ini friget atau corvet
hyazinth79 Post at 12-11-2010 21:14
Kalo itu Sekelas Corvet Zinth..Namanya "PKR (Patroli Kawal Rudal)" dimana basis pengembangannya mengadopsi modul kapal perang Sigma buatan Damen, Holland...Kapal Pertama di bangun ato di buat di Damen..Kemudian Selanjutnya Di bangun di PT PAL..semacam TOT lah..Kurang Lebih macam itu menurut sepahaman saya..
Mungkin Kalo ada teman2 yang lain mau membantu menambahkan informasi..
O..iya Kalo tidak salah Malaysia bangun Meko kan?itu semacam frigrate ato corvette?..
yup meko 100 , ngpv masih corvette , utk batch yg kedua juga masih corvette , namun lebih panjang berbanding yg pertama , pemilihan sedang dijalankan . dgn LOI telah diberi , bg batch ini , sistem misil akan dipasang terus berbanding batch pertama
Info: Anoa V2 mampu memuat 13 kru, memiliki panjang dan lebar 6.000 x 2.500 mm serta dilengkapi dengan peralatan khusus, seperti GPS dan NVG. Sistem komunikasinya menggunakan VHF dan HF Intercomset System. Sementara itu, sistem senjatanya menggunakan Smoke Shield kaliber 66 mm dan Armanents 7,62 mm dan 12,7 mm. Rasio daya berbanding beratnya adalah 22,85 HP, kecepatan maksimum 80 km/jam, dan radius putar 9,5 meter. Mesinnya adalah 6 silinder segaris dengan turbocharger berpendingin dalam dan berdaya 320 HP.
Nhaa..itu zinth gua lagi search kok g ada yah..{:1_146:} apa gara2 ni barang menunggu pembeli yang harus tahu lebih dahulu..hihi..i'm just kidding{:1_137:}..
Smoga Varian ini udah ada improvement dari sebelumnya..
yup tp saiznya mungkin dikurangkan , tak guna buat saiz besar tp jarang belayar sbb kos tinggi , jd lebih baik buat yg saiz kecil tp boleh digerakkan selalu.
I see..setakat bro..jangan tiru macam CVBG thailand..LOL..Kerna tak mampu bayar cost operational lagian aircraftnya nanggung/setengah-setengah..
Malah sekarang nasibnya buat operate rumah sakit..
weleh..d buat dapur umum juga yah lumayan lah bs buat bantu2 sesama..botakgundul liat thailand jadi ikut2an doktrin kita tuh..MULTIROLE{:1_137:}..hehe
RI exploring possible special forces cooperation with China
Friday, November 12, 2010 22:10 WIB | National | | Viewed 231 time(s)
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is exploring possible cooperation between its special force and that of China as part of the defense cooperation agreement between the two countries.
Indonesia`s Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said when asked to confirm about it by ANTARA News here on Friday Indonesia had already sent a team to see the education and training facilities for special forces in China.
"We are exploring all kinds of possible cooperation programs which could be done between the Indonesian army`s special forces and that of China," he said.
Sjafrie said the cooperation could be done in various forms such as education, exchange of officers and joint training.
"We are studying it with all its aspects," he said.
What is clear is, he said, the cooperation would also cover anti-terrorism.
"What is certain is it will be closely related with the task and role of special forces," he said.
In connection with that Indonesia and China have agreed to discuss the matter further in the bilateral consultation forum in December 2010 which will discuss all stages of defense cooperation between the two countries that had been agreed.
"In the forum we will study what we have jointly done and how to follow it up," he said.
Indonesia and China signed a defense cooperation on November 7, 2007.
The agreement was signed by the two countries` then defense ministers namely Juwono Sudarsono of Indonesia and Cao Gangchuan of China.(*)
Friday, November 12, 2010 23:30 WIB | National | | Viewed 304 time(s)
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government has yet to decide whether to accept a US offer to donate 24 used F-16A/B jet fighters, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said on Friday.
"True, we have sent a team to the US to upgrade our ten F-16s. Likewise their (the US) team has also come to Indonesia," he said.
But this did not mean that Indonesia refused the grant, he said.
"We are still studying whether to upgrade the existing jet fighters with the latest technology or to accept the grant because the jet fighters the US want to grant have the same types as ours, namely F-16A/B," he said.
Moreover, Indonesia was also planning to buy F-16 jet fighters of new variant, namely F-16 C/D Block 52, he said.
"We are also studying the plan because of many considerations including quality (technology), quantity and cost. These elements cannot be separated from one another," he said.
Separately, on Friday, Vice Marshal Eri Biatmoko, assistant for planning to the Air Force Chief of Staff, said his side wanted another three squadrons of jet fighters to maximize the safeguard of the country`s air territory.
He said the Air Force was planning to procure six more F-16 Fighting Falcon by 2014.
"At present we are planning to upgrade F-16 A/B with the latest technology in 2011 and 2012 from Lockheed Martin. This is still under process," he said. (*)