:: Star Wars Episode III Revenge OF The SIth ( 19.05.05)
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darn apsal i tatau pasal thread ni....tersorok ke....
TODAY is ALMOST OVER....Tommorrow is 18th May.....18th May ade Midnite weii TGV...start 11 mlm laa... |
yea yea:clap:...today 18hb dpt tengok kol 9mlm...kat tgv klcc.
see ya there...(sesapa yg dpt tiket gak utk mlm ni).:nerd: |
ohh i see..
Originally posted by alphawolf at 2005-5-17 08:57:
Yes It is tragic..seeing how one cute kid turn into a good-looking young man but later cocooned in black lifesupport system and armor...and evil to boot. But I think afterwards we will see Vade ...
Pad me tu saper anyway i actually tak keen on sangat pasal trilogy ni sbb berderet even LOTR but i always confused with the starwars in which Harrison Ford is one of the actor until one dayy a few years back my friend said well, " Da. thsi film is not about recasting everything into CGI ...but it is about HIS FATHER the VAder ..then that is how i really knew about this ...first of all it is the Phantom Menace - second is ....the third one is.......
you see.. i did not even know the whole lot of the titles ..hahah..but ..it is the sad bit tu i tak tahan lerr...
well what is the significance of being a SITH descended blood lines and also a JEDI/ what is it about this SITH thingy that makes it so ..well such a special thing? |
Well tu put it simply.
It's a story of good versus evil. Between the two there's the FORCE as the balance. Within the FORCE the the light side (JEDI) and the dark side (SITH). One side could be turned to another.
So in this story, Anakin /Vader is prophecised as the one who is the chosen one to end it all. A hope to all the conflict. Sadly, events happen and he got turned to the dark side...hence the story continued after that in rp 4, 5, 6. |
Originally posted by DanaScully at 17-5-2005 20:54:
But i think uncle george dah pun redeem this anakin character dalam ROTJ kan? during the last scene dalam ROTJ it was shown how hantu-hantu :bgrin: anakin, obiwan dan yoda bergumbira and sayin ...
Yes...that kinda make me sad... a good guy who turned bad who redeemed himself by trading his life...:cry:
Watching this scene again could bring tears to my eye..yeah I'm a big baby!
VAder : Luke, help me take this mask off.
Luke : But you'll die.
Vader : Nothing can stop that now. For once, let me take a look at you with my own eyes.
<Slowly, hesitantly, Luke removes the mask from his father's face. There beneath the scars is an elderly man. His eyes do not focus. But the dying man smiles at the sight before him.>
Vader : Now, go my son. Leave me.
Luke : No. You're coming with me. I can't leave you here...I've got to save you.
Vader : You already have Luke. You were right about me...tell your sister....you were right.....
Luke : Father, I won't leave you....
<Finally Darth Vader...or rather Anakin Skywalker dies....Luke hangs his head in sorrow> |
malam ni dah start dah 11.30pm kat mines.. |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 18-5-2005 09:18 AM:
Yes...that kinda make me sad... a good guy who turned bad who redeemed himself by trading his life...:cry:
Watching this scene again could bring tears to my eye..yeah I'm a big baby!
VAde ...
darn!!! u make me cry :cry:
i get chills when i watch this scene on the big screen, dah la masa tu masih kanak-kanak riang lagi :lol |
Star Wars nostalgias
sementara menanti waktu tayangan ROTS, jom kita kongsi nostalgia Star Wars memasing nak? Anybody want to start first :bgrin: |
first time aku tgk star wars tahun 1983 masa tu keluar Return of the Jedi, bapak aku sewa VHS (zaman tu pun dah ada pirate ooo...gambar wayang sebab aku ingat lagi gambar dia gelap sket)...aku memang tak paham satu hapah pun..tapi seronok tgk starfighter tembak laser sana sini...lepas tgk ROTJ baru aku tgk Star War (masa tu tak dikenali sangat sebagai New Hope) n Empire Strike Back..dah masuk sekolah menengah baru la paham rupa-rupanya aku tgk dalam susunan terbalik...
[ Last edited by AzusaFuyutsuki on 18-5-2005 at 07:50 PM ] |
Originally posted by AzusaFuyutsuki at 18-5-2005 08:47 PM:
first time aku tgk star wars tahun 1983 masa tu keluar Return of the Jedi, bapak aku sewa VHS (zaman tu pun dah ada pirate ooo...gambar wayang sebab aku ingat lagi gambar dia gelap sket)...aku mema ...
aku pun setat tengok star wars citer ROTJ. kuar panggung tahun 1983, berentap dengan pilem Superman 3.(cinema lain-lain, zaman dulu sebuah cinema tayang satu filem ajer) Aku petama kali nengok wayang without my parents, gi dengan abang aku, zaman kanak-kanak riang lagi masa tuh. Abah aku punya la cool abes, pi beli tiket yg mahal (dok kat level atas), so we both saw Superman 3 dan ROTJ back to back. Syiok woooo..
My bro selalu reenact the lite saber scenes. Dia ikat kain pelikat kat tengkok, pakai helmet dan pegang fluorescent tube (kengkonon Darth Vader) :lol Time blackout paling best sebab ada peluang kita orang lawan guna torchlight, angan-angan macam luke lawan DV. :lol
So Star Wars plays a big part in my childhood years. |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

I have fallen into the DARK SIDE of the FORCE -nyo... |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

SApa sini pandai photoshop buat itu lightsaber effect -nyo? |
bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
tak sabar nak saksikan GG pukul jedi2 sebelum dia akan dilauk oleh Obi wan
:lol |
:bodek: aku berjaya...:pompom:... akhrinya .. dpt tiket utk show esok pagi.. duduk belakang sekali...:bodek:...
mula2 aku gi tgk2 nak beratur ..bila balik kerja tadi.. mak oii pjg nyer barisan... first aku fikir nak beratur mampus lenguh nak berekor2 pjg baris...
aku balik umah.. try check online.. leee... byk lagi kosong.. boleh tempah siap pilih kerusi mana lagi nak duduk .. tu yg best.. dpt kerusi belakang sekali tgh2.. paling startegik.. fuul sound seround.. .. mesti bunyi light saber kaw2 nyer..
takde le mamat kayu yg sibuk nak tendang kerusi belakang...
to master yoda.. wait for me tomorrow never dies...:lol |
first time tgk star wars, time umur aku 8 tahun, tgk Star Wars EpisodeIV:A New Hope, time tu episode 1 lagi tak salah aku...tgk showcase kat tv3 keluar time raya..siap record lagi. First time aku tgk opening dia pun dah semangat, dengan intro lagu Star Wars serentak dgn font-block "STAR WARS" tuh lepas tu opening synopsis yang scroll-up tuh..and then straight pegi scene kapal Rebellion kene kejar ngan kapal Imperial..perghh nganga sehh tengok scene tuh...hasilnya, setiap ari untuk beberapa tahun..setiap kali balik skolah jer mesti layan tape star wars dulu, sampai english aku dapat A hehehhehe....
disebabkan star wars laa..setiap kali kalau tgk movie kat mane2 laa..kalau Fox studio yang distribute mesti aku goose-bump sebab dah selalu sgt tgk Star Wars so dah biasa dgn opening dia which is in sequential order...
drum beat and orchestra music for 20th CENTURY FOX and then terus opening star wars theme (by John Williams) serentak dengan font "STAR WARS" tuh..perghh...and habit "excited" tu akan datang setiap kali aku tgk movie yang under distributed by 20th Century FOX ...cam dah sinonim plak 20th Century FOX ngan Star Wars nih.. |
yes...bru lepas tengok td.
semua spt yg tlh dijangkakan... |
karynn This user has been deleted
tak pernah ada niat nak tgk citer ni pun.. sbb dulu slalu pk citer ni tak masuk akal dan penuh ngan alien.... mati bergolek xbf aku pun, aku ttp tak nak ikut dia tgk citer "bodo" nih....;) but last niteeeee......
lepas tgk premiere mlm semalam kat berjaya times square.... whoaaaaaaaaa:clap: aku bg 4.5 star la... from casting (artooooo... i miss u!) to the directing to the everything la... mmg best. rasa cam nak g tgk jek lagi mlm ni. Gonna get the DVD collection, mau layan kat umah from the first episode till the recent)
best la.. mmg best! |
bru tngok smlm...esok tngok lg...tiket dh pon tersedia sejak last week...
yup...r2d2 mmg best kali ni...(er...ekceli r2d2 mmg best utk sumer episod pon...). |
Trivia Star Wars:
Anthony Daniels (C3PO) has the last line in this film and the first line in New Hope, meaning he bookends the Saga |
akhirnya George Lucas akur kepada kehebatan media televisyen...
Star Wars akan disirikan...how sad.. |
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