apa yang kantoi, tak reti baca kah sis?
dalam tempat tu pun kata amaliqah dan amalekites tu kaum yang berbeza.
kamu sendiri yang kata mereka kaum yang sama.
jadi jelas lah amaliqah dan amalikte sama
nak kata orang kantoi dan konar biar selidik dulu.
lepastu klem cerita pasal suku amalek pula.
Amalek adalah rumi
عملاق =Ain +MIM+ Lam alif Lam dan Kof +A'malik
bermakna gergasi
As the Jewish Encyclopedia put it, "David waged a sacred war of extermination against the Amalekites,"[10] who may have subsequently disappeared from history. Long after, in the time of Hezekiah, five hundred Simeonites annihilated the remnant "of the Amalekites that had escaped" on Mount Seir, and settled in their place (1 Chr. 4:42–43).
The Biblical relationship between the Hebrew and Amalekite tribes was that the Amalekite tribes without provocation pounced on the Hebrews when they were weak. The Amalekites became associated with ruthlessness and trickery and tyranny, even more so than Pharaoh or the Philistines, and required a ruthless response:
The Biblical relationship between the Hebrew and Amalekite tribes was that the Amalekite tribes without provocation pounced on the Hebrews when they were weak. The Amalekites became associated with ruthlessness and trickery and tyranny, even more so than Pharaoh or the Philistines, and required a ruthless response:
takde pun sebut mereka gergasi macam amaliqah itu.
SissySembah posted on 11-7-2014 09:26 PM
The Biblical relationship between the Hebrew and Amalekite tribes was that the Amalekite tribes with ...
The Stone was removed from its original place many times by the tribes of Gurhum, Iyad, the `Amaliqah (i.e. the Giants), and Khuza`ah. Finally, it was taken by Al-Qaramitah who kept it from 317 A.H to 339 A.H when the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Muti` Lillah send it back to Makkah and covered it with a belt of silver and fixed it in its original place.
amalik tu adalah perkataan dari bahasa arab bermaksud giants..
dalam esau pula...esau ada anak bernama amalek...
kita berbicara pasal amalek tribe bukan anak esau Last edited by the_killer on 11-7-2014 09:32 PM
the_killer posted on 11-7-2014 01:39 PM
عمالقة = giants ( byk) dalam rumi jadi amaliqah
ع ...
Not amalekites
akak dah watch seluruh video, takde pun yang mengatakan amalek ini amalekites melainkan amalek adalah kaum gergasi.
Jadi tiada bukti hingga kini mereka kaum yang sama, nampak nya sampai sini sahajalah, sebab sis pun tak mampu bagi bukti.
Dah ada bukti baharu akak check kembali. Sebab akak minta bukti, lain pula di bagi.
bila masa aku mantion dalam quran ada amaliqah...amaliqah tu kaum yang dikenali sebagai gergasi..spesifik nama dia gergasi mengikut bahasa arab
yang aku mantion ialah dalam al quran di sebut ketika kaum israel dari mesir ke palestin mereka berjumpa kaum yang gagah perkasa
(Nabi Musa berkata lagi): "Wahai kaumku, masuklah ke Tanah Suci (Palestin) yang telah diperintahkan oleh Allah untuk kamu (memasukinya); dan janganlah kamu berbalik undur ke belakang, (kalau kamu undur) maka kamu kelak menjadi orang-orang yang rugi (di dunia dan di akhirat)".
(Al-Maaidah 5:21)
Mereka menjawab: "Wahai Musa bahawasanya di negeri itu ada kaum yang gagah perkasa, dan sesungguhnya kami tidak akan memasukinya sehingga mereka keluar daripadanya; kemudian jika mereka keluar daripadanya, maka sesungguhnya kami akan masuk (ke negeri itu)".
Amalekwas the first enemy that Israel encountered after the crossing of the Sea of Reeds ( after crossing sea) . Inasmuch as contemporary archaeology has convinced most biblicists that the biblical traditions of enslavement in Egypt, wilderness wandering, and conquest of the land are unhistorical, traditions about Amalek and Israel in the pre-settlement period probably reflect later realities. In effect, by setting encounters with Amalek in the days of Moses and Joshua, the writers of the Bible were saying that hostilities existed from time immemorial. Among these traditions we find that Amalekites attacked the Israelites in a pitched battle at Rephidim,
di merah tu..bangsa amalek atau amaliqah lah depa jumpa di dalam buku2 yahudi, torah dan bible...takda sebut kaum kanaan...