Originally posted by NoorMasri at 29-3-2006 06:10 PM
jeng jeng jeng..k Noor wat eskrem gak semlm..eskrem jagung..ni dia
pagi2 dah rasa..cam kat kedai lah..anak2 balik sek karang mesti suka sgt nih..
[IMG=500,400]http://img.photobuc ...
ni nak tanya cik noor..kalau nak wat eskrem cekelat yg hitam legam mcm eskrem cekelat Sara Lee tu berapa byk nak guna cocoa ek?..btw..pakai resepi sapa ni? Wa tergoda nih.. |
Originally posted by Index at 29-3-2006 06:18 PM
ni nak tanya cik noor..kalau nak wat eskrem cekelat yg hitam legam mcm eskrem cekelat Sara Lee tu berapa byk nak guna cocoa ek?..btw..pakai resepi sapa ni? Wa tergoda nih..
resepi dr buku nih
ekceli dr resepi eskrem coklat pung..oleh krn coklat tarak dlm stok..k Noor baling je jagung krim dlm tuh..nasib baik sukses..sedapppp :cak:
nanti karang lepas masak k Noor taip.. |
Originally posted by NoorMasri at 29-3-2006 06:22 PM
resepi dr buku nih
ekceli dr resepi eskrem coklat pung..oleh krn coklat tarak dlm stok..k Noor baling j ...
tq..cayang dia..muah muah muah.. |
Reply #137 NoorMasri's post
kak noor, ce dok diam2 sikit. tok sah le laju sangat :geram: |
Ustazah_RocK This user has been deleted
MELELEH AIR LIUR AKU....................
:mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll::mll: |
Kak Noor guna resepi kak Liza ke utk eskrem tuh? |
Originally posted by shidaaziz at 29-3-2006 08:00 PM
kak noor, ce dok diam2 sikit. tok sah le laju sangat :geram:
sesekali mana leh diam...tangan ni gatal je..kih kih kih ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
huish awat tesalah masuk ghumah ni? dugaan sungguh laaaaa... home made ice cream la pulak.. |
Originally posted by attyra at 29-3-2006 08:32 PM
Kak Noor guna resepi kak Liza ke utk eskrem tuh?
dr buku atas tu (gambo ehsan dewi..kebetulan dewi tepek gambo buku dia baru beli) |
Originally posted by NoorMasri at 29-3-2006 06:22 PM
resepi dr buku nih
ekceli dr resepi eskrem coklat pung..oleh krn coklat tarak dlm stok..k Noor baling j ...
ok Index,ni dia resepinya
Ice Cream
1 egg
3 egg yolks
90g tbsp caster sugar
300 ml full cream milk
250g dark chocolate
300 ml double (heavy) cream
Trellis Cups
100g dark chocolate
Beat together the egg, egg yolks and caster sugar in a mixing bowl until well combined. Heat the milk until almost boiling
Gradually pour the hot milk on to the eggs, whisking as you do so. Place the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and cook, stirring until the mixture thickens sufficiently to thinly coat the back of a wooden spoon.
Break the dark chocolate into small pieces and add to the hot custard. Stir until the chocolate has melted. Cover with a sheet of dampened baking parchment and leave to cool.
Whip the cream until just holding its shape, the fold into the cooled chocolate custard. Transfer to a freezer container and freeze for 1-2 hours until the mixture is frozen 1 inci from the sides.
Scrape the ice cream into a chilled bowl and beat again until smooth. Re-freeze until firm.
To make the rellis cups, invert a muffin tray (pan) and cover 6 alternate mounds with cling film. Mlet the chocolate, place it in a paper piping bag dan snip off the end.
Pipe a circle around the base of the mound then pipe chocolate back and forth over it to form a trellis; carefully pipe a double thickness. Pipe around the base again. Chill until set, then lift from the tray (pan) and remove the cling film. Serve the ice cream in the trellis cups
Pstt Index..kalau nak itam lagi..buh cekelat byk2..
[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 4-11-2006 12:52 AM ] |
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ni pulak resepi eskrem jagung modified dr resepi atas..
Sweetcorn Ice Cream
90g tbsp caster sugar - akak buh 60 g aje dah cukup manis rasanya
300 ml full cream milk - akak guna susu segar penuh krim
1 tin jagung krim
300 ml double (heavy) cream
pewarna kuning skit (optional)
Campurkan gula & susu kacau hingga larut kemudian masukkan jagung (A)
Dlm mangkuk lain, pukul double krim hingga kental (B)
Campurkan A , B & pewarna, kacau sehingga sebati
Bekukan selama 1-2 jam iaitu sehingga 1 inci beku dr bahagian tepi
Kuarkan dr freezer, pukul sehingga gebu
Masukkan semula ke dlm freezer sehingga betul2 beku
[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 4-11-2006 12:53 AM ] |
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Kak Noor nak tanya, kalau double cream tu ganti dengan whipping cream boleh ke? kat mana nak cari double cream tu? |
Originally posted by zunur at 30-3-2006 07:50 AM
Kak Noor nak tanya, kalau double cream tu ganti dengan whipping cream boleh ke? kat mana nak cari double cream tu?
kalau kat supermarket...double (heavy) krim nih dijual bahagian yg sama dgn whipping cream...
ekceli double cream ni lebih kurang sama cam whipping cream..boleh pukul sampai kental..
cuba dulu cari double cream..tak ada juga..maybe buleh ganti dgn whipping cream..:hmm: |
Originally posted by NoorMasri at 30-3-2006 02:16 AM
ok Index,ni dia resepinya
[IMG=500,400]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/noormasri/pic281. ...
tq.. tq ...tq... tq....
mmg tangkap leleh nengok gambaq dia..tu lom buat sendirik tuh..
nampak gaya weekend ni kena pi stalker baking supplies shop..tak tahan.. |
err cik noor...resepi eskrem vanilla ada tak dlm buku tuh? Kalau ada..ehem..ehemm |
Originally posted by Index at 30-3-2006 05:06 PM
err cik noor...resepi eskrem vanilla ada tak dlm buku tuh? Kalau ada..ehem..ehemm
weh..Puan Index..buat ler satu satu dulu...kehkehkeh...nanti k Noor belek2 buku dulu..tunggu lapang sket ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Originally posted by Index at 30-3-2006 04:59 PM
tq.. tq ...tq... tq....
mmg tangkap leleh nengok gambaq dia..tu lom buat sendirik tuh..
nampak gaya weekend ni kena pi stalker baking supplies shop..tak tahan..
nak suruh meleleh lagi..kasi cair dulu baru makan..sure tangkap leleh tak hengat punya..![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
K Noor nya eksrem ada lagi secoet..karang anak2 balik..sahih terkam lagi...anak yg no 3 siap puji..sedap mak..lagi sedap dr Tesco punya...mana tak nya Tesco sini mana ada jual eskrem jagung ni sumer..hehehe
nanti bila dah balik M'sia buleh buat eskrem deroyan pulak..mesti sedap gila babas punya :mll: |
Originally posted by NoorMasri at 30-3-2006 05:14 PM
nak suruh meleleh lagi..kasi cair dulu baru makan..sure tangkap leleh tak hengat punya..
buh sama buah peach dlm tin tu..sure lupa laki sendiri..
tu pasal ler mintak yg vanilla..anak mak suka cekelat. Mak anak suka vanilla..kucing maleh pun suka vanilla..kena adil .. |
teja pon dah berjaya wat eskrim sendiri gak....buat 2 hr lepas..semalam baru berkesempatan rasa..sedappp
strawberry yogurt ice cream
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/tunteja78/DSC01589.jpg) |
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