en gani..if u dun mind..can i see ur pic either dlm thread nih..or by pm...
rasa cam nak tgk sgt laki yg mampu mengegarkan hati bini org nih.... |
Reply #119 dianthe's post
Kenapa nak tunggu 60 ya? Lepas 60tahun dah tak boleh pakai ke? Dan 20 orang tu sikit sangat untuk time frame 20tahun. Maklumlah, Gani tulis "i love sex just like "having meals"...and i am a bit "hunchback",a lefthander,and i didnt smoke...." |
Reply #122 blue_april's post
Dia kata rupa dia macam kacukan Patan, rata2 yang saya biasa tengok di sini, lelaki Patan memang kategori yang handsome dengan kulit putih kemerahan. |
Reply #115 ganisara's post
There you have it, gani. You finally answered your own question. Sometimes when we look deep inside ourselves, the answer that we have been desperately seeking is actually inside outselves all this while.
I have read all your threads. From the beginning, you are trying to "warn" husbands to take care of their wives so that they won't go astray and cheat on them. But in reality (or subconsciously) you are warning them about yourself. Nampak tak?
You see, gani, 95% of men are just average men like everyone else - me included. You cannot expect these 95% men to be super-human, super-charming, super-charismatic, super-gentlemen like you. They are not. And there is nothing wrong for being not perfect.
But the important thing is that husbands try to build a family with their wives the best they can. Maybe their best is not what you considered "best", but that is what they can afford. Setiap kita ada kemampuan masing2.
When NHK's husband plead to you for you not to have affair with his wife, what does it tell you? Actually NHK's husband did nothing wrong. He faced a competition that he knows he cannot win. He is trying to love his wife the best that he can. You have to remember he also have to give her shelter and food, thus he works hard to achieve this as a doctor - untuk sediakan semua ini pada isterinya. Bukan semua orang kaya macam Sultan Brunei, gani. Most of the time, men have to work their ass off untuk menyediakan tempat berteduh dan sesuap nasi pada isteri dan anak-anak.
But that does not make them weak. To me, they are doing just fine.
So who is the bad guy here then? I'm afraid it is you, gani. You are the person you have been hating all this while. I'm sorry to break the news, pal.
You see, I have been learning about women for the past 17 years since I first lay my eyes on the woman who is now my wife. And I am still learning - but I learned far enough. Women fancies men, biasalah tu. Women fancies men all the time. Tapi women ada perasaan malu and unless a man can pick up these signs, they usually keep it to themselves. You picked up all the signs. And you are the one who lead them astray. If you don't exist, NHK will continue on with her normal life with her normal average husband. So it is not NHK's fault nor her husband's, kan? NHK had an affair because you exist. Can you see it now?
Thank you for your kind compliments, gani but I'm sorry if I can't be polite. I almost lost my wife once because of a man like you. My friend has to go through a painful divorce because of a man like you and he has to literally kutip balik setiap butir kaca yang berderai satu-persatu dan susun semula - bina balik istana pernah dibinanya yang telah hancur dirobohkan from scratch with his wife again (see my thread "Macam mana nak pulihkan memori hitam").
I'm sorry but I can't help you any longer, gani. You are now on your own. How you shape your future is up to you. Whether you want to remain as you were until you old and die, or to change into something else, only you have the answer. And deep inside, I believe you already know this.
All the best, mate. |
Banyaknya info yang berguna from this thread. I wish I can write a book titled 'LOVE AFFAIR'.. , but unfortunately Im not a good writer.
errr gamaknya kau tau tak MIT yang aku maksudkan, MIT mana satu? |
Reply #125 Penulis's post
at the end, we wonder what is his real intention of revealing his stories to all? utk pedoman? or to create an interest in all the ladies here to get to know who he is actually.. perhaps after this, he will be very busy replying PMs to all his fans..
like gemuk said, he has his own agenda then |
Reply #129 LostSoul's post
yeap... some agendas here, kekadang tu rasa cam he built his character as well as his tokok tambah base on the comments form forummers..... |
Reply #125 Penulis's post
suka baca posting dari Penulis
ayat-ayat dia sedap dibaca dan mudah difahami
sesuai la jadi Penulis tu
note: errr....takde novel terbaru ker? |
malas lak aku nak selak2 kat belakang cite mr gani...dah habis yea stori mr gani.. |
Thank you for your kind compliments, gani but I'm sorry if I can't be polite. I almost lost my wife once because of a man like you.
aku respek Penulis. speechless. |
jika ada kelebihan yg Tuhan bagi tu, bawalah ke arah kebaikan.
jika ada kelebihan yg Tuhan bagi tu, bersyukurlah
jika ada kelebihan yg Tuhan bagi itu, ingatlah selalu kepadaNya
engkau hanya manusia biasa
bila-bila masa Allah boleh tarik kelebihan yg kau ada
sebelum terlambat, bertaubatlah
jangan ulangi kesilapan berulangkali
kesilapan disebut kesilapan
jika ia berlaku sekali
tetapi jika ia berlaku berulangkali
ia bukan lagi kesilapan
tetapi kesombongan dan kealpaan
dengan Tuhan |
semua posting2 kat page 5 & 6 mcm dah sampai ke penghujung cerita
aku belum sempat kasik 'ayat' kat en. gani lagik.
in my real life
aku mmg ada kenal dengan buaya darat pun
yg dah kawen dengan yg tak kawen2.
sifat2 yg perlu ada utk melayakkan seseorang itu menjadi natural buaya darat ialah
1) mulut kena sentiasa manisssssss
2) pandai ambil hati perempuan
3) soft spoken / good communicator
dlm perihal spt ini, terpulanglah pada individu samaada utk menerima diri seseorang secara terbuka atau tidak. spt saya, saya terbuka utk membaca cerita-ceriti en gani tanpa rasa prejudis utk menghentam beliau.
bagi saya, mengenali seseorang lelaki yg playboy ini advantagenya, kita boleh mengenali diri lelaki dan isi hati lelaki dengan lebih dlm. Dari situ kita ambillah ape2 yg perlu utk kita jadikan panduan bagi memantapkan lagi hubungan kita sbg wanita dengan lelaki yg menjadi teman hidup kita. |
Originally posted by meow_tompok at 4-12-2007 11:30 AM
semua posting2 kat page 5 & 6 mcm dah sampai ke penghujung cerita
aku belum sempat kasik 'ayat' kat en. gani lagik.
in my real life
aku mmg ada kenal dengan buaya darat pun
yg dah kawen de ...
nasib baik aku tk jumpa dgn laki playboy cenggini macam yg ko list ciri2 tu. wakaka. |
Reply #135 meow_tompok's post
hahahha aku serik ngan laki soft spoken!!! |
Originally posted by SleepyFish at 4-12-2007 11:36 AM
hahahha aku serik ngan laki soft spoken!!!
lelaki softspoken mcam mana ye? aku suka laki yg jenis ckp terusterang, tapi tak mo lah yg ckp kasar2. tapi yg softspoken tu macmana ha?. soft macam nyah ke?. atau cakap romantik2 atau macamana ye?. |
Originally posted by intanterpilih at 4-12-2007 11:39 AM
lelaki softspoken mcam mana ye? aku suka laki yg jenis ckp terusterang, tapi tak mo lah yg ckp kasar2. tapi yg softspoken tu macmana ha?. soft macam nyah ke?. atau cakap romantik2 atau macama ...
soft spoken bukan yg mcm sotong tu. sotong tu sah sah takde org pompuan nak tergoda.
nie yg ala2 romantika de amor. die punye ayat...fuhh bisa bikin pompuan cair. |
Reply #139 meow_tompok's post
suara ala husky husky gitu , pastu nak cakap dekat dekat tenung mata...gitu ek...gelinya kat opis ni ada sorang |
| |