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Author: Nasi_Lemak_Kau

[Tempatan] Kaki Pelajar Terpaksa Dipotong Selepas Cedera Disebat Oleh Pembantu Warden Denga

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Post time 23-4-2017 10:06 AM | Show all posts
naina replied at 23-4-2017 09:52 AM
chuolz jgn lupa update sini. tak sabar nak tau apa masalah sebenarnya..

Kena tutup mulut dulu uolls..laporan darah pun belum dapat...iolls kena tunggu pengarah hospital keluarkan kenyataan dulu. I x boleh membelakangkan bos kekdahnya tapi apa yg iols boleh simpulkan rakyat Malaysia mudah sgt buat diagnosis sendiri sebelum doktor keluarkan laporan...tapi kesian la iols tengok kaki kanak2 tu. Potong banyak juga bawah sikit daripada bebird jer...Dia perlu diberi kaunseling lepas ni..dia pun x sedar lagi dan rasanya tak tahu lagi kedua kakinya dah tiada..tengok tangan sebelah kanan pun dah gangren juga.

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Post time 23-4-2017 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku nk tgu laporan doktor dlu.

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Post time 23-4-2017 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tret bkn isu semasa


Thanks Kakiselit sebab bagi tahu, tapi berita ini sudah menjadi isu semasa  Post time 23-4-2017 05:42 PM

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Post time 23-4-2017 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tret bkn isu semasa

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Post time 23-4-2017 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Shamilia79 replied at 23-4-2017 09:43 AM
Betul tu..biarkan Doktor pakar buat laporan dulu...aku tahu kes ni..baru berbicara dengan doktor p ...


kalau xkeberatan , jika ada perkembangan terbaru harap update kat sini,

forumer sini nak tau juga berita yang sebenar..

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Post time 23-4-2017 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mana bapak budak ni
Mak nya paham la juga tgh dalam pantang..

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau cuba kaedah homoepati mungkin boleh membantu jangan sampai melarat jangkitan tu..

Tapi dah terlambat..

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KukuNeeng replied at 23-4-2017 03:07 AM
Komen mcm haprak
Kena batang idung sendiri tau la ko langit tinggi rendah

Akak tak hadap la pulak Nak hantar anak sekolah tahfiz macam melayu buat. Hujung2 hilang anggota badan

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tgok brita smlm, mlalui pnggilan telefon ketua polis daerah, dia kata siasatan mlalui plajar n cctv, pukulan tu ringan je. Tp klu pusat tahfiz yg brdftar, mmg xblh ada lgsung tndakan pukul pd pljar.

Dgr jwpn mak dia pun mcm ada sdikit kegusaran, xspenuhnya nk myalahkn warden sbb plajar lain yg dipukul ok je. mgkin tmbul rsa brsalah mak dia atas kekhilafan sbb bg ank pain killer yg xspatutnya dn jg tuam ais kt kaki wlupun atas nsihat doc shgga mnybbkn jd biru tu. Doc klinik pun kna siasat gak xcek btul2 suh tuam ais. Jd pngajaran buat warden n guru lain agar sntiasa kawal diri dr memukul pljar jagaan mreka. Moga adik thaqif sembuh n capai cita2 nk jd huffaz insha Allah

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
barfi replied at 23-4-2017 12:03 PM
Kalau cuba kaedah homoepati mungkin boleh membantu jangan sampai melarat jangkitan tu..

Tapi dah  ...

Dia dah pergi perubatan tradisional dulu sebelum gi sepital. Gatal sgat nak percaya perubatan tradisiona kan ujong2 dah terlambat. Homeopati pon sama jah xleh pakai

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 23-4-2017 12:46 PM
Dia dah pergi perubatan tradisional dulu sebelum gi sepital. Gatal sgat nak percaya perubatan trad ...

Suka hati ko la nak cakap apa..

Dah ramai org yg berjaya dengan rawatan homeopathy la.. Akak aku doktor di Hospital kerajaan. Sampai ada doktor pakar disitu suggest kan pada patient kencing manis cuba rawatan homeopathy dulu. Kalau mengikut kaedah hospital mmg terus potong kaki je kaedahnya.

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Post time 23-4-2017 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 23-4-2017 12:46 PM
Dia dah pergi perubatan tradisional dulu sebelum gi sepital. Gatal sgat nak percaya perubatan trad ...

Perubatan tradisional yg dia pergi tu boleh jadik perubatan tradisional yg lain macam pergi jumpa pawang ke apa. Dia takde mentioned homeopati pun disitu ya.

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Post time 23-4-2017 01:20 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 22-4-2017 11:32 PM
'Mama abang takut kena rotan'

serius nama 'Felda Wani' ni sedap.... kalau lah tidak kerana felda ni hampir sinonim dengan pprt dan semua kisah paranormal extreme ummah....


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Post time 23-4-2017 01:41 PM | Show all posts
bypassthecortex replied at 23-4-2017 12:10 AM
Aku tahan je hati aku dari nak menghamun the so-called "ustaz"2 dan cikgu2 jenis gila sakit jiwa wak ...

Aku pun pernah tulis sebelum ni ada sorang budak tu sangat baik dan sangat pandai (straight A+ material) sampai cikgu pun nak belajar dari emaknya. Datang pun dari keluarga yang baik2.

Masuk asrama kena gak sesah dgn ostat kat bontot. Kesalahan - lewat turun surau untuk semayang subuh. (Bukan tak sholat atau tak turun terus ya!).... Budak tu citer teruk gak dia kena sampai susah nak duduk tapi makpak budak ni pun macam malas nak kecoh sbb hormat ostat tu kot.... so aku memang nak setuju dengan ko....


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Post time 23-4-2017 01:45 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 23-4-2017 02:41 AM
dalam Bernama pun ada bgtau gtu

April 22, 2017 18:18 PM     
Ibunya menyatakan yang mereka telah membawa pesakit berubat secara tradisional terlebih dahulu sebelum ke hospital

siasat sekali ibu beliau dan dukun tersebut... kalu dukun tersebut cuma baca2 dan tiup2 sahaja selamatlah beliau kot...


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Post time 23-4-2017 02:00 PM | Show all posts
barfi replied at 23-4-2017 12:03 PM
Kalau cuba kaedah homoepati mungkin boleh membantu jangan sampai melarat jangkitan tu..

Tapi dah  ...

Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.

Homeopathy is a pseudoscience – a belief that is incorrectly presented as scientific. Homeopathic preparations are not effective for treating any condition; large-scale studies have found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo, suggesting that any positive effects that follow treatment are only due to the placebo effect and normal recovery from illness.

Hahnemann believed the underlying causes of disease were phenomena that he termed miasms, and that homeopathic preparations addressed these. The preparations are manufactured using a process of homeopathic dilution, in which a chosen substance is repeatedly diluted in alcohol or distilled water, each time with the containing vessel being bashed against an elastic material, (commonly a leather-bound book). Dilution typically continues well past the point where no molecules of the original substance remain. Homeopaths select homeopathics by consulting reference books known as repertories, and by considering the totality of the patient's symptoms, personal traits, physical and psychological state, and life history.

Homeopathy is not a plausible system of treatment, as its dogmas about how drugs, illness, the human body, liquids and solutions operate are contradicted by a wide range of discoveries across biology, psychology, physics and chemistry made in the two centuries since its invention. Although some clinical trials produce positive results, multiple systematic reviews have indicated that this is because of chance, flawed research methods, and reporting bias. Continued homeopathic practice, despite the evidence that it does not work, has been criticized as unethical because it discourages the use of effective treatments, with the World Health Organization warning against using homeopathy to try to treat severe diseases such as HIV and malaria. The continued practice of homeopathy, despite a lack of evidence of efficacy, has led to it being characterized within the scientific and medical communities as nonsense, quackery, and a sham.

Assessments by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the United Kingdom's House of Commons Science and Technology Committee and the Swiss Federal Health Office have each concluded that homeopathy is ineffective, and recommended against the practice receiving any further funding.

- nak percaya terserah. mohon don't pretend to be doctors by trying to look like one.


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Post time 23-4-2017 03:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 22-4-2017 10:20 PM
apa pasal ye warden pukul students sampai 20 orang ni dan mengapa sekolah agama tak ambil endah dala ...

Couldn't agree more...sis ex sekolah agama,but too much drama kat sini..sis dulu sekolah girls semua..konsep kat sekolah ni,berdasarkan pengalaman dan pemerhatian sis, kalau you anak org ternama,anak cikgu,lecturer whatsoeva,you akan disanjung2 biarler keputusan x berapa cemerlang..terlalu byk biases kt sini..

And now,adik sis sekolah kat ctu jgk..sis terkejut coz cikgu2 ustaz2 ustazah2 ada jgk spesis cakap lepas,caci maki,tampar2 tu da mmg normal kt ctu (bukan semua cikgu y berkelakuan gtu,sstgh nye saje)...mmg dah hilang berkat lau blaja kat sana....


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Post time 23-4-2017 04:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
barfi replied at 23-4-2017 12:52 PM
Suka hati ko la nak cakap apa..

Dah ramai org yg berjaya dengan rawatan homeopathy la.. Akak ak ...

Mak aku try homeopathy.. tp x sesuwei agaknyer..... panas badan.. naik ruam2...

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Post time 23-4-2017 07:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 23-4-2017 07:43 PM
salmon-suki replied at 23-4-2017 03:40 PM
Couldn't agree more...sis ex sekolah agama,but too much drama kat sini..sis dulu sekolah girls sem ...

u know what - kalau nak punish pun awat ambil  ? getah pipe tu kan?i mean bebudak tahfiz ni bebaik takkanlah nak terus punish macam tu - kalau dep anak tahu cara displin budak ambik petua atau khidmat nasihat dari sekolah model / contoh lain - why not - kan belajar dari pengalaman  juga baik kan dari sekolah yg established.

ap ayg jadi ialah bila isu ni berlaku  kekadang disamarkan konetks sebenar , konteks sebenar tak sampai dan banyaklah  benda benda ditulsi tanpa analisis dahlu konteks sebenar
kalau i nak tahu ini je

a) kesalahan apa yg teruk sangat sampai kena libas? pukukl dengan hos getah?
b) awat lambat sangat budak ni terima rawatan dan kat sini kita tahu  banyak can of worms or pandora's box stuffs keluarlah - now kita dimaklumkan - mak bagi ubat pain killers ?  i dunno why and what ? then ubatan tradiosnal diberikan ( cukup  cukup ' cerdik' bagi rawatan tradisonal dulu ) then now gangrenous feet ( nampak macam necrotising fasciitis ) with systemic sysmptoms dah so...dah makin critical


lebih baik tunggu laporan doktor dan kita boleh juga pikiaq secara waras tanpa fitnah islam tu - tapi boleh kritiklah juga cara sekolah tu punish student( bukan hentam islam ye sebab dok nampak ada golongan yg ambil kesempatan ni kritik islam pulak )  - ini sebab  i nampak tak perlu guna alat untuk punish budak ...

lagi satu budak ni may be  /appears to have? or susceptible to infection - sebab budak lain tak kena ..kekadang ade benda dalam badan seseorang ni yg bila stress level tinggi atau ape ape jelah dia triggered...cer check kan...camam penyakit tissue penghubung  yg kacau ' darah' salur darah' etc etc...
mungkin lebih baik  budak tahfiz ni pi masuk sekolah tu ada ambik pemeriksaan kesihatan ke macam budak SBP / mrsm  ? i think ada baiknya sistem ni dibuat kot kot boleh lah picked up disease mana yg tersembunyi kalau ada.


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Post time 23-4-2017 07:45 PM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 23-4-2017 03:40 PM
Couldn't agree more...sis ex sekolah agama,but too much drama kat sini..sis dulu sekolah girls sem ...

baik pi mrsm ulul albab hehehee

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