Pemakaian Tudung Dan Sejarahnya Dalam Dunia Islam.
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True-X posted on 2-11-2013 11:51 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dats soo jeneral.... kl aku jawab ia akan bawak jauh dari isu micro here,,, which tudung yg menutu ...
jawab sahaja actually ? kenapa?
anda dah bersoal pandai tten sunnah
tentang hadith
jawab jelah soalan ussop?
apa takut ?
jawab jelah definisi iman ?
nak bawa 1020 perbezaan definisi iman pun boleh
kenapa tak mau?
kenapa soalan ini awak elak?
i am more inrerested in your core basic
tak payah spin ye.
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 09:37 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Knpe la mod mod sendiri yg ske rosakkan benang topik org lain....dh off topik sgt....
kenape awak tak jawab soalan
u cubalah tactic mana just jgn underestimate moed moda kat sini ye?
i know sangatlah : sama ada org tu nak jawab atau tak nak jawab
nak elak
i boleh expect you akan elak menjawab kan ?
soalan berkenaan sunnah hadith boleh nak tanya
bial kita soal dia
dia spin
semua harap maklum. |
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 09:24 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Usopp....yg ni dh jauh dr topik tudung...jgn la rosakkn topik ni...
Can we discus quran dan had ...
ussop u tengok dia elak jawab soalan you?
kan dia rasa dia boleh trulis ikut suka dia ttg hadith dan tanya tentang hadith
bial kita bagi jawapan dia spin lagi
so awat takut sangat nak jawab
oh nak said rosak topik ye?
i tak nampak you nak jawab soalan malah Puan Baulu dah bagi soalan
AKIDAH tu jgn takut ...bla bla itu antara allah yes so true
bila org point out your basics
alahai jawapan baik ohh rosak topic lah , apalah
you know ....jawab sahajalah soalan Ussop |
ussopp posted on 2-11-2013 09:42 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
soalan sy sgt berkaitan dgn topik ini....
sebab anda sebenarnya bukan saja mempersoalkan tudung ... soalan sy sgt berkaitan dgn topik ini....
sebab anda sebenarnya bukan
saja mempersoalkan tudung saja tetapi tentang hadis dan masalahnya...
dan keraguan anda tentang tudung adalah berpunca dari keraguan anda tentang
jadi soalan sy, adalah berkaitan sgt2.....silabaca
kembali soalan sy, dan fahamkan bahawa set kefahaman Quran itu ada dalam
sunah=hadis= set kefahaman Quran....
she is so afraid to even answer your question .
why takut sangat ?
bila thread hadith tu ada dia faham ke tak dia tak akui pun tapi tanya perbandingan dan aspek yg beza lagi takpalah ada org suka
tapi i nak tengok dia digest , no evidence of such.
ni antara interesting opinion.... just nak share kt sini.... im not endorsed it... just for the sake of discussion.. feel free to comment or condemn
Let's examine 24:31 walyaḍrib'na bikhumurihinna 'alā juyūbihinna.
First let's examine juyubihinna.
The literal meaning of juyubihinna is "collar opening in clothes/chests"
These are some of the translations of juyubihinna:
Yusuf Ali: 'bosoms'
Pickthall 'bosoms'
Shakir: 'bosoms'
Sarwar: 'breasts'
Khalifa: 'chest'
Hilali & Khan: (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.)
Malik: 'bosoms
Maulana Ali: 'bosoms'
Free Minds: 'cleavage'
Qaribullah: 'neck'
George Sale: 'bosoms'
JM Rodwell: 'bosoms'
Muhammad Asad: 'bosoms'
Note that only Hilali & Khan interpretes 'Juyubihinna' as "their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.
Next, what is khumur / khimar?
Khimar has been variously translated by the same translators above as head covering, head scarf, shawl and sash. It has also been translated as 'veil', which is erroneous to my mind. The majority of translators use 'head covering'.
On Surah, An-Nur 24:31, Muhammad Asad gave the following tafsir in his commentary No. 38, "The noun khimar (of which khumur is the plural) denotes the head-covering customarily used by Arabian women before and after the advent of Islam.
According to most of the classical commentators, it was worn in pre-Islamic times more or less as an ornament and was let down loosely over the wearer's back; and since, in accordance with the fashion prevalent at the time, the upper part of a woman's tunic had a wide opening in the front, her breasts were left bare.
Hence the injunction to cover the bosom by means of a khimar (a term familiar to the contemporaries of the Prophet) does not necessarily relate to the use of a khimar as such but is, rather, meant to make it clear that a woman's breasts are not included in the concept of "what may decently be apparent" of her body and should not, therefore, be displayed."
Meaning, Allah was not talking about the head covering per se. He was referring to the breasts, which as M. Asad have pointed out, was left bare due to the nature of the woman's tunic worn during those times.
The word khumur (singular, khimar), is generally understood to be a head-covering worn by both male and female Arabs (including of other faiths and musyrikin) at the time of the Prophet.
When we read the Quran, we must take note of the situational context in addition to the universality of the message, and not infuse meaning into the words based on our cultural experiences.
Based on the situational context and generally understood meaning of the words used at the time, Allah's message is clear – be modest and cover your bosom / breast with your head covering / head scarf.
If we accept the universality of Allah's message, then we have to accept that one can submit to Allah's Will, and be modest and cover the breasts according to the fashion prevalent in our society today.
It is not necessary to do so using a tudung since 24:31 has nothing to do with khimar or tudung or head covering or hair being exposed per se.
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True-X posted on 2-11-2013 04:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ni antara interesting opinion.... just nak share kt sini.... im not endorsed it... just for the sake ...
soalan ussop tak nak jawab?
ini topik perbincangan pasal tudung/tutup rambut
kl org lain bg perbincangan pasal tudung.. then bile bg pandangan yg berbeza dari ape yg uols pegang selama ni.. tapi u divert pegi kepada mende lain.. dah jadi topik lain pulak......
mcm tuh lebey baik jgn ade perbincangan.... sbb nk clarify pasal diri aku pulak..
ape yg aku kutip ni dari quran.. hadith.. bible... torah... dan aku nampak persamaam dan berbezaan diantaranyer
aku x cakap pon pandangan aku benar dan aku bakal masuk syurga...
aku x cakap pon pandangan korg salah dan korg bajal masuk neraka....
dlm topik ni org kristian ke yahudi ke hindu pon bleh bg opinion....
ATAU board ni restrict to certain muslim sahaja.. muslim yg pecaya satu PERSPECTIVE je?... kl begitu... buat peraturan baru..... muslim yg berpandangan berbeza tidak dibenarkan posting hanye MUSLIM SUNNI MALAYSIA DAN BERKIBLATKAN HADITH SEMATA LEBEY DARI QURAN DIBENARKAN..... MUSLIM YG NAK KOMEN HADIS TIDAK BOLEH......
jika ade peraturan gitu ... aku undur diri..... |
eh spin pulak
soalan ussop kau tak jawab nak spin eh? |
Pembaca semua tahu yg dia elak jawab soalan Ussop?
u all tahu kan? |
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 04:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ini topik perbincangan pasal tudung/tutup rambut
kl org lain bg perbincangan pasal tudung.. then ...
hmm good tactics
kenapa tak jawab solan ussop..we all interested nak tahu. |
pandangan dia beza semua org ada pandangan beza
tapi apa pandangan dia yg dia takut sangat nak jawab soalan Ussop ?
ussop Tanya soalan yg bagus
frasa escape dia ialah : pandangan beza tak dibenarkan
tengok thread sebelum ini yg berbentuk perbicangan hangat semua org okay je
tapi bila kita question dia dia elak
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 04:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ini topik perbincangan pasal tudung/tutup rambut
kl org lain bg perbincangan pasal tudung.. then ...
just jawab jawapan
pandai ye spin pandangan beza tak leh
i guess semua tahu bukan itumasalah
mazhab pun bereza
atau awak sengaja buat tak faham nak ambil masa nak jawab ke? |
kl dilihat dlm beberape translation quran
ade beberape ayat quran sebut rambut.. ade yg xde lansung...ade yg sebut ade rambut haiwan.... cukur rambut ketika haji....
tapi generally..... yg pasti xde sebut rambut dalam bab aurat....
kenape allah tak sebut rambut dlm tutup aurat?....
ini salah satu soklan yg ramai argue .....
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 05:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kl dilihat dlm beberape translation quran
ade beberape ayat quran sebut rambut.. ade yg xde lansu ...
dan ayat Quran tu datang dari Rasulullah diwahyukan dari ALLAH...
sebab tu wujudnya hadith ...dalam quran ada beberapa tak sebut dalam hadith sebut ...
dan u kan tahu kan tugas nabi kalau u claim u bljaq benda yg sama dengani masa sekolah
so u nak musykil tang mana ?
cer jawab soalan basic berdasarkan kefahaman you ttg rukun iman, apa rukun iman
dan apa definis iman , islam dan ihsan
you nampak tak kefahaman you ...kat mana
so apa you boleh tulsi lagi ...ttg soalan you sendiri da jawapan kepada persoalan you sendiri
i think semua org dah jawab ...
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 05:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kl dilihat dlm beberape translation quran
ade beberape ayat quran sebut rambut.. ade yg xde lansu ...
kalau Quran dikata tak sebut aurat yeee kalau hadith sebut , ada masalah ke? actually ?
cara nak solat pun as you i presume solat , nak ambik wuduk pun ada hadith yg clarify
so apa masalah dan kalau org nak argue - apa asas argument itu ?
nak kata takpayah tutup aurat kah? nauzubillah
nak kata islam tu mudah aaaa ambik yg mudah semudah itukah?
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 05:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kl dilihat dlm beberape translation quran
ade beberape ayat quran sebut rambut.. ade yg xde lansu ...
jawab soalan Ussopsama ttg kefahaman awak bagus jugak sebba awka tak jawab lagi ye , just in case. |
nnt boleh sambung pasal niqab la ye... one day... |
mbhcsf posted on 2-11-2013 05:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kalau Quran dikata tak sebut aurat yeee kalau hadith sebut , ada masalah ke? actually ?
cara n ...
jgn melebey2 dan putar belit ye mod mbsf... cooldown hoccay.. jgn marah2.,.. org yg marah2 senang syaitan nak hasut,,,
sila quote kt mane aku kate jgn tutup aurat?... sila sila
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 05:27 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
jgn melebey2 dan putar belit ye mod mbsf... cooldown hoccay.. jgn marah2.,.. org yg marah2 senang ...
sila jawab soalan usso tu dulu ye
jgn marah marah
i tak marah tapi i tengok u bersusah payah lah benar nak elak menjawab soalan ussop
dan bila u tanya soalan macam tu org tanya you balik ye True X ....
i tak putar belit tapi sampai la ni i tengok u cyuba edaya upaya dan wahai pembaca budiman lihatlah betapa nak jawab soalan basic iman ihsam dan islam tu susah benar
tapi ini org yg suka share pendapat so ....senang je tahu ke
True-X posted on 2-11-2013 05:27 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
jgn melebey2 dan putar belit ye mod mbsf... cooldown hoccay.. jgn marah2.,.. org yg marah2 senang ...
sila sila jawab soalan Ussop ...
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