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Author: buiscasey

"CLOVERFIELD" - unknown movie from J.J. Abrams

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Post time 17-1-2008 01:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #111 `pSyCho`'s post

tp aku terbaca spoiler org yg dh tngok(dr imdb), derang describe monster tu mcm dlm sketch yg ko paste aritu la. siap ada menatang kecik2 kat bdn monster tu yg saiz mcm org. so lukisan tu takdela fake kan?

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Post time 17-1-2008 01:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #121 sayangidaku's post

Monster tue mmg ader binatang kecik2 tue, yg attach kat big monster, but for those who have seen the movie have said that the monster look x de serupe langsung ngan lukisan tue. But I guess, you gonna see it tomorrow kan? Just wait and see for yourself la snang. =]

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Post time 17-1-2008 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Oleh kerana comment yang melampau aku telah mengambil keputusan utk mc hari sebab nak tgk movie ni tgh hari ni jugak...

Aku tak sabau....

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Post time 17-1-2008 10:23 AM | Show all posts
lps tgk korang review k.. aku dh xsabo nih..

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Post time 17-1-2008 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ibrahim8876 at 17-1-2008 09:36 AM
Oleh kerana comment yang melampau aku telah mengambil keputusan utk mc hari sebab nak tgk movie ni tgh hari ni jugak...

Aku tak sabau....

  hang sepak bucu pintu ka nak dapt MC...?atau MC beli..

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Post time 17-1-2008 03:45 PM | Show all posts
So, I love to spoiled myself and search for the monster pic, and I saw one (The pic not too clear though, it's dark and the shot only shows the monster's head), and I quite disappointed to be honest. It doesn't look scary as I hoped. So far review from this movie, 65% positive, 35% negative lbih kurang.

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Post time 17-1-2008 05:21 PM | Show all posts
Mlm esok nak tgk.

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Post time 17-1-2008 06:46 PM | Show all posts
kt rotentometos derang rate 6.4/10...


MIni-Review: Going into this attempt to revive "Blair Witch" filmmaking techniques with low expectations will probably leave one less disappointed than those going into it expecting it to redefine the giant monster movie.

Under the pretension that the roughly 80 minute film is an unedited tape from a hand-held DV camera found after the fact, we watch as a group of shallow good-looking yuppies run around Manhattan trying to avoid a rampaging beast and the military forces trying to take it down while trying to find and save the love of one of them. Filled with eerie visual references to 9/11, it's fascinating stuff to try to figure how they accomplished some of the bigger scenes of destruction in the same way it's fun to see an empty and grown-over Manhattan in "I Am Legend." That said, the ability to suspend one's belief for an extended period of time should certainly improve one's enjoyment, as New Yorkers will probably scoff at a number of key fauxpas like how celphones work in a subway station, not to mention how our heroes are able to walk from Spring Street to midtown walking through the subway tunnels seemingly within minutes.

And then there's this guy "Hud", clearly the world's worst camera man, who will just NOT LET GO of that camera no matter what happens to them. (It's too bad they don't mention the brand of camera because it would have been a good endorsement for it being the most durable and indestructible camera ever built.)

Sadly, the poorly-realized characters don't help matters, because instead of seeing these events through the eyes of a varied and diverse group of people as in Frank Darabont's "The Mist", we get a group of shallow good-looking yuppies who continuously redefine the dumb teen horror cliche to new heights with dialogue that feels improvised, but not in a particularly good way.

One classic example: "The elevator's not working..." "Let's take the stairs!" Yeah, no sh*t. Otherwise, the lack of strong writing or acting tends to bog things down, as the scenes where they group is sitting around expounding upon what is happening to them are very dull. At least Michael Stahl-David has a couple strong dramatic moments to let him rise above his TV actor roots, but the CG monster (and a couple smaller creatures) are so strange-looking that it takes you out of the moment whenever they appear on camera, partially due to the changing scale of the beast, and the inability for the actors to make it seem convincingly real or menacing. Worthwhile only for the scale of the destruction and the sheer audacity of its marketing campaign, "Cloverfield" should hopefully convince people to be skeptical about what they see (or don't see) in advertising, because anything that sounds this good on paper can't possibly live up to expectations.

Rating: 6/10
Why I Should See It: To watch New York City getting destroyed

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Post time 17-1-2008 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Joe Lee kate best

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 Author| Post time 17-1-2008 08:44 PM | Show all posts
aku nak prepare diri aku utk sabtu ni.. ish, tak sabar....

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Post time 18-1-2008 01:36 AM | Show all posts
dh tengok td, best sgt. 9/10 bintang.
agak pening sket tngok pergerakan kamera tu, tp last few scenes mmg gempak sgt n most of the times nmpk real giler.
aku dpt rasa kelakar, cemas, sedih,... segala emosi bercampur baur.
masa tngok citer ni, aku takleh elak dr terfikir/teringat 'i am legend' prequel , godzilla, starship troopers, blair witch project, titanic, etc.
aku suka pelakon watak marlena(lizzy caplan) tu... muka n cara dia ckp mcm pelakon Zooey Deschanel + elyse sewell antm sket.
pelakon2 lain pon bagus.

[ Last edited by  sayangidaku at 18-1-2008 01:44 AM ]

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Post time 18-1-2008 01:49 AM | Show all posts
ops, cmner la aku leh terlupa si marlena(lizzy caplan) tu ekceli penah belakon filem mean girls, as janis ian.

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Post time 18-1-2008 08:38 AM | Show all posts
dah tgk semalam
mula2 tuh cam tak best sangat...
tapi dah start dalam terowong tuh mula best dah

kesian plak dekat hub

aku bagi 7.5/10 aaaa

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Post time 18-1-2008 09:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #132 sayangidaku's post


Haa.. kan betul aku dah agak masa dier kuar tu terpfikir yang dier ni pernah arlakon dalam means girls...

Anyway pada pendapat aku la plot nya biasa jer... cuma yang kreatifnya pengarah dan producer tu adalah ia menceritakan dari perspektif orang yang cuba survive kejadian ni (orang biasa)... maksud aku  normally cerita cenggini dibuat dari perspektif hero/heroin...

aku harap diorang buat sequel/prequel la sebab nak tahu dari mana datangnya Raksaksa yang kene tembak pun tak matii dan aper kesudahan citer ni sebab ending mamat tu ngan awek dier mati...

Aku bagi 8/10

ps: lain kali buat gini... ok??? last warning ni..

[ Last edited by  aYuGiLeR at 19-1-2008 05:03 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2008 10:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #134 Ibrahim8876's post

oi!!! apa cakap ending ni!!! aku tak tgk lg lah.. apalah.....!!!!!

PS: tp kalau ko tak ckp pon aku dah blh agak.. heheh

[ Last edited by  buiscasey at 18-1-2008 10:46 AM ]

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Post time 18-1-2008 12:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #135 buiscasey's post

La kau belum tgk ker...ampun tuanku...

Anyway camera yang diorang guna tu rasanya bukan handycam kot cuma pengambaran tu di buat seolah2 tgh guna handycam... kalau handycam macam citer 28 days later....

Ape pendapat mereka yang dah tgk..

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Post time 18-1-2008 01:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #136 Ibrahim8876's post

HEY! Please don't posts spoiler, I just read the ending of what you posted. Spoiled la. But it's okay. Next time bagi warning spoiler dulu, and yg lain2 tue pun same klau nk posts, warning first.

Ah... I'm gonna see it tomorrow or Isnin. Damn. Lmbat giler la. Thanks everyone else for the reviews though.

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Post time 18-1-2008 03:00 PM | Show all posts
aku dah tengok dah... ...tengok poster saja ...

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Post time 18-1-2008 03:33 PM | Show all posts
i ve seen it.. gessh.. u all souldd gooo..

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Post time 18-1-2008 05:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #136 Ibrahim8876's post


tgk tak cita Noroi, cita hantu jepun tuh??
dia pon ala2 cloverfield tuh punya camwork
guna handycam camtuh

sbb aku dah tgk noroi aku kurang skit impressed tgk camwork cloverfield

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