Post time 16-9-2015 10:48 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Drkbaan..speaking activity..mula2 suruh student tulis nama orang atau barang yg terlintas di.fikiran...pastu..i bg is going to explode n they a group..of four..can only choose 2 ppl/ item be taken to place lahh..ada dorang budak ni dah tulis AJ..
Punya la dia pertahankan pilihan dia...for future generation katanya..LOL!
Post time 16-9-2015 10:53 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hanamsm replied at 16-9-2015 09:54 PM
I start bc novel melayu 2011 tu pun after i bc lagenda bdk setan my niece punya...till now dh byk ...
I tak skolah kat sini dari Pri to Sec school. So tak tgk and baca novel melayu ah. My 1st malay drama and novel was RA200, then i beli ISM and MAID sama Kimchi apa lah tu. tapi yg baca cuma RA200 and ISM After both dramas abis. Wakakakakakka
Post time 16-9-2015 10:57 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kiahpropaganda replied at 16-9-2015 10:43 PM
U pos kt opis i segantang..haha apa kelebihan kopi tu bbanding blend brew apa kah tu..
Wei x bih lg kisah kopi...yg penting che nah ori, bau dia harum satu umh x copy paste ok....
Blend n brew apa tu??? Sorry la yg suka copy2x ni dak lam senarai..
Post time 16-9-2015 11:02 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Boleh x sape2 cut video maid hLive..yg zA ramas2 bahu aJ tu..nk part b4 dia ramas n penghujung tu.. nk nk bukak utube i xboleh..line slow sikit kt ulu ni