jalan2 kat blog redmummy, sekali dia pos beg LC ni..
ayoooooo......terpikat la plak......nak ...
syabee Post at 29-3-2012 10:46
ya ampunnnnnnnnnnnn..... mmg GOJESSSSSSSSS... bila sling pun GOJES! nak jugakkkkk...hahhahahow much yer? kalau jumpa bgtau yer.
bawah 1k x agak2nya? hehe
(loh x dpt tempek...hehe)
tengok kt sini je lah. http://cari.unauthorize.com./
wah... hebat betul redmummy ni. tempek link dia pun x leh ek?hikhik
beg ni mmg marvelous lah! jumpa di blog mana tah beg ni harga lebih kurang RM1300
cepheid Post at 29-3-2012 11:54
alaaaa.... lebih 1k. hehehe
I am sure all of us are familiar with the famed Le Pliage bag from Longchamp. The simple folding canvas bag, which was inspired by the Japanese art of origami, has sold more than 13 million worldwide since 1993. Now, leather lovers (such as yours truly) can rejoice because the Le Pliage is finally available in soft metis leather! And yes, these leather bags are foldable too.
tengok squarish mcm ni mcm x cantik. tp tengok redmummy pakai, cantik! heheh