Reply 1519# ibuKA
Chapter Two: Fireland Jaejoonglooked admiringly
at the high towers attha city’s entrance. They were shining like gold at the spring sun. Firelandflag, the phoenix with golden wings, was flying with the wind like a realphoenix on the city wall. Main entrance doors were opened with a big noise andthey entered the city. Once theywere in the city Jaejoong’s heart started beating faster.
He realized that
the air he breathed was dry unlike hiscountry’s ocean air. Yunho couldfeel that Jaejoong
was excited. Hesmiled to himself. “This is ourmain city my prince, do you like it?” Yunho asked slightly bending down toJaejoong’s ear
trying not to touch him.He really enjoyed teasing him but he didn’t want to hurt him as well. “I reallyloved it Prince Yunho,” said Jaejoong looking at everything his eyes can see. SoonJaejoong saw the palace complex. It was in the middle of the city unlikeWaterpalace. He could see glimpses of the long towers through the top of thehigh walls. He had counted four of them but he couldn’t be sure. “Are therefour towers?” he asked Yunho. “No, thereare eight of them but you can only see four even if you look from other sides.” Jaejoongcouldn’t help himself and turned his head to look at Yunho. “How?” heasked curiously like a child.
Yunho smiledat his childish expression. He bend down to his ear and whispered. “Magic.” Jaejoongshuddered when he felt the closeness of Yunho’s warm breath. Is he flirtingwith me? What kind of a prince he is? So rude! “Yourpalace…is in the center of the city. Isn’t this dangerous?” asked Jaejoongthinking about their own palace. He had already missed his own room. He couldsee the ocean through his bedroom windows. He almost felt the ocean breeze. “Being closeto our people is important for us. Also the whole city is under
a strong protection spell. There is nothingto worry about,” said Yunho calmly. Jaejoongcouldn’t help but smile back at the people that were greeting them warmly.Prince Yunho seems to know everyone here as he was smiling and greeting most ofthem by name. Jaejoongcould feel the excitement within himself as they got closer to the main palace.This place is beautiful…Fireland people
are so friendly and kind but… why is it I am feeling scared? This weirdfeelings I am receiving confused me. Jaejoong wasmore surprised when he entered the palace compound. There were lots of flowersalong the main roadside and at the center where the road leads to, there was ahuge magnificant building that Jaejoong could guess must be the main palacewhere the King resided. There were lots of smaller surrounding buildings nearthe palace and all were equally beautiful with different concept styles andbrilliant colours.
They must be housedfor different purposes. In this huge area, high walls surrounded the entireplace. Most of the buildings here only had one floor, leaving the eight talltowers looking very imposing over them. |