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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:33 AM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 3-2-2016 04:46 PM
Mak BY/BJ pun ada dlm citer the return of geum bok. Ex bf/gf lagi

Pastu ada gak hakim muda cite ...

yer San mmg betul...memasing ada...

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:34 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 10-2-2016 08:19 AM
kaann...agaknya cerita ni sampai BW naik takhta kan kak

kita tggu je ler ant..kak ayu tk tau

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 35~36
The historical background to help understand Ep. 35~36

■ Jo Mal-Saeng 조말생 趙末生 (1370~1447)
He was an important character in Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS), and will play a pivotal role in the latter part of Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS) as well, because he will be involved with Bang-Ji and Yeon-Hee in the future.
In the history, he was a civil officer during King Taejong and King Sejong’s reign. In 1401, he passed the civil service exam and became a government officer. Even though he was involved in bribery scandal in 1428, he must be quite competent because King Sejong never allowed him to resign even if he appealed to the king about his health problems several times. In the end, he couldn’t retire before his death as is often the case with King Sejong’s subjects. (* Yi Bang-Won directly killed his subjects and in-laws, but his son King Sejong the Great forced his subjects to work to death. Like father, like son. LOL )

■ Jung Mong-Joo 정몽주 鄭夢周 (1338~1392)
According to Goryeosa (고려사 高麗史 “History of Goryeo”), General Yi Seong-Gye first met Poeun Jung Mong-Joo in 1364. The young general was fighting against Jurchen invaders, and Jung Mong-Joo was a newbie civil officer following General Yi’s army in the front line.
Poeun was far from being an incapable scholar or a corrupt official. He voluntarily went to the war front, and saved a lot of civilians from foreign invaders by using his exceptional diplomatic finesse. He even devoted his private fortune to redeem civilians from captivity by Japanese pirates. Moreover, he narrowly escaped drowning at sea while going to Ming China as an envoy.
Yi Seong-Gye highly appreciated his ability and took him along to the battlefields. From then on, for about 28 years, Yi Seong-Gye and Jung Mong-Joo had been most trusted colleagues to each other. (* Maybe, that’s why Poeun tried to bring General Yi to Dodang in order to check Yi In-Gyeom ’s power in SFD ep. 1)
In addition, Sambong Jung Do-Joeon wrote about Poeun Jung Mong-Joo in his book Sambong-Jip (삼봉집 三峰集 “The collection of Sambong’s writings”) like this. “I’ve learned Confucianism from Jung Mong-Joo.“ "I depend on him in studying Neo-Confucianism.” “Poeun is the best person in Goryeo in terms of integrity and erudition.” It was Poeun who presented Sambong with the book of Mencius which later became the foundation of Sambong’s revolutionary thoughts. The two genius Confucian scholars admired each other so much for a long time, but they chose different paths in the end.
In 1392, under King Gongyang’s reign, Yi Seong-Gye was the supreme power in deed as well as in name. As Poeun said in ep. 34, it would be a piece of cake for Yi Seong-Gye to attack the palace and kill the king with his private armies, and usurp the throne of Goryeo. Nobody could stop his military power at that time. But he didn’t do that. Why? Because he wanted a peaceful transfer of political power, so-called a bloodless dynastic revolution.
Sambong’s new country was based on Confucian ideology. It couldn’t be founded without the support of Sadaebu bureaucrats in the court.Poeun was their spiritual leader, so his support was desperately needed to justify the new country. Sambong and Yi Seong-Gye tried to appease him.
Poeun had been their close friends for a long time. He also knew their intention, but he started a desperate attempt to stop them. Unfortunately, Poeun was a stubborn loyalist to the Confucian belief such as “A faithful subject will not serve two kings/dynasties. (충신불사이군 忠臣不事二君)”. In his eyes, it was unacceptable disloyalty for a Confucian scholar to support the dynastic change. This was a matter of principle.
Actually, Poeun was the last one in Goryeo court with the strong will to revolt against Yi Seong-Gye. As he was a man of ability, the power struggle between Yi Seong-Gye’s revolutionists and Jung Mong-Joo’s reformists quickly became a tinderbox. However, nobody in Yi Seong-Gye’s faction could dare to kill Poeun. He is the spiritual leader of the entire Sadaebu scholars. If they kill him, the new nation will lose the Confucian legitimacy as well as Sadaebu bureaucrats’ support. Maybe, that’s why Poeun was confident that General Yi wouldn’t kill him and visited the house without guards on the day.
However, the volatile situation shockingly came to an end as Yi Seong-Gye’s 25 year-old son, Yi Bang-Won, appeared out of nowhere and murdered Master Poeun, the greatest leader of all Confucian scholars.   


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 35~36
The historical background to help understand Ep. 35~36

Ironically, it was also Yi Bang-won (King Taejong) that instigated the deification of Jung Mong-Joo as the greatest symbol of Confucian loyalty with the intention of pulling down Jung Do-Jeon. As you know, Yi Bang-Won killed Jung Do-Jeon in 1398 and sat on the throne in 1400. Sambong’s revolutionary thoughts were not needed any more and Poeun’s Confucian loyalty became the most important virtue to stabilize the country. All of a sudden, Jung Mong-Joo became a divine martyr to sacrifice himself to protect the declining fatherland, while Jung Do-Jeon became a cunning traitor. For about 600 years, Jung Do-Jeon’s name had been a taboo while Jung Mong-Joo’s status in Korean Confucianism has been in almost demigod level.
Therefore, in Korean viewers’ eyes, the descriptions of Jung Mong-Joo in SFD was really a shocking and unprecedented interpretation (blasphemy) although it is historically true that he impeached his best friend for his doubtful lineage.
Maybe, was Poeun in SFD giving Sambong a valuable lesson? Like Yeon-Hyang said “If you are not determined enough to even turn your back on your loved ones, you’d better stop here and don’t pretend you’re living for the world.” In ep. 36, Sambong finally decided to live a ruthless life, and I guess we will see the changed Jung Do-Jeon from now on. Historically, Sambong is not a naive idealist but the cruel “Korean Machiavelli” after all.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 35~36
The historical background to help understand Ep. 35~36

■ The Murder on Seonjuk Bridge (April, 1392)
The following is the real story recorded in the Annals of Joseon dynasty (조선왕조실록 朝鮮王朝實錄).
In March 15 of 1392, Yi Seong-Gye was injured from falling off a horse. A week later, King Gongyang heard the news and sent him a doctor and medicine. However, about 10 days later (April 1), Yi Seong-Gye’s followers like Jo Joon and Nam Eun were ousted and exiled by Jung Mong-Joo’s faction while Yi Seong-Gye was taking sick leave in Byeokrando trade port.
Jung Mong-Joo petitioned the king to execute Jung Do-Jeon and Jo Joon by beheading. As you know, Jung Do-Jeon had been exiled since September 1391, and Jo Joon was lately impeached under the accusation of favoring other candidates over King Gongyang when they enthroned the king. It could be regarded as a treason.
In April 3, the day after Yi Seong-Gye returned to the capital by the help of Yi Bang-Won in the middle of the night, Yi Seong-Gye hurriedly sent his second son Bang-Gwa and other relatives to the king, claiming “Who said that? That is a trap! Let’s call the accusers and Jo Joon for cross-examination!” But King Gongyang didn’t listen to him. Of courese the accusers were Jung Mong-Joo’s followers. The two parties were in extreme confrontation with each other.
Yi Bang-Won told his father “Jung Mong-Joo is now torturing Jung Do-Jeon to extract a confession for inculpating our family. This is an emergency. Definitely unfavorable situation for us. We should kill Jung Mong-Ju right now.” But Yi Seong-Gye didn’t permit it, saying “Leave our life and death up to our fate. We have no choice but to accept our fate. You should go back to your mothers tomb to complete your mourning period.” Even if Bang-Won wanted to look after his father, Yi Seong-Gye didn’t permit it.
Bang-Won discussed with his relatives about how to handle this emergency. General Yi Ji-Ran refused to join his plan. “Don’t tell me to do the thing your father doesn’t want.” but Bang-Won said “Even though my father won’t listen to me, I have to kill Jung Mong-Joo. I’ll take full responsibility for the fault I will commit.”

He told Jo Young-Gyu “Our family’s loyalty to the kingdom is a well-known fact all over the country. However, we gained notoriety by Jung Mong-Joo’s evil conspiracy against us. How could we explain ourselves for the future generations? Is there any one to do it for Yi clan?” Young-Gyu answered, “I’ll follow your order.”
Among Bang-Won’s relatives who conspired to kill Jung Mong-Joo together, there was a man by the name of Byeon Joong-Ryang (변중량 卞仲良, 1345~1398). He was not only a son-in-law of Yi Seong-Gye’s half brother, but also one of Jung Mong-Joo’s pupils. He secretly let his teacher know about this murderous attempt. However, Jung Mong-Joo made a bold decision to visit Yi Seong-Gye’s mansion without guards in order to see how things were going on there.
While Yi Seong-Gye was having a talk with Jung Mong-Joo in his bedroom, Yi Bang-Won made a plan to kill Jung Mong-Joo with his uncle Yi Hwa (Yi Seong-Gye’s half brother). “It might drive your father mad. What shall we do if he gets angry?” said Yi Hwa. But Bang-Won answered “We can’t miss this opportunity. If he gets angry, I will tell him it’s for greater cause. Let him take it out on me.”  
Bang-Won sent Jo Young-Gyu to receive weapons from Bang-Gwa’s house and ordered him to wait in ambush near the entrance of Jung Mong-Joo’s village. He sent three more men to kill Jung Mong-Joo on his way home. However, Jung Mong-Joo didn’t go home, and dropped by a house in mourning to offer his condolences.
Yi Bang-Won was taking personal command of the plan. He rode on horseback to Bang-Gwa’s house and asked if Jung Mong-Joo passed by. “No, he didn’t” Bang-Won ordered them to carry out another plan and returned home.
When Jung Mong-Joo approached Seonjuk bridge, Young-Gyu attempted to kill him but failed at his first strike. Jung Mong-Joo whipped a horse to run away, but Young-Gyu hit the horse on the head. Jung Mong-Joo fell off the horse and ran away in a hurry. Other men followed and killed him in the end.
Technically speaking, the murder happened in the street of Gaegyung, in broad daylight, without the presence of Yi Bang-Won.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 35~36
The historical background to help understand Ep. 35~36

After receiving a briefing, Bang-Won went to his father’s bedroom to report it. Yi Seong-Gye was infuriated by the news. He erected himself from his sickbed and scolded Bang-Won severely. “How could you kill him without my permission? Do you think people believe that I didn’t know about it beforehand? My family has been respected for loyalty and filial piety! I made you learn Confucianism to be good to your parents! But how could you do such an undutiful thing to your father? It would be better for me to drink poison and die right now!”
Bang-Won answered. “Jung Mong-Joo was about to ruin our family. How could we wait for it to happen without doing anything? I think it is true filial piety for me to kill him. Mother (Lady Gang), why don’t you try to make an excuse for me?” Then Lady Gang scolded her husband “I thought you were a great man. Why are you surprised and afraid so much?” Bang-Won said “We should call up our soldiers and prepare for unexpected emergency.” He went outside and ordered his soldiers to guard the house rigorously.
The next day, Yi Seong-Gye was compelled to deal with this situation. He sent his messenger to King Gongyang. “Jung Mong-Joo and his followers confessed that they had set up innocent royal subjects. They were already executed by us. Let’s bring the accusers, Jo Joon, and Nam Eun together, and investigate the truth.” King Gongyang refused to reveal the accusers.
At that moment, Yi Seong-Gye’s condition got extremely worse due to his anger. He couldn’t talk any more. Yi Bang-Won said “This is an emergency.” and sent messengers to Jo Joon and Nam Eun to make them come back to the capital. He also sent his elder brother Bang-Gwa to tell the king “If you don’t oust Jung Mong-Joo’s followers, execute us instead of them.” The king didn’t have any gut to fight against Yi Seong-Gye. So he exiled Poeun’s followers instead. The only thing he can give them was an order not to torture them.
In April 6, about 2 days after Jung Mong-Joo’s death, Yi Seong-Gye’s faction was released from the exile and seized the power of the court. Soon, Yi Saek’s followers were also exiled.  
Jung Mong-Joo’s body was decapitated and his head was exposed in the street. In SFD it was described as Jung Do-Jeon’s idea, but that’s not true at all. In the history, Sambong was not released from his exile yet. Therefore, he couldn’t see his best friend’s bloodied body on the bridge. In the history, he was released from the exile in June, 2 months after Poeun’s death, and one month before Joseon was founded.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 35~36
The historical background to help understand Ep. 35~36

■ Fact Check
As I said before, Poeun Jung Mong-Joo’s status in Korea has been in almostdemigod level. Therefore, many unofficial historical episodes about his death had been passed from generation to generation for about 600 years. They were sometimes mythified and embroidered. Therefore, we don’t know whether they are true or not. The following is unofficial records and folk tales.
  • The original name of the bridge was Seonji bridge (선지교 善地橋 “good land bridge”), but its name has been changed to Seonjuk bridge (선죽교 善竹橋 “good bamboo bridge") since bamboo sprouts came up by the bridge right after Jung Mong-Joo was killed there. Bamboo is a symbol of “unwavering integrity” in Korea.

  • People have believed that his bloodstains had never been erased, and still remains on the bridge. It is still a tourist attraction in North Korea.
  • According to a folk tale, Poeun predicted his death. So, he rode a horse backward when he left Yi Seong-Gye’s house, for fear of looking at the murderer’s face. His servant also knew it would happen but followed his master till the end.
  • After Yi Bang-Won became a king, he gave Poeun a posthumous title for his loyalty, and set up a memorial stone next to his tomb. However, it was struck by lightning. After his title in the inscription had been changed from Joseon’s prime minister to Munhasijung (문하시중 門下侍中 Goryeo’s prime minister), it was OK without any problem.
  • I already posted about Yi Bang-Won’s Hayeoga (하여가 何如歌 What if song) vs. Jung Mong-Joo’s Dansimga (단심가 丹心歌 single-hearted devotion song). Check it out here.
  • However, we don’t know when they recited those famous poems. Some historians insist that it is an invented story. Others believe that it’s true. Meanwhile, many drama writers love this story due to its dramatic effect. In Tears of dragon (1998, KBS), Bang-Won and Poeun recited the poems just before Poeun left the house. In Jung Do-Jeon (2014, KBS), Yi Bang-Won invited Poeun with his poem, and Poeun left his reply poem in a letter to Yi Seong-Gye. In SFD, their poems had been changed into colloquial dialogue on the bridge. I think SFD is the best adaptation of the poems.

  • The murder happened in broad daylight. However, Korean drama writers always set up the scene in the middle of the night, for its dramatic effect.
  • Anyways, it was not Jo Young-Gyu who directly killed Poeun. He just hit the horse’s head and other men killed Poeun. It is so sad for him to leave his name in the history as Poeun’s murderer.

  • Did Jo Young-Gyu really use an iron mace? Well, I couldn’t find any official record about it. It is also a folk tale after all.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Nameless in SFD Universe
“Starting with Bidam?” Nameless in SFD Universe
[Dispatch News] February 02, 2016
source :  Naver news
Do you remember Bidam, the tragic hero of Queen Seondeok (2009, MBC)?
How about traitor Yeomjong who separated Bidam and Deokman?
In 2009 MBC drama Queen Seondeok, Bidam’s sole purpose in life wasDeokman. However, Yeomjong came between them, and mutual misunderstanding led to Bidam’s tragic death.
Yeomjong was a wealthy Silla merchant. But he didn’t remain as a mere merchant. He was a powerful international trader with Japan and Sui & Tang China as well as Goguryeo and Baekje.
You may wonder why Queen Seondeok is mentioned here all of a sudden. Because the story of Bidam and Yeomjong was mentioned in episode 32 of Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS)
Yi Bang-Won : When did your organization start?
Granny Jeong-Ya : Silla. We began with a man by the name of Yeomjong who lived under Queen Seondeok’s reign.  
Yi Bang-Won : Yeomjong? The traitor who revolted with Bidam?


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:52 AM | Show all posts

The story of Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016 SBS) is happening about 700 years after Queen Seondeok (2009, MBC). It is also the prequel to Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS).

The writing team (Kim Young-Hyeon & Park Sang-Yeon) has created a huge  interconnected universe of the 3 Sageuk dramas. It’s like Marvel Cinematic Universe.

All 3 dramas have their own secret organization. Queen Seondok has“Moomyung Jido” (Nameless warriors), Six Flying Dragons has“Moomyung” (Nameless), and Tree with Deep Roots has “Milbon” (Hidden Root). They are the invisible hand penetrating those 3 dramas.

We asked about this invisible hand, so-called Nameless Universe, and got an answer from the SFD production team.

First of all, the following is the history of Moomyung (Nameless).

Before Queen Seondeok’s reign, there were books kept by Munno. Their title was Sam-Han-Ji-Se (삼한지세 三韓地勢 “The geography of three kingdoms”).

The books contain a lot of information about 3 kingdoms of the Korean peninsula (Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla). It was intended to help a Silla king to unify the three kingdoms. Were they written by Munno? You’d better regard it as thecollaboration of Munno and Yeomjong.

“These books belong to both Munno and me! Where does that money come from while Munno had been wandering around the world for about 20 years? How could he roam around Goguryeo, Baekje, Japan, Sui China? By himself? No, my organization was mobilized to collect the data for him. So, do these books belong to Munno? No, they are mine!"  (Yeomjong)

In Queen Seondeok (2009, MBC), Yeomjong was a leader of large merchant groups. He was a big player in the international trading with Goguryeo, Baekje, Japan, Sui & Tang China.

We remember him as the traitor of "Yeomjong’s rebellion”. He had political ambitions by weighing between Bidam and Kim Chun-Chu. He and Bidam revolted against Queen Seondeok but their rebellion ended in failure.

Yeomjong has died. Then, was his organization dismantled? The writing team (Kim Young-Hyeon & Park Sang-Yeon) expanded this organization’s existence like Freemasons or Knights Templar in the Western world.

The following is an imaginary story after the death of Yeomjong. The organization’s remnants went to see Kim Chun-Chu and bowed low to him. Kim Chun-Chu embraced them because he was about to unify the three kingdoms.

As the history goes, the 3 kingdoms were unified. The Moomyung Jidorevived again as an invisible hand. They began to pull strings of the political world with money and information from behind.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:55 AM | Show all posts

The unified Silla was divided again and the turbulent times, so-called “the Later Three Kingdom period”, began. Nameless started the 2nd unification project. At that time, the person they chose as their ally was King Gung-Ye of Hu-Goguryeo.

However, their collaboration ended in failure. In short, “Om Mani Banme Hum” King Gung-Ye wanted himself to be a Maitreya (* Messiah in Buddhism). It has caused a crack in their relationship.

In addition, King Gung-Ye moved the capital from Songak (Gaegyung) to Cheolwon. Therefore, Nameless joined hands with Wang clan which was the powerful local caln in Songak (Gaegyung). That was the alliance with Wang Geon.

The following is what Master Yooksan said in Six Flying Dragons.

“This is the agreement to partnerships between King Taejo (Wang Geon) and us, which was written after King Taejo expelled Gung Ye and established Goryeo. Ever since, we’ve had a close connection with the royal family.”
“If you become the king, we are going to help you, even after you’ve come to the throne, to settle down the government.  In addition to that, if you become the king, those who go against you will be against us as well. So we’re going to eliminate them all.”
“If you run away from the throne, Yi Seong-Gye will be the king in the end. If that happens, from your children, your siblings, to the royal family (Wang clan) that you took care of for so long, everyone will be wiped out. ”

As history says, Wang Geon achieved the reunification of 3 kingdoms. The Nameless became an invisible hand again. They got involved with the government and the royal family for their own interests.
However, King Gongmin was different. He was a reformist ruler with strong independent tendency. He was aware of the power behind the throne, the Nameless, and began a pursuit.
“When Princess Noguk passed away after a difficult delivery, King Gongmin claimed that it was not an accident. He said there was an organization called Nameless behind the tragedy. King Gongmin was not in his right mind at the time. Everyone just thought he was delusional. He was determined to catch Nameless and searched through palace maids. In the process, Yeon-Hyang committed suicide. If Yeon-Hyang really is your (Bang-Ji’s) mother, she didn’t commit suicide. She must have snuck out of the palace. ” (Jung Do-Jeon)

That is what Kim Young-Hyeon and Park Sang-Yeon had created so far.

People say that history itself is a spoiler in Sageuk drama. As you know, Yi Bang-Won’s Hayeoga (What if song) and Jung Mong-Joo’s Dansimga (Single-hearted devotion song) are unchangeable historical fact.
However, the next is creators’ role. Writers’ imagination should be added a little bit, because Sageuk is a “drama” after all.


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:56 AM | Show all posts

The writing team interpreted the whirl of history as the battle between those who try to maintain and those who try to change. Maybe, the Nameless is the representative of those who try to maintain.

They try to maintain their lands, their money, their power. They want the world to shut up and be quiet. Stagnant water is bound to corrupt. In short, they are the stagnant water?

We asked without preamble about the identity of Nameless.

The SFD production team answered. “The invisible organization is intended to manage the world to work in stable manner in order to keep their principle.”

However, the team added that they can’t reveal yet what their principle is. By any chance, the difference of principles between Nameless, Jung Do-Jeon, and Yi Bang-won may be the core part of SFD’s climax.

“We will throw questions like "Why should Joseon be established at the time?”  "Why did it have such limitations?“. We want to find answers from the debates between Nameless, Jung Do-Jeon and Yi Bang-Won.” (SFD production team)

Now, the real “Six dragons” will begin to fly.
The worm in Yi Bang-Won’s heart already started to wriggle. He got to know Jung Do-Jeon’s dream was different from his ideal. We are going to witness Jung Mong-Joo’s death on Seonjuk bridge today. (* This news article was written on February 2, 2016)
In the vortex of politics, what will our six dragons choose in the end? what kind of role the Nameless will play? From their debates, what answers can we get?

The writers (Kimg Young-Hyeon and Park Sang-Yeon) connected Queen Seondeok with Six Flying Dragons, and also with Tree with Deep Roots.
The two writers’ dramatic universe creates another interesting point : warriors’ ranking. The final vonus of this article is “fighting skills” as they say. We made Q & A based on SFD production team’s opinion. So, who is the best?


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:57 AM | Show all posts

☞ Who is the strongest warrior?
Gukseon Munno (국선 문노 國仙 文努), the legendary Hwarang, is the strongest in Queen Seondeok (2009, MBC). Cheok Sa-Gwang, the successor to Goksan swordsmanship, is the strongest in Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS). In Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS)? Karpei, the Gokturk warrior, is the strongest.  

☞ Then, if those 3 warriors have a sword fight? Who will win?
They are neck and neck. If those 3 warriors fight, the result will be decided not by their fighting skills, but by their condition of the day.  

☞ Is there any weakness they have respectively?
Munno clings to “Great cause”. Cheok Sa-Gwang sticks to “love”. However, Karpei doesn’t have anything like that. Even though he shares his mind with a little girl Yeon-Du, he is free from complicated anxiety. For that reason, Karpei may get slightly ahead of the rest 2 warriors.

Is there any one who is considered second only to those 3 warriors?
Maybe, Chil-Sook?  (* Mishil’s bodyguard Hwarang in Queen Seondeok)


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 08:58 AM | Show all posts

Asian dragons have snake’s neck, demon’s eyes, stag’s antlers, carp’s scales, hawk’s claws, and tiger’s soles.

Dragons (Yi Seong-Gye, Yi Bang-Won)
Stag’s antlers (Jung Do-Jeon)  
Carp’s scales (Boon-Yi)  
Hawk’s claws (Yi Bang-Ji)
Tiger’s soles (Moo-Hyul)


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Post time 10-2-2016 09:38 AM | Show all posts
ngntuk nyeee...

tak sabar nk tgk scene sam bong kene bunuh ngn BW....

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 09:56 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 10-2-2016 09:38 AM
ngntuk nyeee...

tak sabar nk tgk scene sam bong kene bunuh ngn BW....

kita tggu yer...saat2 bila SB nk pilih CP tu nti kan...
pegghh mmg gaduh besar ler....

kan BW kat dia nk jadi King....

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Post time 10-2-2016 10:04 AM | Show all posts
sorry lari topik jap...

nk tanya otai2 korean history kat sini, kat mana iols blh cari more info on Kim Wonsul anak pada Kim Yushin? Iols dh google tp results yg kuar x berapa memberangsangkan. help pls otai2 kesayangan sekalian.

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 10:16 AM | Show all posts
milanhawkin replied at 10-2-2016 10:04 AM
sorry lari topik jap...

nk tanya otai2 korean history kat sini, kat mana iols blh cari more info  ...

tanya ler pacik gugel..sure byk membantu kan...


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Ratings (Neilsen)
Ep 33     Nationwide 15.0% (+0.1)     Seoul 17.2% (+0.6)
Ep 34     Nationwide 15.1% (+0.1)     Seoul 17.3% (+0.1)
Ep 35     Nationwide 16.3% (+1.2)     Seoul 18.5% (+1.2)
Ep 35     Nationwide 16.8% (+0.5)     Seoul 19.3% (+0.8)
Ep 35     Nationwide 12.3% (-4.5)      Seoul 13.3% (-6.0)
Ep 36     Nationwide 14.1% (+1.8)      Seoul 15.3% (+2.0)

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2016 10:29 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-2-2016 11:40 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 10-2-2016 10:16 AM
tanya ler pacik gugel..sure byk membantu kan...

like i said, dh google tp x byk sgt info yg blh dpt. info sgt limited.
kot2 otai2 ada cadangan bahan bacaan ke, drama ke yg iols leh cari/baca/tgk.

or perhaps mmg takat tu je info on him?

hmm... ok.


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