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Author: Zaheera

JYJ S'case Tour 10 Live In M'sia ~ FAN ACCOUNT

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Post time 18-10-2010 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  amyhisashi

me da add da
approve me erk hehe...
afyss Post at 18-10-2010 23:28

dah approve dah.....

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Post time 18-10-2010 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1354# miss_mulan77

mulan, vid yg ku tunggu2 pas dgr cte JC~

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Post time 18-10-2010 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1362# LuvAngel_Mosh

actually aku pasan banyak kali aku out off pokes hahahhaa... aku di interview oleh org kat epot tuh... terus aku pokes kat ajushi 2 org belakang JJ ngan YC hahahaha.. apa daaa!!!

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Post time 18-10-2010 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply  HideGulz

motipp aku pun rase penat same masa baca FA ko nieh....
800 amik gambar bodo2 t ...
amyhisashi Post at 18-10-2010 23:42

Ntah. Kuar kat homepage RS kot.. sabo je la

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Post time 19-10-2010 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Ntah. Kuar kat homepage RS kot.. sabo je la
HideGulz Post at 18-10-2010 23:59

lerrr..serupa jer kalo die pick lucky fans amik gambo....mmg nak kaut untung..

@mulan, thanks upload video!! tersengih jer aku tgk dari awal sampai abis..

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Post time 19-10-2010 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1356# afyss

dear..ramai sangat la reslut yg keluar bila search nama afyda kat fb..

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Post time 19-10-2010 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1366# lin0me

afyda jasmin
sila la add yer

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Post time 19-10-2010 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Kamera cap ayam:

Tayang tiket no-so-called-VIP

Situasi: Keadaan di luar stadium.

Dalam stadium:

Time kena temuramah~ Abe Chun je yg tetibe banyak cakap.. Chungrish tak menahan.

Gadis-gadis yg ditahan dan dimasukkan dalam sebuah bilik padat bak tin sardine. Gadis-gadis tersebut telah malaburkan sejumlah wang untuk bertemu JYJ. Namun... hampes. Setelah tamat sessi kononnya photo-taking, gadis-gadis ini dihalau bak lembu masuk kandang. Sian kami...... VIP dilayan sebegini? Ditolak dari satu tempat ke satu tempat. Dibiarkan lapar dan dahaga. Berpanasan dlm bilik yg aircondnya macam chilake. Ini hasil kami dapat? This is what you can do? They said, "If you want to leave, you can leave". Masa tu ai dah penat giler. Otak kenot berfungsi dengan baik. Kalo tak, dah lama dorang kena middle finger ngan ai.

Ai sempat interview dorang, most of this girl belum makan... sian kan. RM 800 for this shit



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Post time 19-10-2010 07:30 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum n Morning .. nk mula FA ahahah.. smlm cuti wat assignment..

- thanks so much pada kaka hadif, momo n JC yg sudi membeli tix
- big thanx to chimei yg sudi tumpangkan kami ke KLIA dengan redhanye... dlm kete menyumpah2 pasal jalan jam lak hehe... n takut terlepas... tp doa gaks JYJ tak balik agik
- kul 11.30 pagi sampai kat stadium... dan kebetulan JYJ pun sampai gaks time tu tp npk van aje aa hehe..
- jumpa2 AC CAri.. ronda2 n npk abe Jae mesia kekeke solat sama2 n meredah kepanasan sama2...
- gi balik stadium n dpt tgk screen JYJ tgh rehearsal..
- moyan ramai2 n masuk stadium kul 2.30 gituk...
-kul 3 mula... moyan agik,.. pegang litestick hijau n dpt bnyk belon kekeke...
- AC team nk kejo kat hotel n KLIA.. pujuk2 chimei, dia sudi tumpang ke KLIA.. so, lepak dulu kat KL central ngan moondance lepas berpisah ngan Adina... makan n solat magrib n gerak ke kerinchi..
- kul 8.40 chimei sampai n pecut ke KLIA..
- roger2 member2 n tup2 diaorg sampai sama ngan kami hehehe..
-lari2 ke dalam n tunggu JYJ sampai.. ramai gaks ler, dlm kul 10 lebey diaorg sampai...
-berkejo nk tgk JYJ sampai ler ke pintu akhir.. aiyakk gojesnye abe Jay hheheh...
-kul 11 naik bas ke KL central n sampai situ kul 12.. adik jemput n sampai umah kul 12.40 ... sekian.. sampai arini sakit kaki n badan heheh..



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Post time 19-10-2010 07:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

haha, kia ak pn terkejut ko leh spot ak
ak lam mse 20mins pas kompemkn dpt ...
LuvAngel_Mosh Post at 18-10-2010 04:51 PM

motip sgt kan aku boleh kenal ko even tgk dr blkg...
mmg terkejut pun, kan ko ckp mcm x larat nak pegi!
sekali pegi, dpt tix murah lg!! siap dgn rakan br dr indon!!

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:19 AM | Show all posts
alahai...camtuh rupanya yg jd pd vip...:@

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1368# HideGulz
sedih aku tgk gambo yg dlm bilik tue....
bertabah la hide....
QUEST singapore dah kuarkan official apology pasal kes VIP derang..
kadang2...JYJ nie tue yg cam hampes...

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:27 AM | Show all posts
Kamera cap ayam:

Tayang tiket no-so-called-VIP

Situasi: Keadaan di luar stadium.
HideGulz Post at 19-10-2010 01:05

x sangka lak cm ni korg kena   kena sumbat dlm bilik sumer skalik

hhhmmm... x taw nk ckp ape dahh, mmg slalu kalu korean artis dtg ade jerk prob nyer
pastu, msing2 tunding salah kt pihak yg lain...
adoiii, kalu cm ni lh... takot organiser mesia yg seciput ni giveup jaa
dorg dh xnak bwk korean artis

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:36 AM | Show all posts
nak tempek article nie...a view from an editor rasenye..
tajuk die pun aku x bape suke...sbb terase penulis mcm anggap derang nie helpless...tapi taleh nak salahkan penulis tue gak..sila baca translation penuh ok!!!

[TRANS] JYJ lose impression marks

From 5 to 3, JYJ’s 15-sec pause/silence (title of this article)

Bidding farewell to TVXQ and forming the new unit of JYJ, Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong visited Singapore for the first time with their new album. However, the press conference lasted for a mere 15 minutes , leading to the protest of the media.

As a result of the local organizer’s incompetence in many aspects, JYJ lost impression marks and Yoochun ended up having to apologizing to the local media.

After the formation of their new unit, JYJ was faced with many scandals. There were Japanese media reports that the trio’s termination of contract with former employer SM Entertainment was allegedly backed by local gangsters.

Recently, SM Entertainment applied for an injunction to the Seoul court for prohibition of the sale of JYJ’s album, on the grounds of their existing contract. At the same time, the Korean Federation of Pop Culture and Arts has requested all tv stations, radio stations, record companies and music sites to boycott JYJ’s works.

In the media invitation, the local organizer mentioned that JYJ’s management company has specifically requested that questions regarding SM Entertainment, criminal affiliation, the lawsuit and TVXQ are to be forbidden.

Yet amidst the hype around the scandal, it is impossible that the local media would allow such valuable opportunity (of asking JYJ their feedback) to pass. However, the local media to understand the organiser’s stance and have tried to cooperate by avoiding sensitive wordings and raise questions in an indirect manner.

However before the press conference started, the MC suddenly notified the present 20 media that there will not be a question-and-answer section. Instead, the MC himself will be representing the media in asking a set of “approved questions”.

I questioned the MC as to where the source of these “approved questions” came from since the organizer did not request questions from media prior to the event. He merely answered me “I don’t know”.

PR executing “press control”

Some media requested an explanation from authorities and after 10 minutes, the representative of the PR firm explained that due to the flight delay, JYJ has to rush to rehearsal and hence only 15 minutes can be spared for the press conference.

I therefore challenged that 15 minutes is still sufficient for a question-and-answer section. It is only till this point that the PR firm admitted that they were to execute firm “press control” to avoid sensitive questions directed to JYJ, to avoid JYJ’s flustered faces being caught on camera.

Since the official side posed a firm stance, the local media to take one step at a time.

When the press conference kick started, the MC did not even wait for JYJ to introduce themselves, and started asking the list of questions from his sheet of paper.

7 questions were approximately asked within 10 questions, which all emphasized on JYJ’s collaboration with Kayne West and Rodney Jerkins. In fact, their names almost appeared 10 times which made me question whether this is a press conference to eulogize these two great producers.

In the last 5 minutes, the PR representative decided to allow the local media to ask 5 questions.

I immediately grasp hold of this opportunity and asked JYJ how does it feel to be as 3 instead of 5? Despite my efforts in avoiding sensitive vocabulary and packaging my question to a non-defensive manner, the trio still looked at each other for 15 seconds (without answering). At least, Junsu picked up the microphone and answered “the feeling is a bit different and the three of us have to work harder to create very different music to everyone.”

PR arbitrarily changing questions from the media

The name of the album “The Beginning” obviously signifies a kickstart once again.

One reporter asked them what sentiments the trio harbour regarding “beginning”. This, however, was arbitrarily changed by the PR firm into “let them tell us more about their feelings towards the new album”.

I indirectly asked again, whether the trio has been affected by the hurdles the new album faced?

Amongst the trio, Yoochun could understand and speak English. However, before he could even react, the PR representative immediately sternly retorted “we will not answer this question” and then told the translator “you don’t have to translate this question”.

After that, another reporter conveyed the fans’ wishes to see the 5 of them again, and asked whether this will be fulfilled in future? Just like before, before JYJ could react, the PR representative immediately warded off this question.

There were only 2 questions from the media that were unscathed. (Below are the questions

Were there worries before the release of this album? The trio admitted that they worried about both the album sales and their future.

What was the happiest incident after the formation of JYJ? The trio expressed that they felt apologetic that the fans had to wait for so long, and that in future there will be many more events and activities where they could repay the love of their fans.

Yoochun saying sorry to reporters

Since Yoochun comprehended English, I believe that he understood the questions from the media.

Even if he merely said to us “I’m sorry, we are unable to answer this question”, the local media will be more than willing to accept this answer. However, often before he could even speak or translate the questions to the other 2 members, or that he could sign for help from the staff, someone would jump to fend off the questions.

The staff erected a strong and tall firewall and thought that this would enable the artists to remain unscathed, but in fact this has created an opposite effect.

When the artist is stripped of the chance to answer and can only stare at the media blankly, it is inevitable that the impression from the media is that the artist does not have his own thoughts or the ability/flexibility to answer the media’s questions.

After the press conference, the trio ran into the reporter (not sure whether he is referring to himself or media in general) and Yoochun said “sorry”, seemingly to apologize for the unpleasant press conference.

This apology made me felt that the trio had reasons for being unable to reveal their true emotions, or that they had lots of words to say, but was sadly not offered a chance to do so?

By Lo Chen Ling


kesiannya derang!!!! mmg la weols tau isu2 yg tue sensitif...tapi derang dah besar...they even got thru something big than this..bongek la PR nie...tau la derang nak jawab mcm mane...motipp sgt media x dikasi tanye soalan..bek x yah ade media..letak JYJ dgn MC dgn kamera 4-5 bijik..hah, buat Q&A session....:@

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:38 AM | Show all posts
x sangka lak cm ni korg kena   kena sumbat dlm bilik sumer skalik  

hhhmmm... x taw nk  ...
muun Post at 19-10-2010 08:27

kadang korean management tue..mula2 ckp lain..dah sampai sini ckp lain..
time management derang fail la aku rase....

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:43 AM | Show all posts
kadang korean management tue..mula2 ckp lain..dah sampai sini ckp lain..
time management derang ...
amyhisashi Post at 19-10-2010 08:38

ntah lh dorg ni... sian btul

ak x nk pk sal bad2 episod .. ak nk pk hepi jek sbb dpt tgk dorg perform live

dlm kete ak asyiq putar lgu2 dorg jek demam ak blum kebah

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:44 AM | Show all posts
ntah lh dorg ni... sian btul  

ak x nk pk sal bad2 episod .. ak nk pk hepi jek sbb dpt tg ...
muun Post at 19-10-2010 08:43

same2....aku dok sumbat tinge dgn lagu2 derang jer....pastu dok menyengih sorang...

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amyhisashi at 19-10-2010 09:05

JYJ Showcase Tour 2010 Singapore

Dear Fans,


Quest ID would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere apologies to you with regards to the unfortunate turn of events during the JYJ Showcase Tour 2010 at Singapore EXPO Hall 3 on 16 October, 2010.

The VIP ticket privileges that included a pre-signed JYJ poster, a handshake and a photoshoot in groups of five fans were confirmed by JYJ’s management, C-Jes Entertainment before the tickets went on sale. However, due to reasons not made known to us, the photoshoot was cancelled shortly before the start of the showcase. We will be making efforts to follow up with JYJ’s management through their local publicist Tinsel PR regarding this matter.

For the delay in the showcase, this was due to the delayed rehearsal to get the sound checks right. JYJ’s schedules were very tight that day.

We gave out free tickets nearing the show date to various channels because we wanted to give back something to the fans who supported us. At the same time, we didn’t want to see an empty hall during the showcase.

For fans who bought tickets together but couldn’t be seated together, this was because all the seats were allocated randomly by the system. We will look into ways to improve our ticketing system for our future events.

We would also like to clarify the followings so that you could put your mind at ease:

1. Quest ID has confirmed with our security officers who were guarding the artistes’ room at the venue that there was no commotion reported or any incident involving one of the artistes ‘breaking a chair’.

2. It was untrue that the artistes and dancers were ‘not given any food’ during the showcase. In fact they were enjoying the Hainanese chicken rice that we had prepared for them and back in the hotel, they ordered from the room service.

We sincerely apologize for any shortcomings on our part as an organizer as the time was short and there were so many last-minute changes by JYJ’s management.

Once again, we extend our sincere apologies to you, and seek your kind understanding of this matter. We hope you enjoyed yourself at the showcase. Thank you.

Yours sincerely
Chief Operating Officer
Promoter for JYJ Showcase Tour 2010 Singapore

oooh...mcm tue ke citenye...tape least QUEST cepat2 kuarkan apology letter...

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1374# amyhisashi

ni singapore punya kan??mula2 ingatkan malaysia punya press,nasib tgk2 balik2 tulis kat situ,paper singapore
hope malaysian punya press con better. bukan apa,bagi peminat,diaorg faham tp bagi org yg baru nak kenal,most of the impression came from what they read

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Post time 19-10-2010 08:50 AM | Show all posts
ntah lh dorg ni... sian btul  

ak x nk pk sal bad2 episod .. ak nk pk hepi jek sbb dpt tg ...
muun Post at 19-10-2010 08:43

    sama lar duk layan lagu jyj payah jek demam jyj nk kebah   walopon sekejap jer leh tgk dorang perform...ok lar drp langsung tak gi tgk..mau nyesal seumur idop laks...

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