italy boleh mara jauh kalau Totti in form, aku rasa tak dak Totti hilang sengat Italy, Hidup Azzuri |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 10-6-2006 02:31 AM
ko sebut kuda aku terus teringat iklan OSIM awek naik kuda kat Astro tadi..
nak kena tgk neh :mll: |
italy...hmmm...bagik aku...antare pertahanan yg terbaik... |

mari kita minum kopicina dulu..
tooti jgn buat peel udah le.. baru nak tunjuk skill nak angin balik mcm dulu2 nyer kisah chenta dia dgn ref.. |
kebetulan aku pakai jersey italy tika dan saat ini... |
tempek gambo sat..............
nak kasi semangat nih...

1 BUFFON Gianluigi (GK)
2 ZACCARDO Cristian
3 GROSSO Fabio
4 DE ROSSI Daniele
7 DEL PIERO Alessandro
8 GATTUSO Gennaro
9 TONI Luca
10 TOTTI Francesco
11 GILARDINO Alberto
12 PERUZZI Angelo (GK)
13 NESTA Alessandro
14 AMELIA Marco (GK)
15 IAQUINTA Vincenzo
17 BARONE Simone
18 INZAGHI Filippo
19 ZAMBROTTA Gianluca
20 PERROTTA Simone
21 PIRLO Andrea
22 ODDO Massimo
sedey Colina dah bersara ...tak leh tgk dia lagi...hehehehee ref yg plg haku suker tuh... |
Originally posted by DanaScully at 10-6-2006 03:21 AM
12 Jun 9.00pm Italy vs Ghana
bukan 3am ke?? |
italy memang pertahanan bagus... tapi asyik defend je.. tak attack tak jadi jugak!! selalu sangat berpuas hati dengan satu gol.. pas tu defend memanjang.. kalau opposite team score last minute habis lah.. mcm yg telah terjadi final euro 2000 vs france...
oohh.. aku tak boleh ingat peristiwa tu.. terlalu sensitif!! |
sayangnya cassano x dpt main itali. klu x bila lippi tengok totti tengah giler smcm jek, leh subs dgn cassano. |
maldini pun dah takder... byk geng2 lama dah takde... rindunya zaman albertini, robbie & dino baggio, pagliuca... WC1994 sentiasa dalam ingatan... |
Nesta given green light

The Italian medical staff have told boss Marcello Lippi that Alessandro Nesta is fit enough to face Ghana on Monday night.
Nesta had been a doubt for the tie after sustaining a slight muscle strain in last Friday? 0-0 draw with the Ukraine.
Lippi had already indicated last night that the Milan man would probably return to the side and the Azzurri team doctor has confirmed that news this afternoon.
?esta is again at the disposal of the Coach,? Enrico Castellacci told reporters at their Duisburg base.
Italy have suffered a succession of injuries in the run up to the tournament with Gianluca Zambrotta and Gennaro Gattuso also picking up leg muscle problems.
But Castellacci has revealed that all three men are well on the road to recovery, thus boosting Italy? World Cup hopes.
?e carried out a number of tests on the three players this morning,? continued the national team medic.
?esta is available again. As for Zambrotta, we are hoping to have him back in shape at some stage next week.
?attuso is making some great improvements. The situation will be clinically evaluated again in a few days time. We?e optimistic.?
The Juventus defender may return against USA on June 17, while the June 22 tie against the Czech Republic could see Gattuso make his comeback
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Guess who's back...? Back again.. Nesta's back...
harharhar.. jaga2 cik Salmaaah...
[ Last edited by Nesta13 at 10-6-2006 11:14 PM ] |
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Pele sees Azzurri danger
Brazilian legend Pele fears that Italy and not his beloved Selecao will be crowned World Champions next month.
Although the South American has noted that Brazil are favourites for Germany 2006, he insists that history has shown us that the best team doesn? always win.
?he Dutch were fancied to win in 1974 and 1978, but they lost in the Final on both occasions,? he remembered.
?razil were all set to triumph in 1982 and that campaign ended tragically. Nobody expected Italy to win it then Paolo Rossi scored three goals.
?our years ago, France and Argentina were the favourites?
?et? hope that Brazil can break that trend this time around.?
Should the side fail to live up to their potential then Pele has a long list of potential victors which include the Azzurri.
? think that Italy, England and Argentina are well balanced sides. I would then put France, Holland and the Czech Republic just below them.
?ranz Beckenbauer says that we should also look out for Spain and Portugal. He may be right about that.?
Brazil, winners four years ago, start their campaign on Tuesday against Croatia in Berlin.
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walopun aku tak pernah sependapat dgn Pele, tapi ni kali kedua aku bersetuju dgn lagenda sorg nih.. lol |
Reply #30 Nesta13's post
pele ni mmg selalu ckp merapu gak la..tapi kali ni kena la terima.. |
pele ni bila bercakap...malangla sapa sapa yg dia puji tu..huhuuuu.. |
Originally posted by DEWAPERANG at 10-6-2006 11:37 PM
pele ni bila bercakap...malangla sapa sapa yg dia puji tu..huhuuuu..
contoh nya.??? :cak::cak: |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 10-6-2006 11:46 PM
contoh nya.??? :cak::cak:
aiseh nak kena korek sejarah la pulak ni..
tapi yg aku ingat..dia predicted selalu menyimpang. |
Originally posted by DEWAPERANG at 10-6-2006 11:49 PM
aiseh nak kena korek sejarah la pulak ni..
tapi yg aku ingat..dia predicted selalu menyimpang.
yg ni menyimpang gak ke..?? :cak::cak:
"To be sure of winning, Brazil only need 1 player, Nesta", Pele |
forza ITALIA!
yaaa! aku mmg support italy dr aku darjah 6 gi .... huahuahua ...
italy kali ni, amat berbeza dgn italy dulu ...
italy skrg, defend bagus, midfield bagus, attack pon bagus ...
sbb cara Lippi berlainan dgn coach2 yg sblm ni ... he will use the 'catenaccio' and 'trident' attack skali gus ...
catenaccio ni, maksudnya dlm bhs italy, 'kunci' .. so, defend lock opponentnye striker, then trident attack iaitu kombinasi seorang penyerang dgn 2 org attacking midfielder/2 penyerang dgn sorang attacking midfielder, attack pihak lawan ....
aku suke cara ni .... huhu .. sbb italy mmg main slow ...so, cara ni jer boleh buat lawan terkaku ...so far, italy runs 19 match unbeaten .. so, hopefully, this world cup will be ours ! FORZA ITALIA ! |
Originally posted by caney at 11-6-2006 02:08 AM
yaaa! aku mmg support italy dr aku darjah 6 gi .... huahuahua ...
italy kali ni, amat berbeza dgn italy dulu ...
italy skrg, defend bagus, midfield bagus, attack pon bagus ...
sbb cara Lippi be ...
oh yeah..tapi bagi aku skuad italia kali ni agak rapuh berbanding skuad italia WC02 dulu..skuad WC02 dulu aku rasa sgt selamat..dan lebih stylo..dgn san paolo di barisan pertahanan..bobo vieri yg 'ringan' di barisan serangan..kita cumer tak bernasib baik kalah di tangan south korea yg main dgn '12 org' maser tuh..tapi ntuk skuad italia kali ni,aku mcm kureng berkeyakinan sikit..tapi sebagai penyokong setia azzurri,aku sentiasa mengharapkan yg terbaik..of course aku mengharapkan italia ntuk menang WC tahun nih..kiter sumer mengharapkan italia ntuk menang WC kali nih..forza italia! |
Reply #36 caney's post
klu tengok dlm skuad kali ni, mmg nmpknya akan guna 1 AM dan 2 ST. sbb pada aku midfield yg ada attacking nerves hanyalah Totti sorang jek. klu Cassano ada mungkin boleh guna 2 AM & 1 ST. |
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