaysia, aku barulah terfikir kaitan dgn citer hantu popular malaysia
adegan main hide n clap = urban legend org melayu jgn main nyorok-nyorok malam2 nnt kene sorok hantu.
adegan kaki budak perempuan tu kene tarik masa kene tido = sape2 duduk asrama mesti penah dgr citer mcm ni.
adegan badan mak bebudak tu lebam2 = org melayu ckp kene gigit hantu
adegan hantu atas almari = urban legend paling famous di kalangan budak sekolah asrama. citer hantu pasal hantu duduk atas almari pastu hantu tu tegur budak mane tak tido lagi?
adegan dr insidious yg budak tu koma tp roh die dah masuk alam lain = yg ni aku tak ingat tp ade satu istilah mati ape ntah dlm urban legend org melayu. mati beragan kot? dlm drama tentang dhia sape ingat yg nora danish kene sihir smpi org kg ingat die dah mati padahal belum tu?
apepun mungkin ni suma kebetulan. wallahualam... Last edited by annehuda on 21-8-2013 02:02 PM
annehuda posted on 21-8-2013 01:05 PM 
ok pas habis menonton filem ni, aku setuju ngan pendpt sesetgh poremer kt sini. citer ni sbnrnye tak ...
Tu la...aku pun rase compare filem ni ngan insidious, lg seram insidious drpd the conjuring even aku tgk cite insidious pun dekat lappy je dah terase keseramannya.
Tp james wan ni mmg master filem horror melibatkan family nih baik drpd segi pemilihan pelakon dan story telling. Kalau perasan, budak2 yg berlakon dlm filem dia comel2 je dan pandai berlakon kena rasuk pulak tu.
james wan mmg berbakat 
serius..cite insidious bagi impak kat aku..
aku pn tgk kt laptop je..daa lame dh tp still terasa mmg seram sgt..maybe tu taste aku..
the conjuring pn bes..
mase tgk kt pwgm aku berdebo gak tgk cte ni
so skrg waiting insidious chapter 2..
cmf_GAIA posted on 21-8-2013 12:53 PM 
Rumah tua tu ada scene beranak ikut mulut tu yg legend tu.....filem2 gore America n italy pun semb ...
Seriosly?! Ai ingat filem Lucio Fulci lagi ganas drpd tu hehe.. |
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