evilcooler posted on 22-2-2014 06:51 AM
more or less you could say...
Saya dah bnyk temui org mcm ni. Niat di hati nak belajar agama at ...
Yang 4 kings to hubby I ckp the lower realm angels/jins yg serve god Indra (lebih kurg Thor in Indian god pantheon)... 4 kings tu duk kat 6 alam nafsu. I convert Muslim (suku Jakun), tp my hubby Indian national. I tanye kat die, die kata source neh x de dlm hadis or prophetic tradition Muslim Last edited by Bedah.Cun on 22-2-2014 06:58 AM
Bedah.Cun posted on 23-2-2014 02:56 AM
Yang 4 kings to hubby I ckp the angels yg serve god Indra (lebih kurg Thor in Indian god pantheon) ...
kalau dlm Indian mythology and legends memang ada pun..
But the names tu memang x diperkenalkan kepada manusia..the Hindus panggil Indra as the sky god and chief of the Devas (East), Varuna the god of water and ocean (west), Yama the god of death and afterlife (South) and Kubera the chief god of yakshas (North).
evilcooler posted on 22-2-2014 07:04 AM
kalau dlm Indian mythology and legends memang ada pun..
But the names tu memang x diperkenalkan ...
Owh bru ingat... Yea... Chatulokapala... Tp ape kaitan these lower Hindu-Buddhist/Tantri deities dgn Islamic faith or whatever tasawuf stuffs? I thought that Muslims should first study basic things such as Quran and Hadis Qudsi?
Bedah.Cun posted on 23-2-2014 03:11 AM
Owh bru ingat... Yea... Chatulokapala... Tp ape kaitan these lower Hindu-Buddhist/Tantri deities d ...
Exactly!! Muslims should not be bothered with these things when we have Allah s.w.t and Rasulullah s.a.w as our guidance. Al Qur'an is the biggest miracle and it is Kalam (Words) of Allah and nothing is above it. There is not a single being.. man or jin, Devas or Yakshas who will be able to disturb anyone who is near to Allah and Rasulullah in his life.
evilcooler posted on 22-2-2014 07:18 AM
Exactly!! Muslims should not be bothered with these things when we have Allah s.w.t and Rasulullah ...
another thing which needs clarification... 1) jin diri? what is this? diri sendiri tersembunyi? roh? as far as i know, human-being ade two types of body jer... spiritual and physical. 2) terbuka habis? Is it implying that the thread-starter acquire some clairvoyance sights, kasyaf or etc? then what does Islamic sources particularly the wisdom of the prophet, sahabas, tabi'in, tabi' tabi'in, salaf and khalaf tell us with regard to this?
Bedah.Cun posted on 23-2-2014 03:31 AM
another thing which needs clarification... 1) jin diri? what is this? diri sendiri tersembunyi? ro ...
Bedah sayang yang cun..toksah le melayan si OB ni. Whatever he's saying is with his big mouth and limited knowledge.
There is no such thing as jin diri, only Qarin or the doppelganger that is born and lives with you until you die. Another is nafsu or desire, which is inside you and needs to be controlled with your willpower and religion.
Suka baca posting2 bro evilcooler dalam mana2 thread pun. Memang berbeza la bila orang yg ada ilmu berbicara. dapat knowledge baru pasal the 4 Indian Gods
orangbesi posted on 24-2-2014 10:34 AM
majoriti yg baca ni org islam kan...
Sudah le OB oii...
Melakukan kesilapan dan khilaf dalam perbuatan serta dosa itu adalah tanda kelemahan makhluk cipataan Allah s.w.t. Tiada yang maksum kecuali Rasul dan para NabiNya.
Tiada yang lebih disukai oleh Allah s.w.t selain dari hambaNya yang melakukan dosa kemudian bertaubat serta memohon ampun dari Nya.
Agak2 le nak panggil Tuhan Diri.
Kamu ni dah ke laut sebenarnya. Sampai sekrg xde hape pun pasal puak jin. Tin kosong betul..