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betul tu, kebanyakan orang yang datang wayang tengok transformers ialah untuk tengok robot bergasak dan letup2 semata2 disamping jalan cerita yg ringan. kalau terlalu fokus kat cerita dan banyak sgt cakap pun kena komplen jugak sebab boring. buat je apa yg peminat majoriti suka sudah.

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Post time 7-4-2015 11:14 AM
From the mobile phone
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Tolonglah buang adegan perempuan dan keluarga ... naik muak tengok adegan ayah cari anak, boyfriend cari girlfriend .. bawa balik megan fox ... |
Roland lately ni movie dia macam terlalu fokus kat CGI jer... filem last yang aku rasa ok Day after tommorrow..
JJ Abrams paling seswai... tapi dia ni peminat star wars tgk la star trek dah ada vibe start wars...
yg bakal pasti nanti michael bay akan lantik anak murid dier iaitu jonathan liebesman, pengarah ninja turtles 2014 ganti dia utk mengarah tf5
Ooo.... tapi ninja turtle tu ok gak cuma vibe transformers boleh rasa la.. yer la dah pengarahnya anak murid bay kot...
Org tengoj transformer sbb nak tengoj kereta cantik tukar jadi robot je.... |
Edited by aireen24 at 27-4-2015 12:55 AM
Marvel Studios has made shared universemultimedia franchises the most cohesive and lucrative entertainment businessmodel of the 21st Century. But even as DC Comics/Warner Bros. and Star Wars (thegrandaddy of all shared universes) both gear up for some shared universeexpansions of their brands, it seems that almost everyblockbuster franchise wants to change up their business model to competein a post-Marvel world – and that includes the Transformers franchise.
TFW2005 kepteye on the Hasbro Quarter 1 earnings conference call, where executives talkedplans for the future of Transformers. Reportedly, Hasbro CEO Brian Goldnerhad the following to say on the state of thefranchise:
“Our plan with the studio and filmakers youmay have heard some writers being hired and we have in fact brought in AkivaGoldsman to lead a group of writers to really create a strategic plan aroundTransformers. We think there are any number of stories to be told from thebrand that has been around for 30 years with amazing canon and mythology. Wewould expect the sequel to the Transformers movie [TF4] to happen in 2017.”
While this is indeed confirmation of an intended releasedate, it’s not exactly new news, and there are still many factors atplay with the franchise.
Last year we also heard that Transformers 5 was coming in 2017, so that – combined with Wahlberg’sstatement – is a strong indication. But there’s also one big factor toconsider…
source screen rant.
update tahun @annehuda as the t5 akan keluar 2017 expected date xdak.
Watak Autobots ini hanya untuk kenderaan je ke ... |
Kalau tengok kartun TF asal, rata2 Autobot jadi kenderaan darat manakala Decepticon jadi pesawat.... |
kalau nak nilai dari segi kapabiliti dan kemampuan, pesawat lebih hebat dari kenderaan ... sebab tu sama TF3, tyrese gibson aka berkata "why all decepticons all have good stuffs" .... |
sebab tu nama dia autobot
dalam transformers, auto0bot tu robot p[ekerja aja di cybertron, decepticon tu robot tentera
majoriti autobot adalah kereta, lori, ambulan, van, motosikal
memang autobot tak melawan dgn decepticon
tp autobot ada geng yg kuat yaitu dinobot
selepas beberapa episod, barulah ada kap[lterbang geng autobot mcm jetfire dan combiner mcm computron serta protectorbot |
Rasa2...ade jual tk dvd kartun TF yg lama2 ni. Mcm nk carik la. Tp kena tgk time anak2 takde la. Hahaha..
Edited by RED 666 at 30-4-2015 05:52 AM
ada je jual kat kedai boxset dvd tf g1 episod 1 hingga akhir, kalau duk kl cari kat kedai dvd nama dia speed, ada kat time square dan wangsa walk. kedai ni byk jual citer2 anime, jdrama dan kdrama
Ok thanks bro. 😊😊😊 |
dalam youtube pun ada ....
setuju .. bwk balik Megan Fox 
Ade update terbaru, diorg ade umumkan utk buat 4 TF filem dlm tempoh 10 tahun ni. |
walaupun kat stengah2 website filem ni dikutuk teruk, saya tetap suka cerita ini, selain yg saya pun peminat michael bay |
Kutuk-kutuk pun....still box office dan top 20 movies all time |
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