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Author: ibuKA

Bishounen/bishies! Yaoi pon ok!!

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 08:12 AM | Show all posts
ooo.. aku ade tgk nih....
tapi dia tak tunjuk yg mesra cam laki bini nye peluk.. tapi diorg cakap ade... sebab ahli kump dia bg tau..
cuma kita je tak nampak..

tapi feeling diorg mmg uwaaaa.. buat aku jerit yunjae je

Kia_picanto Post at 3-8-2010 20:12

    ekekekeee...ada tgk ek?... kiut giler aku tgk jaejoong gelak2 tertahan gituu...dahler dia mmg gemo tutup muluttt...lagila nampak kiuttt...
yg cam laki bininyer peluk aku rasa ko ada tepek dulu...yg yunho pakai baju itam pakai cap,jaejoong pakai sweater yg ada penutup kepala tu pakai spek... tu agaknya dorang bepeluk style laki bini...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 08:21 AM | Show all posts
aku suka gambar ke 5 tuh.. macam mookyul pon ye gak... tak silap dia ade dye warna merah rambut dia.. mmg hensem la.. aku terlupa nak tepek sebab semalam dah tutup komp

ni antara video yg tunjuk yunho caring gile kat jaejoong..
masa nih jaejoong sakit/moody la.. cam tak berapa ok.. yunho dok soh bg laluan kat jaejoong.. pegang tangan dia tak nak bg jatuh.. sweeeetttt

Kia_picanto Post at 3-8-2010 20:16

    alerrrr....nti ko jumpa gamba mookyul tuh ko tepek ek?...

oohh...yg ni....sweet giler laaaaa...mmg nmpak jaejoong cam takde mood sgt kan?... caring giler yunho siap soh kasi laluan utk jaejoong...
sweetnyaaaaaa...yela...risauuu...bini takde mood sgt...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 08:27 AM | Show all posts
mookyul!!! mookyul!!!
    silap ari bulan aku lupa nama dia dongwoon.. sebab asik nak dok jerit mookyul!!!

video youtube nih diorg tgh wat penggambaran iklan iple. real pic mmg diorg dok jarak cuma sentuh lutut.. tapi peminat kapel yunjae dok superimpose diorg dok cium dekat

Kia_picanto Post at 3-8-2010 20:27

    wahahahahaaa...aku pon nak pangge dia mookyul aahh!... mookyulll!!...mookyulllll!!!

oooh...gamba nihhhh...ekekekeee...tapi yg dorang dok photoshoot posing gitu apa kehe nye? siap mulut muncung bagai ...nak cium, cium ajela bebetul... mmg haruslah peminat yunjae wat superimposed kasi dekat...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 08:29 AM | Show all posts
eyesly aku rasa diorg tak kan berenti menyentuh la

yg org belakang tuh si junsu..
kira kalau nak bermesra yg lain nampak la

aku suka je kemesraan diorg nih..

Kia_picanto Post at 3-8-2010 20:30

    ooo...junsu keee...aku payah nak kenal yoochun ngn junsu nih...otak aku nih dah karat ngn yunjae jek agaknya...

kann?...dorang suka menyentuh sesama dorang...asal ada peluang jek...cuitlah...peluk laahh...pegang tanganlahhhh....nasib baik kita suka jek kan kia?...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 08:35 AM | Show all posts
itu superimpose tuh.. tak silap fanart... tapi mmg hanaji jadinye..

itu la.. siap berkipas bagai... peh.. sayangnye kat bini

gambar yg yunho ngan jaejoong cam nak cium kat page sebelum nih.. nampak cam jaejoong tu macho je kan???

gambar yg lepas2 tuh.. mmg sweet jer...
aku siap dah rasa cam diorg tak fake pon kemesraan diorg

ade aku baca peminat yunjae nih cakap.. pestaim diorg baca fanfic pasal real kapel yunjae jadi kapel yaoi.. selalu org takkan wat fanfic based on watak real life.. tapi kira pestaim baca mmg diorg tak sanggup..
tapi ade la satu dua citer yg nampak sweet diorg terus jatuh cinta.. sebab pasal yunjae as artist in dbsk la.. kira diorg citer real life yunjae kapel nih mmg real citer dia.. tapi kisah cinta diorg sgt sweet la.. lawak je aku baca komen diorg nih
Kia_picanto Post at 3-8-2010 20:36

    kan?...kalo bebetull...mahu aku melompat dari kusi aku nihh...

ehh?...gamba yg mana nih kiaa?...bnyk sgt aku tgk gamba dorang ala2 nakbercium...

uuuuuu...rajinnya ko baca fanfic psl yunjae...aku suke tgk utube jah... pjg tak citer dia?... ko tepekla sini...aku leh baca sambil imejin yunjae yg bnyk kita tepek nihhh...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 01:06 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ibuKA at 4-8-2010 13:16

amacam kia-hime??... ensem tak pakwe nih?...
kekadang ensem...kekadangggg......
mmg ensemm!...
kalo dia jadik mookyul ok tak?

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Post time 5-8-2010 07:41 PM | Show all posts
amacam kia-hime??...:loveline ...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 13:13

    doojoon.. kekadang ensem.. kekadang cam apek jual sayur rejek!!!!
cuma dongwoon je yg layak bertakhta jadi mookyul

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Post time 5-8-2010 07:43 PM | Show all posts
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 13:06

    mata doojoon ni sepet la.. tu sebab dia pakai celak..
tapi macho la dia nih... nampak cam pendek.. maybe gaya dia tuh wat dia nampak pendek kot.. si dongwoon aku nampak cam tinggi melangit jer...

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Post time 5-8-2010 07:46 PM | Show all posts
kan?...kalo bebetull...mahu aku melompat dari kusi aku nihh...

ehh?...gamba yg mana nih kiaa?...bnyk sgt aku tgk gamba dorang ala2 nakbercium...

uuuuuu...rajinnya ko baca fanfic psl yunjae...aku suke tgk utube jah... pjg tak citer dia?... ko tepekla sini...aku leh baca sambil imejin yunjae yg bnyk kita tepek nihhh...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 08:35

ahaha.. aku selalu je cam nak terlompat...
ala.. ko kata yg si junsu kat belakang tu harus geram nak hantuk kepala diorg biar cium betul2... gambar tu la.. si jaejoong nampak macho la time tuh.. aku rasa si yunho terpikat kot tgk kemachoan si jaejoong masa nih
itu la.. baik ko jgn baca... nanti ko teraddict cam aku sekali.. ni aku baca tak mo kasi biol je.. mengisi masa lapang gitu

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Post time 5-8-2010 07:58 PM | Show all posts
ooo...junsu keee...aku payah nak kenal yoochun ngn junsu nih...otak aku nih dah karat ngn yunjae jek agaknya...

kann?...dorang suka menyentuh sesama dorang...asal ada peluang jek...cuitlah...peluk laahh...pegang tanganlahhhh....nasib baik kita suka jek kan kia?...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 08:29

    ha ah.. junsu muka baby sket.. yoochun muka cam pompuan kekadang... tapi skang muka dah matang sgt..
mmg otak ko tepu ngan yunjae je.. tu sebab ko tak tgk lain..
ahahaha.... dah mmg diorg suka gurau sesame sendiri.. nak gurau ngan org lain kata diorg menggatal.. last2 ngan kekangkawan je la nk ngengade... tapi kalau junsu ngan yoochun diorg bermesra pon leh tahan gak..
yoochun suka main dagu junsu cam kucing tuh.. lagi satu kekadang dia panggil junsu "Come on baby!!"
aku dengar slang omputih yoochun pon leh merah muke

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:01 PM | Show all posts
wahahahahaaa...aku pon nak pangge dia mookyul aahh!... mookyulll!!...mookyulllll!!!

oooh...gamba nihhhh...ekekekeee...tapi yg dorang dok photoshoot posing gitu apa kehe nye? siap mulut muncung bagai ...nak cium, cium ajela bebetul... mmg haruslah peminat yunjae wat superimposed kasi dekat...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 08:27

    kan.. rasa nak jerit mookyul je.. mmg mulut aku otomatik nak sebut

la.. sah2 la kalau aku jadi photogrpaher aku nak peminat bayangkan yg bukan
duduk jarak tapi gaya cium la kan.. itu yg lawak tuh
so ade peminat yg tak tahan terus SI jadi gambar cium yg cam real.. sebab potong ruang tgh tuh bila dekatkan mmg nampak diorg cium sebab photographer tu dah bajet angle tu cantek punye
tapi kalau cium betul harus la ade yg kene buang keje plak macik.. tak ke naya dia

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:04 PM | Show all posts
alerrrr....nti ko jumpa gamba mookyul tuh ko tepek ek?...

oohh...yg ni....sweet giler l ...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 08:21

ni rambut merah dia... aku rasa ko suke je bishie rambut merah.. sebab gambar bishie anime yg ko suke byk rambut merah kan??

oh.. masa dia moody tu tak tau nape dia moody.. tapi mmg jaejoong caring habis la.. syg bini la katakan..
jeles aku

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:08 PM | Show all posts
ekekekeee...ada tgk ek?... kiut giler aku tgk jaejoong gelak2 tertahan gituu...dahler dia  ...
ibuKA Post at 4-8-2010 08:12


yg gambar dia peluk jae tuh lepas tu dia tutup mata jaejoong tu mmg byk kali aku tgk.. sgt la yunjae nye
tapi tu la peluk yg seerat-eratnye aku penah tgk...
yg lain cam skejap je.. ni lama la..

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:12 PM | Show all posts
seyes ni nampak cam mookyul la... pjg betul jari dia

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:18 PM | Show all posts
Nak fanfic aku baca kan??? Nah..

Title: Fire and Water

Author: nericia

Length: chaptered

Genre: Drama, romance, fantastic
Rating: PG for this chapter (NC-17 later)

Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong

Warnings: AU, supernatural things

Summary: In an unknown place on earth in an unkown time, there were two powerful kingdoms that rule the world, the Fire Kingdom and the Water Kingdom.  Water kings have the ability of possessing the water element while the Fire kings have the ability to possess the fire element. There were also powerful wizards in the kingdoms to help rule the empire.

For centuries, the two kingdoms were always in a battle for more power until recent years,  they finally decided to make peace and the kings agreed to seal it by arranging a marriage between their children.  What will happen if the Water Princess is missing when she was about to marry the Fire Prince? Who is preventing this marriage from taking place?

Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.


Chapter One: Meeting

The crown prince of Fire Kingdom looked proudly at his lands while he was riding his black horse with his younger brother by two years, and his best friend who is his personal wizard by his side. There were lots of Kingdom wizards in the palace but the crown prince choosen only Yoochun to be his personal wizard since they were friends from childhood. Yoochun was everything to the prince. He was taking advices about everything from Yoochun.

The Fire Prince was now officially twenty years old. His semi-long light brown hair was flying with the warm breeze and his smiling chocolate brown eyes were looking at his best friend while they  talked about last night’s birthday party.  It was nearly spring and the weather was warm. There were lots of sakura trees all over in the forest.

They were going to hunt like they always did every sunday. They were wearing their hunting suit with Fire Kingdom symbol over their chest, a red phoenix with golden wings.

“Your old man will get angry again. Our precious crown prince is hunting without any backup soldiers,” said the kingdom wizard teasing his best friend.

“He is the crown prince and he can totally control his powers, so he don’t need any help!” said Changmin smiling at his brother.

Yunho laughed at their comments.

“My dear Yoochun, nobody can hurt us in our lands! The truth is, nobody dare!”

“Oh, my prince is so sure about himself already?” asked Yoochun.

Yunho only showed them his irresistable smile but didn’t answer. Instead of him his brother spoke again.

“Even if he doesn’t possess the fire, he is the best swordman all over the country, no one can stand against him, Yoochun!” said Changmin cheerfully.

They all laughed at Changmin’s comment. Then the kingdom wizard spoke again.

“You are finally twenty, your highness. Now it’s time for the important marriage. Aren’t you wondering about your pretty fiancee?”

“Actually…I am. I will see her soon, cause she will be eighteen about a mouth later and then we will get married,” said Yunho smiling.

“I heard Water King have twins. One girl and a boy. Their beauty is a legend all over the Kingdom. You are a very lucky man, my brother!” said Changmin.

Yunho smiled at his brother.

“Maybe we can take the brother for you?”

“Ahh you know I love pretty things!” said Changmin cheefully.

Two brothers’ laugh cut off by Yoochun’s serious voice.

“I think we have guests gentlemen and they are not from our lands,” said Yoochun letting his white hawk fly again which brought news of upcomings.

They all  grap their swords and kept  riding under the tress. Then Yunho saw two figures coming towards them and recognized the bright blue water dragon symbol on their chests...the silver eyes of a dragon was shining brightly.

Finally, they have a clearer view of the two young boys in their kingdom uniforms.

It was easy to tell from their clothes that one of the young boys with raven hair is the prince of the Water Kingdom and the other one beside him must be one of their kingdom wizard, like Yoochun.

When they got closer ,Yunho felt that he couldn’t breathe. It was like an invisible power was applying pressure on him. The incredible beauty infront of his eyes were making him hard to  breathe.  So this is how you feel when you meet someone from Waterland. He stopped his horse and looked at the beautiful prince’s light blue eyes. He felt like time stood still even the warm breeze stopped blowing, and the only thing he can see and feel is the presence of the Water Prince.  He felt his body was getting warmer and he couldn’t prevent himself from looking at this beauty. In fact, you can say the Fire Prince is drooling. If his sister is beautiful like him, I guess I am the luckiest guy all over the world.

On the other hand, the Water Prince also couldn’t take his eyes off from the Fire Prince. He felt like he was in soaked in hot water and his blood is boiling in his veins. He knew it is because of their structual elements that they are attracted to each other but this was much more different and stronger then he expected. He is the most handsome man that I have ever seen. My sister lost too much.

Finally, both two sides got off from their horses and greeted each other by bowing  respectly.

“I am the royal highness of Water Kingdom, Prince Kim Jaejoong,” said Jaejoong and then pointed Junsu beside him, “and this is my kingdom wizard, Xiah Junsu.”

Yunho nodded his head to Junsu and then smiled at the young prince.

“I am the Fire Kingdom, Prince Jung Yunho, your  highness. It’s an honour to meet you.”

“He is quite young to be a kingdom wizard, right?” whispered Yoochun to Changmin.

“Yes, he is. How about the prince? He is just like I told you right?” whispered back Changmin trying to hide his smile.

“Yes, he is,” said Yoochun smiling back.

While they were whispering, Yunho and Jaejoong had already started to walk further away from them and talking.

Yoochun suddenly heard the Water Kingdom wizard’s soft voice whispering beside him.

“May I seek your help, sir Park Yoochun?”

Sensing there is something wrong,Yoochun whispered back.

“Everything you want, sir  Xiah Junsu.”

“My prince and I are here to inform some unpleasent news. Our princess has gone missing and we couldn’t find her, even with all of our kingdom wizards working together. We are thinking that some powerful dark powers are doing this to prevent the marriage between our two kingdoms.”

“Are you asking for our help to find the Water Princesss?” asked Yoochun as he couldn’t take his eyes off from the pretty, young wizard.


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Post time 5-8-2010 08:19 PM | Show all posts

“I will definitely later ask for your help on this matter cause this concerns both kingdoms but my first misson and priority is…to make sure both princes married to each other.” said Junsu finally and sighing heavily as well.
  Yoochun stopped walking suddenly.
  Yoochun was cut off by Junsu.
  “We have no time left for buts, sir Park.  When the kings agreed on this contract, nobody mentioned prince or princess to marry, they just said children in marriage.”
  “Yes, it is possible of course but if he married to my prince, he must have the ability of…” Yoochun was cut off by Junsu again.
  “…giving birth. I know.  Do you think we would have come if our highness didn’t have the ability? Thank God, he has that. We did all of our reserch and he can give birth for the future king. But the problem is he doesn’t know about this and also the part that he has to marry the Fire Prince instead,” said Junsu looking afar at his young prince with a sad face.
  Yoochun stared at Junsu with wide eyes at this sudden news.
  “I guess, in this situation you are right, sir Xiah,” said Yoochun looking at the two princes talking.
  “ The marriage must happen as soon as possible if we want to win against the dark powers. We must become one. The hardest part is to convince my stubborn prince to agree to this marriage,” said Junsu and then turned his gaze to Yoochun. “He is still too young as you know. Since our princess has disappeared, my King knew that Prince Jaejoong has to take his sister place without delay and ordered me to settle the arrangement. So in order for my prince to agree, we must play a little game with your help. I also have a letter from my king to your king that explains the situation like I did to you.”
  “I am listening to you, sir Xiah. Do tell me what can I do to help,” said Yoochun slightly bowing his head.
  “My prince is explaining the situation about our princess to your prince now as I can guess. When he finished he will want to leave. Can you say that the contract that was done 15 years ago, couldn’t be broken and  if our princess can’t marry your fire prince, the Water Prince must marry to  the Fire Prince instead.”
  “I could do that, for the future of our kingdoms,” stated Yoochun looking into Junsu’s eyes.
  “I will be eternally gratefull sir Park,” said Junsu who didn’t take his eyes from Yoochun.
   “I came here personally to tell you this, your highness, cause the situation is very serious,”said Jaejoong bowing slightly in front of Yunho.
  “Thank you, Prince Jaejoong,” said Yunho bowing back to Jaejoong. feeling a little sad thinking of being away from this pretty boy that he just met.
  “So if you will excuse us, we have to take our leave now,” said Jaejoong smiling to Yunho as they walked nearer to the remaining parties.
  “Your highness, there is one thing about the contract that you need to remember, if your sister doesn’t marry, you must take her place and marry with my prince. The contract can’t be broken,” said Yoochun bowing slightly in front of Jaejoong.
  Changmin and Yunho were suprised as much as Jaejoong. Yunho standing behind Jaejoong, mouthed to Yoochun “What is going on?”  Yoochun didn’t reveal any reaction but Yunho understood from his eyes that he must follow whatever Yoochun is saying. But secretly, he is glad as he also liked the idea of marrying Jaejoong.
  “There is no such thing like that sir Park,” said Jaejoong trying to smile as he walked to his white horse. Suddenly, both Junsu and his horse started jumping around like crazy. Junsu wasn’t quick enough to do a spell on them when they started to run back into the deep forest.
  “Snowflake! Stop!” shouted Jaejoong wanting to run after it but was stopped by Yunho who grabbed his arm.
  “You can’t catch it my prince cause we are near to my palace. Anything that belongs to Waterland except humans, are not  able to get closer into our territory,” said Yunho looking into Jaejoong’s eyes. He was still holding Jaejoong’s arm.
  Jaejoong felt the hotness in his blood went higher now especially the burn feeling on his arm where Yunho was still holding. He harshly pulled back his arm from the prince’s hold.
  “I am so sorry my prince. I shouldn’t have touched you without your permission,” said Yunho bowing his head but smiling secretly. He knew how Jaejoong felt. He didn’t feel the same way but he knew that Jaejoong was uncomfortable when he touched him.
  Jaejoong smiled nervously trying to hide his anger and fear for the unknown feelings.
  “It’s not important your highness. Now if you lend us your horses please, we would be able to go back to our palace to inform my parents about the situation.”
  Now it was Yunho’s turn to play games, not knowing the whole situation, but he knew that he wanted to be with this boy from this moment onwards.
  “I am sorry again my prince but you can’t go back.”
  This time Yoochun looked surprise d at his friend but he waited for his prince to continue speaking.
  “You would be turning eighteen in a month’s time. And then, we would be married as agreed by our fathers. Untill that day I want you to stay at my land. We can inform the Water King later, you don’t have to worry.”
  Jaejoong blinked a few times at Yunho and then he frowned.
  “I am sorry but you can’t request this from me.”
  “Yes I can do this since I’m your fiance of now.”
  Both Yoochun and Junsu really liked this idea and looked at each other with approving eyes. Changmin was only smiling at the scene in front of his eyes. He could have guessed that his brother was already falling for the young prince.
  “I am sorry but I don’t want to stay here your highness” said Jaejoong trying to hide his anger by grinding his teeth.
  “In this situation you are in danger, just like your sister, so I can’t take the risk to lose my bride again cause the future of the two kingdoms are in our hands. Now my prince, you have to give up being so stubborn.”
  Junsu leaned nearer to Yoochun’s ear.
  “That was very clever to convince him to stay, and he is right too,” he whispered.
  Yoochun just smiled at Junsu.
  Everyone seems to agree with the situation except the Water Prince. Jaejoong looked at Junsu trying to get his help.
  “We must stay my prince. We are not in the situation to reject his offer now,” said Junsu coming closer to his prince.
  These words made Jaejoong more angry. He grabbed his sword, took it out and pointed at  Yunho.
  “If you beat me, I will come with you!” he shouted.
  Changmin tried to control himself not to laugh while Yunho looked surprised at Jaejoong.
  Yunho didn’t expect this kind of reaction but soon his shocked eyes left its place for smiling ones. And then he looked at Jaejoong’s sword shining like a moon. He took out his sword that was bright as the sun. Junsu tried to stop them. Even Yoochun said no to Yunho. He just smiled at his friend saying everything was under his control.

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Post time 5-8-2010 08:20 PM | Show all posts


No longer than five minutes later, Water Prince was on his kness holding his bleeding hand. Junsu ran to his prince to attend to his wound.
  “It will be a lot more painful then the normal cuts my prince because this sword is made in the Fire Kingdom. I am so sorry about this.”
  Yunho walked towards Jaejoong and gave his hankerchief to Junsu to wrap his wound.
  While they were busy with Jaejoong’s wound, Yunho looked at Yoochun to seek some explanation.
  “What was that all about?” asked Yunho in a very low voice.
  “Situation is serious my prince. They couldn’t find their princess, all of Water kingdom’s’ wizards couldn’t do anything. That means…” Yoochun was cut off by Yunho.
  “That means the dark powers are in the game.  This marriage must happen soon.”
  Yoochoon sighed in relief.
  “Our only problem is this little prince,” said Yoochun pointing Jaejoong with his eyes.
  Yunho smirked at his friend.
  “I will handle this, don’t worry.”
  “In this circumstance, it is the right thing that he will be marrying you instead of his sister but he is a little bit stubborn. That’s why Sir Xiah asked for our help to convince his prince. ”
  “So I guess I did the right thing making him stay till the marriage is done. He looks like he can do something stupid and his fighting skill is lacking.”
  Yoochun just nodded in agreement and Yunho walked back toJunsu and Jaejoong. He offered his hand to Jaejoong.
  “Let’s go my prince,” said Yunho smiling.
  Jaejoong looked at Yunho with burning eyes and then stood up without Yunho’s help.
  “How can we go with only three horses?” asked Jaejoong angrily.
  “You can ride with me and Sir Xiah can ride with Yoochun,” said Yunho already riding on his horse.
  “I think I will ride together with Junsu and…” before Jaejoong could complete his sentence, Yunho pulled him up over the top of the horse.  Now he was sitting in front of Yunho on his black horse. Their bodies moulding perfectly with each other.
  Jaejoong really wanted to scream, feeling the heat of Yunho’s body so close and when Yunho wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist to hold in the reins, the mere touch scorched him like no other . Being so close to him was causing Jaejoong breathing problems. What is this  feeling? Why his closeness and touch was making his body reacting differently as compared towards other people? Questions he doesn’t know  how to answer.
  “Don’t you ever touch me without my permission,” said Jaejoong coldly trying to breath normally. He  was stunned for a few minutes because of his own words.. He didn’t mean to be so rude. It is not his nature but something about Yunho brought out his anger. No matter what happened Yunho was the Prince of Fire Kingdom and he must be careful with his words cause the peace between two kingdoms was in danger.
  Yunho slowly took his hand back from Jaejoong’s slim waist. He really wanted to yell at him but he couldn’t do that as he didn’t want to make the beautiful prince afraid of him.
  “I will try my best your highness but since I am your fiance, you should have to get use to it.” said Yunho as cold as Jaejoong.  He didn’t want to hurt this pretty young prince but he couldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior.  He can clearly feel the confusion, fear and anger of the young prince.  Wait a minute. How can I feel what he felt? I don’t know what is happening but I need to talk to Yoochun soon.
  Jaejoong let out a heavy sigh knowing he can’t escape this marriage agreement and prayed that they reached the palace as soon as possible so that he could somehow  get away from this Fire Prince. He needed some time alone to figure his thoughts and emotions towards the highness. He hopes he knows what is he getting himself into....feeling a chill running down his spine.

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 09:53 AM | Show all posts


No longer than five minutes later, Water Prince was on his kness holding ...
Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 20:20

    makcikkkk...citer tak abis...baru nak feeling2...
tapi gila melampau tuh jaejoong leh peknen...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 10:59 AM | Show all posts
doojoon.. kekadang ensem.. kekadang cam apek jual sayur rejek!!!!
cuma dongwoon je yg layak bertakhta jadi mookyul

Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 19:41

    wahahahaaaa...nmpaknya dongwoon takde tandingan...calon terhebat utk mookyul...
jahat ko kata dj cam apek juai sayurr... nasib baik kita 2 je duk lepak umah ni...kalo kat umah jc-hime tuh, siaplah ko!...

Use magic Report

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