:: Star Wars Episode III Revenge OF The SIth ( 19.05.05)
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aha..dah keluar pun dalam bitorent....ready for donloding |
grgreenwood2244 This user has been deleted
Star wars episod ticket for sales!!!!
ff:Two Star wars episod 3 ticket for sale at cheap price. ff:
Show time: 10.30am
Date : 21th May 2005
Cinema: GSC Mid Valley
Any interest pls contact me asap. Price are negotiatable.
012-4073473 |
SPOILER WARNING (kalau ada lar)
Originally posted by alphawolf at 2005-5-17 08:57 AM:
Padme pregnant tapi Anakin tak tau. Lepas Padme dying sebab kena attack Anakin sendiri, dia lahirkan dua anak. Luke dengan Leia. Leia dijadikan anak angkat oleh Senator Bail Organa dari Aderaan. Luke pula Obi-Wan bawa ke Tatooine sebab dia rasa Anakin/Vader tak mahu ke Tatooine.
i think u got it wrong .. :stp:
kan si Padme sendiri yg bg tau dia pregnant kat Anakin masa Anakin baru balik lepas rescue Chancellor ..
kan lepas Padme pengsan kena attack tu .. Obi-Wan gi bawak dia pi pusat perubatan .. then robot tu cakap yg Padme tu walaupun tgh dying tp physically sihat .. bkn dying dek cedera kena attack .. cuma dia dah ilang will utk terus idup ..
dan si Luke kena bawa gi Tatooine sbb Master Yoda yg suruh at the first place ..
err .. am i wrong? .. :stp: |
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2005-5-19 11:54 PM:
SPOILER WARNING (kalau ada lar)
i think u got it wrong .. :stp:
kan si Padme sendiri yg bg tau dia pregnant kat Anakin masa Anakin baru ba ...
betul la tu... ;) |
the good .. the bad .. & the ugly ..
SPOILER WARNING (kalau ada lar)
the good thing is .. 1st of all .. setelah lbh krg 3 tahun akhirnya penantian aku berakhir ptg tadi .. pheww .. masa berkumandang muzik tema 20th Century Fox tu aku masih mcm tak percaya .. at last .. :clap:
errkkk .. apa lagi ar? .. :stp:
the bad thing is .. masa tgk td .. aku mengomel sendiri2 dlm hati .. for the most of the 1st half agaknya .. ntah kenapa aku tak brapa puas ati ngan lakonan Ewan McGregor kali ni .. line dia .. intonasi dia .. riak muka dia .. tiba2 aku rasa watak Obi-Wan Kenobi tu jd tak best .. takdak karisma gitu .. sampaila dia pi confront Anakin kat planet Mustafar barulah ada umphh .. and the best part is no other than when he said .. "You were the chosen one!" .. :nerd:
and the ugly thing is ..
it turns u to the dark side .. :geram:
[ Last edited by yellow belmont on 20-5-2005 at 12:46 AM ] |
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 2005-5-20 12:08 AM:
betul la tu... ;)
sib baik betul .. :bgrin: |
ericsouthpark This user has been deleted
aku rasa anakin memang tau padme pregnent...kalau tak takkan darth vader boleh mengaku luke tu anak dia masa empire strike back...cuma dia tak tau yg padme lahir kembar sebab darth vader hanya tau tentang Leia masa lawan dengan Luke masa return of the jedi. |
Originally posted by ericsouthpark at 20-5-2005 00:54:
aku rasa anakin memang tau padme pregnent...kalau tak takkan darth vader boleh mengaku luke tu anak dia masa empire strike back...cuma dia tak tau yg padme lahir kembar sebab darth vader hanya tau ...
:setuju: |
Revenge of the Sith leaked online
The final Star Wars film has been leaked on to an internet file-sharing network just hours after the movie opened in cinemas.
A "work print copy" of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith with a time code, rather than the finished version, appeared online on Thursday.
A tracker site showed more than 16,000 people were downloading the film.
Makers Lucasfilm Ltd and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) were not available for comment.
The leak comes as Star Wars fans enjoyed the widest simultaneous global movie release of all time.
Aiyaa 30 seconds of darth vader mana cukup! boring betul! |
yang aku paling aku best sekalik ...
saper2 tak mau tahu spoiler dan nak tengok dulu.. skip yer..
spoiler seket
yoda.:bodek:.. baru tunjuk skill , tak padan dgn kecik.. tapi perghhh...
yg best siap lwn aura lagik..
light saber mace windu warna purple tu.. nasib amidala takde light saber , tidak mesti ader kaler pink hehehe
satu lagi.. dengar bunyi darth vader mula bernafas lepas kena pakai topeng.. perghh terimbas kembali lama masa star wars dulu2.. siap dgn suara ala2 serak basahnya..
Hayden Christensen had to look through the mouth-piece of the Darth Vader costume, not the eyes. ( nak bagi vader nampak besar kut , tu yg buat topeng tinggi.. )
pastu saat sedeh.. masa amidala nak mati.. masa2 diaorg passing luke dgn lia kat bail dan lars.. perghhh feeling abiss.. bini aku siap layan nangis..
pastu lars tengok matahari naik.. ( seolah2 nak bagi tahu ader a new hope )
yang tak best ,
general grevios tu kiok awal sgt.. idak biar le dia ngamuk dulu bunuh tiga-4 jedi ker tunjuk skill pedang 4 nyer..
master2 jedi yg mati kena tembak bodoh ajer, bagi le chance tunjuk skill hunus light saber dulu...
yg episod 3 ni best sekali dari 2 episod last dulu.. antara semua2 6 episod , episod 2 yg palingggg buhhhsaannnn sekali... |

Bai Ling, who was set to appear as Senator Bana Breemu in the upcoming "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," has apparently been cut from the film.
Ling, who visited the now-legendary fan line outside the Mann Chinese Theatre in Hollywood to promote the film, blamed her upcoming spread in Playboy magazine for her ouster.
"I posed for Playboy and it may have been doing that which upset George Lucas (the "Star Wars" creator/director)," Ling told the New York Post's Page Six.
A LucasFilms spokesperson confirmed the cut.
Ling's Playboy spread is in the June issue of the magazine. |
aku fanatik giler star wars ni.....tp tak ingat lak aku start tgk masa bila.....sbb dah byk kali sgt tgk....berulang2 kali pun aku tak penah jemu.
belum berkesempatan nak tgk lagi.....nanti arrrr.
apa2 pun aku ttp lebih suka yg dulu2 nya episodes..... classic abis.
tak sbr gak nak tunggu dvd trilogy yg baru...mesti ada punya. |
yeah yeah im going to watch ROTS tonite
yeah yeah :bgrin: :bgrin: |
Originally posted by DanaScully at 20-5-2005 12:04 PM:
yeah yeah im going to watch ROTS tonite
yeah yeah :bgrin: :bgrin:
me too :pompom: |
Originally posted by mieraedoera at 20-5-2005 12:15:
me too :pompom:
cerite ler.. best ker? |
yeye ahad ni tengok *wars.. aku mmg die hard fan.. |
Originally posted by Juh at 20-5-2005 01:19 PM:
cerite ler.. best ker?
malam ni baru nak tengok.. :bgrin: tunggu minggu depan la baru leh story... |
Originally posted by dollah_mufc at 2005-5-20 09:55 AM:

Bai Ling, who was set to appear as Senator Bana Breemu in the upcoming "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," h ...
kesian betul si bai ling ni.
dia ni kan org cop sbg aktres yg desperate sgt nak belakon citer best2...tp slalu dpt watak kecik2 aje.
la ni dh dpt blakon SW, kene potong plak scene dia yg mmg ciput tu....lawak.
sapa perasan queen naboo yg baru... KEISHA castle-hughes kan? pelakon whale rider tu... kire cameo ajela...tp mybe ramai tak pasan.
dulu ada org post gambo dia as queen of naboo kat forum ni... masa dia tgh top dgn pencalonan best actres- oscar filem whale rider. sbb tu aku ingt mmg dia la tu.
Originally posted by DanaScully at 20-5-2005 12:04 PM:
yeah yeah im going to watch ROTS tonite
yeah yeah :bgrin: :bgrin:
Hi, dana....
Lama x tegur u. I'm watching it 2night too. Enjoy ur movie. |
enjoy betul menonton star wars ni. rugi kalo tak pi tengok kengkawan.best giler. |
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