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Author: Acong

[Dunia] V13 MH370 - Kena hijack USA (Jacob Rothschild) / Illuminati / Freemason / JEW..?

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Post time 16-3-2014 06:54 AM | Show all posts
aaa... jgn tulis banyak2.. ambik pengajaran dari kes arnabkiut..
tu cuma kes gossip.. ini kes nyawa tau.

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Post time 16-3-2014 06:58 AM | Show all posts
watachiwa posted on 15-3-2014 09:15 PM
baru nak tanya perihal yang sama..
pakcik melada tu mana?
yg geng mancing aku phm la diorg just ...

Kannn......geng penambah rasa bagai ni harus di ambil tindakan...

Yg satu pekan kata dengar letupan, dengar itu ini... poyo giler masing2....

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul ke MH 370 landing di Diego Garcia..US Navy Base..

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:11 AM | Show all posts
aruzkuys posted on 16-3-2014 06:50 AM
ni bila pilot dah kena siasat..mcm2 diaorang cari maklumat..geledah rumah, pakar telekomunikasi akan ...

Benda2 mcn ni la yg dirisaukan family para pilots..... kita pun tak tau, tiba2 jd suspek.... sbb tu aku tak heran klu awal2 lg family pilot tak nak ditemuramah or dia org tak sibyk menayang muka sana sini....... baik diam je..... dan aku harap polis pun nk geledah bagai kena ada waran... family berhak tak nak bekerjasama if takde waran.... so buat keje ikut procedure..... innocent until proven guilty...

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:45 AM | Show all posts
limesherbet posted on 16-3-2014 03:27 AM
takde. sikit pun die takmo bagitau.

Kawan ko tu keje ape?


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Post time 16-3-2014 07:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dlm berita rtm bgtau polis dah p ke rumah kptn zaharie semlm lebih kurang jam 2.30pm n kluarjam 4.30 lebih...rasanya polis dah ikutprosedur, mesti ada waran. Berita tv3 pun bgtau polis dah p rumah co-pilot mlm td. Maklumat lanjut mungkin dlm PC nnt.

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adakah kita pasti bahawa penumpang masih hidup setelah pesawat berada pada 45,000 kaki? Entah-entah mereka sudah mati kelemasan ketika dalam tidur.

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:55 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Missing Malaysian flight did not pass over Indian airspace: Kolkata ATC

KOLKATA: Air traffic controllers at Kolkata have ruled out the possibility of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 flying over Indian airspace, one of the two possibilities that Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak had suggested at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.

The other alternative route that the flight whose communication system is now believed to have been deliberately disabled is that it flew to the Indian Ocean to the south of the Malacca Strait where the plane was last sighted on a Malaysian military radar.

Speaking to TOI, air traffic controllers' guild secretary Sugata Pramanik said that while flight MH370 could have avoided detection on the Secondary Surveillance Radar, the blip by the huge Boeing 777-200 ER aircraft would surely have been spotted by the Air Force that uses Primary Surveillance Radars to detect such intrusions. Any flight that moves in the north-western direction towards Kazakhstan from Malaysia, as suggested by Razak, is bound to pass through Kolkata Flight Information Region. (FIR).

"If an aircraft wants to avoid being seen, they can easily become invisible to a civilian radar by switching off the transponder that relays information about the plane. But it cannot avoid defence systems. The Indian Air Force has radars in multiple installations across the country and it is inconceivable that none of them spotted the odd blip with no flight clearance," he said.

There are nine Air Defence Identification zones in the country that are manned 24x7 to prevent an enemy aircraft from violating Indian airspace.

Guild member Sushil Mondal concurred, explaining that all hell would break loose if Air Force detected an aircraft that did not have air defence clearance. Any plane flying through Indian airspace is first required to submit the flight plan and manifest to the air traffic controls in its flight path. This is then relayed to the Air Force for permission.

"There are times when the Air Force finds a blip that does not match a flight plan. That usually happens when flight plans going missing at their end due to a system or link failure. They then immediately contact us for information. If the plane flight plan isn't of suspicious nature, a clearance is granted. Or else, it is asked to return to wherever it came from. In case, we too don't have any information of the aircraft, all hell will break loose and the Air Force may even scramble jets to take the plane down. Nothing of the kind happened last Saturday," said Mondal.

Kolkata airport has an Automatic Dependence Surveillance Radar and Controller-Pilot Datalink Communication that enables it to not only trail planes when it is in the radar zone of 60 nautical miles or nearly 120 km and beyond through very high frequency radio but also through the data link when the plane goes out of voice communication range. There are large areas in the Kolkata FIR, particularly over Bay of Bengal, that have no radar coverage at present. A radar has been installed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands but is yet to be commissioned.

Not that it would have helped though. According to the Malaysian PM, those in control of MH370 had deliberately switched off all communication devices to fly undetected for nearly seven hours after it was last sighted on radar.

Incidentally, Kolkata airport too has a primary surveillance radar but it filters out all flights beyond 25,000 ft because it is used for landings and takeoffs. "If we record all the information up to 46,000 ft, there will be confusion in the ATC. Area controllers look after flights beyond 25,000 ft," explained Pramanik.

The controllers also pointed out that flying without informing the ATC would be extremely risky at night when there is no visibility and traffic is high. It is akin to several cars speeding on a highway at night with no headlights.

"To attempt something like that would require meticulous planning by someone who knows flight paths thoroughly to fly at an altitude where he does not anticipate another aircraft. The person then also had an intended destination where a plane as large as a B 777 can land. It is all still a big mystery to us," said Mondal.



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Post time 16-3-2014 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kptn nik huzlan now di SPM rtm1.... Wow semua channel dia

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Post time 16-3-2014 07:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
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Misteri Upali, Wahi kembali menghantui

Kuala Lumpur: Kehilangan pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH 370 sejak seminggu lalu mengingatkan kepada insiden sama menimpa pengasas Kumpulan Syarikat Upali, Philip Upali Wijewardene, 31 tahun lalu.

Tauke coklat jenama Kandos yang popular di Malaysia itu hilang bersama pesawat peribadi dinaiki selepas dipercayai terhempas di Selat Melaka pada 14 Februari 1983.

Pesawat peribadi jutawan Sri Lanka itu, Lear Jet LR35, yang baru berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah di Subang menuju Colombo, Sri Lanka, membawa empat rakan termasuk seorang rakyat Malaysia dan juruterbang, berlepas jam 8.40 malam dan dijangka tiba di Sri Lanka jam 12.11 tengah malam.

Bagaimanapun, 10 minit berlepas, pesawat itu dilaporkan hilang daripada radar pada kedudukan 100 batu nautika dari Subang.

Kehilangannya mungkin disebabkan pesawat diterbangkan pada aras rendah. Jam 8.56 malam, hubungan radio antara juruterbang Lear Jet LR35 dengan pegawai di menara kawalan terputus.

Berikutan kehilangan pesawat itu, Malaysia, Indonesia, India dan Sri Lanka menubuhkan pasukan khas untuk menjalankan operasi mencari di lokasi kejadian.

Malah, Singapura, Amerika Syarikat dan Russia turut menyertai pasukan itu bagi mengesan setiap inci Selat Melaka termasuk menggunakan kapal pengesan periuk api, namun gagal menemui pesawat dipercayai terhempas di perairan itu.

Usaha mencari mangsa di sekitar Selat Melaka dihentikan setahun kemudian kerana tiada bukti atau penemuan baru ditemui untuk dijadikan petunjuk, menyebabkan pasukan mencari menemui jalan buntu.

Yang menghairankan, pasukan mencari dan menyelamat langsung tidak menemui bukti atau petunjuk tempat nahas berlaku walaupun sedikit cebisan pesawat.

Siasatan awal Jabatan Penerbangan Malaysia (DCA) mendapati pesawat bergerak terlalu pantas. Radar Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) Butterworth mengesan pesawat itu dari ruang udara Batu Arang, Selangor dan tujuh minit kemudian tidak kelihatan di radar.

Pada jam 9.03 malam lampu ‘blip’ pesawat padam dan hilang pada skrin radar. Ketika itu pesawat berkenaan berada 20 batu nautika dekat pantai Sumatera.

Pasukan khas dari Malaysia menghentikan operasi mencari dan menyelamat, tetapi anggotanya diletakkan dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga dan bersedia memberi bantuan jika diperlukan oleh pasukan Indonesia.

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya Allah...sungguh besar hikmahMu ..kumohon dgn hikmahMu dgn kasih sayangMu...berikanlah keselamatan pd mh370 n isinya n kembalikan ia kpd kami dlm selamatMu jua...aamiin

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis posted on 16-3-2014 07:55 AM
Missing Malaysian flight did not pass over Indian airspace: Kolkata ATC

KOLKATA: Air traffic cont ... setuju dgn indian ni pnya explanstion....igt senang ke nk ceroboh ruang udara org lain

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:15 AM | Show all posts
Laku betul kapten nik sekarang. semua channel dok panggil.

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Kapten nik kat tv1 sekarang ke?
Alaa tak dapat tengok sebab kerja
Apa hujah kapten nik pagi ni?

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zep posted on 16-3-2014 08:15 AM
Laku betul kapten nik sekarang. semua channel dok panggil.

channel sini x nak panggil ke

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 15-3-2014 09:37 PM
kat sini Cong nampak tak bila yg jim tu keluarkan idea tu? Den nampak 14/3.... rerambut pulak on t ...

Baik x yah siasat..nnt xde berita lg... uhuks

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:18 AM | Show all posts
plot jd makin menarik.. h/ever, makin scary...

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aruzkuys posted on 15-3-2014 10:29 PM
pada aku la kan... wat ever kambing hitam ke... sorok data ke...main wayang ke... aku harap sangat m ...

Kesimpulannya sapa yg masuk forum ni..semua nak tahu spekulasi...

Maka klu ada org suka teori..akan ada org supply..

Enjoy the ride,while continuously praying

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Post time 16-3-2014 08:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
speku lah yg menyebabkan jln citer jd menarik

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