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Author: sue_cinta

[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)

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Post time 11-2-2011 12:14 AM | Show all posts
ke-bengong-an luffy terselah sangat kali ni! hahahahaha!

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Post time 11-2-2011 12:25 PM | Show all posts
bentuk baru Chopper klakar plak aku tengok..

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Post time 11-2-2011 04:54 PM | Show all posts
bentuk baru Chopper klakar plak aku tengok..
kyouka Post at 11-2-2011 12:25

Kungfu Point, bentuk badan dia sama ngan orang asli kat pulau tempat dia belajar tu..

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Post time 11-2-2011 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Kungfu Point, bentuk badan dia sama ngan orang asli kat pulau tempat dia belajar tu..
kroit92 Post at 11-2-2011 16:54

sovenier dr pulau sane?..


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Post time 12-2-2011 09:50 PM | Show all posts
sovenier dr pulau sane?..
kyouka Post at 11-2-2011 23:13

musstii, nasib baik Sanji tak bawak souvenier tempat dia belajar tu, hmy3:
kalau tak haazzaaaabbbbb

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Post time 13-2-2011 11:12 AM | Show all posts
musstii, nasib baik Sanji tak bawak souvenier tempat dia belajar tu,
kalau tak haazza ...
kroit92 Post at 12-2-2011 21:50

ade tue..mesti ade punye...
turn Sanji fight nanti mesti dia tunjuk..

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Post time 13-2-2011 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1306# kyouka

   lol, mr.2 punye pengganti dah ade

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Post time 13-2-2011 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1307# megapoke

oh my gosh,

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Post time 15-2-2011 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Kamon.... we want 10th crew member.

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Post time 16-2-2011 03:07 PM | Show all posts
siapakah bakal ahli mugiwara terbaru...

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Post time 16-2-2011 06:29 PM | Show all posts
takdak spoiler ka? kalu sapa2 nak tepek spoilerm nanti jgn lupa tag aku naa...

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Post time 17-2-2011 01:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1311# munkyG

nah spoiler dah keluar
    [quote=Aohige_AP;2135093]first half

Chapter 615: The curse of Target-target (Mato-mato)
cover story: From the deck of the world: Colbo Mountain

Brook: Hey, hey! Luffy-san!!
Right minister: Wait, Megalo!!  Where are you going!?
SHirahoshi: (I'm sorry father, brother... forgive me everyon in the  castle...!)
Luffy: Let's go out for a stroll!!

Right minister: What is up with you, Megalo!?  To leave the door to the  princess wide open... what if something happens to the princess!?
Skeleton!! Hurry and check up on the princess!!
Brook: Gosh, you're really whipping this ol' bone to work!
right minister: She's not HEEEEREE!!!! Princess Shirahoshi isn't  here!!!!
Brook: What!?  The mermaid princess is missing?
right minister: This is a crisis!! A national crisis!! Who did this and  when!?  This has to be a kidnapping!!

Pirates: The corridor connecting Fishman Island and the Ryuugu Palace...  where's the opening switch for it...
Brook: Huh?  Switch?
Right minster: Skeleton!!  Hurry to your majesty Neptune!! We must  report this immediately!!
Pirates: We have to do it... as they say.... The only way for us to live  is to listen to them...
Hurry, tell us.... if you don't, they'll kill us!!!
Brook: What are you talking about!?

Fishman Island Coral Hill (Sango hill)
Chopper: Hey Sanji!! Why did you beat up all the soldiers!?
Sanji: Damn, that was a great chance to go to Ryuugu Palace... but they  said they're gonna cuff me...
Chopper: Look at everyone staring us in doubt!!  Their eyes look like  deep sea fishes!!
(In Japanese, disgusted eyes is expressed as "white eyes", he says their  eyes are so white they look like deep sea fish's)
Sanji: Shut it!! What's done is done!
Chopper: Well THINK before you DO!
Sanji: Look, you took out half of them!! With Kung-fu!  That was...  pretty strong.
Chopper: Oh... damn you, I'm not happy for that comment!! (Chopper's old  happy line)

Citizen: Kyaaa!! A bloodied man from the shore!!
Hey, you're from the fishman island... what happened!?  Get us a doctor!
Chopper: Huh?  Hey, I'm a doctor!
Sanji: Huh!?  Hachi!!!  What happened to you!!

Hacchan is found lying on the ground with countless arrows on his body
Chopper: Hey Hachi!! What's with that injury!!!

Hachi: Oh... it's you guys, good to see you... is Straw Hat here....?
Chopper: He's not here right now!! Wait a sec, I'll treat you!
Hachi: Gather your crew.. hurry...... you guys shouldn't get involved  with this island anymore... leave Fishman Island...
Soon the New Fishman Pirates are going to invade this land....
The kingdom of Ryuugu is going to collapse....

Few hours ago in the Fishman town of Noa

Decken: Listen up, pirates under Hodi Jones!! You are lucky ones!!  You'll be able to assisst us in this history defining operation!!
Pirate: The Vander Decken, from the Flying Duchman!?
Decken: Bahohohoho!! The decendant of!! I'm no ghost!!
However, I'm cursed as well....
Although I'm a fishman, I can't swim.... the power of the devil I gained  in return from the curse of Mato-mato!! Have a look at its power!!

Hachi: Hodi!!
Hodi: Hachi-san....
Hachi: The drug ES will do nothing but destroy you...!
What's the use of fishmen destroying fishman island!! Don't  underestimate the Great Knight Neptune!!

Hodi: Hachi-san.... please, leave us alone...
We don't want to listen to you anymore... I can't believe you're a  lieutenant of Arlong Pirates I looked up to...!!
You've gone soft.... it's time for a new generation to step in...!
For the humans to know their place, We need Fishman Island, and Neptune  is in our way!
You guys are the ones that taught us that we're the superior race!!

Hachi: But Arlong lost!! Decken! Hyozou!!  What's up with you guys!?
You guys didn't heed the call of Arlong back then!!  Why are you lending  hand to these young ones!?

Hyozou: Lend hand....?  I was hired.  With money.
Arlong was too tight with his wallet, and couldn't keep me around...
Since you were a child, you didn't stand a chance at me.
I feel sorry for Arlong that he couldn't bring with him a better  swordsman than you.

Decken: Bahohoho!!  Hachi of the Arlong pirates!?  Haven't seen you in a  while!
Your captain tried to make me his underling, you gotta be kidding me!
I don't work under anyone!!  Hodi understands that!

Hodi: Arlong-san had ambition and decisiveness I looked up to..!!
But he was unruly and lacked the sophistication...
When you guys were out there wrecking havoc in the seas, we were too  young to be pirates despite our wish..!!
That generation has grown into this crowd... that's why we're prepared!   We won't make the same mistake!
I inherit Arlong Pirates' will.... And to have one of the lieutenant of  that pirate object to my plans, that's very disheartening
And by coincidence, the very man who crushed that dream, Straw Hat  Luffy, is here on this island... do you not feel anything about that?

Hachi: He told me I'm his friend, a former Arlong Pirate... and he saved  my life!!  I want to see him right away!!
But as long as Arlong's will lives on here, I can't show myself to him!!
Hodi: Humans as friends?  You sound like that damn Neptune!!  You  disgust me.
Decken: Locked on, Hachi.

Decken touches Hachi

Decken: Bahohoho!!  Have you forgotten the ways of piracy?
If you want to make a point... do it with violence!!  I think.

Hachi is stabbed by Decken's knife

Hachi: Gyaaa!
Decken: I touched you, now you're my target.  No matter what I fling at  any direction, like a living bird it will home in to you, the target.
Of course there are ways to stop them.   Try them out.

Hachi: No stop!!  Not that many arrows!!!
I've heatd of your powers...!!  Hey Hodi, he's gonna kill me!!  Stop  Decken!

Hodi: Didn't I say it, Hachi-san?  Vander Decken isn't working under me.   We're in a pirate alliance.
Besides, you're but an annoyance now!!  Coward!!

Hachi: Damn it!!

Decken: There!!  Go!!!

He sends the arrows flying
Hachi runs

Decken: Bahohoho!! Go ahead, run! Run!! But they will chase you  anywhere!!
Hachi: Stop!!! Damn, they come even under water!?  Gyaaaaa!!!

Decken: Bahohoho... the targets I can memorize are limited to two... the  same number as palm of my hand
This right hand I haven't even washed in ten years.... memorized  Princess Shirahoshi.
Do you understand?  The weapon, the love, whatever I throw!!  Will chase  after my target to the depth of hell!!  This is my power!!

Hodi: Alright humans!!  You understand Decken's power now?
So here's the first part of the plan.... The Ryuugu Palace is known to  be inpenetrable...
But the man who kept throwing objects penetrating its defence for ten  years... is this man Vander Decken!
So... you'll become the penetrating weapons and be thrown by Decken...  and fly towards the Mermaid Princess!
Where you will actually land is a hard wall of the tower....
Then you'll open the gates from inside, and let us in!  That is your  mission!
Pirate: Ridiculous.... we'd die hitting that wall!
Hodi: Of course you will.  That's why we're going to use you humans,  with your expendable lives!!
You are worth less than slaves here!!
Those who lived after hitting the wall, complete your mission!!  If all  goes well, we'll let you free!
If you wish to decline the mission, I'll throw you all out of this  bubble!! Worthless inferior race!!

Ryuugu Palace North-East, the passage to Hardshell Tower

Right minister: Hurry skeleton!  To the king!
Pirates: Wait.. if you don't open the passage, we'll be killed by  Hodi...
Right minister: King Neptune!!!  It's a kidnapping case!! The princes  has been abducted!!
Brook: And there are pirates raining down on the tower!! We're under  attack!!
Neptune: Kidnap!!!?  Shirahoshi!! Who did this!!!
Zoro: Invasion at time like this...?  What are we to do...?
Usopp: Why NOW!  We're holed up here in the palace too!!  Wh-what should  we do!?  No wait don't answer that.
Zoro: Let's slice them up.

Scene changes

Luffy: Don't you think you can come out of the shark now?
Shirahoshi: N... no, I'd rather stay inside yet...
Luffy: How is it?  The first time outside in ten years!
Shirahoshi: My heart is thumping... I'm doing something terrible...
Luffy: No you're not, you're just going outside!  You're weird...
Shirahoshi: Is this what they call... adventure?
Luffy: Hahahaha, yeah I guess, if your heart is thumping, that must be  adventure.
And you said Forest of Sea?  What is that?  Is there something  interesting there?
Shirahoshi: It's a graveyard!!  There's a grave I haven't been able to  visit ever since it was made...
For ten years, I've always wanted to go there...

Deep Sea: Forest of Sea

Jinbe: It's been ten years.... since the incident that rocked the  Fishman Island...
The assassination in mid daylight... time goes by fast.
The princes' have all grown to be strong warriors... But Princess  Shirahoshi is still in the tower...
But none of us have forgotten your ideals....

Queen Otohime!!

(btw, Otohime is the princess in the Japanese folklore of Ryuuguu  Palace)



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Post time 17-2-2011 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1312# sepaileman

   terima kasih encik sepai leman
tunggu dari mangastream pulak

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2011 05:16 AM | Show all posts
@ New! ONE PIECE, Chapter 615 : The Mato Mato Curse

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Post time 18-2-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minipuff at 18-2-2011 12:38

kubur permaisuri kat sea forest...patut la princess nak sgt ke sana..

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Post time 18-2-2011 04:13 PM | Show all posts
tu kubur bini neptune king ka?

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Post time 18-2-2011 08:25 PM | Show all posts

Aku sokong sangat sangat la kalau PRINCESS MERMAID ni jadi crew ke 10
like hehehe...

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Post time 20-2-2011 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1317# ___detective___

   rasenye muat ker kapal thousand sunny tuh
kalo skil berlawan pon x de nak amik buat per,crybaby plak tu

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Post time 21-2-2011 08:41 PM | Show all posts
btl2....x kot....hehe

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Post time 23-2-2011 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Layan spoiler sepukull... hehehe...
Chapter 616: Memorial Day of Revenge
Cover: Shells Town Marine base, Rika the waitress in training
(T mistakenly says she's the milk girl in Ace's coverstory, but Rika is the other girl who gave Zoro the sugar-rice ball)
On the ground near her feet is Luffy's 400 million wanted poster

There's a public accounement heard through Fishman Island.
It's a warning that dangerous individuals from Fishman district have entered inside FI
They don't look like they're coming in droves to come shopping, but hopefully nothing happens..

The border guards are unreachable.
Looks like the New Fishman Pirates brought numerous sea monsters with them, to launch an attack.
They say once they down Neptune and his three princes, the rest should be easy

Scene changes to Robin

She's riding a fish-bus, and heading to the Forest of Sea
Scene changes again to inside the Ryuguu Palace. The human pirates that attacked are all taken out by Zoro

Scene changes to Franky
He's already arrived at the Forest of Sea with Sunny.
He asked Tom's younger brother, a Bering Wolffish fishman Den to coat the ship.
Kokoro had sent them a letter, so Den already knows about how Tom died.
Jinbe is in front of him.

Scene changes to Ryuguu palace again
The entrance is open. Hody & Decken, and their crew all entered the palace.
Hodi used to be a very capable soldier in the army.
He thinks Shirahoshi missing is Decken's doing, and told him she's missing.
Decken gets on a coral and heads to Luffy and Shirahoshi
"Only thing separating two love birds 10 years in development is death!!
Bahohoho... if you are to be someone else's, then there will be bloodshed and death for you, Shirahoshiii!!"

The end of chapter
T says there's a lot of lines in the chapter, so the gist of the chapter may be hard to come across without a full script.
The battle is finally starting

Omitting stuff about prizes and DS game, T's additional info

This week's fun. Zoro and Deck/Hodi do meet and have a conversation
But before Hodi/Decken took over the fort, Zoro already took out everyone.
Hodi was like "What is this, some present for me?" (smoother, nondirect translation would be like "What is this, you're doing me a favor?")



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