Airbus A400M Ganti C-130 Hercules On The Way..
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119# areguard
kalu boeing kena bubuh tray atas riba.....  |
agak-agaknya mana satu yang akan tiba di tanah air untuk digunakan ......... Airbus A380 (MAS) atau Airbus A400M (MAF) .......... hangar Airbus A380 pun dah lama siap menunggu aircraf tu .......  |
122# zulupapa
dua2 pokcik....
a380 mas sampai 2011
a400 2016 |
Delivery date of A400M, however, remains flexible
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 11:07:00
LANGKAWI: Airbus Military is unable to confirm when Malaysia will receive its first A400M air-lifters it signed for in 2005.
Airbus Military Defence Capability Marketing director Didier Vernet told The Malay Mail that the delivery of the Malaysian airlifter depended on several factors.
It would depend on the success of the first test aircraft programme and whether or not the seven nations that started the programme did not defer delivery of their aircraft due to budget or other factors.
Recently, the only other export customer, South Africa, cancelled its order for eight A400M, leaving Malaysia as the only non-European customer, for the airlifter. South Africa cited delays and rising purchase price as reasons for the cancellation.
Vernet said Airbus Military has yet to determine whether or not Malaysia would have to fork out extra for the airlifters which were originally scheduled for delivery in 2013.
Vernet was met at the EADS stand at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (Lima '09) yesterday.
Last month, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had said that he was assured by Airbus Military that the government would not have to fork out extra for the airlifters.
This means that the Malaysian A400M will cost around RM600 million each, some RM43 million lower than the aircraft's list price of US$190 million (RM643 million).
It had been speculated that purchasing countries may have to fork out more for the A400M than originally envisaged due to delays to the programme and the reduced number of planes manufactured.
Ahmad Zahid was given the assurance by EADS, the parent company of Airbus Military, during the Paris Air Show in June.
The government and Airbus Military signed the RM2.5 billion deal in 2005 at Lima, for the supply and delivery of the four A400M airlifters.
It is designed to offer an increase in range and airlift capacity compared with the current Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) main airlifter, the Hercules C-130.
It is capable of performing strategic operations: long range, large capacity, high-cruise speed, tactical missions, rough, short and soft-field performance, autonomous ground operation, low speed/low level operations, aerial delivery and “in-theatre” tanking operations as well as receiving and dispensing fuel.
Ahmad Zahid had said that the first aircraft for RMAF was expected to be delivered in 2015, two years behind schedule.
Vernet said the first A400 prototype was undergoing ground trials and if everything went well, the aircraft may make its first flight within the next few weeks.
As part of the offset package, Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd received work packages worth some RM1 billion for the design and manufacture of A400M airframe components to be delivered worldwide.
The British government, one of the founding members of the A400M project, is expected to decide whether to continue its participation in the programme soon. |
Airbus A400M Military Transport Plane Succeeds in First Flight
The highly anticipated Airbus A400M military transport plane made its first flightFriday morning, leaving from the Seville Airport in Spain. The flightlasted about four hours, taking off around 10 am and landing at 2 pm,local time.
Representativesfrom France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Malaysia,Luxembourg, Spain and Turkey, that countries that placed the first180-plus orders for the military transport plane, gathered to watch,then moved to a site near the airplane’s hangar to continuenegotiations with Airbus on pricing, according to a Bloomberg report.
The Airbus A400M had a take-off weight of 127 tons and was equippedwith 15 tons of first-flight test equipment. A team of engineers inSeville and Toulouse, France, monitored the flight’s success inreal-time using state-of-the-art air-ground telemetry.
The flight crew tested the A400M military transport plane’shandling, evaluated the aircraft’s systems and checked the powerplantoperation.
The Airbus A400M boasts four of the most powerful propeller enginesever fitted to a Western aircraft, the all-new European InternationalTP400D turboprop powerplants, which produce 8,200 kilowatts of powereach.
Airbus missed the original deadline for the first flight,effectively negating the original 2003 contract. Since then thegovernments of the intending-to-purchase countries have been trying toreach a new agreement. According to a Bloomberg report, the Airbus saysit needs the governments to help shoulder the costs.
“We certainly hope that with thousands and thousands of employeesall over Europe that we can continue this program, but we need to dothat on a financially sound basis,” said Airbus Chief Executive OfficerTom Enders, in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “I am notconfirming numbers. What I can say is in order to continue the programwe need a significant contribution from government customers.”
The Airbus A400M is being assembled in Seville and is already reportedly running $3.4 billion over-budget.
It was designed as an aerial refueller and can offload fuel to bothfighters and helicopters at their preferred speeds and heights. But,the Airbus A400M military transport plane is a true tactical aircraft.
It can land on soft, rough and short runways to deliver equipment and troops close to where they are needed. |
Tadi petang jam 5 ptg, sempat gak tengok live broadcast first flight ni. |
128# aku1265
prototype lagi..... |
Nampak macam counter rotating propellers. Eng 1 and 3 rotating anticlockwise, eng 2 and 4 rotating clockwise. |
harap2 lepas ni bertambah banyak la lagi Jalur Gemilang di tempek macam ni di masa2 hadapan.. |
Nampak macam counter rotating propellers. Eng 1 and 3 rotating anticlockwise, eng 2 and 4 rotating clockwise.
kelana36 Post at 12-12-2009 14:55 
rasanya kalau lebih dari satu prop...mesti kena conter rotation kan?...kalau tak..kapal tu terbang senget..? |
132# matamata
Mana ada, C130 all the 4 props turning in one direction. Counter clockwise if view from the front.
Fokker, ATR semua turning on the same direction. |
harap2 lepas ni bertambah banyak la lagi Jalur Gemilang di tempek macam ni di masa2 hadapan..
Periuk_api1209 Post at 12-12-2009 15:17 
Tahniah sebab Malaysia bersama-sama dengan Perancis, Jerman, Inggris, Spanyol dll berhasil membuat prototype pesawat A 400M ini .... Hehehehehe |
Nampak macam counter rotating propellers. Eng 1 and 3 rotating anticlockwise, eng 2 and 4 rotating clockwise.
kelana36 Post at 12-12-2009 14:55 
bro boleh terangkan kenapa camni??? |
Counter rotating rasanyer utk balancekan torque n p-factor..eliminate critical engine |
Counter rotating rasanyer utk balancekan torque n p-factor..eliminate critical engine
mfadilaa Post at 12-12-2009 22:00 
Bukan itu ... counter rotating (+ design sayap) berguna untuk meningkatkan "Daya Angkat" pesawat ketika terbang .... |
Tengok pic blades tu, nampaknya macam counter rotating. Tapi kalau counter rotating tak economical la plak sebab engines tak interchangeable. No 1 boleh guna untuk no 1 and 3 jer..no 2 and 4 jer. unlike any other propeller planes.
Counter rotating mainly do resolve the torque effect and the yaw effect at low speed ,high power setting. Prop selalunya rotating clockwise kalau view dari belakang atau counter clockwise kalau view dari depan. Bayangkan kita dibelakang , semasa takeoff, apply power, propeller rotating faster n faster, and the plane slowly moving forward, the downgoing blades akan dapat relatively higher angle of attack to the air from the front compare to the upgoing blade. Maknanya sebelah kanan of the props akan dapat extra lift, thrust in this case compare to sebelah kiri, jadi secara semulajadi nya, plane akan yaw kekiri . Untuk mengatasi kena tekan rudder kanan atau sudah ada trim kekanan siap2 sebelum takeoff. So kalau counter rotating, eliminate this problem.
Torque effect pulak, macam kata Newton la, Third Law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So prop berpusing ke kanan,plane balas balik berpusing kekiri. So kalau counter rotating, cancelled each other la. Contohnya, helicopter kena ada tail rotor untuk stabilze , kalau tak ada .atau tail rotor tak berfungsi, helicopter tu akan berpusing berlawan arah dengan main blade dia. Ada juga helicopter yg design dia tak ada tail rotor ,tapi ada 2 sets of rotor blades kat atas yang counter rotating. Even aeroplane yg boleh airborne macam helicopter tu pun,dah lupa nama dia, prop dia counter rotating. |
Tengok pic blades tu, nampaknya macam counter rotating. Tapi kalau counter rotating tak economical la plak sebab engines tak interchangeable. No 1 boleh guna untuk no 1 and 3 jer..no 2 and 4 jer. unli ...
kelana36 Post at 13-12-2009 00:26 
tail rotor heli pusing counterclockwise or clockwise???? |
139# lkick2113
Tengok dari sebelah kiri ke kanan? |
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