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Author: makdik2301


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 Author| Post time 25-2-2015 04:45 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 03:50 PM
tgk gak lar, siap bawak bekal balik
sayang kott, ikan salmon tu........satu kepala je 3 ...

hamboii tawla dpt bonus masyuk punyer..
kemain makan tempat mahal..
ina banjer r kau gak weh makan tempat2 mahal cmtu..
aku x pernah merasa maka  ikan salmon tu..


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 Author| Post time 25-2-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 03:52 PM
aku mmg kepochi....
mase blajo dulu2......pengetua ngan lect siap sound,
dak yg blkg tu ........ ...

oooooo kesahnya..
sampai ke tua ko bawak
perangai kepochi tu yer...


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 Author| Post time 25-2-2015 04:47 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 03:54 PM
arini xbz sgt........sok br dtg keje, hazabbb~~~

wehh ko join x red carpet majlis award hr sabtu nie?


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Post time 25-2-2015 04:48 PM | Show all posts
nyampuk replied at 25-2-2015 04:41 PM
harus la lalu lalang ngan kawan ko nih...dah nama pon gi sekolah masa kat kg...
lalu kubur tu  ...

jln shorcut tu yg bahaya
aku dulu short cut bukit nk g sekolah agama
padahal beza 5 min je

anak2 skrg ni pong, kene pantau gak kawan2 dia,
kekadang kawan sendiri yg wat onar
bukan leh percaya, muka je perangai byk yg hazab,
wisau ngan anak buah aku

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 Author| Post time 25-2-2015 04:49 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 04:37 PM
move on babe, ko tunggu je lar muvi dia

two constables

tunggu ada cite baru la baru leh move on..
skg masih lagi demam rindu...
muvi ke drama tu two constable?
cite polis2 ke?mana ko taw nie?


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Post time 25-2-2015 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by inaniloquent at 25-2-2015 05:40 PM
nzhass79 replied at 25-2-2015 04:42 PM
aku pompuan normal la ina... kompem layannnyer....

psstttt... ce tgk jdorama second love... bol ...

yup......org2 noooorrrrmallll mmg suka layan cite2 cmtu trmasuk aku
tp cite tu xtergamak aku nk terus kn

aku minat hero dia je......kamenashi kazuya start cite gokusen


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Post time 25-2-2015 04:55 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 25-2-2015 04:42 PM
kak ayu tgk kat HBO ler ina...
rasa2nya dlm tahun lepas....
dan yg pasti kak ayu tak tau sapa pu ...

ala cm lembik je hero dia, nk christopher
acene lar nk jadi askar......

tgk heroin pong cm xde mood,
tp music still guna sore julia andrew kn


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Post time 25-2-2015 04:59 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:42 PM
aku kalo cite tu x yah wat noted pon xpe..
otomatik igt weh kat minit ke bape..

ko tgk aku kutuk kt board filem dan wayang
padan muka......kalo xnk kene kutuk,
jgn wat muvi level cm sampah, rugi mase aku
idea merepek .......xabesh2 cina buta, cliche

ade satu kes, cite betol taw.........
laki tu buta, pompuan tu celik,
tp tinggal serumah sampai dpt 3 org anak,
yg jadi isu, biler dorg xpenah nikah.......
buta pong leh raba sampai jadi 3 org anak......
tu kalo wat muvi.........mmg box office


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Post time 25-2-2015 05:00 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:43 PM
ko mcm x kenal aku..
aku sume benda eksaited..

eksited sampai terkena trap
naseb xkene penalti

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Post time 25-2-2015 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by inaniloquent at 25-2-2015 05:42 PM
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:45 PM
hamboii tawla dpt bonus masyuk punyer..
kemain makan tempat mahal..
ina banjer r kau gak weh mak ...

ala siannyer, seyes, ko xpenah rase salmon ker..........
aku yg keje ngan cina gurun, dh jemu makan

nanti dpt tb, g jual kt @ichi dpt wet
sbb tb uma dia dh meletop


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Post time 25-2-2015 05:05 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:46 PM
oooooo kesahnya..
sampai ke tua ko bawak

ni pong dh krg aktif

kalo x, sehari 100 pages pong aku leh

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Post time 25-2-2015 05:21 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:47 PM
wehh ko join x red carpet majlis award hr sabtu nie?

ingat nk pakai baju cmni .........
biler nk start ni, sampai cekak pinggang aku tunggu


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Post time 25-2-2015 05:47 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 25-2-2015 04:49 PM
tunggu ada cite baru la baru leh move on..
skg masih lagi demam rindu...
muvi ke drama tu two co ...

two constables tu muvi
at least lepas gak windu ko tu
mmg pulis pong

Where do you go after you"ve ruled an empire? For actor Ji Chang Wook the next step after playing the conflicted Emperor Ta Hwan in "Empress Ki" is starring in a film titled "Two Constables." It may be hard to imagine the actor without his crown but in his upcoming film he will play a reckless rookie police officer back in the Joseon era. The film is actually a sequel of the "Two Cops" films. "Two Cops" was released in 1993, with the sequel "Two Cops 2" being released in 1996."

This film travels back in time to the Joseon era, showing that while some things have changed, the cop buddy relationship has not. The officer with experience will usually have to reign in his more enthusiastic partner. And he will possibly have to rescue him from his own foolhardy attempts at finding justice.

Ji Chang Wook will play a new police officer, one who is passionate about doing his job . His partner in crime solving will be actor Sol Kyung Gu, who appeared in "Cold Eyes" "Tower" and "Spy." He will play the role of the older more jaded policeman.
Kang Woo Suk, who directed "Fist of Legend" and the "ublic Enemy" series," will also direct this film. The director said he sees lots of comic potential in the plot and in the pairing of these two actors.

"I expect a spark like the one in "Two Cops"," said Kang Woo Suk in a recent interview with Korea JoongAng Daily. "A combination which is more multi-dimensional and humorous can be expected." The director was asked why he cast Ji Chang Wook alongside a veteran actor such as Sol Kyung Gu. He said that although Ji Chang Wook is a relative newcomer when compared with Sol Kyung Gu, he has talent and his following in the drama "Empress Ki" will attract positive attention to the film. He also considers the actor very appealing and talented at lighthearted comedy.

Ji Chang Wook has appeared in several dramas, including "Smile Again," Bachelor"s Vegetable Store," "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" and "Five Fingers." His last film appearance was in "How To Use Guys: Secret Tips." His convincing portrayal in "Empress Ki" won him many new plans. "Two Constables" will begin filming in May after the end of "Empress Ki" and the film is expected to have a 2015 release.


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Post time 26-2-2015 07:43 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 04:52 PM
yup......org2 noooorrrrmallll mmg suka layan cite2 cmtu trmasuk aku
tp cite tu xtergamak aku n ...

ko dh tgk sampai episod brape? kenapa plak tak tergamak??? teruk sgt ke?? aku ingat bese2 je.. takat biasa2 jer... hihihihi
aku pon minat hero dia jugak.. tak sangka bdk tu dh besar skrg.. dh boleh jd bapak org dah


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Post time 26-2-2015 08:07 AM | Show all posts
nzhass79 replied at 26-2-2015 07:43 AM
ko dh tgk sampai episod brape? kenapa plak tak tergamak??? teruk sgt ke?? aku ingat bese2 je.. tak ...

ko ckp scene cmtu biase je, dorg vugel kot  

tu br epi satu.........aku tgk sampai situ, terus aku sumpah seranah, katup cite

menci aku tgk hero tu, yg pompuan tu mmg nmpk gersang.........dia yg gatai kot

dh lar ikot jantan tu balik, abesh dia bg..........siap tanggal baju bagai

ko masih folo lg ker


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Post time 26-2-2015 08:30 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 04:55 PM
ala cm lembik je hero dia, nk christopher
acene lar nk jadi askar...... bermaya je yer tgk hero....
mesti ler christopher plumber yg terbaik ina...
takde tolok bandingnya kan...

kak ayu hari tu hanya tgk sikit jer..
so tk sure le lagu2 guna yg asal...

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Post time 26-2-2015 08:48 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 26-2-2015 08:07 AM
ko ckp scene cmtu biase je, dorg vugel kot  

tu br epi satu.........aku ...

aku baru kat episod 1... ms kat ep 1 tu aku tak nmpk la teruk sangat.. atau mgkn dkt las2 tu agak sikit laaaa...
tak nmpk la tang dia vug@# tu... ke aku yg tak perasan tah laaa.. sbb aku bkn tgk btol2.. skip2...
aku dh tak follow sbb aku sian tgk kame


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 Author| Post time 26-2-2015 09:34 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 04:59 PM
ko tgk aku kutuk kt board filem dan wayang
padan muka......kalo xnk kene kutuk,
jgn wat muvi  ...

aku x pernah pi melepak la kat bod tu..
ko nie sume tempat ko merayau...
sume tempat ko singgah tinggal jejak ko ye

aku lebih tertarik dgn cite  ko tu..
mana ko dgr eh??
mungkin betol la kot laki buta tu ayah pada budak2 tu...
dh pompuan tu celik kan dia la guide laki tu


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 Author| Post time 26-2-2015 09:35 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 05:00 PM
eksited sampai terkena trap
naseb xkene penalti

ciss..suka ye ko aku kena trap..


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 Author| Post time 26-2-2015 09:38 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 25-2-2015 05:02 PM
ala siannyer, seyes, ko xpenah rase salmon ker..........
aku yg keje ngan cina gurun, dh jem ...

kan sedih kan aku x pernah merasa salmon..
sushi lak aku xmakan..xleh telan..
mmg lidah pure melayu kelate yg makan budu

xmo ah jual..
aku nak tb baru led yg full hd nya..
baru r best tengok cite pasnie..


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