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Author: Medusa

Precious Metals - Gold, Silver etc.

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Post time 22-9-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Salam pengecat bintang. Greece tak dibailout untuk kali ke-3 tapi masih stay dalam Euro.Ia membawa maksuud Greece akan menjadi liabiliti kepada Euro dimana "ia akan menarik Euro". Bila ini berlaku , negara Euro lain seperti Germany dan France "akan menyumbang" untuk sustain Euro. Tetapi, "faktor Greece" ini akan memperluaskan lagi PIIGS dan menuju ke arah kehancuran Euro. Apo pendapat sifu pengecatbintang?

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Post time 22-9-2011 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply  pengecatbintang

It has begun...
DarkBaron Post at 16-9-2011 20:30

Government Control of Bullion

Phase One: (complete)

Due to the Dodd-Frank Act, as of July 16, 2011 Over The Counter (OTC) Bullion transactions are illegal for All U.S. citizens.

No need to panic.... yet.

The Transactions that are Deemed Illegal are : Physical Bullion that is bought and/or Sold on Leverage, Finance, and/or Margin.

Buying physical Bullion and taking Delivery, Is Completely Legal for now.

However, like most Government Restrictions...they all start small.

The Feds Claim the Ban on OTC Bullion is to Protect Americans from High Risk Trading.

The Feds must Really want to protect American consumers; after all, the Law Is called

"Dodd-Frank reform & Consumer Protection Act".

Well, If "Consumer Protection" is their goal, the Feds are Not doing their job. Statistics show that 92% - 96% of "consumers" Lose their money Trading Options & Futures.

So, why Did Obama Law makers include a Ban of OTC Bullion in the Dodd-Frank Act?

The Dodd-Frank "Bill" was Introduced by The Obama Administration as Government Control and/or Regulation to prevent failed institutions like: AIG, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, who dealt in Risky Trading of OTC "Credit Default Swaps" and "Toxic-Mortgage Backed Securities".

Did OTC Bullion play a role in the Collapse of AIG, Bear Stearns or the Economy?

Of course not, Bullion had nothing to do with it.

If OTC Bullion did Not cause the Financial Meltdown, how important is the Bullion Ban, to Federal Law makers? You

can be the judge...

The Feds Put-Off Regulatory Laws that would govern all “OTC” Credit Default Swaps and “Toxic” Mortgage Backed Securities until December 2012.

Meaning, the Instruments that caused the Financial Meltdown are Completely Unregulated. Yet, the Feds Banned OTC Bullion for All U.S. citizens!

Why Not Regulate firms that trade it, much like they Regulate Series 3 Gold Trading firms?

Both OTC & Series 3 Trading firms deal in Leverage, Finance, and Margin Gold transactions.

What's the difference between OTC Gold Transactions & Fed Regulated (Series 3) Gold Transactions?

OTC is physical Bullion, while Gold futures and options are "paper" contracts, which Can be Exercised for physical delivery...but Less than 1% ever do.

That's what Regulators Count on; Anything different, would Collapse the System.

Think of what would happen if everyone went to their bank and asked for all of their money.

The Dodd-Frank ACT, Banned OTC Retail Bullion (leverage, finance & margin) Transactions, But What else are They After?...

If the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) would've got their way, the Ban would include Bullion transactions, Not deliverable within 48 hours. A time line neither Dealers nor Mints could keep; eventually making ALL Retail Bullion transactions illegal by default.

Goldworth Financial among other dealers, were able to lobby congress to keep the long standing 28 day, delivery time frame.

The Dodd-Frank Act, gave the Feds "a foot hold" over Retail Bullion Transactions,..They can always push for a shorter delivery time In The Future.

The one Line of Defense to the Bullion industry is that Fed Controlled transactions, are Limited to CFTC approved Futures contracts. The Long standing CFTC contract size is 100 gold ounces. At current highs of $1,900 per oz., that's $190,000!  

An average Investor will not do Numerous 100 oz. Gold transactions.

Meaning, there aren't Enough transactions to Warrant Government Control over all Bullion.

Unfortunately, there's a Dark Cloud in the Horizon.

A New CFTC approved 10 ounce Gold Futures Contract.

The CFTC reviewed (Oct. 2010) and Approved the trading of E-Micro Gold futures contract (MGC); the agency approved the amendment to NYMEX rule 855 (offsetting Different Size futures contracts).The anticipated Effective date is September 12,2011.

Unlike the Full Size 100 oz. contract, the 10 oz. Gold contract Can Only be Exercised for 1/10th ownership of a "PAPER" Gold warrant; Not 10 oz. of the Physical Gold.

The New Government Jurisdiction/Approval of 10 oz. Gold transactions Can be for One of Three Reasons.... You be the Judge

A.) The Feds want to give the small investor the Opportunity to get involved in the Gold Futures market.  But Futures are Speculative; involve Leverage and High Risk Margin .Which are the very same reasons the Feds abolished the OTC Bullion market.

Two other Reasons...

B.)Tracking & Taxing Privately Held Bullion.

If you Bought a Gold Stock, ETF or Gold Futures contract, your year-end Account Statement may show a Profit. You will pay a Tax on that "paper" Profit.

If you Bought Physical Gold in 1999 at $270 per oz., today you could be holding Gold that's worth $2,000 per oz. and not have paid a penny in Tax.  A profit is only reported when you cash out of Bullion.  

For years, government agencies had no jurisdiction and no way to track the physical gold a person is holding and/or Tax the "value gained" at the end of the year.

Could the New Approval of the 10 oz. Gold contract by the CFTC (Federal Agency) AND the Dodd-Frank Act, Specifically Section 742, 2(c)(2)(d) as well as Section 2(c)(2)(e) dealing in Spot Retail transactions.... Change Everything? You be the Judge!

C.) Complete Ban and/or Confiscation of Gold Bullion.

History has taught us that Indebted; Bankrupt Societies have All, in One way or Another, Confiscated Gold from their Citizens.

The most recent U.S. Gold Ban took place in 1933, during the Great Depression. It was Illegal for U.S. citizens to Buy ANY Bullion for 42 years (Dec. 31, 1974).

Does Congress approve a complete Ban of Bullion?  

No, it takes the Stroke of a Presidential Pen; an Executive Order can be Enacted during a time of War (war on terror) and during a National (currency) Crisis.

Do you Feel a Crisis coming on?

Fellow Conservatives,

The New Government Ban of OTC Bullion and the New 10 oz. Fed regulated contract,

Is Your Wakeup Call.

Your Freedom and Time to Own Tangible Gold & Silver may be Running Out.

True Wealth Protection, Has Never Been More Crucial.


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Post time 22-9-2011 03:57 PM | Show all posts
pn.swift penah beli dr kedai emas adilla nie ke? selain dr blog emas 916 die ada blog lain ker?
lostnfaun Post at 21-9-2011 21:17

ekceli nya ni la baru first time i beli dr adila ni..hehe..
ada lagi a few blogs/website yg jual 916 online..contohnya website si kerawangemas tuuhh...
yg lelain i tak tau nama2 blog/websites nya..
kalu kat bod BFT, ada satu thread yg sama rancaknya cam bebenang ni jugak,
berdiskas pasal emas2 ni..
penah gak forumers lain kat situ yg tepek blog2 yg jual emas i tak ingat la...

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Post time 22-9-2011 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Government Control of Bullion
Phase One:  (complete)
Due to the Dodd-Frank Act, as of Ju ...
pengecatbintang Post at 22-9-2011 15:42

us government mmg tanak rakyat nya ada emas kan...
tp rakyat marhaen je la..
yg vvip's nya sure berkoyan-koyan emas depa...

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Post time 22-9-2011 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Salam pengecat bintang. Greece tak dibailout untuk kali ke-3 tapi masih stay dalam Euro.Ia membawa m ...
tarabas1976 Post at 22-9-2011 10:03

Waalaikumsalam tarabas!

pendapat aku...

peh ni.. Greece akan berusaha utk memenuhi tuntutan EU dengan tingkatkan lagi Austerity Measure...

Austerity measure ini akan sebabkan ekonomi Greece makin teruk... krn rakyat makin kurang duit utk spend...

Spain, Italy n negara2 PIIGS lain juga akan perlu mematuhi tuntutan EU utk Austerity Measure sekiranya nak dibailout...

Gomen German n Perancis n institusi2 dari 2 negara ini banyak beli instrument2 kewangan dr negara2 PIIGS...

so... bila PIIGS problem... effect German n Perancis...


duit tax German n Perancis limited...

harap ECB wat QE (nilai Euro akan jatuh)... tp akan sebabkan inflasi makin naik...

tp sampai bila nak wat QE

last skali Euro lingkup ler... unless negara2 PIIGS kuar dr Euro...  

agaknyer ler

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Post time 22-9-2011 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Waalaikumsalam tarabas!

pendapat aku...

peh ni.. Greece akan berusaha utk memenuhi tuntut ...
pengecatbintang Post at 22-9-2011 16:14

ini kali pertama aku kuarkan teori di bawah dr kotak kepala aku...

di samping negara2 yg besar defisitnya...

Euro ni sengaja dicreate utk turut menghancurkan negara2 yg sihat spt German, Perancis, Finland, Swiss...

tujuannya... memudahkan agenda mewujudkan new world reserve currency....

di mana... semua matawang dunia lingkup...

la ni... USD n Euro problem... global monetary system berpaksikan USD...

lihat krisis 1997... RM, Baht, Rupiah, Won, Korea... semua nilai turun...

masa tu... RM peg to USD... kalo USD lingkup... nak peg ngan apa?

Renminbi lom bole takeover role USD...

Jepun problem la ni...

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Post time 22-9-2011 04:38 PM | Show all posts
us government mmg tanak rakyat nya ada emas kan...
tp rakyat marhaen je la..
yg vvip's nya sur ...
Swift Post at 22-9-2011 16:00

yup...  kat US tahun 1930an rakyat US x leh pegang gold... Executive Order by president US ni berkuatkuasa till 1970an kot...

gold physical seluruh dunia (official figure) lebey kurang 160k tan... cukup jika dimuatkan dalam 2 kolam renang saiz olimpik...

mcm aku bgtau recently... UOB Jln Raja Laut bila aku call kata abih... Kijang Emas 1 oz kat lembah klang abih...

yg ada barang emas jual publicly... barang kemas 916 n gold bar dll kat kedai emas... tp regenya tinggi dr bank jual...


so... jika benar fiat money system lingkup...

masa tu...

different between haves and have not's... Physical GOLD n SILVER

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Post time 23-9-2011 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Niari nak lelong silver bars and coins due to harga menjunam. Siapa minat sila pm..

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Post time 23-9-2011 07:35 PM | Show all posts
silver skrg dah USD30++ dan emas USD1700++


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Post time 23-9-2011 07:51 PM | Show all posts
bagus la tu... utk sape yg belum ade stok,
boleh la beli...

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Post time 23-9-2011 09:45 PM | Show all posts
silver skrg dah USD30++ dan emas USD1700++

Acong Post at 23-9-2011 19:35

Kalo aku ada duit.. Aku beli

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Post time 24-9-2011 01:06 AM | Show all posts
Government Control of Bullion
Phase One:  (complete)
Due to the Dodd-Frank Act, as of Ju ...
pengecatbintang Post at 22-9-2011 15:42

pasal hadkan belian Gold la ni...

Memula Austria...

kmdian USA...

jeng.. jeng.. jeng..

France Bans Cash Sales of Gold/Silver over $600
September 23rd, 2011

our view that governments, namely in Western nations, are making it more difficult for individuals to make gold purchases, as well as to do so anonymously.

based on the French governments official web site it looks like it is, then as of September 1, 2011, anyone attempting to sell or purchase ferrous or non-ferrous metals, which includes gold and silver, will be required to pay for their purchase via a credit card or bank wire transfer if it exceeds 450

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Post time 24-9-2011 01:07 AM | Show all posts
pasal hadkan belian Gold la ni...

Memula Austria...

kmdian USA...

jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. ...
pengecatbintang Post at 24-9-2011 01:06


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Post time 24-9-2011 01:08 AM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang Post at 24-9-2011 01:07


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Post time 24-9-2011 03:37 AM | Show all posts
Kalo aku ada duit.. Aku beli
pengecatbintang Post at 23-9-2011 21:45
camne dgn mereka yg merempit?

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Post time 24-9-2011 07:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pengecatbintang at 24-9-2011 07:50
camne dgn mereka yg merempit?
Acong Post at 24-9-2011 03:37

aku x pasti...

sbb aku tak penah merempit...

tp pendapat aku... mesti PROBLEM punya...

tol tak?

he he

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Post time 24-9-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by arwien at 24-9-2011 12:22

tu la sapa suruh merempit. org suruh beli emas/silver utk simpanan. hehe. tambah2 lg org yg buat loan semata2 utk merempit. kalu dah rasa terperangkap, refer balik la kat guru yg mengalakkan anda merempit, tengok ape solution dia.

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Post time 24-9-2011 11:55 AM | Show all posts
bagus la dah turun skit. bole tambah stok.

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Post time 24-9-2011 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Sapa nak stock up on perak. Maple satu tube RM3500, ASE satu tube RM 2850. Inclu of poslaju delivery. Kalau funds masuk by sunday, monday akan hantar post pasal memang nak masuk jb ni pon. Harga bertahan sehingga 0000 26/9 sahaja.

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Post time 24-9-2011 07:53 PM | Show all posts
tu la sapa suruh merempit. org suruh beli emas/silver utk simpanan. hehe. tambah2 lg org yg buat loa ...
arwien Post at 24-9-2011 11:49

ramai yg kena camni sblm ni...

n ramai lagi kot.. yg baru ada kesedaran utk melabur dlm PM telah dipengaruhi dgn cara merempit..


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