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Author: dauswq

[Lain-Lain] 91st Academy Awards (OSCAR 2019) - Postmortem : Glenn Close akan jadi mcm Gera

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2018 01:30 AM | Show all posts
cyclops_psycho replied at 8-11-2018 12:39 AM
Kenapa aku mcm baru tahu aje pasal ura2 nak push kategori baru kat oscar ni?? Ermmmmmmm kena aktif ...

baru nak lobi melissa mccarthy utk best actress, tp filem dia dpt collect 1 juta jek dlm 2 minggu tayangan.
tp kalah dgn nek glenn close yg boleh collect 14 juta wlpn overdue tayangan sejak 2017 lagi.

sesuatu yg agak mengecewakan sbb melissa mccarthy ni dikira konfem laku box office, tp filem can you forgive me? tak bawa pulangan sepatutnya walaupun pengkritik memuji-muji sangat lakonannya dan jalan cerita.  

jadi bolehlah diterima, tekaan @rhyno  

tiga calon locked - lady gaga, glenn close & olivia colman

yg lagi dua ni bergantung pd berapa byk sokongan pundits dan tulang belakang oscar yg mahu melihat mereka tercalon


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Post time 8-11-2018 02:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rhyno at 8-11-2018 02:20 AM
dauswq replied at 8-11-2018 01:30 AM
baru nak lobi melissa mccarthy utk best actress, tp filem dia dpt collect 1 juta jek dlm 2 minggu  ...

lagi dua spot utk Best Actress dijangka akan dpt kat pelakon2 favourite Oscar iaitu Nicole Kidman utk filem Boy Erased dan Natalie Portman utk filem Vox Lux.

1. Lady Gaga
2. Olivia Colman
3. Glenn Close
4. Nicole Kidman
5. Natalie Portman

utk Best Actor plak lagi 2 slot mungkin dpt kat Viggo Mortensen utk filem The Greenbook dan Jonathan Pryce utk filem The Wife.

1. Bradley Cooper
2. Ryan Gosling
3. Christian Bale
4. Viggo Mortensen
5. Jonathan Pryce

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Post time 8-11-2018 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Rhyno replied at 8-11-2018 02:16 AM
lagi dua spot utk Best Actress dijangka akan dpt kat pelakon2 favourite Oscar iaitu Nicole Kidma ...

Natalie portman tu kempen untuk Supporting actress...dia x kempen untuk best actress..


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Post time 8-11-2018 10:46 AM | Show all posts
utk Best Actor plak lagi 2 slot mungkin dpt kat Viggo Mortensen utk filem The Greenbook dan Jonathan Pryce utk filem The Wife.

1. Bradley Cooper
2. Ryan Gosling
3. Christian Bale
4. Viggo Mortensen
5. Jonathan Pryce

* why x de Rami malek...lakonan dia dalam BR bagus k...jangan di layan sangat apa yang critics tulis..
ignore the critics...

* filem BR lepas pula ye di tayangkan..walaupun pengarah filem ni berdepan dengan tuduhan gangguan seksual....tapi Filem A Rainy Day In New York arahan Woody Allen x lepas di tayangkan,...malah diperam macam belacan...tak adil pada Woody Allen...aku suka filem filem arahan Woody Allen

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Post time 10-11-2018 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Rhyno at 10-11-2018 11:19 AM

1. Bradley Cooper - 100% LOCKED
2. Ryan Gosling - 100% LOCKED
3. Christian Bale - 100% LOCKED
4. Willem Defoe - 100% LOCKED
5. Remi Malek / Steve Carrell / Viggo Mortensen / Ethan Hawke - 85% LOCKED

ramalan pemenang Best Actor : Bradley Cooper.

1. Lady Gaga - 100% LOCKED
2. Olivia Colman - 100% LOCKED
3. Glenn Close - 100% LOCKED
4. Felicity Jones - 100% LOCKED
5. Nicole Kidman / Yalitza Apiricio / Melissa McCarthy / Toni Collette - 85% LOCKED

ramalan pemenang Best Actress : Glenn Close.


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 Author| Post time 11-11-2018 03:16 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dauswq at 11-11-2018 03:20 AM
mat_arof replied at 8-11-2018 10:46 AM
utk Best Actor plak lagi 2 slot mungkin dpt kat Viggo Mortensen utk filem The Greenbook dan Jonathan ...

rasa2 lucas hedges leh dpt nomination best actor utk filem ni tak?

pengarah dia bapak dia, juga penulis skrip utk filem  leornado di caprio jd budak cacat dulu


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Post time 13-11-2018 04:40 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 11-11-2018 03:16 AM
rasa2 lucas hedges leh dpt nomination best actor utk filem ni tak?

hahah...mmg x larrr...x strong sangat lakonan dia..lagipun dia ni bukan dalam awards radar..critics tak pandang sangat dia ni

member aku di NY dah tgok filem dia yang Boy Erased so je...x strong sangat pun ...Lakonan Nicole Kidman lebih menyerlah.

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Post time 13-11-2018 04:41 PM | Show all posts
nampaknya saingan kali ni sangat kuat dalam 4 kategori

Best actor dan actress

Best Supp Actor dan Actress

4 categori ni nampak persaingan sangat sengit..

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Post time 13-11-2018 04:46 PM | Show all posts
National Board of Review to Announce Annual Winners on November 27 2018

New York Film Critics Circle akan vote winner on 29 November 2018

Washing DC Area Film Critics Announce Winner on 3 Dicember 2018

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 05:27 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 13-11-2018 04:41 PM
nampaknya saingan kali ni sangat kuat dalam 4 kategori

Best actor dan actress

best supporting actor tak de org letak lagi

[Best Supporting Actor]
1. Sam Elliott (“A Star is Born”) - LOCKED
2. Timothée Chalamet (“Beautiful Boy”) - LOCKED
3. Mahershala Ali (“Green Book”)  - LOCKED

Adam Driver (“BlacKkKlansman”) , Richard E. Grant (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”)  ,  Steve Carell (“Vice”) , Stephan James (“If Beale Street Could Talk”)


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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 05:41 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 13-11-2018 04:40 PM
hahah...mmg x larrr...x strong sangat lakonan dia..lagipun dia ni bukan dalam awards radar.. ...

nicole kidman nampaknya lebih menyerlah dgn Destroyer tp filem tu lambat release.
sempat ke dak oscar voters nak judge sblm tarikh tutup?

looking at nicole's performance di sini, remind me rosamund pike (gone girl) , charlize theron (monster)

critics pun lauded this is one of her finest performances to date.

walaupun begitu, rasanya susah gak dia nak locked dgn 2 nominations dlm satu tahun mcm cate blanchette , jamie foxx dan julianne moore buat dulu

either one, oscar voters mungkin utamakan destroyer berbanding boy erased.


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Post time 14-11-2018 07:19 AM | Show all posts
Menyampah pula aku dengan AMPAS ni...boleh pula keluar statement ugutan kalau Black Panther tak terpilih untuk Categori/ win Best Picture ..mereka akan masukkan semula kategori Popular ...

so aku naik menyampah dengan AMPAS dah sekrang....lantak lar siapa yang  menang....

ni pula ramai yang nak si Sam Elliot tu menang best Supporting Actor sebab sepanjang Karier ni mungkin pertama kali tercalon Oscar so dia ni lagi satu Gary Oldman wanabe..yang akan menang Life achievement awards...cis....suweeiiiiilarrrr...

so x berapa minat dah aku degan AMPAS ni...

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Post time 14-11-2018 06:13 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 14-11-2018 07:19 AM
Menyampah pula aku dengan AMPAS ni...boleh pula keluar statement ugutan kalau Black Panther tak terp ...

Sam Elliot tu macam 90% LOCKED utk menang Best Supporting Actor. lakonan dia dlm A Star is Born memang cemerlang.

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 Author| Post time 14-11-2018 07:24 PM | Show all posts
2019 Oscars: 5 reasons why Rami Malek can win Best Actor for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’                                                      

  November 12, 2018 3:00PM


Alex Bailey/Fox

I know what you’re thinking. Is this a real prediction? Or is it just fantasy? Before you assume that I’m caught in a landslide (with no escape from reality), please open your eyes and look up to the skies and see … Here are five reasons why Rami Malek can win the Oscar for “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
1. He plays a real person AND is physically transformed onscreen.

It’s awardsology 101. The combination of portraying an actual individual plus altering one’s outward appearance is the easiest way to ensnare the academy’s attention. In the past twenty years alone, a plethora of people have won lead statuettes for doing exactly just that.

Look at Hilary Swank in “Boys Don’t Cry,” Adrien Brody in “The Pianist,” Nicole Kidman in “The Hours,” Charlize Theron in “Monster,” Jamie Foxx in “Ray,” Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Capote,” Reese Witherspoon in “Walk the Line,” Forest Whitaker in “The Last King of Scotland,” Helen Mirren in “The Queen,” Marion Cotillard in “La Vie en Rose,” Sean Penn in “Milk,” Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side,” Meryl Streep in “The Iron Lady,” Daniel Day-Lewis in “Lincoln,” Matthew McConaughey in “Dallas Buyers Club,” Eddie Redmayne in “The Theory of Everything” and Gary Oldman in “Darkest Hour.”

Could Malek be this year’s man of the hour? He checks all the boxes. Queen crooner Freddie Mercury was one of the most celebrated musical artists of his time. And with the artificial overbite, wacky wigs and crazy clothes – Malek looks perfect in the part. Audiences see the silhouetto of a man, and so much more.

I used to argue that when it comes to the Academy Awards for acting, it’s more about quantity than quality. Bigger is always better. Less is never more. I’ve had to change my thinking in recent years, after seeing Mark Rylance in “Bridge of Spies” and Casey Affleck in “Manchester by the Sea” sail off with the gold for their rather understated turns. Still, dramatic performances are the ones to bet on.
Consider the results from last year: Oldman in “Darkest Hour” over Timothee Chalamet in “Call Me by Your Name,” Frances McDormand in “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” over Sally Hawkins in “The Shape of Water,” Sam Rockwell in “Three Billboards” over Willem Dafoe in “The Florida Project,” and Allison Janney in “I, Tonya” over Laurie Metcalf in “Lady Bird.” In every case, the Academy (and other groups) went for the showy over the subtle.

This year, Malek in “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the ultimate showstopper. Whether he’s in song, dance or discourse, he’s constantly acting for the camera. That’s over two hours of tears, torment and assorted theatrics. And then there’s the Live Aid concert at the end of the film, which has been singled out as the brightest bit in the movie. Malek’s fierce channeling of Mercury sends shivers down the spine. This might be considered his requisite “killer scene.” IfaAcademy electors remember this moment when marking their ballots, Malek could end up killing the competition.

3. He’ll win the SAG Award (and probably the BAFTA, too.)
Note that I’m abstaining from calling the Golden Globe race – as least for now. But when it comes to SAG, Malek is the one to beat. Actors will see him as having the most challenging role. Can you imagine the risks of playing one of the most iconic singers of the twentieth century? Very, very frightening. (Yet Malek is magnifico.) Thespians will have special appreciation for the way that he nailed Mercury’s movements, mannerisms and speaking style – all of which required intense research and rehearsal. And while we don’t even know the category competition, Malek could enjoy a secret advantage. He’s an Emmy winner (and past SAG nominee) for the acclaimed television series “Mr. Robot.” Most SAG members work in TV; they may be inclined to vote for one of their own in a field filled with big screen stars.
As for the BAFTA, there doesn’t appear to be a hometown favorite like Oldman in “Darkest Hour” last year. (And there’s no male lead in “The Favourite.”) So how do we know which way the BAFTA winds will blow? Remember that Malek mimics a famous Brit  in a picture co-produced and filmed in the United Kingdom, that also features a great deal of British talent. If BAFTA voters desire to remain loyal to the Queen, there’s no better way to go than with the man who is Queen.

4. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is a box office smash.
Malek’s biggest Oscar obstacle is undoubtedly the mixed critical reaction to the film. If “Bohemian” had bombed, his awards chances would likely bite the dust. But the movie is surpassing expectations. It enjoyed a bigger opening weekend than “A Star is Born,” a film buoyed by TWO huge stars. As of this writing, “Rhapsody” is poised to cross the $100 million mark in the U.S. alone. Its CinemaScore “A” grade suggests good word-of-mouth for weeks to come. Most importantly, moviegoers come out of “Rhapsody” raving about Rami. (Carrying on as if nothing else matters.) The film’s success could make it easier for the Academy to honor the ingredient most responsible for the “Bohemian” bonanza.

5. He might benefit from being the only first-time nominee.
I know, this seems counterintuitive. Allow me to explain. Malek is 37 and has over a decade’s worth of film credits. He’s paid his dues (time after time.) He’s made mistakes – like last summer’s “Papillon” (but has committed no crime.) Nonetheless, some voters might wish to reward someone more “overdue” for the Best Actor crown.

There’s no shortage of contenders. Take Bradley Cooper in “A Star is Born,” hoping to produce his first victory after three previous losses. There’s Christian Bale in the upcoming “Vice,” who could use a bookend to his supporting prize for “The Fighter.” Viggo Mortensen in “Green Book” and Willem Dafoe in “At Eternity’s Gate” have seemingly been waiting an eternity for Oscar recognition.

And speaking of eternity, it’s been 45 years since the release of 1973 Best Picture winner “The Sting,” which earned the beloved Robert Redford his only acting nod to date. A trophy for his farewell performance in “The Old Man and the Gun” would be the perfect way to salute an old Hollywood favorite. In short, votes for the “overdue” could easily be split in a hotly contested category. If just enough Academy members were rocked by Rami, he could be the champion on Oscar’s big night.


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 Author| Post time 14-11-2018 10:18 PM | Show all posts
tak sangka rosamund pike pun ade film tahun ni, keluar 16nov ni..
ramai pengkritik berstuju one of her best acting selain gone girl..

makin sesak lah calon best actress kali ni

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 Author| Post time 14-11-2018 10:26 PM | Show all posts
[BEST ACTRESS predictions - latest]
glenn close, lady gaga, olivia colman.

tak berapa menonjol, tp possibility besar utk masuk top 5 - melissa mccarthy, yalitza aparicio , rosamund pike, nicole kidman , felicity jones,  tony collete, viola davis.

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Post time 15-11-2018 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Rhyno replied at 14-11-2018 06:13 PM
Sam Elliot tu macam 90% LOCKED utk menang Best Supporting Actor. lakonan dia dlm A Star is Born me ...

tapi lakonan dia tak outstanding macam Timothee dan Ali.

timothee dan Ali nampak bersaing untuk supporting...Sam Elliot ni critics mana lar yang tetiba sibuk naikkan nama dia...


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Post time 15-11-2018 09:28 AM | Show all posts
rasa kesian dengan Glenn Close dan Amy Adams ...sebab nampak macam x de harapan untuk menang..


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Post time 15-11-2018 09:45 AM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 14-11-2018 07:24 PM
2019 Oscars: 5 reasons why Rami Malek can win Best Actor for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’                   ...

sebab tu apa yang critics pilih tak semuanya oscar setuju

dulu Sandra Bullock (the Blind Side) x de pun critics suka kerana filem yng so so tapi dpat juga menang Oscar

meryl streep dalam Iron Lady pun dapat critics teruk tapi tetap menang oscar
Angelina Jolie pun filem dia Girl interreupted dalam critic teruk dalam critics tapi tetap juga menang oscar..

* tak leh pakai pun apa yang critics cakap...syok sendiri je pengritik2 ni


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Post time 15-11-2018 04:00 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 15-11-2018 09:28 AM
rasa kesian dengan Glenn Close dan Amy Adams ...sebab nampak macam x de harapan untuk menang..

bukan Glenn Close ke calon favourite utk menang....nape takde harapan plak....
1. Glenn Close - calon favourite menang
2. Olivia Colman - ada harapan
3. Lady Gaga - tipis
4. Felicity Jones - tipis
5. Nicole Kidman - tipis

Rami Malek ada harapan menang Best Actor. pesaingan terkuat dia adalah Bradley Cooper je.

1. Rami Malek - calon favourite menang
2. Bradley Cooper - ada harapan
3. Ryan Gosling - tipis
4. Viggo Mortensen - tipis
5. Christian Bale - tipis

Best Supporting Actor pilihan aku adalah Sam Elliot (A Star is Born). Best Supporting Actress pilihan aku adalah Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk).

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