plan nk g tgk esok cite ni... |
Okeh Apa T4 nih..... start start ada aksi peperangan....
paling best tengok A-10 Thunderbolt serang Terminator..... |
Originally posted by CharlieDale at 30-5-2009 21:14 
Lani tgh layan Terminator kat saluran Star World. so kira aku pun time travel juga la..tgk asal usul terminator....
Hahaha..I pun br tgk T1 just now..funny thing is, I didnt know how this Kyle Reese turned out to be John's father when I watched T4 this evening..all this while asyik layan T2 jek (never get over it)..T3 pun ok laa..tp T1 memang xnah tgk full..so xnah tau who John's father is..but now dh tau how the hell this Kyle boy bole jadi bapak John..huhu.. |
Reply #108 don_quixote's post
HQ Resistance dalam kapal selam last2 kene detect jugak.... |
Kirtland provides Airmen, location for ' Terminator Salvation '

Capt. Jennie Schoeck (left) and actress Moon Bloodgood meet in front of A-10 78-0673 for an interview with the news media during the production of "Terminator Salvation" at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. Captain Schoeck is assigned to the 358th Fighter Squadron at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, and was the A-10 advisor for the production. Moon Bloodgood portrays a lead resistance pilot in the movie. (U.S. Air Force photo by Lance Cheung)
by Staff Sgt. Matthew Bates
Defense Media Activity-San Antonio
4/6/2009 - KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. (AFNS) -- Airmen here recently supported a different kind of war, one against futuristic machines out for world domination.
The Airmen performed as extras on the set of "Terminator Salvation," which filmed several scenes in a hangar on the base's flightline. The movie is the latest in the popular man-versus-machine franchise and stars Christian Bale and is directed by McG.
"It's really cool," said Airman 1st Class Andrew Saunders, a member of the 377th Logistics Readiness Squadron, who plays a "resistance" soldier. "The set, the vehicles, the stars ... it's a lot of fun."
And, as Airman Saunders found out, making movies is a lot of work, too.
"It's amazing," he said. "It takes so much to prepare for a 30-second clip ... hours and hours of work for just one scene."
Still, the Airmen didn't only sign on to support the "resistance." Some were brought on as advisors to the stars, teaching them how to act and think like military people.
One of these Airmen was Capt. Jenny Schroeck, an A-10 Thunderbolt II pilot instructor with the 358th Fighter Squadron at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., Captain Schroek worked alongside the movie's lead actress, Moon Bloodgood, who plays an A-10 pilot in the movie.
"I just showed her how to act and talk when inside the cockpit," Captain Schroeck said. "And she shadowed me around for a while and just observed what I did and how I did it."
It was "training" Ms. Bloodgood was happy to get.
"Of course it helps," she said. "As an actor, anytime you can observe someone performing the roles you're about to play, it's a tremendous benefit. It makes it look like you know what you're doing and adds a touch of credibility and realism to the movie."
But it wasn't only the stars who benefited from the base's support. Those involved in the movie's production also found working with the Air Force a positive experience.
"The eye-opening thing for me was just how mutually beneficial the relationship between the Air Force and the production staff was," said James Middleton, an associate producer with the movie. "The base has been very supportive, flexible and done what they could to meet our needs."
"Terminator Salvation" is the latest in a number of recent films to highlight Air Force people and equipment. Others include "Transformers," "Eagle Eye" and "Iron Man."

Capt. Jennie Schoeck shows the cockpit of an A-10 Thunderbolt II to actress Moon Bloodgood. (U.S. Air Force photo by Lance Cheung)
Sources : http://warthognews.blogspot.com/

ni model baru.. T8000  |
dah tgk dah and rase mcm tak logik bagi sebuah machine yang kononnye cerdik.. tapi bina terminator yang ada USB port.. |
Terminator Salvation review/reflection
Now there are spoilers ahead so don't read if you don't want to have the movie ruined before you see it.
Terminator Salvation was the film that finally shows the ongoing war against the Terminators that was touched on and shown in clips in the previous movies. John Connor played by Christian Bale is not the big leader yet but is in charge of a substantial amount of soldiers at his airbase in the middle of a desert. There is Kyle Reese played by Anton Yelchin and Marcus Wright played by Sam Worthington.
The film begins with Marcus sitting on death row in 2003 waiting for his execution while Helen Bonham Carter's character comes in asking for Marcus's body be donated to her organization. Marcus does this and the camera points at the print at the top of the paper he signed. It reads Cyberdyne systems.
Jump to 2018 where the Resistance is assaulting a Terminator communication center. The scene unfolds very grittily and visuals are great at first. One sees Terminator anti-aircraft guns shoot down an A-10 Warthog. John Connor leads a platoon or two of men dropped off by Huey helicopters into the fray. It is odd though to see that there are few Terminators protecting the comms center other than one anti aircraft gun and a couple gunships.
I was really hoping this was going to be a good movie after not being impressed by either Wolverine Origins and Star Trek. Unfortunately, I felt let down leaving the theater. It felt like I was watching an average action movie.
Let's start with....John Connor.
Christian Bale portrays him well but I feel that his character was written terribly. I mean if this is the John Connor that leads an entire Section of the Resistance in a part of California then he is one sorry leader. He assaults the comms center with platoons of soldiers and comes back to base with only himself as a survivor. He risks giving away the position of the Resistance headquarters by diving into their submarine. (we'll get back to the HQ later.) He risks giving away the position of his own airbase by sending out propaganda broadcasts to whoever is listening while the Terminators could somehow triangluate their position. (more on that later too.) He worries so much about himself and the time travel stress of his Father Kyle Reese being in a concentration camp in San Francisco and the future being changed and whatnot. He goes off by himself to do crazy stuff and leaves his base without a commander. So John needs a fist to the face to wake him up out of his daze. He's in charge of his men and women. He needs to start acting like it.
Sam Worthington puts on the best performance out of the entire film cast. He is serious. He is half man and half machine. I felt the entire movie needed to be about just him wandering the open wastelands. but that would've been too artistic for moviegoers to handle. His story is interesting and caught my attention more than Christian Bale's. Sam Worthington should've been John Connor and written better.
Anton Yelchin plays Kyle Reese. An interesting character as he is John Connor's Father. He is accompanied by a child. I don't remember her name. These two definitely needed a more in depth storyline all of their own and maybe even a separate movie of their own.
There were a few other characters like Barnes played by Common, Blair Williams played by Moon Bloodgood who both didn't need to be in the movie. Their acting was poor, their character annoying or unrealistic. (more on realism later)
John Connor's Wife could've been played out more but unfortunately she was the typical pregnant women who stands by her Husband generic character that we see in many movies.
On the Resistance. There wasn't a big enough portrayal of their size and strength. One only sees the ones led by John Connor. In the HQ sub, it is hinted that there are Resistance fighters in Asia, (presumably China and more surely Russia), Africa and the US. Cool but it is barely touched on and not even explained during any of the sequences. Another thing, if all of what was shown was the best the Resistance could do as far as fighting ability, then I am surprised they had lasted more than a couple months. There is no way they still have the needed fuel or replacement parts for their warplanes and helicopters. So not realistic.
There is no way that these men and women could still be fighting without any noticeable psychological effects. They all behaved so non-chalant about being in combat and seeing mounting casualties all around them. In reality, there would be desertion, combat stress, depression, betrayal, disloyalty, anger or distrust of leaders and officers, suicide, etc. You know real life things that happen in militaries across the globe. None of this is shown. Some of them looked like they were soldiers before but others looked like they have had minimal training and just had a gun thrust in their hands and told to go assault this or that Terminator position. So I didn't see the lack of training enough that would be present in such a situation.
On the Headquarters. Why does the US always have to look like the guys in charge? Michael Ironsides played the Resistance top commander and he does not look like he knows what he's doing. None of the Commanders do. Which supports my surprise of them surviving this long.
On the Terminators. They can find the position of the submarine but didn't noticed John Connor sending out broadcasts? They never noticed a large Resistance airbase sitting in the desert with tons of planes and soldiers? They didn't notice the napalm blasts and rocket blasts of John Connor and his men trying to kill Marcus as he's running away? Come on.
One thing that really bothered me. There was a nuclear explosion in the first battle scene miles from from the comms center and no one in the Resistance is worried? That is a big ass deal! If the Terminators have more nukes then there is no way they are not going to get blown away. but it isn't mentioned or brought up.
So the movie wasn't that great. It was a regular action movie. I think it needed a different Director. McG did not cut it as the proper guy for it. He spent a lot of money on CGI sequences and action when a lot of real life stunts could've been done instead. Casting could've been better for the everyones parts except John Connor, Marcus Wright, Kyle Reese and that Russian commander in the submarine. He was cool.
well there's two more movies coming after this as the contracts were set up last year. Christian Bale is going to be John Connor in the next two. They for sure need someone else directing them.
Overall: C on a A-F scale
Sources : http://noizehive.blogspot.com/
aku suka opening masa scene perang tu..satu lagi motominator(robot motor) sempoi gak.aku membayangkan masa john connor masuk HQ skynet..pnuh la dgn robot2 jahat berkawal bagai..mudah je dia masuk wlpun security dh off oleh marcus |
Balas #125 HangPC2\ catat
aku dah agak dah last2 akan kena.......kan nak kesan HQ tu mcm celah gigi Skynet jer.. |
kyle reese..tu bapak dier..?
dh mati kan..dlm 1st movie..
yg baru ni apsal muda..? |
Reply #133 huruhara's post
mestila john lum antar dia back on time lagi, apara |
Originally posted by don_quixote at 31-5-2009 19:22 
aku dah agak dah last2 akan kena.......kan nak kesan HQ tu mcm celah gigi Skynet jer..
Leader Resistance dalam HQ tak nak dengar cakap john connor |
Reply #131 kegimaru's post
Sebenarnya Pihak Skynet dah tahu.... nak perangkap John connor |
tak best laa citer ni..wat rugi je tgk wayang..kalo aku tau gini jln citer dia baik beli cd rm7..save pun save... |
masaa memula cerita, dr. pompuan yg sakit cancer tu...bersekongkol ngan skynet ke, atau dia yg bina skynet? |
Balas #140 Maxx\ catat
aku dah tnya soalan lebih kurang cmtu b4.  |
| |