SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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Reply #1221 moondance's post
tak silap aku ep 14 part 5/6/7 heheehe. hehehe sian kawan aku tergezut |
citer nih ada vcd je kan?dvd takde?
mahal tak?berapa harga?
apasal dia kisu paksa tuh?episod 14 part berapa?huhu...nak tau gak
episod 9 depa blom tau identiti masing2 kan? |

[ Last edited by airahthislove at 26-1-2007 03:36 PM ] |
Reply #1213 moondance's post
kate2 shen2 semuanya bermakna...sedih ooo baru dia nak nyesal |

Hari ni ader lg tak yg makan menikmati dgn hati? 
[ Last edited by airahthislove at 26-1-2007 03:37 PM ] |
Zaizai's Forced Kiss too Rough Park Eun-Hey Screams Pain
Silence's Zaizai's forced kissing is too rough, making "mute girl", Park Eun-Hey to scream , "Wait, very painful!" CTS's Silence is snatching the ratings, winning from the scene of Zaizai forcing a kiss on Park Eun-Hey. This kissing scene still lingers in Park Eun-Hey even though they have completed filming for so long. Park Eun-Hey, who acts as a mute, screamed, "Wait, very painful" in chinese when she was hurting from the forced kiss by Zaizai.
In order for the scene to look real, Zaizai and Park Eun-Hey communicated before the filming about how it should go. Park Eun-Hey who was very professional also agreed as long as the Director shouted 5,4,3, Zaizai can kiss no matter how roughly.
However, when the Director counted down, Zaizai said, "I can satisfy you now." and immediately rushed up to kiss Park Eun Hey. Other than his lips stuck to Park Eun Heys', both his hands were holding on to Park Eun Hey's struggling wrists, showing the feeling of roughness.
As everything came real, Zaizai did not control his strength and held her hands too tightly, making the "mute" Park Eun Hey screamed out in chinese, "Wait, very painful!" All the crew found it very funny and to think Sheng Sheng who don't speak in the show actually screamed cut herself.
When she screamed cut, everyone went foward and saw that her hands were red from Zaizai's strength. Zaizai who was too engrossed in the role can only repeat his apologies again and again.
Thanks to Taipei reports.
19th Aug 2006
credits :Xiujuan @ onlyf4

ganaz.....ganaz.....  |
makan dgn hati .. nanti weiyi masak tak sedap, shen2 kata xpe, asalkan kite gembira.. |
screamed out in chinese, "Wait, very painful!"
boleh plak speaking chinese yer..vic vic.. |
dah jumpa
episod 14-05
huhu |
mesti ler Park Eun Hye pandai ckp mandarin sbb dah berbulan2 dia kena belajar bahasa ni...
bukan senang belajar bahasa isyarat tu... |
Reply #1235 moondance's post
bagi bel ZaiZai ni nampak aje lembut tapi ganas gak...sbb pernah keluar gambar Barbie dulu..tengkuk dia ada lovebite besar gitu... |
Reply #1233 airahthislove's post
ekekkeke..gatai ko noo....  |
Aper komen WeiYi bila wat scene kiss ganaz tuh?

WeiYi: Hmm...nyum!nyum! 
[ Last edited by airahthislove at 26-1-2007 02:51 PM ] |
scene tu sekejap je dia tunjuk sbb ade org interrupt.. |
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