Kisah-kisah pembunuhan & tragedi yang menggemparkan Malaysia
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Edited by Syd at 3-11-2015 08:32 AM
Gambar Pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan Bunuh Diri
Published Friday, December 13, 2013 By melvister. Under isu semasa
Gambar Wan Ahmad Faris Bin Wan Abdul Rahman pelajar Sekolah Maahad Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan bunuh diri tersebar. Identiti pelajar yang dilaporkan ditemui mati dalam keadaan tergantung sudah dikenalpasti oleh keluarga mangsa. Pelajar tersebut dikenali sebagai Wan Ahmad Faris yang masih berusia 16 tahun dan menuntut dalam tingkatan 4 di pusat Thafiz berkenaan. Mayat mangsa dilaporkan ditemui pada 12 Disember 2013 oleh seorang penyelia asrama setelah terhidu bau busuk disalah sebuah tandas di sekolah tersebut.
Identiti Pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan Bunuh Diri Nama Penuh: Wan Ahmad Faris Bin Wan Abdul Rahman Umur: 16 Tahun Status: Pelajar Tingkatan 4 Sekolah Maahad Tahfiz Sains Nurul Aman Kok Lanas
Laporan Penemuan Mayat Pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan Pada 12 Disember 2013, penyelia asrama Zul Atfi Mohamad, 37 telah menemui mayat seorang pelajar dalam keadaan tergantung pada jam 9.30 pagi dengan kain pelekat dalam tandas yang terkunci. Pada ketika itu, mayat ditemui separuh bogel dengan hanya memakai baju dan jaket manakala lehernya diikat dengan kain pelekat tergantung dalam tandas dan terdapat kesan darah dan najis di lantai bilik air tersebut. Penemuan mayat itu bermula apabila penyelia tersebut terhidu bau busuk dari salah sebuah tandas yang terkunci dari dalam. Pihak polis dihubungi berkenaan insiden penemuan mayat tersebut. Menurut polis, mangsa dipercayai sudah meninggal dunia selama 3 hari yang lalu berdasarkan keadaan fizikal mayat yang sudah membengkak. Pihak sekolah telah menghubungi keluarga mangsa dan difahamkan pelajar itu tidak pulang ke kampungnya di Pasir Mas, selepas cuti bermula pada 7 Disember 2013. Berdasarkan pengecaman yang dilakukan oleh kedua-dua ibu bapa mangsa, mereka sudah mengenal pasti anak mereka dan mengecam pakaian serta cermin mata yang dijumpai di tempat kejadian.
Punca Kematian Pelajar Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan
Laporan bedah siasat di Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu mendapati terdapat kesan tikaman pada perut mangsa. Pelajar itu juga disahkan sudah meninggal dunia pada 72 jam yang lalu berdasarkan keadaan fizikal mayat mangsa. Mangsa turut dipercayai dibunuh sebelum digantung dalam tandas asrama terbabit. Pihak keluarga mangsa berharap agar tiada pihak yang melemparkan tomahan bahawa anak mereka yang juga pelajar Tahfiz telah membunuh diri.
Kronologi Kisah Pelajar Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan Ditemui Mati Tergantung 12 Disember 2013: Mayat mangsa pelajar berusia 16 tahun ditemui oleh seorang penyelia asrama Zul Atfi Mohamad setelah menghidu bau busuk didalam sebuah tandas yang terkunci dari dalam. Mayat ditemui dalam keadaan separuh bogel dengan hanya memakai baju dan jaket manakala lehernya diikat dengan kain pelekat tergantung dalam tandas dan terdapat kesan darah dan najis di lantai bilik air tersebut. Mangsa dilaporkan sudah meninggal dunia 3 hari yang lalu. Laporan awal polis mengesahkan kematian mangsa sebagai mati mengejut.
13 Disember 2013: Keputusan bedah siasat mendapati mangsa mati dibunuh sebelum digantung berdasarkan kesan tikaman pada perut mangsa.
Syd replied at 2-11-2015 07:55 PM
Gambar Pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Kok Lanas Kelantan Bunuh Diri
Published Friday, December 13, 2013 ...
Betoi la kena bunuh. Sbb ada kesan tikaman.
Jahat nya bebudak zaman sekarang.. Kat dunia boleh lepas, akhirat nnt. Padan muke |
Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police )
10 hrs ·
Ipoh, 2 Nov - Polis menahan sepasang suami isteri dan dua anak
lelaki mereka dipercayai terbabit dalam kes bunuh melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya empat individu di sekitar daerah Tapah, dekat sini, minggu lepas.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Perak, Dato' Hasnan Hassan berkata, penahanan itu susulan laporan kehilangan seorang lelaki berusia 46 tahun yang bekerja sebagai pekebun dan ejen hartanah di Kampung Sungai Lah, Chenderiang dekat Tapah pada 25 Okt lepas.
Beliau berkata, kesemua suspek ditahan di sebuah rumah di Jalan Pahang, Tapah kira-kira pukul 1.30 tengah hari, pada 26 Okt lepas.
"Pasangan suami isteri yang ditahan itu berusia 57 (suami) dan 54 tahun (isteri) manakala dua anak lelakinya masing-masing berusia 20 dan 17 tahun.
"Suspek berusia 57 tahun itu bekerja sebagai mekanik manakala isterinya seorang suri rumah. Sementara itu, anak lelaki yang berumur 20 tahun bekerja sebagai mekanik dan seorang lagi tidak mempunyai pekerjaan," katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Perak, di sini hari ini.
Hasnan berkata, hasil siasatan awal mendapati, bapa serta anak lelakinya yang berusia 20 tahun itu terlibat dengan kes kehilangan mangsa pertama dan maklumat mendedahkan mangsa dibunuh dan dibakar di bengkel milik suspek.
"Sisa pembakaran telah dibuang di dalam sungai yang berhampiran manakala motosikal mangsa ditinggalkan di tepi jalan menghala ke Cameron Highlands.
"Siasatan lanjut terhadap suspek turut mendedahkan tiga lagi mangsa hilang di sekitar kawasan Tapah dipercayai telah dibunuh dan dibakar dengan modus operandi yang sama.
"Mangsa-mangsa itu ialah seorang wanita berusia 56 tahun, bekerja sebagai pengusaha bas dan dilapor hilang pada 1 Mac 2014, seorang lelaki berumur 24 tahun bekerja sebagai jurujual alat ganti kenderaan, dilapor hilang pada 15 Jun tahun yang sama dan seorang lelaki berusia berusia 36 tahun, bekerja di bengkel milik suspek yang dilapor hilang pada 30 Okt 2012," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Unit Forensik Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Jabatan Forensik Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB) telah menjalankan siasatan di beberapa kawasan kejadian.
Menurut Hasnan, beberapa sampel tulang yang dijumpai di sekitar kawasan kejadian telah dihantar ke HRPB untuk menjalani proses mengenal pasti asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA).
Katanya, suspek berusia 57 tahun itu mempunyai tujuh rekod jenayah lampau antaranya pecah rumah, tipu, mencuri dan pecah amanah.
Hasnan berkata, motif pembunuhan disebabkan hal berkaitan dengan hutang, penjualan tanah yang gagal serta seorang daripada mangsa dibunuh dipercayai mencuri barang hak milik suspek.
"Kita sedang menyiasat kemungkinan ada lagi mangsa yang terlibat dalam kes ini dan siasatan mengenai perkara itu masih dijalankan," katanya.
Beliau berkata kesemua suspek yang ditahan reman sejak 27 Okt lepas, disambung reman selama lima hari bermula hari ini bagi membantu siasatan.
Terdahulu, di Mahkamah Tapah hari ini, polis mendapat perintah untuk melanjutkan tempoh reman terhadap empat suspek itu bagi membantu siasatan kes berkenaan.
Perintah tahanan reman dikeluarkan oleh Majistret Nurul Nadia Abdul Razak di Mahkamah Majistret hari ini.
Tinjauan di lokasi kejadian yang juga merupakan rumah suspek di Batu 1, Jalan Pahang, Tapah mendapati rumah berkenaan yang turut menempatkan bengkel membaiki kenderaan dilihat tidak berpenghuni selain terdapat lebih 20 ekor anjing berkeliaran di kawasan rumah berkenaan.
rupanyer da banyak kes jugak deols bunuh n bakar,
selamba betul
diorg ni pembunuh upahan ke apa? dah jadi family business la pulak.
so far semua mangsa tu 'hilang' since 2012 kan?
usaha yang bagus...
menginsafkan kita...
semuanya jadi sejarah... kalau baik oklah.. kalau sebaliknya..
jadi sebutan turun temurun keanak cucu cicit... |
Policing the Police
Human rights, politics and the police
by G Lim Saturday, 14 December 2002
The idea that police force should be the protectors of the innocent received
a massive blow in September 1998 when Anwar Ibrahim was assaulted under
police custody.
Yet in many ways, Anwar was one of the lucky ones. He had the position and
the media attention to ensure that his assault was noticed. He was also
educated enough to know his rights and how to defend them.
His assailant, IGP Rahim Nor, was thus brought to book, although many feel
that he got off lightly.
If the head of the country's police force can beat up the country's former
deputy prime minister in custody and receive only a short prison sentence,
what is happening in the rest of the police system?
Deaths in Police Custody
In the past few months, two suspects have died at the same lock-up in
One of them, M Ragubathy, had had a heart condition since age 11. Despite
this, police allegedly ignored his complaints of chest pains for six days.
By the time he was taken to hospital, it was too late.
The post-mortem on the other, S. Tharma Rajen, who had been detained for
sixty-six days, found that his body was 'malnourished and emaciated'.
These two cases are just the latest in an alarming string of deaths of
suspects in police custody.
Woo Boon Leng, a fifteen year old boy, was detained in March 1995 by four
policemen, accompanied by a civilian. What happened next has never firmly
been established, but it ultimately led to the death of this young man.
The policemen first claimed he was the victim of a traffic accident, and
then said he drowned trying to escape custody.
At the coroner's inquest into the death, however, the pathologist testified
that there was no water in Boon Leng's lungs, so he could not have drowned.
The court also heard a catalogue of non-compliance with police procedures,
including transporting the boy in a civilian's car.
Although the court was unable to determine the exact cause of the boy's
death, it left little doubt that the policemen and the civilian involved
were responsible both for his death and for attempting to hide the cause of
his death.
Newspaper reports at the time suggested that the policemen involved were to
be charged following the coroner's decision (NST Aug 2000).
Two years later, however, no charges have been made.
Two months after the death of Woo Boon Leng, another suspect died in police
Lee Quat Leong, a 42 year old mechanic with no previous criminal record, was
arrested in April 1995 in relation to a bank robbery.
He died two weeks later, on May 12, after being assaulted in custody.
The death certificate stated cause of death as 'haemorrhage consistent with
blunt trauma to most parts of the body'.
In other word, he was quite literally beaten to death.
Internal police inquiries were apparently unable to indentify Lee's
The Attorney-General thus ordered a judicial inquiry, which found eleven
policemen responsible for his death.
Only two of them were ever charged, however. They were found guilty of
'causing hurt' to Lee and sentenced to eighteen months.
The sentence was subsequently doubled by the High Court, after the mechanic'
s brother applied for the sentence to be reviewed.
At the High Court hearings, the public prosecutor actually argued against an
increased sentence, noting that the policemen had also lost their jobs.
In a similar case, two detectives were found guilty in May 2000 of 'causing
hurt' to an Indonesian robbery suspect, who later died.
The two were given three years jail, stayed pending appeal. A third officer
was cleared.
In these three cases, justice has at least partially been done.
Something Amiss in the Police System
But there are many more cases where the complete facts have yet to come to
In 1997, a man whose son apparently committed suicide in custody was only
informed a month later, by letter.
In 1999, a Keadilan activist was arrested apparently without charge. Eight
days later, police 'left a note' at his wife's house to say that he had
Also in 1999, the father of a man who died in custody was apparently
informed by police that he had died from HIV.
His death certificate, however, stated meningitis as the cause of death, and
the father alleged that there were injuries on his body and face.
Most of those who died were poor young men, who probably did not know their
rights. A large proportion of them were also foreigners.
Cases such as these must raise the suspicion that there is something serious
amiss in the police system. How many more people have been beaten, starved
or tortured in police custody that we do not know about?
Victims Survived
There have been many more cases of alleged assault in custody, where the
victims survived.
The case of How Soon Hock is one horrifying example.
Arrested on a robbery charge in October 2000, How was shot in the head and
blinded by a policeman during a remand interview four days later.
How alleged that the policeman was 'playing Russian roulette', shooting at
How with one bullet in the chamber. He also claims that he was electrocuted
and beaten on the soles of his feet.
The policeman involved denied the charge, claiming that the gun simply
'exploded' as he was putting it in his holster.
In recent months, two victims of police brutality have successfully sued the
police and the Government for damages.
In July, a golf caddy was awarded RM9,334 after being assaulted in August
1994, while on remand for arson charges - for which he was given a discharge
not amounting to an acquittal.
The following month the Sessions Court found the police and the Government
liable for the assault of a hotel worker whilst detained in November 1997,
and awarded him RM14,042 in damages.
During the trial, the court heard that the victim had been beaten over 200
times with a hosepipe, had newspaper shoved into his mouth, and molten wax
dripped onto his private parts.
Other cases have been settled out of court. In 1998, a Kedah farmer was paid
RM30,000 by the Government to settle a civil suit claiming police brutality.
Such settlements are convenient for the Government and the officers involved
as they avoid an official court finding of liability.
There are an estimated 15-20 such civil suits relating to police brutality
waiting to be heard in Penang and Kedah alone.
One such case in Langkawi relates to a contractor allegedly shot in the leg
and kicked in the head by police.
635 Killed in 10 Years
And some suspects do not even make it as far as the police lock-up. Over the
ten years until May 1999, 635 people were killed by the police, prompting
accusations of a 'trigger-happy' police force.
In 1999, headlines were made when a young doctor suffered 'accidental' death
from a police bullet. In another incident, a bank clerk was shot by police
who mistook him for a robber.
In an important case last year, the Government also admitted liability for
the death of a boy shot by a policeman who apparently ran amok.
These are the cases where we know the victims were innocent. But the truth
is that all six hundred were legally innocent, because they had not been
proved guilty.
Consider the recent death of Malaysia's 'most wanted man', Ahmad Mohd Arshad
a.k.a. Mat Komando.
Ahmad was killed in a shoot-out with police.
Whilst Ahmad may well have been responsible for the string of crimes
attributed to him, it is nonetheless disturbing to read in the newspapers
that police apparently consider his death as having 'solved' over fifty
A trigger-happy police suggests a force that has no respect for the legal
system and the due process of law.
Such an attitude is also demonstrated in the appalling practice of rearrest.
On numerous occasions, suspects found innocent by the Courts have
immediately been rearrested by the police.
Only recently, ten men found innocent of murder were rearrested while
leaving the court under detention without trial laws, making a mockery of
judicial process.
Incidentally, these ten men had earlier complained to a magistrate that they
had been beaten and forced to eat human faeces whilst in custody.
The Government Response
The government response to this growing crisis in the police force has been
woefully inadequate.
Anwar received a Royal Commission into his injuries because his battered
face was seen on televisions around the world. But this was the exception,
not the norm.
The normal response to allegations of human rights abuses by the police has
been an outright denial followed immediately by no action whatsoever.
Indeed, simply raising the possibility that the police might abuse their
position has frequently brought the full weight of the government to bear.
In 1996, a number of NGOs tried to organise a public forum on police
brutality. After criticism from many government quarters, the forum was
cancelled when the Home Office threatened to arrest participants under the
Later, when Raja Aziz Addruse, the president of the Human Rights Association
(HAKAM) suggested that the police might be 'trigger-happy', he was publicly
criticised by Mahathir.
Suhakam also came in for widespread criticism from ministers following its
inquiry into the Kesas Highway demonstrations. Dr Mahathir himself accused
the Commission of 'not acting in the interests of the nation' and urged its
members to 'think as Malaysians'.
In its findings, Suhakam reported that abuse of human rights by the police
was due to their attitude of 'total denial and domination'. The same phrase
could be used for the government's response to allegations of police
Something is seriously amiss in our police force. Fifteen year old boys are
beaten up and die in custody. A pregnant woman is shot by police. Yet the
government's response is to berate and accuse those who dare raise these
Our democracy will be destroyed if we do not uphold the rule of the law. The
police, as guardians of the law must observe this principle.
After this report was completed, an important decision was made in the High
Court relating to the case of six men, including four Rela members and an
MIC politician, shot dead in a van by police in 1998.
The policemen involved, acting on a tip-off that the van was involved in
arms smuggling, claimed that the men had fired first and that they had been
acting in self-defense.
At the original inquest into the deaths, the magistrate had found that the
'police had acted in a reasonable manner and in self-defense'. On September
17, however, a high court judge reversed this decision.
The facts of the case speak for themselves.
Damage to the van demonstrated that shots were coming from outside the van
only. In addition, there were no bullet holes in any police cars, nor were
any of the policemen involved injured.
Photographs of the dead men taken at the scene did not show them holding any
guns, nor were there any guns near their bodies.
The police fired a total of 47 bullets in 20 seconds, most of which hit the
victims in the head, even though police mobility should have been impaired
according to the police version of events.
The High Court judge said that he was 'quite stunned' by the magistrate's
decision and recorded a verdict of death by misadventure, opening the way
for the case to be investigated further.
Whether any further action is taken, we will have to wait and see.
Some Recent Deaths in Police Custody
Name Age Date Reason for Official Cause
of Death
Woo Boon Leng 15 March 1995 -- Unascertained
Circumstance of Death:
Arrested March 1995. Police informed hospital that Woo was found near a toll
plaza and was believed to be an accident victim. Police subsequently claim
that Woo drowned trying to escape, but post-mortem shows the boy died
elsewhere and was placed in the water after death. In June 2000, a coroner's
court finds 4 policemen responsible for his death.
Lee Quat Leong 42 May 1995 Break-in Internal bleeding
Circumstance of Death:
Arrested April 27 in relation to a bank break-in, died May 12 from multiple
injuries. Death certificate stated cause of death as "haemorrhage consistent
with blunt trauma to most parts of the body". Inquiry find 11 policemen
criminally responsible for his death, but only 2 charged, who receive 18
month sentences, later increased to 36 months.
Unidentified 31 Aug 1997 Theft Head injuries
caused by fall
Circumstance of Death:
The deceased, an Indonesian, was arrested in relation to the theft of
wrist-watches. According to the policemen, the man fell over whilst
resisting arrest. Taken to hospital, he later died from head injuries.
R Shanmugam 29 Aug 1997 Robbery/Narcotics Asphyxiation
Circumstance of Death:
First detained under suspicion of robbery June 25, 1997. Released and
rearrested twice, the final time on drug charges. Found hanged in cell
August 31. Family question whether he committed suicide.
Othman Hashim -- Dec 1997 Theft Hanging
Circumstance of Death:
Detained December 16, 1997 and died the following day, having apparently
hanged himself with a towel. Father informed of death a month later in a
letter dated January 21, 1998.
Kasim Buadi 27 Feb 1998 -- Heart attack
Circumstance of Death:
Seven witnesses saw Kasim being assaulted by plainclothes police detectives
when he was arrested February 1, 1998. Kasim, an Indonesian national, died
in custody 3 days later. Indonesian Embassy questioned how a man who was
"healthy and used to hard work" could have a heart attack at age 27.
T. Singaravalu 36 March Rioting Liver failure
due to alcohol
Circumstance of Death:
Remanded by police and was expected to be charged for rioting with a
dangerous weapon. Family claimed that his body was bruised and that the
police had delayed informing them of the death.
Roflee Bakar 27 Aug 1998 Narcotics --
Circumstance of Death:
Detained August 25, 1998 after plain clothes policemen raided his house.
Roflee, a drinks and rojak seller, is alleged to have already been ill when
detained and is claimed to have been beaten up both on arrest, and later in
the lock-up. Roflee died three days later.
Sariman Rashid -- March 1999 Robbery --
Circumstance of Death:
Sessions Court finds 2 policemen guilty of assaulting Sariman whilst in
custody in order to extort a confession. Sarinab died the same day. One
other policeman cleared. The 2 policemen were sentenced to three years jail,
stayed pending appeal.
Anuar Sharip 31 Aug 1999 Unknown --
Circumstance of Death:
Arrested August 10, died eight days later. Family not informed of reason for
detention or how he died. Lawyers have cited a death certificate saying that
the body had severe bruising and "multiple lacerations and lesions" on the
neck, chest and abdomen.
Francis Nathan 21 Oct 1999 Narcotics HIV/Meningitis
Circumstance of Death:
Police tell father that cause of death was HIV, but father reports bruising
and lacerations on the body and face. Death certificate states meningitis as
cause of death.
Tharma Rajen 20 June 2002 Gangsterism Pneumonia/Tuberculosis
Circumstance of Death:
Detained without charge under the Emergency Ordinance for involvement in
gangsterism in April 2002. Sent to hospital some time around 16 June, died
21 June. Initial burial certificate recorded pneumonia as cause of death;
subsequent postmortem found that he had died of TB. Postmortem also noted
"malnourished and emaciated" state of body, and abrasions on wrists. Family
members claim that Tharma Rajen was beaten in custody, and had bruises and
cuts on his body. Investigating magistrate refuses to accept complaint of
mistreatment, and refuses to allow family to photograph body
M Ragubathy -- July 2002 Robbery --
Circumstance of Death:
Ragubathy had a heart condition since age 11. Arrested July 18, started
complaining of chest pains July 20. Police finally took him to a clinic on
July 26, died the following day. His cousin, who was detained at the same
time, claimed that both he and Ragubathy were beaten on their body and the
soles of their feet.
S Vivashanu Pillai 24 Aug 2002 Theft Drowning
Circumstance of Death:
Vivsshanu arrested with seven others on Aug. 1, but was reported to have
escapted custody the next day. Body found in the river on Aug. 4. Mother
lodges police report, claiming 'there was something amiss' with his death.
'Trigger-happy' cops: Bar Council calls for transparent, effective measures
6:18pm Fri Dec 13th, 2002
The Malaysian Bar Council today urged the government and the police to
establish transparent and effective measures to deal with police shootings
which had resulted in many deaths.
Concerned with the prevalence and manner in which police officers discharged
their firearms, its chairperson Mah Weng Kwai said in a press statement that
the council was calling for "more exacting standards" to be employed.
He said while the council recognised the role of the police force to
maintain law and order; and that they be permitted to exercise their powers
in the process, this does not mean police officers are not accountable for
their actions.
In this respect, he said the council "respectfully differs" with the Kuala
Lumpur High Court decision in October which validated the use of firearms by
police officers in questionable circumstances.
In the case, High Court Judge S Augustine Paul acquitted police constable
Tony anak Beliang for causing the death of a doctor in Cheras on Sept 20,
Session court judge Ahmadi Asnawi had previously convicted the policeman and
sentenced him to eight years in jail.
The judge further stressed that Tony's action gave the impression that the
police were "trigger happy".
However, Paul set aside the conviction and sentence after ruling that the
shots were fired under a "life threatening situation".
Not acceptable
Mah said while police officers and lay persons were entitled to react in
self-defence, the former however were trained to use firearms effectively
and deal with the risks that come with their duty.
"Shooting to kill by the police cannot be treated as being an acceptable way
to deal with those risks," he said.
The council chairperson also noted that the high court's decision had
effectively validated the use of extreme force by police officers in
questionable circumstances when more accountability was required of them.
According to protem political party Parti Reformasi Insan Malaysia (Prim) an
average of 1.3 persons were shot dead by the police every week.
Prim had submitted a memorandum on the matter to the Home Ministry and the
National Unity and Social Development Ministry in November. |
Kes-kes yang menonjol
Kerajaan tidak memaklumkan secara terperinci, butiran faktor kematian dan tindakan selanjutnya. Jelas, kerajaan tidak memantau dengan baik berhubung isu kematian dalam tahanan polis.
Dari tahun 1995 hingga 1997, media massa pernah melaporkan beberapa kes kematian dalam tahanan. Yang berikut adalah kes-kes yang mendapat perhatian media, dan memperlihatkan sejauh manakah penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh polis:
1.Kes Lee Quat Leong, tahun 1995
Lee Quat Leong, 42, seorang technician. Ditangkap kerana disyaki merompak bank. Beliau dipukul mati pada 12 Mei 1995. Penyiasatan Mahkamah Koroner mendapati 11 orang pegawai polis terlibat, termasuk empat orang pengawai tinggi yang perlu bertanggungjawab dalam jenayah ini. Namun, pada 14 Disember 1995, Far Eastern Economic Review melaporkan bahawa terdapat 45 luka luaran pada mayat, dan 7 tulang rusuk yang dipatahkan. Bagaimanapun, daripada 11 orang, hanya 2 orang pegawai polis yang didakwa dan dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 18 bulan sahaja.
2. Kes M.Ragupathy, tahun 2002
Pada Julai 2002, sekumpulan orang muda bertembung dengan polis yang sedang meronda. Polis mengesyaki bahawa mereka terlibat dalam satu kes jenayah, maka kesemua mereka ditangkap. Antaranya, M.Ragupathy pernah menjalani pembedahan jantung. Dadanya kesakitan semasa dalam tahanan. Polis tidak mengendahkannya, walaupun Ragupathy tidak dapat makan untuk tiga hari, malah muntah.
Selepas beberapa hari, barulah polis membawanya ke klinik kerajaan, tetapi doktor tidak ada di situ. Maka, seorang jururawat memberikannya ubat penyakit asma.
Keadaannya semakin parah selepas beberapa hari. Polis menghantarnya ke hospital Putrajaya. Pada hari keesokan, doktor mengesahkan kematian Ragupathy. Dua bulan kemudiannya, Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri berkata dalam parlimen bahawa polis tidak perlu memikul apa-apa tanggungjawab jenayah.
3. Kes Vivasanu Pillay
Vivasanu Pillay yang ditahan oleh polis, telah ditemui mayatnya dalam satu sungai. Polis mendakwa Vivasanu terjatuh ke dalam sungai ketika melarikan diri dari balai polis Dang Wangi. Walau bagaimanapun, keluarganya pula mendakwa Vivasanu telah mati dalam tahanan, dan dibuang ke dalam sungai. Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri kemudiannya berkata di parlimen bahawa kematiannya tiada kena-mengena dengan polis.
4. Kes Sudan a/l Lolam, tahun 1995
Pada 4 Mac 1996, satu NGO orang asli di Semenanjung Malaysia mengadu kepada pengarah polis Negeri Pahang, bahawa seorang kaum asli telah meninggal dunia 9 bulan yang lalu, ketika dalam tahanan polis. Polis pula mendakwa bahawa Sudan membunuh diri dengan menggantung dirinya menggunakan singlet.
5. Kes kematian 46 orang PATI, tahun 1995
Setelah laporan penyiasatan Tenaganita diumumkan pada tahun 1995, Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri mengesahkan bahawa sejumlah 46 orang PATI mati di beberapa pusat tahanan, antaranya pusat tahanan di Semenyih telah mencatatkan kematian 42 orang pendatang asing.
Mereka dikatakan mati kerana penyakit biasa, seperti sakit perut. Tiada laporan bedah siasat mayat. Malaysian Medical Association berkata penyakit sedemikian boleh diubati segera. Sehingga hari, tiada orang disabitkan kesalahan jenayah.
6. Kes A.Kugan, Tahun 2009
Pada 15 Januari 2009, A.Kugan, 22, ditangkap dan ditahan di balai polis Taipan, Subang, mati secara tiba-tiba dalam tempoh lima hari tahanan polis. Beliau yang dituduh mencuri kereta, tidak sedar diri ketika soal siasat polis, dan kemudian dihantar ke hospital Serdang.
Laporan bedah siasat pertama menunjukkan Kugan mati kerana paru-paru berair. Keluarganya yang tidak berpuas hati dengan laporan itu menuntut bedah siasat kali kedua. Hasilnya, Kugan didapati dipukul dengan benda seperti paip getah.
Daripada 11 orang polis yang ditukar jawatan kerana kes ini, hanya seorang yang didakwa atas tuduhan sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan parah bagi memeraskan pengakuan bersalah dari Kugan.
7. Kes Teoh Beng Hock, tahun 2009
Teoh Beng Hock, Setiausaha Politik Exco Selangor (DAP) dipanggil sebagai saksi oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) untuk soal siasat satu kes rasuah yang melibatkan wang kira-kira RM2000. Beliau didapati mati di tingkat lima bangunan sebelah pejabat SPRM.
Kes ini mencetus kemarahan orang awam, malah PM terpaksa mengumumkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Di-Raja setelah didesak oleh masyarakat umum. Walau bagaimanapun, kes ini masih dalam penyiasatan di Mahkamah Koroner.
*Yang Pei Keng ialah seorang peguam, dan kolumnis di MerdekaReview, edisi bahasa Cina. Diterjemah dan disunting oleh Lim Hong Siang. |
Syahril A. Kadir
1 hr · Edited ·
Bila bercakap mengenai pembunuhan ngeri di negara ini, ramai yang ingat Mona Fandey sahaja. Ini kerana wanita itu, suaminya Affandi dan pembantu mereka, Juraimi terlibat dalam kes kematian wakil rakyat Datuk Mazlan Idris yang telah dibunuh dan dikerat kepada 18 bahagian di Ulu Dong, Raub, Pahang.
Namun tahukah korang, pada tahun yang sama juga berlaku satu kes pembunuhan yang hampir serupa di Kuala Lumpur. Tetapi mangsa kali ini merupakan seorang penari wanita Chua Yue See atau Lily yang berusia 30 tahun. Kalau Mazlan dikerat 18 bahagian, Lily pula 'kurang sikit' - 11 bahagian!
Kes Lily ini bermula pada 8 Julai 1993 bila seorang pemotong rumput menemui beberapa bahagian tubuh manusia dalam parit di Jalan Langgak Tunku, Kuala Lumpur. Beberapa bahagian lagi ditemui tiga hari kemudian kira-kira satu kilometer dari lokasi asal penemuan mayat. Mangsa telah dibunuh, dicincang dan dimasukkan ke dalam beg plastik. Masa tu polis syak ia dilakukan seorang yang cukup mahir dengan tubuh anatomi manusia kerana cara mayat itu dikerat cukup 'cantik' - satu tulang pun tak patah!
Buah dada sebelah kiri mangsa telah dikelar beberapa kali dan mangsa dipercayai telah bergelut dengan pembunuhnya sebelum itu. Ini yang menarik, untuk membantu mengesan mangsa, seorang pelukis terkenal, Amiruddin Ariffin telah diminta oleh pihak polis untuk melukis lakaran wajah mangsa berdasarkan bahagian tubuh mayat yang telah reput itu.Bila lakaran itu disiarkan dalam akhbar-akhbar seluruh negara, polis mula mendapat petunjuk hingga membawa mereka ke sebuah apartment di ibu kota. Di sana mereka menemui nombor telefon seorang wanita bernama Cindy Chua.
Setelah menemui Cindy, barulah polis tahu bahawa mangsa adalah kakaknya, Lily. Cindy mengesahkan mayat itu adalah kakaknya berdasarkan parut di kaki dan hidung. Parut itu adalah kesan pembedahan plastik yang pernah dilakukan kakaknya itu. Lily adalah penyanyi dan penari sebuah pub di Kuala Lumpur dan mereka berdua juga membuka sebuah lounge karaoke di ibu negara. Lily seorang janda dua anak.
Bila polis menggeledah apartment Lily di Pudu, mereka menemui nombor telefon teman lelakinya, Gan Wei Seng, seorang guru muzik. Wei Seng akhirnya ditahan dan mengaku melakukan pembunuhan tersebut. Dia juga menunjukkan pisau yang digunakan untuk membunuh dan mengerat teman wanitanya itu.
Sewaktu perbicaraan, mahkamah diberitahu pembunuhan itu berlaku di Kondo Villa Putra, Jalan Sultan Ismail iaitu rumah Wei Seng. Motif pembunuhan adalah CEMBURU. Katanya sebelum pembunuhan berlaku, mereka berdua sempat berasmara beb! Pada 10 Mac 1994, Wei Seng dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 15 tahun sebelum dikurangkan kepada 12 tahun setelah peguamnya membuat rayuan. Siap nangis teresak-esak dalam mahkamah.
Dalam erti kata lain, Wei Seng telah pun keluar dari penjara membawa bersama kisah pembunuhan ngeri yang pernah dilakukannya. Berbeza pula nasib Mona Fandey, Affandi dan Juraimi yang telah pun menemui ajal di tali gantung...
Fuh, penat seh gua menulis...nasib baik hari ni cuti! Kira kerja amal gak ni, bercerita secara PERCUMA hihihih.... |
Butchered like animals
By : Tan Choe Choe
MURDERS are gruesome regardless of the manner they are committed.
In the last 35 years, there have been four horrific murders, including the
body-in-refrigerator case in Mont Kiara, Petaling Jaya last week, where the
victims were cut into pieces.
Colombo Plan expert, Kingsley John Lewis, killed his Kenyan wife, Maria Theresa
(inset), and was sentenced to three years? jail.
The white bungalow at No 19, Lorong Limau Manis 2 in Bangsar Park, Kuala Lumpur,
looks a little deserted with overgrown bushes in its front garden.
This was where Colombo Plan expert Kingsley John Lewis, then 32, killed his
Kenyan wife, Maria Theresa, 24.
Theresa, who was said to be a philandering and abusive wife, was slashed, cut up
and then stuffed into a trunk on April 3, 1975.
Lewis said he killed her to stop her from harming their 14-month-old son.
Lewis was found guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and
sentenced to three years? jail.
A neighbour who has lived in the area for the last 28 years said a few families
had moved into the house after Lewis left, but none stayed for long.
Going to a bomoh couple to seek help to boost his political fortunes turned out
to be fatal for Batu Talam assemblyman Datuk Mazlan Idris on July 8, 1993.
He had reportedly gone missing after withdrawing RM300,000 from a bank earlier
that month.
In a black magic ceremony at the couple?s house, Mazlan was decapitated while he
had his eyes closed, waiting for money to "fall from the sky".
His body ? all 18 parts ? was found buried six feet deep in the storeroom of a
nearby house.
Nor Affendy Abdul Rahman and his wife, Maznah Ismail, better known as Mona
Fandey, were found guilty of Mazlan?s murder, as was their helper, Juraimi
During the trial, Mona remained chillingly cheerful and remarked, "looks like I
have many fans" when she saw the crowd of curious members of the public outside
the court.
The three were tried in the Temerloh High Court and a seven-member jury
unanimously found them guilty on Feb 9, 1995.
They pleaded for clemency, but were turned down by the Pardons Board in April
On Nov 1, 2001, the three were hanged.
The case inspired a movie, Dukun, which has yet to be released due to its
controversial nature.
Pastor-turned-music teacher Gan Wei Seng was jailed 12 years for killing
entertainer Lily Chua during a lovers? tiff on July 6.
He stabbed Chua in the chest and chopped her into 11 pieces.
He wrapped the body pieces in newspapers and plastic bags and dumped them into a
drain in Jalan Langgak Tunku.
The killing came to light after a grass cutter stumbled on some of Chua?s
remains on July 8.
The remaining pieces were found in a ravine about a kilometre away three days
Places where gruesome murders have taken place are usually haunted because the
victims are not at rest, says former KL-City Ghost Tour manager Francis Nantha.
This may be just superstitious mumbo jumbo to the non-believer but most
Malaysians take such hauntings seriously.
For instance the bungalow at No 10, Jalan Turi in Taman Bukit Pantai, where two
boys aged 10 and 7 and their Filipino maid were killed by their family guard, is
still vacant.
Their bodies were thrown into a septic tank at the back of the house in the
April 23,1992 murder.
Vandalised and sometimes used as a drug addicts? hideout, the place is now
Stories also abound about sightings of the victims? spirits standing
beseechingly at the gate of the house.
"Sometimes, the haunting may not be by the victims, but by other lost spirits,"
said Nantha, who used to conduct tours to haunted places, including cemeteries
and prisons.
Any place left vacant for 49 days may be taken over by spirits, he said.
"The number 7 is a very mystical number and it is the largest single digit prime
"To the Chinese, the square of 7 is very powerful and is the gateway to the
Anything that is left unused or unattended for 49 days will appear in the spirit
"The best way to cleanse a house of haunting spirits is to lift up the roof and
let the sun shine through it for 49 days."
Just to make sure, you can do it for 98 days.
"The place will cease to be a shelter for them without a roof and then it will
be safe for people to move back in," said Nantha. |
Kes penemuan mayat dikerat
10 Ogos 2007: Mayat seorang ahli perniagaan Singapura ditemui pemilik sebuah kondominium di Mont Kiara dalam keadaan dikerat 11 selepas terhidu bau busuk dari peti sejuk ketika mengemas rumah yang dikosongkan penyewa. Mayat mangsa dibungkus menggunakan beg plastik hitam serta disumbat dalam peti sejuk yang dilekat dengan pita pelekat.
30 September 1997: Seorang lelaki menemui mayat yang dikerat empat diasing dengan anggota badan dalam satu bungkusan plastik, manakala kaki, tangan dan kepala pada bungkusan lain yang disimpan dalam beg pakaian di perdu pokok di Batu 6, Jalan Ipoh.
26 Julai 1997: Mayat wanita warga emas ditemui dalam enam beg plastik berasingan dikerat secara melintang sebanyak lima kali menjadi lapan bahagian dibuang dalam semak di Batu 6, Kampung Lubuk Jong, berhampiran Lebuhraya Pasir Mas-Rantau Panjang. Mayat ditemui seorang lelaki pemotong rumput.
3 Julai 1996: Mayat gadis berusia antara 14 dan 19 tahun yang tidak berkepala, tangan dan kaki yang diisi dalam beg plastik ditemui dalam longkang sebuah pasar raya di Taman Ipoh Selatan oleh seorang pekerja Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh.
22 Julai 1993: Misteri kehilangan Adun Batu Talam, Pahang, Datuk Mazlan Idris, terjawab apabila mayatnya ditemui dipotong 18 bahagian dan ditanam dalam lubang sedalam 1.8 meter dan permukaannya disimen di kawasan kebun rumahnya di Kampung Pamah Dong, Ulu Dong, kira-kira 45 kilometer dari Raub.
8 Julai 1993: Penari dan penyanyi, Lily Chua dipotong menjadi 11 bahagian dan dimasukkan dalam sebuah beg beli-belah sebelum dicampak ke dalam parit di Kuala Lumpur. |
Syahril A. Kadir added 3 new photos.
5 hrs · Edited ·
Tadi aku menonton sebuah video klip yang sedang viral ketika ini...kejadian 'ragging' atau buli melibatkan seorang penuntut unversiti di Kuala Lumpur. Semua ini mengingatkan aku kes yang mencatatkan sejarah hitam dalam sistem pendidikan negara bila seorang pelajar tingkatan lima dari Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Cheras meninggal dunia akibat dibuli seniornya pada 24 Mac 1988.
Kes ini memang menggemparkan negara ketika itu kerana inilah pertama kali seorang pelajar mati setelah dibuli rakan-rakan di sekolah. Ianya bermula bila seorang pelajar lelaki "senior" tingkatan 5 bersama beberapa orang bekas pelajar lelaki atau "super senior" yang hadir ke sekolah itu untuk mengambil keputusan peperiksaan SPM.
Hishamudin Majid dibelasah di tandas sekolah tersebut pada jam kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi. Setelah dibelasah, Hishamuddin meminta kebenaran daripada guru kelasnya untuk pulang ke asrama atas alasan tidak sihat tanpa memberitahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.
Pada pukul 7.30 malam hari yang sama, beberapa orang pelajar melaporkan kepada warden asrama bahawa Hishamuddin sedang dalam kesakitan. Atas arahan ketua warden, Hishamuddin dibawa ke hospital oleh warden asrama. Hanya beberapa ketika selepas dimasukkan ke dalam wad kecemasan, pada pukul 8.50 malam doktor mengesahkan bahawa Hishamuddin telah meninggal dunia.
Pada mulanya, laporan kematian Hishamuddin yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak polis pada 25 Mac 1988 menyatakan bahawa dia mati akibat sakit di dalam perut. Hanya apabila bapa Hishamuddin membuat laporan kepada polis mengenai punca sebenar kematian anaknya, barulah kejadian itu bertukar menjadi kes jenayah.
Setelah disiasat, 2 orang bekas pelajar SMT Cheras telah didakwa menyebabkan kematian Hishamuddin. Perbicaraan kes itu berlarutan di mahkamah juvana sehingga awal 1990. Beberapa perkara telah terbongkar di sepanjang perbicaraan itu.
Antaranya, mahkamah diberitahu mengenai wujudnya 'upacara' tradisi pemberian nama gelaran oleh para pelajar senior kepada para pelajar junior yang terpilih. Pelajar-pelajar yang diberi nama gelaran itu terpaksa menjalani 'ujian', antaranya melibatkan penderaan fizikal. Hishamuddin dikatakan telah terlibat dalam 'upacara' pemberian nama gelaran pada hari kejadian sehingga menyebabkannya terpaksa menjalani 'ujian' yang menyakitkan.
Seorang pelajar yang menjadi saksi memberitahu mahkamah apa yang dilihatnya ketika berada di dalam tandas sekolah pada waktu kejadian. Saksi itu yang baru keluar daripada salah sebuah jamban mendapati Hishamuddin sedang dikelilingi oleh sekumpulan pelajar di dalam tandas itu. Saksi itu juga mengakui melihat salah seorang daripada bekas pelajar yang didakwa itu telah memukul Hishamuddin.
Saksi itu kemudiannya melihat seorang lagi pelajar lain melakukan "starlight" pada dahi Hishamuddin. Sebagai salah seorang pelajar yang telah menerima nama gelaran, saksi itu diarahkan untuk bersalaman dengan Hishamuddin sebelum dia keluar daripada tandas itu tanpa dapat mengetahui kesudahan kepada 'ujian' itu.
Dua pelajar telah didakwa dalam kes ini. Salah seorang bekas pelajar yang didakwa itu telah dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan apabila dia mengaku bersalah dan membuat permohonan maaf secara umum di dalam mahkamah kepada keluarga Hishamuddin.
Pada Januari 1990 seorang lagi bekas pelajar yang didakwa akhirnya turut dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan (alasan pembebasan: "the prosecution had failed to prove a prima facie case against the 19-year old", "the prosecution had failed to prove the ingredients of the charge").
Sayang, ramai pelajar kita yang berotak...tetapi ramai juga YANG TAKDE OTAK!
SAK: Say No To To Bullying
kesian kt adik2 yg menjadi mangsa buli nie...
syd terima kasih atas semua info... bnyk yg reen tk tau.
ada banyak lagi Syahril share kat blog/fb dia.
nanti kang tepek lagi.
itu semua kisah pengalaman dia sebagai Wartawan Meja Jenayah
dah tepek nnt tag reen... excited sgt nk baca....
jenayah kt malaysia skrg nie pun dh setaraf mcm kt luarnegara... yg tk terfikir kt kita pun dorang boleh buat. cnth mcm kes terbaru di tapah tu... reen syak mgkin ada mangsa yg dijadikan makanan utk anjing2 belaan dorang yg banyak tu. sadis sungguh.
cantik rumah tu
lot hujung sekali
taktau la sekarang ada orang ke tak
Nak ajak cik hubby pusing tgk rumah tu. xjauh dr rumah pun. tapi pusing siang2 la malam nak lalu pun xmampu huhuhu
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