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Author: ajie2000

[Tempatan] Wahai peniaga Cina, tolong jangan sabotaj kerajaan - Ismail Sabri

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Asyik3 nk salahkan bangsa lain..  

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:36 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 3-2-2015 12:31 AM
it can be can also be positive...sokongan melayu kpd umno mungkin bertambah atas ken ...

betul gak.

he's taking the plunge on behalf of UMNO to test samada falsafah politik 50 tahun dulu masih relevan. Besar sungguh pengorbanan beliau...

Personally, I hope dia tak timbul balik.... wishful thinking maybe


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:40 AM | Show all posts
MIC Wanita chief backs Ismail Sabri

MIC Wanita chief Mohana Muniandy (pic) has come to the support of the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister, in the wake of his 'racist' Facebook statement which has earned him much criticism, including from MCA Youth chief. — TRP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 2, 2015:

MIC Wanita chief Mohana Muniandy has stepped forward to back Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and his statement after the latter received brickbats today.

Ismail Sabri had, on Facebook, called for Malay consumers to boycott Chinese traders whose prices do not reflect the falling cost of fuel.

“It is indeed sad to see that everything is twisted into racial lines nowadays. Even a good natured statement by (Ismail Sabri) has been twisted and taken out of context to incite hatred!” wrote Mohana in a statement today.

She said that from Ismail Sabri’s statement it was clear that he was talking about rogue traders.

“He is warning us about rogue traders who are taking the opportunity of Chinese New Year to increase all prices and citing nonsense reasons when we all know that petrol price is at one of its lowest in the history,” said Mohana.

She also pointed out that when the petrol price was high, such traders would say that their operating costs were increasing, but when the petrol prices were low, they would say that petrol was only a small part of their operation.

“(Ismail Sabri) is only talking about the rogue traders! And it is a fact that most suppliers are Chinese. It is not his fault that most traders are Chinese.

“To me this is not being racial. Who benefits from the price control? It is all of us and especially the Chinese because of Chinese New Year which is just days away. They are going to spend the most now,” she said.

At the same time, she said it was expected of the Opposition to pounce on Ismail Sabri, but shocking to see the same from MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon.

“I can understand why the Opposition is behaving like the Opposition, but what’s wrong with the Youth chief of MCA? It’s clear here that the minister is only using the majority power to curb the price control which is totally out of control.

“Is the MCA Youth chief more concerned about the people and their daily issues, or just about getting publicity in the current scenario of using racial card to be a community champion as what DAP is doing all this while.

“What has DAP done to help curb prices? Well, at least the BN minister is using all avenues and I’m sure he would need the support of BN component parties to hold it together as the ultimate benefactors are the people,” she said. ... acks-ismail-sabri/#


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:41 AM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 3-2-2015 12:36 AM
betul gak.

he's taking the plunge on behalf of UMNO to test samada falsafah politik 50 tahun du ...

kahkah...lebih baik percaya kpd babi dari percaya kpd ahli politik...

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Unity minister defends Ismail Sabri over racially-tinged FB post -

A minister has defended Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob's racially tinged call for Malays to boycott Chinese businesses, saying that it was "well-intended" and aimed at galvanising consumers to avoid premises that hike up prices indiscriminately. Unity minister Tan Sri Joseph Kurup said traders had raised the prices of their goods when global oil prices were increasing, adding that since global oil prices were now on a downtrend, it was within reason for the agriculture and agro-based industries minister to ask traders to lower their prices too. "I think it is well-intended. He is asking people, for example the Malay community, to do their own enforcement by not going to premises that are still increasing the prices of their goods," he told The Malaysian Insider. googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1400601790726-3');}); However, the minister in the prime minister's department refused to be drawn into the controversy over whether Ismail's call was racist and against the 1Malaysia concept propagated by the prime minister. "To me, when he said things like this, it is well intended because it means he is encouraging people to do their own enforcement," he said. Asked if he would seek out Ismail for further clarification, Kurup said: "If I got time to talk to him... possibly he will explain." In his Facebook post, Ismail said Malay consumers had a role in helping the government fight profiteers by using their collective power to lower the prices of goods. "Forgive me for sharing my views, but besides the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, which uses the Price Control Act and the Anti-Profiteering Act to act against traders who raise their prices indiscriminately, the greatest power lies with the consumers. "The majority of consumers are Malay, Chinese are a minority, if the Malays boycott their businesses, they will surely have no choice but to reduce their prices," he said in a post on the social networking site. Ismail, who is the former domestic trade and consumerism minister, confirmed to The Malaysian Insider that the statement had been made by him on his Facebook account. The post has been shared numerous times by other Facebook users and some have also congratulated him for being "bold" in his statement. Ismail Sabri also singled out the Old Town White Coffee cafe chain owned by OldTown Bhd, saying Perak DAP adviser Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham owned shares in the company. "Malays are still refusing to boycott (Old Town White Coffee) what more when its owner is said to be the DAP Ngeh family of Perak who are known to be anti-Islam. "As long as the Malays don't change, the Chinese will take the opportunity to oppress the Malays," he said. Attempts to contact Ngeh for clarification failed as he did not respond to calls and messages. Ismail told The Malaysian Insider that his statement was directed at Chinese businesses whom he said were "reluctant" to lower their prices. "I am referring to Chinese traders who are reluctant to reduce the prices of goods even though the price of petrol has come down. "What I want to emphasise is for people not to depend solely on the government to ensure the prices of goods come down because as consumers, they can use their power to pressure businesses," he said. In his post, Ismail took Malay consumers to task for continuing to patronise Chinese outlets "even though their halal certification is suspect" and even though some of these outlets have had action taken against them. He did not specify which businesses these were. "Imagine, many Chinese eateries have no 'halal' logo and they have been raided a few times and caught because their 'halal' certification is suspect, (but) Malays continue to crowd these restaurants, when there are thousands of Malay restaurants which genuinely 'halal'," he had said. Besides Ismail, other ministers who have insisted that traders lower the prices of goods in light of decreasing oil prices are Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan and current Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Haslan Malek. However, Ismail was the first to call for a Malay boycott of Chinese businesses. – February 2, 2015. - See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... thash.qOYacWDm.dpuf

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:43 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 3-2-2015 12:33 AM
sebab tu, bagi aku, PAS dan UMNO di bubarkan...tubuh parti berlandaskan islam...cina dan india pun ...

parti yang berlandaskan agama pun mungkin tidak lebih baik dari yang berlandaskan kaum.

ia mungkin nampak lebih adil kerana you don't choose your race, but you can choose your religion. Namun dia ada kerumitan lain kerana perjuangan memasing berlandaskan dogma yang biasanya tidak boleh dirunding.

Misal kata kita ada ada parti Islam, parti Kristian, parti Buddha, parti Hindu se Malaysia. Can you imagine the potential chaos? I won't even dare to...


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:43 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 2-2-2015 11:39 PM
ape brg yg kena cukai sampai 200%?

minyak kerajaan sudah turun...knp cina tak mau turun harga b ...

See...kalau rafizi berani desak kerajaan turunkan harga minyak...kenapa rafizi tak berani desak pembekal dan pemborong cina turunkan harga borong mereka?....ada komusen pemborong tu kasi dia ke?....mcm kes dia backing tokey2 station minyak tu kununnya bakal bengkrap kalau diturunkan lagi harga minyak...pada hal dia yg terhegeh2 minta turunkan harga minyak...mabuk ke apa dia tu?.

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:45 AM | Show all posts
RedBeanArmy replied at 3-2-2015 12:40 AM
MIC Wanita chief backs Ismail Sabri

ini anak perempuan Muniandy berapa ringgit kena beli?...


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 3-2-2015 12:43 AM
parti yang berlandaskan agama pun mungkin tidak lebih baik dari yang berlandaskan kaum.

ia mung ...

islam is a religion of peace...drpd zaman rasul2 lagi islam bleh tolerate dgn agama2 lain...tetapi agama2 lain kena respect dan hormat undang2 islam...


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori replied at 3-2-2015 12:43 AM
See...kalau rafizi berani desak kerajaan turunkan harga minyak...kenapa rafizi tak berani desak pe ...

betul...kita tengok sejauh mane pula permainan pakatan rakyat, BN willing to play ball...masing2 ade taktik....siapa yg terhimpit? rakyat juga...


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:51 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 3-2-2015 12:49 AM
betul...kita tengok sejauh mane pula permainan pakatan rakyat, BN willing to play ball...masing2 a ...

kalau rafizi yg jadi tukang salak tak berani...takkan dynasti Lim tu berani sound bangsa dia suruh turunkan harga barang..besok mati lah tak dapat undi depa..

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Post time 3-2-2015 12:55 AM | Show all posts
RedBeanArmy replied at 3-2-2015 12:42 AM
Unity minister defends Ismail Sabri over racially-tinged FB post -

A minister has defended Datuk ...

takder masalah nak galvanise concumers to exercise their rights

semua bangsa pun consumers.

yang orang heran (heran ka?) why he was pitting malay consumers against chinese traders?

dia macam lupa bahasa melayu ni lingua franca malaysia. attitude orang melayu juga haruslah merentasi 'sempadan' seiring dengan status bahasa tersebut. Jangan kampungan sangat macam melayu ni minoriti tertindas di amerika then ko maki lah segala bangsa lain tiada siapa kisah.

mungkin dia juga lupa sekarang zaman internet...


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Post time 3-2-2015 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Editor: KuntaKinte Malaysia | Diterbitkan pada: 2 February 2015|

Jika Faham Bahasa Melayu Tiada Apa Yang Rasisnya Kenyataan Ismail Sabri


Serangan dan label rasis ke atas Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri berikutan saranan beliau supaya pengguna, yang majoritinya Melayu, memboikot mana-mana peniaga, yang majoritinya Cina, yang tidak menurunkan harga sangat tidak masuk akal.

Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani itu dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa adalah tanggungjawab pengguna terutamanya orang Melayu untuk membantu kerajaan menurunkan harga dengan mengurangkan permintaan ke atas barangan.

Hanya kerana Ismail Sabri mendefinisikan majoriti pengguna sebagai Melayu dan majoriti peniaga sebagai Cina ia tidak harus dianggap sebagai rasis atau bersikap perkauman.

Demikian juga cabaran Ismail Sabri supaya orang Islam perlu ada jati diri sendiri berhenti mengunjungi kedai-kedai milik Cina yang tidak mempunyai sijil halal termasuk Old Town Kopitiam.

Adakah saranan ini sebagai perkauman? Ismail tidak pernah langsung menyatakan supaya orang Melayu memboikot semua kedai milik kaum Cina.

Cuma diakhir para tulisan beliau mungkin sedikit rasis apabila menyatakan selagi Orang Melayu tidak berubah selagi itu mereka akan ditindas oleh kaum cina.

Mungkin jika ayat tersebut diubah sedikit dari perkataan cina kepada peniaga cina yang tamak haloba maka ia tidak lagi menjadi isu perkauman.

Namun keseluruhan pandangan Ismail Sabri ini langsung tidak menampakkan pandangan rasis. Beliau hanya mahukan pengguna menggunakan kuasa mereka dalam menurunkan harga dan memilih restoran yang mempunyai sijil halal untuk menikmati makanan. Apakah ini rasis?

Jelas sekali keseluruhan serangan Ismail Sabri ialah ke atas peniaga cina yang tamak bukannya ke atas semua orang Cina.

Jika ia berunsur perkauman sudah tentu Ismail Sabri akan menggesa orang Melayu memboikot semua perniagaan milik Cina. Namun ini langsung tidak timbul dalam tulisan menteri terbabit.

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Post time 3-2-2015 01:01 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori replied at 3-2-2015 12:51 AM
kalau rafizi yg jadi tukang salak tak berani...takkan dynasti Lim tu berani sound bangsa dia suruh ...

kita tengok esok lusa dier bersuara atau tidak...

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Post time 3-2-2015 01:05 AM | Show all posts
harap2 selepas kenyataan yb ismail sabri, pegawai2 beliau akan turun padang and come down hard on the rogue chinese traders...ini lah masanya utk menunjukkan melayu means business!

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Post time 3-2-2015 01:07 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 3-2-2015 12:48 AM
islam is a religion of peace...drpd zaman rasul2 lagi islam bleh tolerate dgn agama2 lain...tetapi ...

boleh lah try promote islam as a religion of peace. Bukti ada?

mungkin islam ni ok bila memerintah, tapi adakah ia sanggup diperintah?... misal kata selepas menang satu PRU, you think ia akan redha seandainya kuasa terlepas ke pemerintahan hindu (if there is such a thing)?

tidak mustahil juga nanti usahanya untuk kekal berkuasa mungkin lebih rakus dari UMNO. Udahnya, rakyat Malaysia tidak lebih matang dan maju dalam politik.... teruk lagi ada. Semuanya mungkin bukan?...


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Post time 3-2-2015 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Saya cabar SABRI ni keluarkan lesen hypermarket sebanyak yg munkin kpd MYDIN, GIANT, AEON & TESCO. Hypermaket ni beli direct dari kilang. Setiap DAERAH memerlukan SATU hypermarket.

Saya selalu beli dari AEON & saya selalu nampak Peniaga & Pemborong Cina membeli secara borong dari AEON, dorang datang dengan VAN & LORI kecil utk angkut barang dari AEON.

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Post time 3-2-2015 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Saya cabar SABRI ni keluarkan lesen hypermarket sebanyak yg munkin kpd MYDIN, GIANT, AEON & TESCO. Hypermaket ni beli direct dari kilang. Setiap DAERAH memerlukan SATU hypermarket.

Saya selalu beli dari AEON & saya selalu nampak Peniaga & Pemborong Cina membeli secara borong dari AEON, dorang datang dengan VAN & LORI kecil utk angkut barang dari AEON

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Post time 3-2-2015 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Saya cabar SABRI keluarkan lesen hypermarket sebanyak yg munkin kpd MYDIN, GIANT, AEON & TESCO. Hypermaket ni beli direct dari kilang.

Setiap DAERAH memerlukan SATU hypermarket.

Saya selalu beli dari AEON & saya selalu nampak Peniaga & Pemborong Cina membeli secara borong dari AEON, dorang datang dengan VAN & LORI kecil utk angkut barang dari AEON


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Post time 3-2-2015 01:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 2-2-2015 11:39 PM
sangat benerrr lah spidey.

silap besar menteri tersebut mensasarkan kemarahan beliau kepada pen ...

Kadang-kadang benci dengan kenyataan pak menteri. Suka nak api-apikan perkauman.

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