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Author: sherrina

Dan Brown - new book: The Lost Symbol

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Mengapa Gereja Katholik cemas dengan  da Vinci Code?

Masaalah  bagi Gereja Katholik ialah fakta-fakta yang digunakan adalah benar dan ujud. Dan Brown  cuma mengolahnya  untuk dijadi cerita fiction. Contohnya Mesonis Orders,  Knights of the Templer, Priory of Sion  memang ujud. Yang nyata dalam sejarah  Vatican  memang ada  usha  untuk menindas kumpulan-kumpulan  gelap tersebut demi untuk menjaga intrigriti dogma agamanya. Kumpulan Opus Die yang yang  mirip kapada fahaman sekular dan liberal juga memang ujud. Penerimaan Opus Die sabagai satu order  yang sah dalam Vatican adalah satu isu yang sungguh kotraversal.
Kembali kapada soalan di atas mengapa  Gereja Katholik rasa tergugat  ialah kerana  buku ini mengutarakan idea-idea berikut :



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Post time 6-1-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 6-1-2006 01:18 AM

Bill Clinton went to Yale but he is not a 'bone' member instead John Kerry the last Democrat presidential candidate.

Thanks thamrong, for the correction.

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Post time 6-1-2006 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hatiperpel at 30-12-2005 13:02
salam perkenalan semua...

Semua 4 buku Dan Brown ni Perl dah baca...semua Perl suka...cuma terlebih suka yg Digital Fortress tuh....kebetulan Perl pi seminar pasal encryption & hacking nih,  ...

aku pun suka digital fortress...lagi satu aku suka deception point....

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Post time 7-1-2006 12:46 PM | Show all posts
In the Da Vinci Code Opus Die were potrayed as a sinister cult under the Holy See. I am not sure if it ever resorts to murders as tool to safeguard the teaching of the Holy See. However, I must agree that it is a very controversial and influential secret organization within the Catholic Church. It establishes its own prelature accountable directly to the Holy Father. Extraction from What is Opus Die?

What is Opus Dei?
Opus Dei is an organization founded in Spain in 1928 by Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. The stated aim of Opus Dei is to "spread throughout society a profound awareness of the universal call to holiness and apostolate through one's professional work carried out with freedom and personal responsibility." (Encyclopedia of Associations)

Opus Dei is made up of lay members and priests; Opus Dei laity continues to work in the secular world, but remain under the strict spiritual direction of Opus Dei. All Opus Dei members follow "the plan of life," made up of spiritual practices such as daily Mass, rosary, spiritual reading, and mental prayer, as well as Opus Dei prayers and customs.

There are different classes of membership in Opus Dei:

Numerary members pledge to remain celibate and generally live in Opus Dei houses. They commit their entire salaries to Opus Dei, submit incoming and outgoing mail to their directors, and practice various forms of corporal mortification, including use of the cilice, a spiked chain worn around the thigh, and use of the discipline, a knotted rope for whipping.
Supernumerary members may be married, and live with their families. They follow the same "plan of life" as the numeraries, but generally do not know about many of the details of numerary life. They contribute large portions of their income to Opus Dei, often at the expense of their local parishes.
Numerary priests join Opus Dei as lay members, but are then hand-picked by Opus Dei superiors to become priests of Opus Dei. Numerary priests hold the top government positions in Opus Dei. Many hold important positions in the Vatican. Each Opus Dei house is assigned a numerary priest, whose responsibilities include saying Mass, hearing confessions and giving spiritual direction to the Opus Dei members.
Associate Opus Dei members also pledge celibacy, but they generally do not live in Opus Dei houses. They include people who have not acquired university degrees, or who must remain with their families for personal reasons.
Numerary assistants are women who pledge celibacy, and are responsible for the care and cleaning of all Opus Dei residences.
Cooperators of Opus Dei provide financial support, but are not considered members of Opus Dei. Unlike Opus Dei members, cooperators do not have to be Catholic.
Despite its seemingly noble intentions, Opus Dei has stirred up controversy in countries all over the world. Families of Opus Dei members are almost never involved in the vocation process, (in fact Opus Dei itself often discourages its new members from even telling their families about their decision!) Also questionable are Opus Dei's recruiting tactics, which are comparable to the tactics used by cultic groups.

Perhaps most controversial is the effort to canonize Opus Dei's founder, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, who died in 1975 and was beatified amidst substantial controversy in 1992, and was canonized on October 6, 2002 in Rome, Italy.
Also controversial in the early 1980's was the granting of Opus Dei to be a "personal prelature" within the Church. A personal prelature is an entity within the Catholic Church that is headed by a "prelate" (currently Javier Echevarria) and defined by persons rather than by geographical area (such as dioceses). Therefore, local bishops have little control over Opus Dei's membership, activities or practices.

Opus Dei has stated that there are approximately 80,000 Opus Dei members worldwide. Opus Dei is located in many countries, including England, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, countries in Central and South America, and many others, including the United States. Opus Dei generally locates in or near major cities, often near prestigious universities, where they hope to attract recruits.

Since its inception in 1991, ODAN has been in contact with people from all over the world who have experienced the questionable practices of Opus Dei. Many are former members; others who have contacted ODAN include parents, siblings and friends of current or former Opus Dei members; priests and religious, including bishops and campus ministers; news reporters from both the Catholic and secular press, and many more. From the contacts ODAN has made, it has become apparent that wherever Opus Dei is, there is controversy.

[ Last edited by thamrong at 7-1-2006 12:48 PM ]



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Post time 7-1-2006 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 7-1-2006 12:46 PM
In the Da Vinci Code Opus Die were potrayed as a sinister cult under the Holy See. I am not sure if it ever resorts to murders as tool to safeguard the teaching of the Holy See. However, I must agr ...

Thanks thamrong for the info.

I'll be going out later and may check to see whether Solomon Keys is already out....

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Post time 7-1-2006 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 7-1-2006 01:13 PM

Thanks thamrong for the info.

I'll be going out later and may check to see whether Solomon Keys is already out....

Me too..

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Post time 10-1-2006 05:51 PM | Show all posts

Da Vinci's Code Trailer ..

download utk tengok trailer Da Vinci Code ....
Atomic ada ebook dia tapi belum baca...



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sazzy_ This user has been deleted
Post time 13-1-2006 04:13 PM | Show all posts
baca buku ini, seolah2 dan brown nie anggota secret society pulaks..die mason ker?

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Post time 14-1-2006 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 10/1/06 05:51 PM

download utk tengok trailer Da Vinci Code ....
Atomic ada ebook dia tapi belum baca...

i saw the trailer yesterday during the premier of memoirs of a geisha.. :cak:
it looked so astounding on the big screen, and exactly as what i imagined..
hari tu tak suka tom hanks kena pilih jadi watak utama (robert langdon), but now I'm having 2nd thoughts :hmm:

he looked really intelligent in the trailer.. and the part where all painting like staring at jacques sauniere when he ran from the albino was really like.. WOWWWW!!!

can't wait for the grand premier (dah bodek ayah to get the tics, he said the foundation already booked the grand premier, tak sabarnya aku )

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Post time 14-1-2006 09:19 AM | Show all posts

tgk trailer masa 'King Kong'

can u imagine...after watching the hubby terus cari buku utk dibaca..teruja sangat la tu tgk trailer

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Post time 14-1-2006 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sazzy_ at 13-1-2006 04:13 PM
baca buku ini, seolah2 dan brown nie anggota secret society pulaks..die mason ker?

Munkin tidak tetapi kalau kita lihat hari ini dengan ujudnya internet banyak perkara-perkaran yang dianggap rahsia sudah menjadi public domain. Ini saya anggap satu yang positif. Dan Brown munkin seorang yang minat tentang 'conspiracy theory'. Sabagai penulis dia menggunakan cebisan-cebisan informasi tersebut dan dijadi kan cerita. Holy See (Vatican) memang tersinggung dengan DVC tetapi tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakaan undang-undang untuk menyekat edarannya.

Gereja Roman Khatolik adalah satu institusi yang amat kuat dizaman pertengahan( Middle Ages).Raja-raja dan Principilities di Europah semua tunduk kapada kuasa Holy Father(Pope). Pope ada kuasa untuk menyigkirkan dan mengkafirkan(excommunicate) raja-raja yang ingkar. Gereja Rome amat kaya dengan tanah dan harta yang beselerak di Europah yang ditadbirkan oleh rangkaian Cardinal dan Bishopnya. Dengan kegairahan ini Gereja Roma tidak sunyi dari perbuatan-perbuatan immoral saperti rasuah,menjual simony dan indulgence.Akhirnya perpecah kali dedua apabila Martin Luther memaku 99 Thesis dipintu Wittenberg Church. Disaat itu bermula pergerakan Reformasi.
Dan Brown menulis dengan cara sindiran sahaja tetapi kalau hendak dibentangkan skandal gereja memang terlalu banyak.:hmm::hmm::hmm:



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Post time 14-1-2006 09:15 PM | Show all posts
have you read in the Star today? (ok, it's not related to the topic of Dan Brown), tapi ada bishop (his age is 50+)  mengaku he was molested by priest when he was a teenager.

and he comdemned the church's closed door policy, that they didn't reveal the secrets inside the church.. bagus gak dan brown mock them sometimes, since transparency is very very important

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Post time 15-1-2006 09:43 AM | Show all posts
ff:ff:Abused and the scandals of the Catholic Church makes a very interesting subject. hHoweve, I do not wish to thread on this subject because it might offend our Malaysian brother and sister who are Catholic.

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Post time 15-1-2006 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 14-1-2006 10:25 AM

Munkin tidak tetapi kalau kita lihat hari ini dengan ujudnya internet banyak perkara-perkaran yang dianggap rahsia sudah menjadi public domain. Ini saya anggap satu yang positif. Dan Brown munkin ...

memang pun kalau nak dicerita semua corruption dalam gereja katolik, xkan habis, baca tak kisah keluarga pope alexander dalam the family (mario puzo)..? pope tue simpan mistress, khas untuk melahirkan zuriatnya...(disebabkan larangan berkahwin dlm papacy), dan mengajar anak2nya buat seks antara adik beradik..dasyat..

buku dvc walaupun D.brown mendedahkan kelemahan papacy, tapi dalam masa yang sama menagitkan kebebasan dengan satanism (dua watak utamanya berada di tgh2, x menyokong mana2)..

senduduk aka sazzy_

[ Last edited by senduduk at 15-1-2006 11:19 AM ]



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Post time 15-1-2006 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 14-1-2006 12:35 AM

i saw the trailer yesterday during the premier of memoirs of a geisha.. :cak:
it looked so astounding on the big screen, and exactly as what i imagined..
hari tu tak suka tom hanks kena pilih ...

when it comes to leadership cast, tom hanks will always seems the best

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Post time 15-1-2006 02:03 PM | Show all posts
The Family one of the last book written by Mario Puzo. Being an Italian decent, I think he is a very brave man who dared to write the crimes of the Pope Alexander VI.

Alexander VI, (Rodrigo Borgia) (January 1, 1431



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Post time 22-1-2006 06:47 PM | Show all posts
batu jer abis bace.... hmmm mmg best.... cant wait to see it all on screen....

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Post time 24-1-2006 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Oops, ada berita hari ini yang mengatakan author2 "Holy Blood & Holy Grail", Michael Baigent dan Richard Leigh membuat saman di Mahkamah Tinggi, London yang boleh mengancam release film "Da Vinci".:cry::cry:

Setahu Hami, mereka telah mengambil tindakan mahkamah pada Oktober, 2005 lagi terhadap Random House, publisher Dan Brown. Lapuran asalnya:

'Da Vinci Code' author faces plagiarism lawsuit
By Hugh Davies
October 23, 2005

LONDON -- Dan Brown, author of "The Da Vinci Code," is to face a High Court action in London this week brought by the authors of the 1982 nonfiction book, "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," who say that his blockbuster was based on their decade of research.
    Speaking ahead of a preliminary hearing of the case, Richard Leigh, 62, one of the writers, said: "I don't begrudge Brown his success. I have no particular grievance against him, except for the fact that he wrote a pretty bad novel."
    Mr. Leigh, an American who has lived in England since 1974, and Michael Baigent, 57, a New Zealander, his co-author, are suing Random House, Mr. Brown's publishers, for infringement of their ideas.
    They are funding the action with the proceeds of their book, which Random House has reissued in a special $35 hardback edition to cash in on the success of Mr. Brown's novel.
    Henry Lincoln, 75, a Londoner who also co-wrote the book, is ill and has decided to remain out of the action.
    A two-week trial is scheduled for the end of February, with both sides assembling formidable legal teams.
    If a judge backs the action, the British release in May of Sony Pictures's film of "The Da Vinci Code" may be delayed.
    "A reason that this case is so important is that it can create a precedent in copyright law across the world of entertainment," said Paul Sutton, a lawyer for the writers.
    With "The Da Vinci Code" selling 29 million copies in 42 languages, Mr. Brown is the world's highest paid author, earning about $80 million last year.
    While his book has been attacked as nonsense by the Vatican, "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" came under fire from the Anglican Church, for its suggestion that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and their descendants became kings of ancient France.
    "The book caused a fairly substantial flap at the time, both here and in the United States. We were very careful to state that in synthesizing the material, we were presenting a hypothesis." Mr. Leigh said.
    Intriguingly, the only mention of his book in "The Da Vinci Code" is when its villain, an eccentric English historian called Sir Leigh Teabing, lifts a copy off his bookshelf and says: "The authors made some dubious leaps of faith in their analysis, but their fundamental premise is sound."
    Mr. Leigh said: "None of us can work out why he did that. Was it a jokey homage, or a nudge, nudge, wink, wink?"
    Mr. Brown, 40, who lives in Exeter, New Hampshire, said when asked about the historical "underpinnings" of his novel, that "information has been out there for a long time, and there have been a lot of books about this theory.
    "The interesting thing is that they're all history tomes that sit in the back corner of bookstores," he said. "?'The Da Vinci Code' has taken a lot of that information and put it into a different genre, and there's an enormous part of the population now that's hearing this for the first time. And it feels brand new."

Diharapkan kita semua tak terkilan nanti......

Sebelum ini Dan Brown pun dah kena lagi tetapi Mahkamah telah dapati ian tidak bersalah........:

'Da Vinci Code' author wins copyright case
Saturday, August 6, 2005; Posted: 9:03 a.m. EDT (13:03 GMT)

NEW YORK (AP) -- The best-selling thriller "The Da Vinci Code" does not infringe on the copyrights of a book published in 2000 by another author, a judge ruled.

U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels said Dan Brown's book exploring codes hidden in Leonardo Da Vinci's artwork is not substantially similar to "Daughter of God," by Lewis Perdue.

Brown's book "is simply a different story," Daniels said.

"Although both novels at issue are mystery thrillers, 'Daughter of God' is more action-packed, with several gunfights and violent deaths," Daniels said in a ruling dated Thursday. "'The Da Vinci Code,' on the other hand, is an intellectual, complex treasure hunt, focusing more on the codes, number sequences, cryptexes and hidden messages left behind as clues than on any physical adventure."

He also ruled out any copyright violations of Perdue's 1983 novel "The Da Vinci Legacy."

Brown and publisher Random House Inc. last year asked the court for a declaratory judgment that Brown's 2003 novel does not infringe on Perdue's work after Perdue threatened to sue.

In a countersuit, Perdue asked the judge to rule there was infringement and award him $150 million in damages.

Perdue alleged that Brown copied the basic premise of "Daughter of God," including notions that history is controlled by victors, not losers, and the importance of the Roman Emperor Constantine in requiring a transition from a female- to a male-dominated religion.

"Ideas and general literary themes themselves are unprotectible under the copyright law," the judge said.

Perdue lawyer Bruce Lederman declined to comment.

Elizabeth McNamara, a lawyer for Brown, said she and her client were pleased with the decision.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


[ Last edited by hamizao at 24-1-2006 07:44 PM ]



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Post time 30-1-2006 12:01 AM | Show all posts
tengah dalam proses baca buku nie.. sambil2 tu buat research gak dlm internet....

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Post time 30-1-2006 01:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #138 hamizao's post

thanks hami for da info.....didnt knew all that....sighs.....popularity invites envy

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