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Author: kikilala_comei


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Post time 28-3-2011 02:40 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-3-2011 12:37 PM | Show all posts
la.. dah 5 hari tanyangan, takkan takde sesaper nak bg riview lagik... tak best ke?

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Post time 28-3-2011 05:32 PM | Show all posts
la.. dah 5 hari tanyangan, takkan takde sesaper nak bg riview lagik... tak best ke?
debab_78 Post at 28-3-2011 12:37

kat blog melambak.... google je la

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Post time 29-3-2011 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 10# takeshi_anwar

abeh tu filem2 lain, gigih plak deme dok ngomen kat sini..
ate tak paham la..

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Post time 30-3-2011 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by MamüVies at 30-3-2011 11:10

haish... sakit jiwa la tgk citer nih. bkn masalah sebab dia art film, I mean I enjoy the works of Stanley Kubrick for crying out loud. Cuma citer ni rasa2 mcm plot dia around 20 minutes jer, and dia pegi stretch sampai jd dekat 2 jam. mmg macam tunggu kucing jd guru silat la...

Review full ade jgk at my blog, but in essence that's what I think about the movie.



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Post time 30-3-2011 05:10 PM | Show all posts
x de ke sesiapa yg nak tepek kan kt sini... malas le nak klik link blog uols....

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Post time 30-3-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
sesape yg suka art movie flow citer yg slow blehla tgk filem ni...saya suka citer ni...better than Merong Mahawangsa for me...hehe...
paling suka lakonan Jalil tak brp suka dgn plot yg melompat2...& the soundtrack best jgk...suka la dgn lagu last yg masa kuar credits tu...lagu Buka Pintu...



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Post time 30-3-2011 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by MamüVies at 30-3-2011 19:08

Reply 13# carly_lah

Boleh la kot... tapi aku blog aku English semata2. Takut tak sesuai pulak.
But anyway, here it is;

This, ladies and gents, is an art movie. Which means it was made to cater a very, very, VERY specific type of audience, one that excludes even me. And I happen to fancy Stanley Kubrick very much, mind you. To be perfectly honest, I strongly dislike this movie because it felt like they had only ten minutes' worth of plot, and they stretched it to a span of about two hours to compensate.

The result? You'll know that the story is going somewhere, but you could only feel it as much as you can feel the Earth rotating beneath your feet; which is to say, you can't.

However, that is not to say that it was a total waste of time. The movie couldn't have claimed to be an art film if it didn't have some superb acting in it, and distinctive visuals to go along with it. Those were the two areas where the movie truly excelled. As expected, the non-mainstream cast did the subject matter justice by their solid delivery of emotions.

Speaking of subject matter, it didn't offend me at all that the movie explored overt themes of homosexuality. Although I did find myself laughing and fidgeting nervously a couple of times, it was kind of uncomfortable to watch; but note that this is not at all a flaw, if anything I believe that's what they were going for.

One last thing making it worthy to watch was the subtle debate about the kind of lifestyle choice made by homosexuals and transsexuals in this country. Indeed, you can't deny those people from feeling... whatever it is that they feel. But still there is that question of how they should prioritise these things. I shall not give away anything here, but the story left enough room for debate. So it's up to us to fill in the blanks.

Should you go see it?
Well, it was basically a movie about a guy who spent time and money to be somebody he's not, and he ended up not being able to fit in anywhere in society. It was two hours of him moping about how sad his life is, without us feeling any sense of accomplishment whatsoever for watching this movie.

Long story short, while it was quite heart wrenching and  relevant for what it was, at the end of the day I felt like it was me who got f u c k e d in the ass.



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Post time 31-3-2011 12:46 AM | Show all posts
hahahah lagu Buka lagu ni.....

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Post time 31-3-2011 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 15# MamüVies

conclution? kiranya muvi ni x best tp boleh lah kalu nak p tgk.... itu ker? sbb uols rasa cam ternoda di montotkan....

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Post time 31-3-2011 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 17# carly_lah

Conclusion dia; citer ni artistic, tp dia punya slow tu mcm haram... mcm satu episod kisah benar yg dia pegi stretch sampai jadi 2 jam. So... better tggu kuar tv la klu nak tgk.

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Post time 31-3-2011 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Reply 18# MamüVies

so, betul ler konclusyen nyer... carly tunggu kuat kt tv3suku time raya jer lah... tu pun kalu lalu nak tgk....

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Post time 31-3-2011 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by takeshi_anwar at 31-3-2011 11:43

bagi aku ok je citer ni ..Dalam Botol walaupun slow aku masih boleh handle.
Itu kau belum tengok Beautiful Washing Machine (James Lee) yg menang Best Film kategori Asia kat Bangkok International FF (nama festival aku lupa). Lagi la slowwwwwww dari ...Dalam Botol. Aku sendiri tgk pun cam rimassss dan letih.



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Post time 4-4-2011 04:35 PM | Show all posts
arahan Khir Rahman ....mcm citer org drama jer lah...bazir jer duit aku beli tiket...raja azmi...better labur duit ke tempat lain lagi banyak pekdah...huh...bossssssssssan dowhhh

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Post time 4-4-2011 08:40 PM | Show all posts
layan hantu kak limah kali ke sepuluh lagi best

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Post time 6-4-2011 07:56 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku ok je cite ni, kira boleh layan gak le. tak le sebongok dan seteruk cite 2 alam

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Post time 6-4-2011 06:09 PM | Show all posts
kutipan terkini

...Dalam Botol
DRAMA        0.88 juta        24.03.2011        0.53 juta *        40

Kutipan terkini sehingga 06 April 2011
sumber Finas

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Post time 7-4-2011 10:11 PM | Show all posts
kenapa board ni mcm board nk promote blog masing2 jek?

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Post time 9-4-2011 02:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 25# annehuda

ok la ok ulasan aku untuk filem Anu Dalam Botol..

Ok berbalik kepada filem ... (anu) dalam botol lakonan Arja Lee, Diana Danielle, Normah Damanhuri, Wan Raja, Ogy, Jalil Hamid dab lain-lain. Secara ringkasnya, filem ini mengisahkan seorang gay (or nyah? - bab ni aku tak sure watak Ruby (Rubidin) ni dalam kategori yang mana satu sebab dalam filem ni adegan awal menunjukkan Rubidin ni seorang lelaki keras dan masa scene Rubidin dengan ayahnya lakonan Jalil Hamid, ayahnya kata dia seorang budak lembut pula ketika kecil) yang telah membuang anu demi cintanya pada Ghaus (lakonan Wan Raja). Tapi Ghaus telah membuang Ruby bila dia mengetahui Ruby sudah tidak mempunyai alat sulit. Kerana kecewa, Ruby telah kembali ke kampung dan bertemu kembali dengan rakan ketika kecil iaitu Dina (Dania Danielle). Bibit-bibit kemesraan muncul di antara Rubidin dan Dina sehinggalah mereka memutuskan untuk berkahwin..

Aku hendak ulas sedikit sahaja mengenai filem ni. Dari segi lakonan, kebanyakan pelakon seperti Normah Damanhuri, Diana Danielle, Wan Raja termasuk orang-orang kampung berjaya menampilkan lakonan yang cemerlang dan patut di puji. Tapi, lakonan Arja Lee sebagai Rubidin (Ruby) bagi aku agak kaku dan gaya penghayatan yang seakan di buat-buat. Wajah ke'chinese'an lebih terserlah untuk Arja Lee berbanding wajah orang melayu (ada satu scene, matanya yang sepet tu jelas kelihatan). Jadi, adakah pemilihan Arja Lee untuk memegang watak Ruby adalah satu tindakan yang tepat?

Dari segi skrip tulisan Raja Azmi, bagi aku skrip dia biasa-biasa jer. Tidak ada petikan ayat dalam filem ni yang mampu meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam buat aku. Dan kadang-kadang untuk sesetengah scene, aku mengharapkan tulisan skrip yang lebih baik. Dari segi muzik latar, ada muzik yang ok dan bersesuaian dengan jalan cerita dan ada yang tidak. Sebagai contoh apa rasional muzik latar ketika scene Ruby dan kawannya di pejabat pos tu? Tapi muzik latar sebelum dan selepas Normah Damanhuri berjumpa dengan Ghaus ok walaupun pada awalnya aku tak faham kenapa mesti menampilkan irama seakan-akan bunyi rock bingit.

Satu lagi yang menjadi persoalan, adakah Rubidin ni seorang nyah yang betul-betul lembut dari dulu atau lelaki  keras tetapi gay? Hendak kata lembut, gaya dan perwatakannya nampak keras. Nak kata lelaki keras tapi gay, kenapa pulak ada scene dia tidak berani bawa motor dan scene takut hendak melintas jalan?

Secara kesimpulannya, filem ini ok dan dari 10, aku bagi 7 bintang. Jika anda sudah biasa menonton filem-filem bergenre drama Hollywood seperti 'Taxi Driver' (1976) lakonan Robert De Niro, tentu tidak ada masalah untuk anda menonton dan memahami filem ...dalam botol ini.



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Post time 9-4-2011 07:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 26# pembaca_filem

pehh... mcm mana pulak boleh ade Taxi Driver kat situ. Aku tau ko bkn nak compare citer nih dgn Taxi Driver, tapi serious tak boleh blah klu nak kata Anu Dalam Botol ni is anywhere in the same league as the Martin Scorsese classic.

aku tak tau ape basis ko kata camtu, but I respectfully disagree.

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