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Author: ibuKA

Bishounen/bishies! Yaoi pon ok!!

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts
mata doojoon ni sepet la.. tu sebab dia pakai celak..
tapi macho la dia nih... nampak cam pendek.. maybe gaya dia tuh wat dia nampak pendek kot.. si dongwoon aku nampak cam tinggi melangit jer...Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 19:43

    sepet ke?...aku mmg tak reti nk tgk mata org sepet ke besa ke...tapi ok je dia pakai celak kan? gotik sikit...

dia mmg macho...pandai bergaya depan camera...pendek ke?...tuh la...bila tgk dia berdiri seblah mookyul, cam sama tinggi je...
tapi rasanya aku lagi suka kat mookyul sbb dia lebih bishie...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:08 AM | Show all posts
ahaha.. aku selalu je cam nak terlompat...
ala.. ko kata yg si junsu kat belakang tu harus geram nak hantuk kepala diorg biar cium betul2... gambar tu la.. si jaejoong nampak macho la time tuh.. aku rasa si yunho terpikat kot tgk kemachoan si jaejoong masa nih
itu la.. baik ko jgn baca... nanti ko teraddict cam aku sekali.. ni aku baca tak mo kasi biol je.. mengisi masa lapang gituKia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 19:46

    ye kee??...aku plak rasa jantung aku cam nak melompat kuar dari badan aku...

oooh...gamba tu ke?...macho dlm cute jaejoong tuh...pandang kira nampak macho, pandang kanan nmpak cute lak...semua ada kat jaejoong...mana taknya yunho terpikat...

ooohhh...asal biol ajek baca fanfic ye?... lawak la ko nih...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:13 AM | Show all posts
ha ah.. junsu muka baby sket.. yoochun muka cam pompuan kekadang... tapi skang muka dah matang sgt..
mmg otak ko tepu ngan yunjae je.. tu sebab ko tak tgk lain..
ahahaha.... dah mmg diorg suka gurau sesame sendiri.. nak gurau ngan org lain kata diorg menggatal.. last2 ngan kekangkawan je la nk ngengade... tapi kalau junsu ngan yoochun diorg bermesra pon leh tahan gak..
yoochun suka main dagu junsu cam kucing tuh.. lagi satu kekadang dia panggil junsu "Come on baby!!"
aku dengar slang omputih yoochun pon leh merah muke

Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 19:58

    tuh arr...payah sikit nak kenal...kalo rambut dorang bertukar, laaaaaggiiiii lah susah aku nak cam sapa...tapi mmg betul...
aku mmg tak tgk lain dah...kapel yunjae ajek aku suka...
eekekkeeee...comey pulak aku rasa bila ko ckp yoochun ske main dagu junsu... siap pangge come on baby...
apsal merah muka lak?...romantik kah?...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:18 AM | Show all posts
kan.. rasa nak jerit mookyul je.. mmg mulut aku otomatik nak sebut

la.. sah2 la kalau aku jadi photogrpaher aku nak peminat bayangkan yg bukan
duduk jarak tapi gaya cium la kan.. itu yg lawak tuh
so ade peminat yg tak tahan terus SI jadi gambar cium yg cam real.. sebab potong ruang tgh tuh bila dekatkan mmg nampak diorg cium sebab photographer tu dah bajet angle tu cantek punye
tapi kalau cium betul harus la ade yg kene buang keje plak macik.. tak ke naya diaKia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 20:01

   ahakss!!...aku pun dah dpt penyakit ko tuh...

uwaaaaa...aku ske ko jadik potograper... leh layan yunjae selalu...carik angle yg best2 pastu wat SI...
ye jugak kan?...tak psl2 org tu kene buang koje sbb soh yunjae kissu betul2...tapi peminat suka jek....

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:26 AM | Show all posts
ni rambut merah dia... aku rasa ko suke je bishie rambut merah.. sebab gambar bishie anime yg ko suke byk rambut merah kan??

oh.. masa dia moody tu tak tau nape dia moody.. tapi mmg jaejoong caring habis la.. syg bini la katakan..
jeles akuKia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 20:04

    yup!!!...aku mmg ske bishie rambut merah...lain plak muka dia kan?...aku tak kisah dia rambot kaler ijau pucuk pisang ke, pink ke...janjik dongwoon...mookyuill!!..mookyull!!!

wahahahaa...mestila sayang biniii...bini muka jambuuuu... org lain kebas karangg...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:31 AM | Show all posts

yg gambar dia peluk jae tuh lepas tu dia tutup mata jaejoong tu mmg byk kali aku tgk.. sgt la yunjae nye
tapi tu la peluk yg seerat-eratnye aku penah tgk...
yg lain cam skejap je.. ni lama la..

Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 20:08

    wahahahahaaa...berselere sungguh aku tgk dorang bertiga masa nih...tapi mata aku asik tertumpu kat mookyul... aku mmg suka tgk mookyul bergamba muka serius ala2 model...sgt menggoda...

ha...yg tu tak caya dorang leh peluk ala2 aksi yaoi dpn camera...saje je nak soh peminat yunjae melompat dari kusi...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 11:33 AM | Show all posts
seyes ni nampak cam mookyul la... pjg betul jari dia
Kia_picanto Post at 5-8-2010 20:12

    tang jari tu stuju...mmg pjg... muka tirus ala2 mookyul tu dah betul...tapi rambut tak sama...pesen lain lak... biasanya rambut lurus dia tuh yg ala2 gamba separuh bugil 3 org yg ko tepek tuh...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2010 04:09 PM | Show all posts

ehehheeeee...yg ini pun ada sikit2 cam mookyul...dari segi tenungan matanya, rambutnya dah pesen bajunya...oohhh tidakkkkk!!... mookyulllll!!!

kredit to umah beast jc-hime... aku mintak izin dia...sbb aku tgk sgt sama dw ngn mookyul...

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1519# ibuKA

Chapter Two: Fireland

Jaejoonglooked admiringly
at the high towers attha city’s entrance. They were shining like gold at the spring sun. Firelandflag, the phoenix with golden wings, was flying with the wind like a realphoenix on the city wall. Main entrance doors were opened with a big noise andthey entered the city.

Once theywere in the city Jaejoong’s heart started beating faster.
He realized that
the air he breathed was dry unlike hiscountry’s ocean air.

Yunho couldfeel that Jaejoong
was excited. Hesmiled to himself.

“This is ourmain city my prince, do you like it?” Yunho asked slightly bending down toJaejoong’s ear
trying not to touch him.He really enjoyed teasing him but he didn’t want to hurt him as well.

“I reallyloved it Prince Yunho,” said Jaejoong looking at everything his eyes can see.

SoonJaejoong saw the palace complex. It was in the middle of the city unlikeWaterpalace. He could see glimpses of the long towers through the top of thehigh walls. He had counted four of them but he couldn’t be sure.

“Are therefour towers?” he asked Yunho.

“No, thereare eight of them but you can only see four even if you look from other sides.”

Jaejoongcouldn’t help himself and turned his head to look at Yunho.

“How?” heasked curiously like a child.

Yunho smiledat his childish expression. He bend down to his ear and whispered. “Magic.” Jaejoongshuddered when he felt the closeness of Yunho’s warm breath. Is he flirtingwith me? What kind of a prince he is? So rude! “Yourpalace…is in the center of the city. Isn’t this dangerous?” asked Jaejoongthinking about their own palace. He had already missed his own room. He couldsee the ocean through his bedroom windows. He almost felt the ocean breeze. “Being closeto our people is important for us. Also the whole city is under
a strong protection spell. There is nothingto worry about,” said Yunho calmly.
Jaejoongcouldn’t help but smile back at the people that were greeting them warmly.Prince Yunho seems to know everyone here as he was smiling and greeting most ofthem by name. Jaejoongcould feel the excitement within himself as they got closer to the main palace.This place is beautiful…Fireland people
are so friendly and kind but… why is it I am feeling scared? This weirdfeelings I am receiving confused me.
Jaejoong wasmore surprised when he entered the palace compound. There were lots of flowersalong the main roadside and at the center where the road leads to, there was ahuge magnificant building that Jaejoong could guess must be the main palacewhere the King resided. There were lots of smaller surrounding buildings nearthe palace and all were equally beautiful with different concept styles andbrilliant colours.
They must be housedfor different purposes. In this huge area, high walls surrounded the entireplace. Most of the buildings here only had one floor, leaving the eight talltowers looking very imposing over them.


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Post time 6-8-2010 05:14 PM | Show all posts
They rode all the wayto the main palace gate. There stood two huge doors that resembled a pair of phoenix wings. It was shining so brightly.

First Yunho got off from his horse and then he turned to Jaejoong and offered his hand.

“Can I help you down, your highness?” he smiled.

“Thank you Prince Yunho but I can managed.” said Jaejoong coldly and got off from the horse easily.

Once he was standing on the ground, he couldn’t help but caressed the beautiful animal’s mane.

“He is so beautiful.” said Jaejoong looking at Yunho.

Yunho smiled.

“His name is Mitra. He seems to like you too since he accepted to let you ride on him…”

Jaejoong returned the smile and kept on caressing the mare.

“Shall we go and present ourselves to the King, my prince?” asked Yunho politely offering his hand to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong frowned again and when he was about to reject Yunho’s hand again, he noticed Junsu’s angry eyes on him. He sighed and accepted his hand eventually.


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Post time 6-8-2010 05:15 PM | Show all posts
While King Yun Lee slowly broke the seal of the letter and started to read it, Jaejoong took this opportunity to look at the King properly. Since he came into the thorne room, he couldn’t even look at his eyes. When he saw him for the first time, he felt his heart  beating faster but it could not be compared to the feelings when he met Yunho. Oh…It is hot again. He is so handsome….I can understand why Yunho is so charming now…Charming? What am I saying? Oh…I am burning.

“We must inform the Water Kingdom about the situation first Prince Jaejoong, we don’t want them to worry about you,” said the King smiling atJaejoong.

Jaejoong could feel himself blushing and he just nodded. King was so nice and kind but he felt his power clearly and that was making him scared.

“Then we will need to start preparing for the wedding,” continued the Fire King.

Jaejoong took a deep breath and tried to look at the King again.

“Can I ask your permission to stay at my homeland untill the wedding, your majesty?” asked Jaejoong trying to keep his voice calm.

King smiled at him, stood up from his throne and walked closer to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong jumped to his feet when he saw him coming and looked down. He felt like a little boy who did something wrong and is waiting to be punished. Suddenly he felt warm fingers around his face.  He felt really strange like how he felt when Yunho first touched him but this time it was more bearable and he didn’t feel the burn on his skin.

The Fire King gently lifted Jaejoong’s face up and looked at him with smiling eyes.

“My lovely child, you are my son as well from now on and this land is your home.”  After saying that he let go of Jaejoong’s face and brought him to the garden with Yunho following them.

“It is really dangerous outside for you Prince Jaejoong and if this marriage can to take place soon, we can start searching for your sister, the Water Princess. I hope you understand.”

Jaejoong stopped walking and bowed his head. King was my last hope. I guess I have to stay here.

“Yes your majesty, I understood.”

King smiled and pointed them to sit on a bench across from the little pool.

“I don’t know what is happening but the only thing I am sure of is that you and your sister are most important for both kingdoms now. You will be safe here.”

Jaejoong just nodded in agreement trying to ignore Yunho’s smirk. I will make you pay Prince Yunho to make me stay here.You will really regret it!

“Prince Jaejoong might need a rest now, so Yunho my son, please take care of him well. Both of you can leave now,” the King said and stood up to leave them alone.

Yunho and Jaejoong stood up and bowed before the King.  As the King walked away, Jaejoong was about to follow one of the servants who will lead him to his quarter when he saw  Yunho’s eyes again.

“May I accompany you to your room?” said Yunho offering his hand.

Since the King was watching them from afar, Jaejoong smiled to Yunho and nodded.

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Yunho looked at the full silver moon from his balcony and sighed heavily. Then he turned to his best friend again.

“I can even feel him from here Yoochun…Are you sure you don’t know anything about this?”

Yoochun shook his head.

“I don’t know any person who have the ability like this Yunho, including all the Fireland people. Are you sure it was not your own feelings? I mean…It’s normal to feel different when you met a person from Waterland.”

“It’s not like that! I can’t talk about my feelings Yoochun cause I can’t even describe it! But one thing for sure my friend, I felt him…I can even feel him now.”

Yoochun came closer to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

“I will find an answer my friend, don’t worry. Just give me sometime to do a little research.”

Yunho nodded and sat on a bench at the balcony. Yoochun stood in front of him.

“I’d like to talk to you about your little duel earlier.”

Yunho smirked at the memories of their meeting.

“It was really fun! He is so beautiful.”

“You cut his hand for fun!? You shoudn’t duel with him. He is the person that you will marry and also he is a royality, theWater Prince. What were you thinking?!” said Yoochun as his voice raised up higher.

“Relax my friend…I never hurt him on purpose. He just…he wasn’t supposed to be a prince’s wife. It was his sister’s duty. Furthermore, he is so young, it will be hard on him. I didn’t want to break his pride, that’s all… With the duel, at least he will feel better that he did try something.”

Yoochun was really surprised on the way Yunho was thinkg. He has grown up more maturely and is really a kind hearted and thoughtful man.  He will be a good husband and a benevolence king one day.

“Another thing, please stop touching him without his permisson. You know it is hard on him. You know the powers that came at the age of 16. He can’t totally control his powers…and he is not like you, he is really affected by everything. Even staying here is hard for him.”

“Yes, I know…I just can’t take my hands off of him!” said Yunho grinning.

Yoochun hit his friend’s shoulder lightly.

“Just wait till both of you are married!”

Yunho laughed loudly and Yoochun joined him too. Their laughters echoed in the silence spring night.

“Since it is still early, would you like to go and see him my prince,” said Yoochun seriously.

“Why? He really doesn’t like me that much and…”

“Trust me. He needs you even if he doesn’t want to accept it. Don’t expect him to come and see you first. He will never do that unless you go to him. Staying here by yourself will not help and you know this.”

Yunho looked so shocked at his childhood friend.

“You gave advice to me on lots of things but you had never say a single word about my love life until now.”

Yoochun just smiled and showed his friend the stairs that led to the garden. Yunho rolled his eyes but headed for the garden. He could go to Jaejoong’s room through the garden cause every room on the ground floor in this palace always had a door opening to the garden.

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Yoochun was right. Yunho could feel slightly Jaejoong’s despair and was afraid to cause him more sadness than it is. These whole new feelings were strange to him but he is starting to get used to the feelings coming from Jaejoong.  He knew that he could never live without Jaejoong from now on even if he met him just a few hours ago. He couldn’t tell that to Yoochun but he knew for sure that Jaejoong and himself had a powerful unbreakable bond.

Yunho walked silently through the little paths in the garden, under the trees and  finally arrived in front of the back door that belongs to Jaejoong’s room. He suddenly stopped near a sakura tree when he saw Jaejoong sitting on a bench in the garden. He could clearly see his tears shining under the silver moon’s light.

Yunho hid behind the tree and watched him silently from a distance. His tears were running down on his cheeks. He was still wearing his own kingdom uniform. He looks beautiful even when he is crying but…his sadness…is really breaking my heart. Should I turn back? I am sure he won’t be happy if I saw him crying…

He knew from  their earlier duel experience that Jaejoong is very sensitive about his pride.

Yunho slowly and silently walked back a little and then started to walk forward the same way but loudly this time so that Jaejoong would know he was coming and have enough time to dry his tears.

“Good evening my prince,” said Yunho giving one of his killer smile.

Jaejoong stood up and greeted the Fire Prince by just bowing his head but did not say a word to Yunho and then sat down again. Yunho walked closer to him and asked permission to sit down next to him. Jaejoong just nodded and sighed heavily looking at the ground. This burning feeling again….What am I going to do with this prince?

“Isn’t this a beautiful night Prince Jaejoong?” asked Yunho looking at the sky with full of twinkling stars and a full moon like a summer night.

“Junsu lied to me…He knew from the start that I have to marry you but…he didn’t tell me,” said Jaejoong suddenly but still looking at the ground.

Yunho felt his heart broke for the pretty boy in front of him after hearing his pitiful and soulful voice. He looked at Jaejoong feeling the need to hold him close and caress his hair to calm him but at the same time trying to prevent himself from those thoughts.

“I can’t talk for Sir Xiah’s action but I am sure he did it for your own good and the welfare of your kingdom.”

Jaejoong angrily turned his head and looked at Yunho.

“Everyone seems to care about me but nobody cares about my feelings!” Jaejoong yelled venting his frustrations. Ahhhh....when will this torture end? How can I marry him? He is burning me…

Yunho was very angry at Jaejoong for raising his voice.  After all, he was only here to comfort him, not to make him angry.

“You are right my prince but you should understand that in this situation we all have to do what we have to do,” said Yunho trying to calm down his feelings.

“I should search for my sister now instead of waiting for the wedding day like a stupid girl,” Jaejoong mumbled to himself but Yunho had heard him.

“Do you think we are doing this for fun? This marriage will bring together both kingdoms.  Can’t you understand that there are powers preventing this from happening? Why do you think your sister disappeared?” said Yunho firmly and in a very high voice while looking at Jaejoong’s eyes.

Jaejoong felt regretted opening his mouth and wanted to say something but he couldn’t.

“We are all here to help you find the Water Princess. You are not alone anymore my prince. We will find her and fight with the dark powers together but first of all….we have to get along,” said Yunho in a calm but serious tone.

“I am very sorry for yelling at you Prince Yunho,” said Jaejoong bowing his head and  blushing lightly.  He knew no matter what he must be respectful.

Yunho’s heart went for Jaejoong and felt the urge to touch him. He lifted Jaejoong’s head touching slightly his chin.

“…and about your feelings….don’t think that nobody cares.  Your feelings are very important to me that you can never imagine my beautiful prince,” said Yuhno looking deep into Jaejoong’s eyes.

Even with the feeling of burining in his veins Jaejoong couldn’t take his eyes off of Yunho’s deep chocolate ones. He was startled when he feltYunho’s slight kiss on his forehead.

“Good night my beautiful prince,” said Yunho who stood up, bowed graciously and walked away.

Jaejoong wanted to yell at him for kissing his forehead but instead he looked at Yunho’s retreating figure with blushing cheeks . Now he has a burning feeling on his forehead where Yunho’s lips touched.......and it felt good this time.

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:19 PM | Show all posts
ehehheeeee...yg ini pun ada sikit2 cam mookyul...dari segi tenungan matanya, rambutnya dah pesen ...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 16:09

   ni nampak stylish la mookyul nih..tau dek jc kita panggey dia mookyul tak tau la dia pikir ape..

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:31 PM | Show all posts
tang jari tu stuju...mmg pjg... muka tirus ala2 mookyul tu dah betul...tapi rambut tak sama...pesen lain lak... biasanya rambut lurus dia tuh yg ala2 gamba separuh bugil 3 org yg ko tepek tuh...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 11:33

   itu la.. rambut maggi dia tuh.. mmg nampak hensem.. tapi tak rupe mookyul..tapi aku suke sume rambut dia.. sebab kejap nampak sweet.. kejap nampak macho...
tapi mata dia tu mmg aku nampak mookyul

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:37 PM | Show all posts
wahahahahaaa...berselere sungguh aku tgk dorang bertiga masa nih...tapi mata aku asik tertumpu kat mookyul... aku mmg suka tgk mookyul bergamba muka serius ala2 model...sgt menggoda...

ha...yg tu tak caya dorang leh peluk ala2 aksi yaoi dpn camera...saje je nak soh peminat yunjae melompat dari kusi...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 11:31

dah agakkkkk.. mesti ko terliur nye.. aku pon sungguh wat org terangkat la ngan aksi yaoi diorg nih
lepas ni byk lagi aksi yaoi yg kita leh tgk.. ibuka-hime.. ko kene rajin browse kat umah beast kalau diorg tepek lagi

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Post time 6-8-2010 05:41 PM | Show all posts
wahahahaaaa...nmpaknya dongwoon takde tandingan...calon terhebat utk mookyul...
jah ...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 10:59

   ahahaha... ko rasa diorg baca ke komen jahat aku ni?? kene larikk lepas nih

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Post time 6-8-2010 06:18 PM | Show all posts
sepet ke?...aku mmg tak reti nk tgk mata org sepet ke besa ke...tapi ok je dia pakai celak kan? gotik sikit...

dia mmg macho...pandai bergaya depan camera...pendek ke?...tuh la...bila tgk dia berdiri seblah mookyul, cam sama tinggi je...
tapi rasanya aku lagi suka kat mookyul sbb dia lebih bishie...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 11:03

sepet la.. besar lagi kot mata mookyul...tapi diorg kalau stail gotik mmg pakai celak..
aku rasa nak nampak mata besar pon pakai celak gak...

aku rasa doojoon pandai posing la..
mookyul plak rasa cam semulajadi talented.. macam fotogenik gitu...
mmg sgt bishie la aku tgk...

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Post time 6-8-2010 09:50 PM | Show all posts
ahakss!!...aku pun dah dpt penyakit ko tuh...

uwaaaaa...aku ske ko jadik potogrape ...
ibuKA Post at 6-8-2010 11:18

   ko jgn.. kalau aku jadi jurugamber.. mmg imaginasi yaoi kapel aku mencanak naiktak pasal2 kontrobersi plak

oh.. itu sebab ko dah tak sebut dongwoon ek?? sebab dia dah jadi mookyul

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 Author| Post time 7-8-2010 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ibuKA at 7-8-2010 14:56
ni nampak stylish la mookyul nih..tau dek jc kita panggey dia mookyul tak tau la dia pikir  ...
Kia_picanto Post at 6-8-2010 17:19

   eeheheeee...stylish kan?...aku ske mookyul masa ni...rasa cam sebijik cam apa aku ckp ni?...
ekekekeeee...kan?...mesti heran dak jc nape lak pangge maknae dia ni, mookyul...

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